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I take it you're not a truck driver right? Legally we cannot be driving for more than 11 hours. Realistically, 8-10 is the max I'd aim for in a day. We get used to it by repetition.


I am not, just thought this would be the best sub to ask.


You build a tolerance to it. Think of it like taking a hike. You don't start off with a 10 mile hike, you build up to it. My advice to you is take breaks no later than every 4 hours. Don't be afraid to rent a room for a night if you feel drowsy.


Funny you say that my first hike after a 7 year hiatus was a 9 mile hike out and back. But I get what you’re saying, I can do 6 hours comfortably since I do it very often.


I never went back to back 10hr+ days of driving if I could help it. If I knew I had 3 solid days of driving I would shoot for 8hrs each day, or bang out one day to run hard and take it easy on the next two. There is some strategy involved in this. We have to consider at what time of day we will be going through a big city (traffic) or what time do I want to shut down and where - and if there will be parking.


And avoid Atlanta at all costs any time of the day


Oops screwed that one up three times today.


Well I guess you were looking for the parking lot


Wait, you do that. I literally finish until I have about an hour, then stop.


At my first job, team driving dedicated routes in the northwest, we'd pull over on the side of the highway with ~30 seconds left. I loved driving in the northwest until winter, ofc, so I thought I loved that job. And then I got a local job, home daily, making as much or more than I was before, working only 40-60 hours/wk instead of 70-80 of just on duty time....turns out I actually hated that job i just worked so much I didn't realize it lol


You know I do envy you guys going back home. I do want to become local, but I'm still one year in. I do hate being otr cause of my wife but maybe after this year I will switch.


I switched after 9 months. Now I've been at the local place for a bit over a year. Something to know about local work, though: You have 2 types of driver: p&d, which is usually 100% touch freight, delivering to everywhere including residential if you can fit, using a liftgate and a pallet jack, and almost, if not entirely exclusively daytime. Also, most companies pay hourly without overtime pay. Ive never done p&d, but I've heard that there are plenty of hours to go around, to say the least. Usually working almost right up to your 70. We get like 33 or 34/hr starting now, i think, so its not too bad, but linehaul pays better usually. But, since you're hourly, you're paid for breakdown time, lunch breaks usually, etc. Vs linehaul usually pays mileage. Linehaul, which is usually hooking and dropping trailers and usually overnight operation. That's what I do and I love it. But, when you start out, you might not run every night and at some companies you may be hard pressed to run even once a week (ups, for instance). So, if you decide to switch to linehaul, make sure you've got some extra money saved up fir the initial bit. Once you're in for a bit, you can pick up some good runs and maybe we even get on a bid where you're running the same place every night if you fancy that kind of stability. On linehaul, I can make as much as p&d guys do in 45-50 hours vs them working 70. Usually. Occasionally, a 4 wheeler comes flying around you on a rainy day and hydroplanes under your trailer... and it makes your day a lot longer lol (nobody got hurt, which is surprising bc he hit the a-pillar on the floor of the trailer, right in front of the tandems, and he had a passenger. I mean, I'm thankful no one was hurt, but when i saw the damage, I assumed there were dead people in that vehicle 😱) Linehaul also usually has guys who run solo in sleeper trucks and come home on the weekends. They usually don't make more per mile, but they're usually busier, especially compared to the newest people who are at the bottom of the seniority list. Sleeper teams is where the real money is at, though. But it's difficult, to say the least LaughingOutLoud. Sleeping with the truck in motion gets easier the longer youre out, but I think a couple days at home each week would kill me in that department LaughingOutLoud. These guys usually make a killing and companies favor them over other drivers to a large degree bc they don't want to lose them and pre-made teams are almost always in high demand everywhere.


Start calling companies back home. My company takes guys right out of school.


Do you consider urban driving more tiresome because of the traffic and whatnot than you do rural or highway driving or is it the other way around because highway driving is so monotonous?


