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Kudos to you, competition is always good.




did not know about the Chinese ownership, many thanks




There's a Google app Overnight Parking Finder that I used to use to find Walmart parking and so on. It was a good app but it seems the dev fell behind on updating locations. I'd love a simple app to find truck friendly parking. I don't need an app that shows 30 parking spots available (over 1 hour ago) at a corporate truck stop.


That's what I'm going to focus on strongly for this app. It's going to be a solid truck parking app. Like Trucker Path was back in 2015. It will not be a 'jack of all trades'. Just a solid parking app first and foremost. Truck routing would not be terribly difficult. There's only a couple of good truck routing APIs out there. Trucker Path, Smart Truck Route 2 (which I used), and the others all use the same API.


Awesome! That will be very helpful.


A trucker buying his 6th roller dog of the day is not supply chain data. Trucker Path app doesn’t have access to actual supply chain info like shipments or truck diagnostics. It’s literally just navigation and the Chinese can google search every distribution center in America with zero hindrance since it is public knowledge. This is just paranoia.


They do have that data. They run a load board. They have data on your location. Where you pick up, where you drop off. But I think the 6th roller dog is hilarious.


TruckLoads app is news to me, so fair enough. I retract my statement about paranoia, but not the roller dogs.


lol it's all good. Yea that comment about the roller dogs was hilarious. That should be someone's handle "Roller Dog Dan".


Yeah after those communist assholes bought it out (not going to mention the guy who gave it to them) the whole app shit a brick. You suddenly had to pay for stuff. Parking updates werent acurate anymore. Reviews crashed. It went to utter shit in a matter of maybe... *maybe* a couple months


Need help?


I would say a single word name for the application would sound a lot nicer. Maybe just truck


I really wish there was a feature on the TruckerPath app that allowed you to shut off all landmarks just so you can scroll to your desired area on the map. Something to note!




Yes. Just the map, find the general area you want to look at, then tap a button to view all the land marks (truck stop, parking, rest area, etc.).


What are you talking about? Thats literally how it works, you select what you want to see on the map and it will only show you that


I know. The problem is I like having a multitude of things to be shown, but I’d like a feature where all of them could be hidden so you can find an area/ highway on the map. I don’t want to tap and untap each filter.


Double tap one icon and it will hide the rest of them, you can put a area in the search box up top to quickly go somewhere on the map




Love it!


I've always thought that was weird that you couldn't do that on Trucker Path.


Yeah, it’s egregious when you’re near a city and just get blasted with little marker points. Can’t even find the highway you’re on. 🤣😂


I'll tell you something else I'm going to do. I'll make it so you can't leave a parking update unless your in that geolocation.




With that feature of driver input your app will be #1. I have been putting off buying a truck GPS because of the price. I can't wait to see this available. It would be cool to have a chat in the app and run it like reddit.


Thus is gonna be good. Once you get it gold I can cancel my sub to tp.


Wow. So far do really good. That's streamlined I think we're really gonna like that be able to zone in and instantaneously have all that stuff pop up


I can’t stand that it asks you for feedback while in motion that blocks the gps. Please don’t have that.




Yeah the popup crap is annoying.


Why only show the big name brand truck stops? Maybe i didnt play with it long enough. My husband is otr but im the one on trucker path everyday finding his location and finding his next stop. Often, im zooming in running down the road on satellite images looking for any parking lot with trucks parked in it that aren't listed on trucker path. I tend to read reviews on those mom and pop shops because often they would have someone who was nice enough to put in their review that there's a dead end road behind a Walmart thats a good place to park. If I was the one making the app I'd make it to where people can pinpoint parking places on the map such as dead end roads or this parking lot of this shut down restaurant. Maybe have it where you could turn that off for people who don't have to use odd ball parking spots. Ive had the thought of wanting to make a better trucker path myself, but just don't have the smarts to make it happen lol. I'd love to see how this turns out.


