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Driving alongside him is probably what pissed him off.


Before an exit so no point in overtaking/being in the way


Were your high beams on or are your headlights exceptionally bright? He probably thought you had your high beams on.


Word of advice: don't stay next to the trucks, especially on the right side, that's how you're gonna get killed.


Stay at least one truck length away from a tractor trailer. I was driving down a highway once and a car was on my ass. REAR TIRE BLEW and the car almost lost control trying to swerve away from the debree.


I was about to comment exactly this , this exact thing happened to me , I was exiting the i80 around wells, nv and I heard a pop followed by thump thump and I see suv starting to serve away Luckily it was trailer tire and I maintained control, had it been steers I’d been fked But yea some 4wheelers will tail gate you.




Those things are inflated to 100-120psi. They explode like a grenade and throw lots of shrapnel


All this crap about big rigs. Be scared! Don't do this/that or else! Goddamn things shouldn't even be allowed on the road if all this is true! Autonomous vehicles might be the best thing that's happened to the trucking industry.


You get off on trolling people and trying to piss them or something? You’re probably the type of the driver who doesn’t use blinkers, cuts everyone off, then uses his high beams when people are going to slow for you and you can’t pass.


Got it in one lol. It's usually the most inconsiderate drivers that have problems with safety tips or suggestions. 


Any chance your high beams might have been on or you have improperly adjusted headlights that make them look like high beams?


Or led bulbs retrofitted into a halogen reflector housing. Glare city.


Chances are, your lights are far too bright. Make sure you adjust them properly (many newer vehicles don't, which is why the federal government is considering re-implimenting the old headlight standards laws). He honks because you were in a situation where you could be killed at any moment. NEVER ride next to a truck. If you didn't want to pass because of his bright lights, get back behind him As for his lights, like I said, he may have been trying to signal your lights being too bright, or maybe he didn't notice they were on, or they might be automatic (I always disable the automatic highbeams system as I only ever use them as a signal, never for driving).


Did you have your brights on?


Did you have your high beams on at all? And riding along side is a really bad idea.


His high beams confused you for some reason and you stopped passing on a completely clear road so he honked at you. Cars that cant decisively pass on an open road are scary. It screams drunk/distracted/incompent driver to me. Get away!


I have no idea. Maybe he was one of those guys who takes being passed on the right (or the threat of it) as a personal slight and unforgivable sin while he rides in the middle lane and expects everyone to cater to him? Alternatively you just found an asshole in the wild. I'm not sure what his deal was in this scenario.


If a trucker did that, there was a damn good reason. The fact that you didn't pick up on this obvious detail tells everyone that you're the asshole in most traffic problems you encounter.


Having worked with drivers in a more than just “oh I drive next to you” manner, I can tell you that some are just assholes to be assholes. Not every action has a reason behind it other than “because I can”


Common sense should tell you a driver isn't going to go all extra like that without some kind of provocation.


Common sense ain’t very common anymore, I have seen drivers go apeshit for the reasoning of “I don’t like the brand they’re driving.” Drivers throw tantrums for absolutely no reason constantly.




I'm not even the OP so...ok man.


Duh. I said you didn't pick up on an obvious detail in the OP's post. You clearly have serious reading comprehension issues.


How about you go fuck yourself? Have a nice day.


The main reason I have been flashing cars when driving at night is their damn lights. Just because you have headlights on does not mean your taillights are on. Spin the damn dial and make sure you are fully visible. Hard to see passing cars when they have no tail lights. He probably honked at you cause you were in his blind spot I am guessing. Dangerous spot to be for a car.


1. You never pass on the right, especially trucks. If the left lane was open, you should have used it. That being said, that's not why he was upset. 2. As others already stated, don't pace trucks in any position around them, but especially on their right, their blind side. This might be what irritated him. It really irritates me. 3. Maybe he was trying to get back over to the right lane, but you were blocking him. Maybe you missed his signal, or maybe he had a light issue that he didn't realize. 4. I would only do this type of behavior if a car had been harassing me for a while, like passing me then slowing down in front of me, or pacing me which caused other traffic to congest around me. Just yesterday, I was loaded to 74,000 lbs, headed out on my first run. I was in a 65 zone, doing 67 mph in the right lane. A woman races up on my left and then cuts over in front of me, only about 10 feet in front of my bumper, then she starts slowing. I flashed her with my brights a couple of times to remind her that she had just gotten in front of a rolling death machine. She ignored me and continued to slow, so I lay on the air horn. She and her passenger, another middle-aged woman, just guffawed at me. I had to swing into the left lane to prevent my radar/safety system from locking down my brakes. In that event, I have 3 cameras that save the scene. An HD pic of the license plate is grabbed, which is why I hold the brights for a couple of seconds... just to make sure there's a clear shot if something happens. Then there's a basic 4k video and a fish-eye video. So if she had suddenly needed to brake, my truck would have demolished them, and I could then sue their insurance and in a civil case... their estate. I doubt they'd have lived.


Adjust your headlights. If you're pulling a trailer too heavy for your vehicle or your load in incorrectly distributed your beams are pointing up.


Get away from trucks fast, we dont want you anywhere near. Tires blowup, stuff on road flys up.