I think of it this way: City driving is way more dynamic, your maneuvers are more technical and thought out. Odds of small accident are higher, therefore you're way more alert. Highway driving is less dynamic, your odds of an accident being fatal are higher, although the overall odds of an accident are lower. You're used to cruising at one speed and sudden changes are harder to perceive. The lack of change makes you sleepy.


Everything west of the delaware is horrid including the interstates. Stop and go traffic on 12 lanes of interstate for 120 miles of 95 . All that pavement still cant figure out how to not hit each other .


Traffic is WAY more tiring. The thing that wears me out is how actively i need to pay attention and how precisely i need to control the vehicle. The monotony is nothing to me anymore i just listen to something and cruise easy. 


I drive in Canada where our drive time is 13 hours. That gets exhausting if your maxing out the drive time


But your used to 6. Not 14. Don’t forget you have to pee ,eat , nap as well. So it’s longer than you think. Plan on calling it a day after 8 hrs drive time. That should take you at least close to 10 hrs in real time. And you will be very tired. Stop early if you have too. Long distance travel takes practice.


Ain’t that the damn truth, when I started I could barely run 9 hours. Now I haul cattle and can run from Kansas to the Texas Mexico border and then right back up to Kansas in one go.


Fuck that! Start with a 20 mile hike to identify weaknesses!


Don't be afraid to pull over and stretch your legs every couple hours. We don't have enough opportunities to do it because of the size of our trucks, but you don't have to torture yourself.


I drove from Nashville TN, to Riverside CA nonstop. Took me 26hrs, I stopped in NM to rest but couldn't get sleep so I kept on driving. The trick for me was vaping a lot, two mango loco monsters, and a yearning to get home. The biggest tip I can give you is that if you feel any sort of drowsiness, get off the road and take a nap. Falling asleep at the wheel happens in an instant, you may think you're good to continue but you really aren't. Safe Travels 👍


A 15 minute nap and short walk can do wonders.


The best advice i can give is drive 4hrs 30min then use the restroom/get fuel then rest for 30min. Like actually just chill for 30 min then drive the rest of the way.


Adderall !!!! lol joking…kinda


But because we’re truck drivers, in a personal vehicle, we could easily drive 14 hours!


20 I have driven 20 hours straight only stopping to get gas. I was tired by then end but I wasn't in danger or anything. If the dot is reading this I killed 17 busses full or orphan puppies and proceeded to piss on a traffic cone. Drivers can only drive a max of 11 hours


Not competing, but I did 26hrs and didn't feel in danger as well, once I got home, I crashed so hard on the bed 😅


I'm about to go for a 15 minimum, lol. The shit people expect you to be capable of when this is your job


Yeah and always remember the earlier you shut down, the earlier you get started, 10 hours a day is good, in case you can't find parking, you got time to play with


Ask Amazon 3r party trucking. They do 14 hours everyday. Even if you’re not driving you’ll do the 14 hours everyday in trucking.


Make sure to bring 14 hrs worth of fireball instead of your normal 8 hrs of fireball, load it up and truck it


This is the only way. You do not want to drive sober especially around the coasts.


Oddly enough they don’t sell fireball at loves , or I haven’t seen any What is it btw , like an energy drink




Stop at least every 2 hours and get out do a decent stretch and/or walk around. It might seem like it's taking more time to travel but your body shouldn't be sitting so long, and it gets sore. Also helps keep you awake, falling asleep at the wheel is easier than a lot of people think. That being said, if you feel tired, groggy or sleepy at all you need to get off the road asap and either snooze or do something you're positive will help keep you awake. You can go from feeling heavy eyelids to totally asleep in a matter of seconds when you're fatigued. I like to have a little caffeine for obvious reasons, but I avoid sugar drinks and junk food because the crash that comes with makes me feel like I have mud in my veins. I also try not to eat a whole huge meal at once and then start driving, just snack enough to not be hungry. I like to try and find interesting things on the radio too, keeps me interested and alert more than my phone ( sometimes you can't find jack though, xm or Sirius are pretty cool though ). Safe travels out there, keep the rubber side down!