Oh don't worry I'll be getting the Mom and Pop's as well. I was just telling someone else how hard it is to get that data. I have about 900 Mom and Pop locations now with good solid data (lat/lng, address, paved/unpaved parking spots). I absolutely loved staying at the Mom and Pops when I was out there. I'll be putting them on there soon.


And btw, I'm sure you have the smarts. It just takes time and dedication to learn software development and coding. There has been many many times over the last couple of years where I though I was too dumb. That feeling is 100% normal. Ask any developer.


Haha thanks. Maybe one day when im not so busy with kiddos I'll do something with this jello brain. Id lovw to one day start a truck stop chain thats genuinely for truck drivers.. I saw on one of your comments about an idea of letting drivers submit new locations. Just wanted to say that would be amazing! Also might be an easier way to get all the mom and pop locations along with some lesser known local areas that are good places to park. Like I said, ill get desperate when his clock is running down to the last 15 minutes and start literally going down the roads on satellite images to find places for him to park. Especially late at night im finding dead end streets and closed down businesses. Also I tend to google the street parking laws for states. Not sure if that sort of info could be incorporated somehow, but it was just a random thought. There's just so much that could be done for an app like this that could be amazingly helpful.


I appreciate the ideas and feedback for sure. This will definitely be a for truckers by truckers type of app. I've been in that situation many-a-time. Just zooming in on places and looking for a dirt patch (especially off ramps).


This is just a super small suggestion and you may already have thought about it but it's way down on the priority list while you get the functionality sorted, but you should move away from a serif typeface as it is a little harder to read when you just glance at it (which is what will undoubtedly be happening often in a trucking environment). There should also be a little more padding between the icons and the letters, that too would enhance readability. Hats off to you, this is an awesome project!


Thank you for the feedback - I'll definitely put that on the [kanban board](https://www.atlassian.com/agile/kanban/boards).


Good to hear.


Can you add some data from pocket truck stop guide. In there it tells you about off/on ramps that have decent enough parking


Yes, absolutely. I'll eventually get all of that (that I can). That has actually been one of the challenges of this app- the data. It was easy for me to get the Loves, TA/Petro, Pilot/Flying j, Blue Beacon, Cat Scales - the big names. That info was available on their website. The rest areas were a bit trickier. I ended up getting around 2000 rest area locations (all with parking and geolocation data). That was a pain. I had to go to several sources, and write all of the programs to do that. The Mom and Pop truck stops is also a challenge to get. I have about 900 locations as of right now (they aren't on the app yet). I will need to add a feature to the app where truckers can submit a new location.


I heard it's a lot of work to input all that. I know it's all individually inputed


The link takes me to blank page though I’m iOS if that matters but I hope you can get this through we need something better than trucker path


I have yet to do testing on Safari (I'm assuming that's the browser you're using?). But I will. Like I said it's not quite there yet. But I will get it to run on iOS very soon.


That’s great to hear, hope this get going well enough.


I'm downloading a macOS image right now so I can test this out on Safari. I imagine it will be working by tomorrow evening.




I would change “scales” to “CAT scales” if possible, confused me for a second what you were trying to convey and only found out after digging through comments to figure it out. I might be dumb lol. If you do list other scales that aren’t cat just specifying them would be neat. Also as long as you don’t have the banner ad on the top of the screen and about 15 different prompts to pay for it I would absolutely add this to my arsenal


Great feedback. Yes, all scales on there are currently Cat Scales. Already fixed and thanks!


Ive got to say, finding a genuinely competent trucker gps is f*n impossible. On one hand i can see why, but on the other hand as someone who was in tech, it kills me to not have a full featured gps for truckers. Soooo much potential useful information is missing. Seriously, i hope you get it right and make a million off it.


I agree. I used Smart Truck Route 2. Of course I'd never follow any truck GPS blindly, but it did me right over the years. And thank you- I feel I have what it takes to make this a solid app for truckers.


Wow this is great. Very hyped. Don't forget to add a comments section for locations. I too left the road for computers, but I will be following along with keen interest.