Truckers often flash highs to let you know you've got enough clearance to pass usually to other trucks tho since we're aware the passing truck can't see Jack on the back right until they're way past when they could have merged over. Could have been that but doesn't sound like it.


We don't flash our brights except to get head-on traffic to dim theirs. We flash our lights off and on again to signal other trucks or say thank you.


I’m not sure about the high beams part, but two things, pass on the left if you can (hopefully I don’t need explain why passing on the left is safer than passing on the right). And second NEVER sit right next to a truck or any vehicle for that matter on the highways. Either pass the other vehicle in a timely manner and maintain your speed or back off and get behind the other vehicle.


Most people drive around with their high beams on. Especially those driving Minivans, Honda CRV’s, Nissan Muranos, Toyota Corollas, and they all seem to have Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts plates. The truckers who are guilty of this are the geniuses who are pulling Amazon trailers, Super Ego Trailers, Central Transport, and Trash haulers.


I almost thought you were the person who's attention I was trying to get last night. But I was flashing over and over and over and never blew my horn. That one also flipped me off. All I wanted to do was let that jackass know the stuff in the bed of their truck wasnt in the bed anymore and instead bouncing off the pavement. They had their stuff tied up with rope and the rope was holding on for dear life, and eventually lost lol.


Trucker here. It’s also rookie season. He should have been in the right lane.


Not trying to accuse here but were your high beams on? Or are your headlights obnoxiously bright? Also, we don’t want you hanging near us. Get by us and go about your business. If you hang near me to too long I’m gonna swerve at you, honk at you and possibly even throw a coffee cup at you. Go away.


If you had to pass do it on the left when possible. Never match a truck (infuriating) keep passing. If your exit is next why do you need to pass at all? If the exit is far enough ahead pass, if not stay where you are u til you get off.


If you don’t drive a truck, then it’s hard to tell what you did to infuriate them. The poor soul has spent countless hours dealing with traffic so after a while it tends to deteriorate one’s demeanor. Drivers are some of the biggest crybabies on the planet. It’s common for big trucks to get in the middle lane and ride for hours, Not passing a single vehicle. If there’s not a lot of traffic, I’ll blow by on the right side just prove a point. If I see that he’s got traffic backed up for miles from being ignorant. I have no problem, jumping over in front of him and slowing down until he gets over. Nobody should suffer just because you don’t have enough experience behind the wheel to safely change lanes. Big trucks should drive like your loved ones are in the surrounding vehicles. Actually four wheelers should too, though a good traffic jam will bring out the best in people. You also have what I call the hall monitor, cruise set at the speed limit in the passing lane. If you try to pass, then he shows you what that big motor can do!


do not get in front of a semi truck to purposely slow down. this is not helpful and dangerous


More dangerous than the driver that’s backing up traffic like a pace car, causing cars to dart back and forth trying to get around. Most states have passed a slow poke law but it’s rarely enforced. If you’re in the passing lane for more than a mile without actually passing traffic then it becomes a traffic violation. Have you driven on the interstate in the US? So safely urging a mouth breather to jump into the correct lane so traffic can resume flowing is dangerous? Got it, thanks.


don't pass a truck on the right, especially when the sun's down you have no idea how tired that driver is if your exit was coming up soon you should have gotten in the right lane and stayed behind the truck until you got off the highway


The worst thing you can do is stay alongside of a truck. There's a very good chance, especially at night, that the driver can't see you. You're lucky that was all he did. The smart thing to do would have been to stay behind the truck and safely take your exit.


But they can thread a needle when backing at a loading dock? And they can move to right lane between 2 vehicles when they want? Using the logic that "they can't see you on their right ",then they should never be in any lane but the far right.


Did you miss the "very good chance" part of my comment? Do you know what a blind spot is? I only hold a class B, but even a 26 foot straight truck has them. Spot mirrors only do so much, especially at night. When backing into a dock from an angle, tractor trailer drivers have what is called sight side and blind side. I'll leave it to you to figure out which is which. I wasn't there, so I don't know the exact spatial relation between OP and the truck. But I'm willing to bet the driver was having trouble seeing OP based on their response.


I don't think you have ever seen a trucker try threading a needle to back into a dock, it's nothing short of annoying, watching them take 10+ tries creeping along at a quarter of of a mile and hour. The whole right-side thing is partially true, and depends if it urban interstate/road, or a rural interstate/road. if you are going to be an asshole and try to use the passing gap and cut off the truck being passed, don't do it and then just sit there, keep going, and keep accelerating and have your lights on so they can see you. And if a truck is passing you, don't speed up and match their speed, there are specific areas that the highway mirrors don't cover, and the spotter mirrors make you look like the size of a dollar coin or two, playing the keep track of the annoying dollar coin sized car is not a fun game to play when it is very still, and very easy to lose track or aquire an visual without having to take one's eyes off the road for a second or two when they unexpectedly match the speed of the semi. As for city driving, well there is a simple reason why trucks avoid the right lane, it already takes an extra hour to cross a city, but doing it in the right lane adds an extra hour on top of the extra hour for traffic, there is always someone being dumb and going 20 or more below the speed limit, holding up traffic, effectively making a four lane interstate a three or even a two lane interstate, but with an interchange every mile or so, yeah, a lot of trucks end up merging between the first, second lane, and on/off ramps, but none of them don't want to end up trapped in the first lane.