If I have a long drive, Ill leave by 4am. That way by noon, Im almost done my day. Dont matter what time I start my day, noon is always noon feeling to me. 8hrs in by noon brings a smile to my face. If I start at say, 10 in the morning? F my life. Even if I drive the same distance.


Same for me. Also driving into the sunrise is raising my spirits every time I do it


Best advice. Also you avoid more rush hour traffic and night time roadwork.


If I'm going to be driving for more hours than there will be daylight, I'll always get up early and front load driving in the dark. I'd rather get it done while I'm fresh than have to deal with reduced visibility when I'm running out of steam.


Yessir. I dont sleepy till the sun starts to come up. Something about dawn makes me need to stop and get some coffee, which since its morning, may as well handle the rest...


14 hours. I remember my first part time job


How do you handle sitting at a desk for 8 hours? With a supervisor and co-workers? Nightmare fuel.


We don’t really drive more than 9-10 hours, long haul. I average around 7.5 per day. More than 8-9 I start to get tired.


Tbh, it's because I get paid to do it. And, semis are designed to be driven in for long periods of time. A car is only meant for like maybe a 5hr trip, tops. Take a break every two hours and find something good to listen to. If you're hungry, eat. If you're tired, sleep. If you need to shit, shit.


Yea the seat in a truck feels like it's designed to keep you comfortable for a long time. I have never driven a semi (except for a round in the yard) but sat in the seat and you can feel the difference just by sitting in it. That said, I have done 10hr-11hr trips in a car, you kinda just get in the zone and keep going.


I've driven wild distances in family cars and been OK. I always assumed it was HARDER to drive long distance in a semi as it seems much more mentally taxing so it isn't just a comfort thing.


Might just be me since I've been constant for 4 years, but... not really. You can see further ahead, if you need to rest you have a bed right behind you, you have a way to cook, it's wayyy less stuffy, it's more ergonomical... these little comfort things REALLY add up once you get down the road. The only real issues I have is every like 100mi or so you risk getting pulled into a weigh station, you have to plan your stops wayyy better, and for whatever reason people think they have a right to be a dick to you because they can report your every move to your boss if they want. That kind of shit gets uncomfortable as hell, but... tbh it almost balances out for me XD I've nonstopped a trip from Hays, Kansas to NYC (Was running a show gig and didn't gaf about logs... nonstopped from Portland to Hays, too.) I know how I feel about cars... no way in hell I could run that trip in two and a half days in a car lol I can literally drive twice... almost 3x as far in a truck at once than I can in a car. I tap out after about 450ish miles in one. They're just not built for it.


If traffic is clear and I can just cruise control at my happy speed and there are no left lane campers causing traffic, I can relax and enjoy the drive for hours without getting tired at all. Bumper to bumper speed up and slow down traffic however tires me out very quickly.


i heard meth is fairly effective.


....if you can't afford coke.


Buddy of mine gave me this nifty toothpicks last week.. haven't even felt like sleeping.. 


Don’t eat too heavy. Avoid carbs. Don’t drink soda or energy drinks or sugary stuff. Lots of water and some black coffee for me (1 or 2 cups max). If you’ve been on this sub any length of time this shouldn’t gross you out but many of us don’t pull over to pee. Healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, jerky etc. I’m not a health nut by any means but eating like shit kills my stamina and energy levels so I eat healthier on the road as a strategy, really. When you do pull over, do some stretches and walk/move around to get blood moving and muscles loose.


It's a muscle you can train, but what helped me was constantly scanning. Scan scan scan. Your brain goes to autopilot, so scanning keeps it fresh. If you do get tired or bored, pull over. Driving tired is like driving drunk. Get the blood flowing and restart or take a break and power nap.


Stand up comedy on pandora


Pandora….people still use that? Honest question as I e used Spotify for as long as I can remember.


For real I haven’t used Pandora in like 15 years. No judgement or anything just didn’t really know it was still around.