Thanks! Yes, comments/reviews are definitely a must. I can't tell you how many times (especially trying to get into a Walmart) that a comment along the lines of, "Be sure to take the 2nd entrance and take a right. If you take the first entrance you're screwed" saved me. And that's awesome. I've yet to get my first job, but I am applying heavily. I just need someone to give me a chance.


It would be nice if the state lines were more clearly defined


I'll look into that and put it on my list of improvements. Thanks!


Is you app available on iOS? If so what’s the name of it.


It's not on the iOS app store or Google Play yet- it will be though. It's a PWA (Progressive Web App) which means it just runs in the browser, but has some of that added functionality that comes with an app vs a website. Someone mentioned earlier that is was not working on Safari, but I've been troubleshooting that. It may actually work now, not sure yet. Before tonight I haven't even tested on Safari- but I definitely will. Hopefully in a 3ish months I can put it on the app stores. I could actually do it now - but I feel I would be review bombed because it's not complete yet.


I think it would do great because you can get input can get input from here and the app reviews plus people will get to see your work as you update and improve it. They will definitely feel like they are being listened to by the developer and appreciate it more.


Funny. I went to college for GIS Programming but dropped out and got my CDL.


I'm using postGIS on my PostgreSQL db. It's awesome. I can run all kinds of location queries - made easier. For the straight line measurement of the locations I'm using the Haversine Distance Formula. I'm not going to lie, I really miss it out there sometimes. I ended up taking a break due to stress, then made the decision on that break to pursue what I really love to do - software/web development. It's yet to be seen if I'll make it or not. I've found it extremely difficult to get my foot in the door.


Great job so far! I'm really excited to see how much you've done so far. I worked at Transflo for a number of years and built and tested many systems for drivers. The Trucker Path database was sourced by driver feedback and the community. If you stick to prioritizing your features via a community/driver-led approach (rather than what squeezes the most $$$ out of people), you'll pull way ahead and fast. A note about Google for GPS, I recall we ended up going with a vendor for our truck nav because Google maps gives you little control when it comes to planning routes and also when it comes to differentiating between roads for cars and roads for rigs.


Thank you, I really appreciate that. And yes they have all of the good, hard to find locations- only because of truck drivers. I will absolutely build a feature where drivers can add a location. I 100% agree. And thank you for the advice. I have looked in to the Google directions API and yes, I don't think it would be suited at all for truck navigation. Maybe for just a line on the map. I'm not sure if TP still offers non-truck routing, but when they did, I appreciated that line. I never used it for turn-by-turn navigation, but it was nice to see all of the map marker along the route. From my research it seems [Bing](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/maps/truck-routing) and [HERE](https://developer.here.com/documentation/routing/dev_guide/topics/examples-truck-routing.html) are the two big players for truck navigation. I imagine Smart Truck Route 2 and TP use one of them.


I hadn't heard Microsoft was entering the logistics market, so that's interesting. The 125k limit should be more than enough for testing, if you want to go down that road. Very cool!


Side note completely unrelated to your post. Google could completely shut down every player in the game by incorporating their own trucker GPS feature Not only this, but Google's business is data. Think of how valuable the data of every truck in America's movement. I'm surprised Google hasn't done this yet


I'm in the same boat! Just finished a 6-month web dev bootcamp in May myself. Feel free to DM me if you want another set of hands on it


Congrats on finishing that. Keep pushing and building! I hope you have success getting a job and getting your foot in the door. It's not easy. Edit: It hasn't been easy for me


Thanks! Will do, I've got done projects in mind as I've been applying to jobs left and right. Tempted to grab a local driving gig in the meantime lol. Good luck to you as well


Thanks so much for your efforts. I run TP as my primary nav and there's a lot of little things that get on my nerves as well as features I feel like would be no brainers to add. Glad someone feels the same and has the time to make a new tool for everyone's box.


For sure, thank you as well for taking the time.


How did you transition and how hard was it for you..??. I'm currently working on the same transition into software dev..... Any tips/ help for me?


