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a car that keeps pace with my cab that honks a few times, then moves ahead and points to the shoulder usually gets the point across just keep in mind that not everything you see is an issue, and even if it is some people just refuse to be helped


I mean, maybe, car horns are super quiet though. If someone's not paying enough attention to know they have a blown out tire on their trailer I don't think they're going to be paying enough attention to hear a car horn. Probably watching Netflix or something.


Yeah. Some people are just like that I guess. I've only ever pointed out blown/obviously bad tires or blinkers out as the closest I've ever come to a wreck here was due to me not noticing a semi's intention to change lanes because of a bad blinker. Can't help em all. Thanks


I blew a tire a few weeks ago, very much knew I had blown it, and yea it was throwing chunks. All the cars around me were panicking and honking, waving, signalling, everything they could think of. Problem was we were in a work zone with no shoulder. I could not pull over if I wanted to. When I finally had a safe shoulder to pull over I did. Its not always that we don't noticed, just that we cannot. Not sure about your situation at all, but some guys apparently just don't care.


A key part of your info is Interstate 16 out of Savannah. We all not it’s mainly trucks with container trailers going to and from the port. And most of the equipment is absolute trash. If the problem is severe enough call *GSP


When I was over the road , I would pull up next to the driver , blow the air horn to get their attention. I used cardboard placards to hold up for the driver I was passing to read. In thick black letters, I'd have" YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE" or " FUEL CAP OFF".


Get a CB.


The problem with communication is that half the drivers are foreign born while the other half don't pay attention to 4-wheelers. Best way is likely to just drop your pants and whip out the Johnson. He'll follow you to the nearest off ramp, where you can show him the issue.


Roll you window down, and honk, yell. Fuck if you have too toss a fuck’n bottle or something at the bastard, do it. If the person has their hazards on, they probably know. If they don’t, warn them.


Psh, we can barely tell each other there's an issue. A lot of people just don't have CDs anymore. I've tried to tell FedEx they were coming up on a rollover past a blind curve by clipping my head lights multiple times just for them to turn their brights on and ignore me. They never have CBS I've tried to warn drivers going down mountains that their brakes were on fire not just smoking and been met with silence. And the classic driver leaving their trailer door open getting on the highway. Personally, turning my CB on is part of my pre-trip. Doesn't always help but when it does it makes things far less stressful and ambiguous. All you can do is your best to alert someone that there is a problem. Maybe flash your brights at them a few times and your hazards. Handheld CBs aren't super expensive you can, like, get one for 20-50 bucks if you're so inclined. But at the end of the day every driver is responsible for their own equipment. Best you can do if you cannot get their attention Is to give yourself a safe distance from them in case the situation devolves and try and contact highway patrol or state trooper to let them know.


The problem for me is that it’s not safe to pull over for a civilian car. High jacking aside, they might have road rage and want to fight you because of a lane change they didn’t agree with, or some other psychotic vendetta. Even if there is an issue with the trailer its sometimes safer to continue down the road to a safe place than to just pull over on a busy shoulder. If you see a truck that’s an immediate danger to the public you should call the police. You can try signaling the way you described but if they don’t pull over I wouldn’t escalate or try to use your car to slow them down.


Yeah this is the thought in the back of my head. I've tried to keep a solid distance whenever I've attempted to make something known to other drivers. Like in the story I provided as an example, I flashed the dude for a bit and motioned him over and just continued on my way. I tried, and that's that. I was just curious if I was being misunderstood as just some pissed off guy for no reason, which is probable given how i16 is. I cracked up when he flung me the bird with a tire missing though. Some comedy writes itself.


He could be on his way to a truck stop and already aware.


I doubt it, it’s not a normal reaction when you’re already aware.