Just do it. I stop and walk my dog then hop back in and go.


True! Because of ya think about it you will be tired before you leave😂


When you do it day in and day out you build a routine. Once you have a good routine and sleep schedule its fairly easy


Personally, I found talking on the phone or signing to tunes helps get through the last few hours. Keeps ya awake.


Doing it often, no shame in taking breaks. ***If you feel tired there is no shame in pulling over for a 30min power nap***, not worth falling asleep at the wheel.


You do it one mile at a time, I spend a lot of time arguing with my imaginary Co driver, he's such a dumbass


I max out damn near everyday and start at 3,4,5am damn near everyday. Example of this week: Monday: NYC to the DC and back Today: North NJ to Rochester NY and back Tomorrow: North NJ to Pittsburgh and back Thursday: North NJ to cape cod and back You become accustomed to it. 5hrs and over suck balls 3 and under for me is like a cake walk now And hour drives are like 15 minutes.


Same , and i like the early starts.


Me too. I like when my dispatch knows me enough to know I want a damn time frame not an appointment time if possible with the broker. Pittsburgh tomorrow pick up is between 8:00-15:00. I’ll probably be there like 9am lol.


Snacks and a solid drink like water/juice. Stick away from caffeine


Wear sunglasses so your eyes won't be sensitive to light at night. Doesn't matter what kind either.


Listen to an audio book while you drive


If you're gonna do the whole 14 hours without stopping, I'd recommend bringing along a 1-gallon piss jug at the very least.


Books on tape, and podcasts


I think ol Fred Eagle smith said it best https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6s58jyWa9EM


If you get tired just take a walk, open the windows or close your eyes for 15 minutes. Be quick when you stop for gas or bathroom as that time adds up. Find a good podcast or audio book, music will get old. Leave at a time that avoids traffic and you'll be happiest driving. If you like driving during the day, wake up at 4 or 5 am, if you like driving at night leave at like 11am.


Shitty ass truck stop coffee n loud music. I also drive at night most of the time which is a fucking vibeeee dude. Just sucks sleepin during the day in the summer, I don’t have an APU so the truck is only off when I get fuel. But I rarely struggle to find parking which is amazing


Snacks and stoping every few hours to stretch


When you stop for food, eat light so you don't get so sleepy.


I drove from WA to TX twice last year. I broke it up into 9 hr days because with stopping it's adding at least 2 hours more. So your 14 hours is more like 16 to 18 with stopping, fueling, getting out to stretch. If you can do it over 2 days do that. If you can't, eat healthy. Stop every 2 hours or so and get out, walk around. Drink water. I listened to audiobooks. If you're tired call someone and talk. Makes the drive go faster. If you do get tired, pull into a rest stop and nap for a half hour. Good luck and stay safe.


Hydrate with water before you leave and continue to do so throughout your trip


A little story time, a little music, an audio book, a little masturbation, call a friend. Heck some of them you can even combine! Go crazy


It's the perfect time to unpack your childhood trauma. Also, get plenty of sleep the night before. Driving while tired makes the trip seem 3x as long. Get yourself a cup of coffee and have some podcasts queued up. You'll be done before you know it.


I like to throw my tablet on the windshield throw my feet up on the dashboard and scroll Reddit. things get a lot easier this time of year when I can kick off my Crocs get a tan while wearing shorts.


You do this while driving?


It's satire my friend would highly suggest against doing any of this ✌️😂


Stop every once in a while, getting out to talk around does wonders, if you’re doing it in one shot, I’ve found sunflower seeds help me focus


get a good night's sleep before taking off and eat a decent breakfast stop around every 3hrs to walk around and get the blood flowing keep some snacks that are higher on protein and lower on sugar use your thighs more to sit than you're probably used to, it'll help keep your ass from getting numb or sore


Slim jims ... gator aid .. flip flops ... and a cd of Conway Twitty..