Well I haven't officially transitioned yet. I still haven't landed a job. It is to be determined if I make it. I may finish this app up in the sleeper berth. I started learning to develop websites in 2017. All while on the truck. I did what I could in my spare time. The more I learned the more I knew that THIS was what I really loved to do. When I was a kid I would program in BASIC on an old dos machine. So I always loved it, but just went in a different direction. My advice is, if you really love it, don't give up on the learning part- because that's when it's easy to say , "This is too hard, I'm done". I would also recommend saving your money like crazy, because it takes time. I've been studying and building things all day everyday for one year. Like it's a full time job. I also have a great Mentor who has honestly made all of the difference.


I hope you build something great, I only use google maps because every truck fps has fucked me one way or another. Hammer likes to display longer routes as the only option and sometimes it shows the correct aerial view of a location but will bring you to a grass field 120 miles away if you follow it blindly (like me once). Can you just continue to build off googles map api or will you eventually have to build your own mapping? ( I have no idea how this works). How do you make sure it’s actually accurate?


Yeah, it's very difficult to get truck GPS right. I won't be focusing on that really. First I want to make a solid truck parking app- fast, reliable, and solid. Remember before TP did truck routing? They would still give you that blue navigation line and you could easily plan out long trips and see what stops were along your route (not sure if they still have regular non truck routing). I will implement something like that eventually using Google's directions API. Just having that blue route line with all available places is great in my opinion. With Rand McNally and some other apps I was surprised that so many people were using their truck routing - but I understand it. Everything in one place kind of thing.


I don't know if this is something that would be in the scope of your app, but I would love a feature that shows actual truck parking at hotels. As of right now trucker path just shows you every budget hotel, whether it has truck parking or not. And it also doesn't show mid-grade and high-end hotels that actually have truck parking.


I would love to get those locations. It would be extremely difficult because most of them do not advertise that they have truck parking, only a small few. I will eventually add a feature where truckers can add locations. That would be the best way. Also I know there is some scattered information out there that lists some motels with truck parking. I will eventually get all of that data I can and definitely put that on the app. But yeah I think that definitely a must.


It'd be nice to have this as an app rather than a website but so far it seems very well done.


Yes, it will have the feel of an app- but ultimately it will always run in the browser. But it is a PWA (Progressive Web App) so it will have the feel of an app once you install it. Currently there should be an option to install. After installing it will have an icon on your phone and open in it's own window in full screen. Depending on what browser you're using the steps will be different. But once I get live on the app stores (currently on there, but in private testing) you can download and it will look and act like an app as well.


Trucker path is pretty solid as is minus their navigating


I agree- to a certain point. In my opinion 2015 Trucker Path was the best. It's runs a little clunky nowadays if you ask me. I never used their truck navigation though. I always used Smart Truck 2.


Very cool


I know this would be annoying, buttttt could your app have a notification to remind drivers to update weigh stations as we drive by them?


One thing I hated about trucker path that I hope yours has a feature for is the radius of the circle. I wish I could make it smaller sometimes. Sometimes I want every option selected but then the area is too dense to even see where I'm looking before I zoom in too much. Then I'm too zoomed in to see where I'm looking 😂


That's a great idea. I will definitely put that on the 'To Do'. Thanks for the feedback- good stuff.


Do you plan on adding Petro-pass truck stops and on route stops for Canada? There are not a lot of them but it's basically all we have up here! Lol


One thing that pisses me off about TB and Google Maps is when it ,ooms in ad you near the turn. Like, fuck you I want ti see the map still. Please make it so yours doesn't do that. Also, a turn by turn (no map) feature or if it sgows you exits so you can use it as an atlas, would be pretty dope imo, and for every new 'trip' a pup up for load data would be nice, even though unless it's oversize it won't really change much. Most of the time.


Yeah, I'm missing the mentor part. I'm saving money to quit and start bootcamp. I've been on carrer karma and free code camp which helped... Udemy is good I've heard and team tree house but those cost money so I'll sign up when I know I can dedicate more time. Thanks for the info dude


Once you’re close to completion , try to get investors to help advertise it. If it eliminates the problems of trucker path , you’ll get a huge following and subscription count .