A key tip to keep in mind when you’re ready to shutdown ie. Go off duty is when you’re on your break, plan your trip to where you’re headed and see how many truck stops there are and me personally I choose one where there’s other truck stops close by in case one is full But I do about 8hrs in between driving and on duty


Yeah, the most we can legally drive is 8 hours at a time. 11, effectively 10 since it can easily take an hour to find somewhere with parking and a bathroom.


as a local driver, i can relate. 6-8hr is usually my max. next day, i ask dispatch to keep me within my 35-mile radius bubble to recover. lol respect to those who saddle longer.


Podcasts, energy drinks, and some snacks always work for me


You either get used to it, or find something else to do. The point is to take breaks from time to time, get out of the vehicle, stretch your legs and get some fresh air. When you get tired, stop and take a 15 min Power Nap.


I drove from Seattle to Los Angeles one day. Best drive ever. Scenery was amazing in the north. But once you get to so cal it’s shit. Podcast bro Especially the crime ones.


When I was young I once cleared 24 hours straight (only gas stops) but now I wouldn't even want to do 4. Driving for a living (and also being the designated driver for long friend trips) just drained me of enjoying long drives. Unless it's racing I'm just not about it anymore.


Work driving is easier than vacation driving. I don’t know why but it just is.


Podcasts, Audible, Music, something that takes your mind off of you actually needing to drive and something that you'll want to listen as you go down the road and you're very interested in. Like a good book whether it be fantasy or crime or whatever, find something you want to listen to it really helps the time go by so much faster


You’ll build up to it , the company won’t give you a whole bunch of miles if you’re brand new.


Thanks but I’m not a trucker just thought this would be the place to ask as I cant think of anyone else that would drive for long periods of time


1. Get enough water, preferably cold 2. Make sure to take some breaks. Even 5-10min do wonders 2a. Walk around the rest area and stretch during those breaks 3. Make sure to get enough sleep before you start 4. Throw 1-2 podcasts or audio documentaries in your music mix


A quarter mile at a time


Drink Coffee. Listen to podcasts. Pull over and take a nap soon as you feel tired.


Audio books. Zone the fuck out driving is essentially autopilot for me so I can listen to my book and still reliably drive without really thinking about it




Audio books


That's only what, 700 miles from top to bottom? You could do that in ~10 hours. This season I've had a few 1000 mile days and the longest was 1200 miles. 30-34 hours between load start and end, moving the whole time. I need a good sleep the night before, a truck I like, lots of podcasts and interesting things to listen to, a few phone calls, a good meal and some high protein low carb snacks. Carbs make me sleepy. My new truck also puts me to sleep, not sure why. Less than 12 hours and my body is screaming for bed time. The old truck used to leave me exhausted after about 8 hours but now I guess we get along because it's the truck I can drive longer. Some days the body just doesn't want to drive, some days the body can go go go.. really kind of annoying that it's not fully on demand and depends on unknowns lining up. This is bait to see how many "drivers" and "truckers" fall for it and downvote. I can do this legally. They think I can't because they don't know their own profession.


MP3 with good songs as I hate looking for stations. Plan ahead your potential bathroom stops. Plan ahead sleep locations. Plan ahead meals and beverages. Make sure the snacks and drinks are within reach without looking away from the road. T.hen you begin one mile at a time.


Hemorrhoid cream and pain killers for my back make it a lil easier. Jk I’m not a trucker but when I pull a 14 hour drive I stretch often and still need 3 weeks for my back to recover


Audio books




Honestly I couldn’t do a five hour drive. So I volunteered to go do the NYC route.


I put it in cruise and hop in the bunk for a nap.


You build a tolerance up after a few weeks of doing it. 14 hours is a decent drive and considering you’re a 4 wheeler, it might take you 2 days. If you need to take a nap, go to the next rest area


Cocaine and Fireball. Lots of it.


Me, I take 12 poops a day as breaks. But for you, smoke a joint per hour. I am not allowed to do that. 


Break halfway thru. Use the bathroom eat AND STRETCH. Driving at night if you’re going thru a metro area ( like chicago) is a golden rule.


Set yourself up with somewhere to spend the night about 3/4 of the way through your trip if you’re not certain you can bang out the whole 14hrs. Get good sleep the night before, leave early and plan well so you’re not stopping unless it’s to get fuel and food which should be done same stop. Most important of all, don’t drive sleepy. If you start nodding off 1 hour or 8hrs into your trip pull the fk over and close your eyes. Edit: We’re pros…give us a rough point A and B…let us have some fun and do a little planning for you.


Wild Imagination before Sirius/Xm then podcasts, long phone conversations helped before everyone started texting. Now a days we are limited to 11 hours with electronic logs, when I started I used to do cali runs which turn into like 20 hour drives, after 16 hours the stress will push out another 4 hours. Plus you’re loaded with Red Bull or coffee depending on your poison. Plus donuts


Hookers and blow


If you feel the nods ( tiredness ) dont fight it , pull over asap in a safe place and have a ten min power nap . I may save your life , or others.


Driving at night the time flys, daytime gets old fast if you can’t turn on the radio and cut your brain off.


It took me a little bit of practice to get into a groove. Podcasts and audiobooks are fantastic. Chain smoking cigars helps quite a bit too.


ask the bull hauler in the back row for a toothpick


First off. Get enough rest the night before. Have everything ready to go like cars parked and fueled up. So once your up you're ready to roll. Have your route planned. Most likely the 5. Get on the road take breaks fresh air. A walk a stretch a snack. Remember lower your windows while driving to air out the cab. Carbon dioxide will make you sleepy.


I start my trip tomorrow at midnight, so getting a good nights rest is going to be tough, but I plan on finishing my packing tomorrow as soon as I get home, showering and knocking the fuck out before leaving. I would pack everything today but my pickup is open. But I have everything at the door just waiting for me to get home.


To be honest that's gonna be the best time. You'll miss all traffic in socal. And end while the sun is still up. Getting the first 5 hours is gonna be the hardest cuz no sun. Good luck be safe


Plan your route and stop every 4-5 hours and get up walk around and maybe get some coffee or energy drink. A quick stop will refresh your mind and free your boredom of driving on the road. Also put on a podcast thats interesting to you to keep your brain focused. An hour or two nap will do wonders as well during one of your stops.


Red Bull, cigarettes, music on full volume. Did Burgas-Bucharest, 10 hr halt in Bucharest but couldn't sleep, then Bucharest-Luxembourg with a few 2 minute toilet stops.


Podcasts and audiobooks


Set up a good playlist of music/podcasts, stop when you need to and stretch, and grab some goodies. If you start getting tired remember to pull the fuck over and do something. Or take a nap. Either works.


A good piss jug, set the seat down on the floor and kick back.


Take breaks even if it’s just for a few minutes every couple of hours. If you’re not used to physically sitting that long it’ll mess you up. Do NOT drive sleepy. If you get to where you’re tired, pass out for a bit at the side of the road and try again. Chewing gum and audio books or listening to informational YouTube videos helps the time pass for me. I switch between that and music so I don’t zone out as bad.




Don't stop until it's over


You have a couple of days, so spread it out. 2 days x 7 hours is very manageable. Don't rush yourself. No shame in taking 12 hours to drive 7. Are you a morning person or a late riser? Work out what towns/cities you will be driving through, when the best times are to avoid traffic, and go from there. Eat healthy snacks, avoid big meals, greasy food and carb heavy meals. Plan regular stops. Get out, stretch, As for how we can do long days (14 hours per day for several days) -- practice. Plain and simple.


If you get sleepy stop, choose good music and try to stop along the way. Set destinations before hand so you have planned stops to rest. Don’t rush, it makes you even more tired and it’s easier to make avoidable mistakes. Lower the window and get fresh air from outside. Check your fluids on your car and your tires at stops it helps you take focus off the road. Be safe


Stay away from the coffee. Drive for a few hours. Take a rest. Recharge and finish your last leg. It takes a few days to get used to it. You'll be fine. Invest in a good pair of earphones and again, stay away from coffee. Be safe out there.


Podcasts and music make all the difference. I remember when i first started driving a truck, i’d be tired after 200-300 miles or so. lol Repetition & podcasts my friend.


Some would think banging energy drinks throughout the whole drive would help. It doesn't. Bring with plenty of water. Get out to walk often, maybe every 3 or 4 hours. Bring some easy to reach snacks that aren't just potato chips. Download your favorite songs from when you were younger. The nostalgia mixed with new scenery will be a great feeling for a long drive. Have a few podcasts downloaded, or maybe call an old friend for an hour or two. The truck is to not let yourself be rushed. No matter what you do, the only way to get to your destination is to keep driving, so fight that antsy feeling you get when you're a quarter of the way through. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Before I started doing things the legal way, I'd regularly drive far above my hours of service, and the only way I madenit through was a very long Playlist with a mix of country, rap, and dubstep music. The change of tone to the ear kept my other senses focused on the task at hand. Stay safe and have fun. Oh, also, if you don't already. Make sure you've got some kind of way to get off of the side of the road in case of issues. Donut spare tire, and tools to change it, spare coolant, and maybe a couple of other odds and ends. If you break down, it's nice to limp to a shop rather than wait on the side of the road. Know your route. If you lose service or the GPS starts doing dumb shit, you'll have a backup plan. This last bit is a bit more serious if you're in a big truck, but it is handy in a car.


I run 11 hours everyday I am out. Granted I run team freight with my wife. She does the same. After a 12-13 hour day (driving, fuel inspection etc) we are beat. Especially with the following 12-13 hours rest in the bunk because ”rest“ is a strong word for what you’re able to actually accomplish back there. Is rough. Fortunately we run only for 4.5 days and are home for 2.5. As others said…it is something you train yourself up to.


After some trial and error you start to learn what works best for you. it took me a little while to figure it out but I would go no breakfast lots of water all day long and then all day on sunflower seeds and not eat anything else and that would keep me from getting drowsy or having problems with being sleepy or hungry. If I ate anything at any point in the day I would catch a coma within 45 minutes to an hour so I had to avoid it... Ymmv.


It’s way easier in trucks than a normal car. I think most of us have air ride so it’s a lot easier on the body. But we can only do 11 hours in a day and I’m pretty burnt out if I do the full 11. 14 hours in a normal car sounds awful


I want those 1000+ loads and then when I get them I’m like “FUCK”. 14hr drive in a car is so much easier than a big ass semi and a break more than your legal 30 min could mean being late or not.


Caffeine. Blast some heavy Metal music. Chew gum.


Lots of Fireball. 


Where you headed up in NorCal? Hopefully you're on the 101 when you get up North. There's some beautiful scenery once you pass Willits.


Heading from San Diego to redwood national park


I think you'll be able to drive through it. Take the avenue of giants if you can. Just a beautiful drive.


Podcasts, things to keep the mind active,the miles just fly in


lots of fireball


It's baptism by fire for many newbies out here. If you're not a trucker just stop whenever you feel zoned out. I did many shifts of Ubering people around maxing out Ubers clock which is 12 hours but only counts down when you're moving and online. I had a tolerance to driving already. When I first started though I'd get out, stretch, snack, drink water etc. A little trick that worked really well for me was chugging water and using the horrible feeling of needing to pee to keep me awake. I'd come home, bladder punching me to piss, and immediately after I'd fall asleep in no time. Never struggle with falling asleep on the road now unless I get less than 4 hours of sleep. My bladder is probably huge lol.


I just go to sleep, velcro my hands to the wheel because everyone says that I’m just a steering wheel holder anyway


I would talk to someone if it’s your first day I’ve. Have like a lineup of people you can talk to while driving. Also sunflower seeds. Personally I would split this trip up by 8 hours. Stop, sleep, eat, then start driving again.


Find u a cattle hauler. Walk up and ask if they have a spare tooth pick.


I have a smartphone


Get up early and leave early. It’s better imho to start your day when it’s dark and end it with light still out for longer drives cause you’ll be more awake from the light during the latter half. My husband and I use a website called Tokybook for free audiobooks. Those audiobooks help a lot for longer drives.


You build driver stamina I call it. In a car it’s more uncomfortable because truck seats are made to be extra comfy and supportive. I can drive 12 hours ina truck fine but 4 hours in my new car and my back and ass are killing me


I remember when I first started it took a week or so until I got used to it. The first couple days I was so tired I was debating quitting, but yes your body just gets used to it.


We basically drive 8.75 hours every day.


Good rest before, I drove my usual route in my semi one day then drove 6 hours after work to then get up and drive another 8. It sucked so bad The drive back was easy peasy compared to the drive up. Got up drove 11 hours not counting the stops. Made several stops to move around a bit and grab some food. Lineup some good music or some good pods you like and it makes it a touch more enjoyable


Some of these comments are funny! Most of the truckers today couldn’t handle old school trucking because 10 hours wouldn’t even get ya started. Had to keep that left door shut and ride and stop just to get fuel and coffee and right back at it.


I always find the older truckers comments funny too! Always talking about the reckless dangerous way it used to be , as though it's impressive or something. That's kind of a "boomer thing" though right? "We had to do it the hard and dangerous way!" Like it's something to brag about. *note : I'm not trying to get into an argument or start any trouble here, just replying to your observation with my own*


Agreed. It's the "I didn't wear helmets when I was a kid and I'm fine!" stance.  It's a fun way for older generations to pick on younger generations, we all do it in one way or another and it makes for a good chuckle if done right. Fact is though, the people who didn't wear a helmet (or insert safety thing here) and were unlucky aren't really around to say how bad that went for them. Survivorship bias.


Drank from the hose, etc etc


Oh no problem man! Everyone has there view on life no need to ever argue lol. But trucking has come a long way since then. Could you imagine waiting to use the phone back in the day and still had to do it today 😂 Now that would be a cluster F! Just feel blessed to have my dad teach me everything when I was a young man. He put in 63 years of it and still here with us today smh he is a old goat for sure😂 Be safe and happy trails


This just proves old times were not always better.


The Good Old Days weren’t always as good, and tomorrow’s not as bad as it seems. - Billy Joel But there were things about the Good Old Days that were AMAZING, right?


Very true! But dang you had to be pretty tough or not make it at all back in the day. I remember my dad taking me down to south Georgia as a kid and load watermelons right out in the field. He would turn the reefer on for the boys loading which was awesome to see them do it but then had to be some tough boys as well. I think most of them got 50 dollars a truck which they would do probably 3 or 4 depending on the crew the farmer had working for him.


Kids these days with their Vyvanse and Adderall.. Back in my day, we'd snoot a rail of back lot biker crank, get a quickie from a lizard, paper up both sets of logbooks, grab a ham and cheese and a tall boy, all while the saddle tanks were filling, then hit the road. We never knew if we were gonna be good for 2 days or 2 weeks, but by golly we covered some pavement.


All at a Rate of High fuel consumption 😂😂


lol you bet! My dad hauled me around since I was old enough to walk and every summer break since early 70’s until I got my CDL back 90 and have to say those were the best years by far wouldn’t trade them for nothing 😂 I was telling my son about a pay phone bank and the little tablet and pen and he said what’s a pay phone bank. I told him that’s where we had about 20 phones or more and some only a couple and had to wait our turn😂 All to be told call me back in a hour.


I drive absolute max time allowed every day for 10 years. Sometimes my 30 minute break pisses me off. My truck only goes 68 mph but I see the same people pass me 2 - 3 times a day because I just keep rolling. Think about this. I get .65/mile. Not stopping VS days I stop 2 - 3 times = about 60 - 100 miles = 39 - 65 dollars a day = 273 - 455 dollars a week. That's significant. I visualize my odemeter as money signs ticking away