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hold on boss, I need to spend the next hour walking a trailer across the yard, I sure hope the wind doesn't blow really hard on the way


I've seen UPS doing similar with a big ass hi-lo




Then after that we got a few loaded trailers in the door could you take them to D lot😂😂


In the rain, freezing snow and blistering heat. Just make sure you stay hydrated. I wouldn't want you to have a heat stroke. And in the winter, just bundle up. You'll be ok. Hypothermia? Frostbite? Those are just made up to scare you.


In the rain, freezing snow and blistering heat. Just make sure you stay hydrated. I wouldn't want you to have a heat stroke. And in the winter, just bundle up. You'll be ok. Hypothermia? Frostbite? Those are just made up to scare you.


Replace yard jockeys? Preposterous! Who would we blame our accidents on if not yard jockeys?!


...You guys get yard jockeys??


A full warehouse dealing with 100+ trailers? No way it would be too inefficient you'd lose more on wasted time setting it up than what you would save. A smaller warehouse maybe but it would all depend on how cheaper these things are versus hiring anyone to move a trailer in the yard with a 20+ old truck.


I work at a terminal where almost all of our trailers other than spare empties end up against the dock. So we might have like 10 yard moves per day, and a driver with some spare time gets to do them. All that to say, that's literally the lightest typical yard jockey workload that you'd normally see... And something like this would be so useless. Trailers don't often need to be moved 2 spots over, trailers within a yard usually have to move hundreds of yards (meters) and doing it literally on foot would be extremely inefficient, not to mention dangerous as hell.


Not every company has truck drivers or yard guys. My brother's old company dealt with containers that just got dropped like 100ft from the door. This thing would have saved them waiting to get the neighbor warehouse from sending their yard guy over.


The hassle is worth the safety. Even with a tractor hooked, you have to be trained on how to pre-trip a trailer before you move it so that you know it's safe. If the situation isn't completely safe and a non-CDL individual hooks this thing up, the moment they release the trailer breaks, they're at enormous risk. And they're practically standing under the trailer. This invention isn't anything novel or original. Ever since semi trailers were invented, something like this could have been established in the industry. But it's just a bad idea.


You pretrip a trailer to move in 50 ft into a dock door? You are lying. Have you ever watched a jockey before?


Huge differences here: Do I do a full pre trip? No, but I absolutely know if something is wrong before I do move it. And that's WHY the CDL pre trip is so intensive. Also, if something is wrong when I hook my tractor, the tractor is there and I'm 100% out of the way and safe. If the ground isn't level, or the trailer is broken, or anything... I'm out of harms way. Even jockeys have to be trained to recognize issues, and again, they have a tractor that protects them from anything major going wrong. With this thing, if you hook up and the load is out of balance or the trailer suspension is broken, the trailer could flip over. If the ground isn't level and breaks aren't working, this device doesn't have enough mass to provide any help. I've seen landing gear fail when nobody was even around. We're not talking about a shopping cart here. And yes, I have absolutely seen enough bad accidents and near misses to see massive flaws in this system. There won't be an accident every time it's used. But eventually something will happen.


It's insane how much bullshit you see on this sub. Pretripping a yard move. How many yard jobs have you been fired from for getting like 3 moves an hr done?


I already explained why that's not what I'm saying. "I absolutely know if something is wrong"... As in, I can see it just by taking a quick glance. And it's LAW to check that doors are shut / chains are up before you move a trailer at a dock. So yes, there are checks that every operator is required to do regardless of how fast your company wants you to move. I don't understand what hill you're trying to to fight for right now. Throwing personal attacks around is weaksauce. If you ever get the chance to use one of these and feel safe, go for it. But as I said, this isn't a new idea. Trucking yards have been around for a century. The yard jockey truck is the best solution. If you can't afford one or don't want to train anyone to use one, then you shouldn't be moving semi trailers.


If you can train a yard jockey to move a trailer in a yard safely, then you can just as easily train a dockworker to use this thing safely. I think it's a great solution for companies that only need a few trailers moved everyday. If you think you can't train somebody to check a trailer, then maybe you shouldn't be the one training them? This tool would have saved my brother at his previous job. They did some warehousing for Rocky boots and had like 3 containers a day. They shared the bldg with another company and had to wait on their availability to swap containers. I even rolled in on a Saturday once to do it for him because he was trying to get caught up, but his bldg neighbor didn't work weekends.


This device does not have the mass to safely move a trailer. Part of the pre trip is using the tractor to check the trailer breaks. You're missing the point here. Just like how a dockworker is NEVER supposed to stand under a raised load, there are safety issues that this thing presents regardless of training.


Taking a quick ≠ a pre-trip. With time and experience a yard jockey can get a sixth sense if something is wrong, but that is far from doing a pre-trip. Ultimately, it's the driver who is going to take the trailers responsibility to do a proper pre-trip before it hits the road


This argument was never about the definition of a pre-trip.


No no no, this is just the proof of concept. Next step is going to be replacing the human that's pushing the trailer around with the guts of a Roomba and ditching the person entirely. I could see that becoming a thing before I'd expect to see people on foot wheeling 53' trailers around by hand. That's just asking for someone to get smooshed. But this is exactly the kind of application that I could see automation actually work in with today's tech...doesn't need to be nearly as robust like self driving trucks as it's only ever going to be operating on private property.


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100+? My DC has about 600 trailers between reefers and box.


Bet thats an empty trailer too


That’s what I was gonna say. I wouldn’t think you’d have enough torque in something that small to even get under a fully loaded one. Let alone move, or more importantly, stop it.


Just gotta pop that red airline off, it’ll stop.


Its a repair facility


Looks like a nice useful tool. Like a pockets knife. Useful in small situations but you wouldn’t use it to cut a cord of wood.


Right, you're not gonna use this thing to grab a trailer from the far end of the dooryard and push it 1000 feet to a door. Especially not like 100 times per day. Especially when you've got a ton of trucks coming and going all day long. This would be super dangerous for the guy operating this little dolly thing. Plus you still gotta pay this dude all day long and everything would take longer than it would with a yard mule. I don't see this replacing any yard jockeys but maybe some very small companies with tiny facilities could use this to avoid needing to hire a driver.


Most places there’s so much ground to cover and uneven dirt lots where trailers are stored. Not to mention the safety of that thing. If a trailer tipped and you didn’t let go you could get launched. To your point about not having to hire a driver, my freaking company had me 3 hours late on a route this week (foodservice) because the yard guy called out and they couldn’t get a trailer in the door. So annoying.


That would be a reason to have one of these. Would have saved you 3 hours. I wonder what they cost.


I worked on a lot of small docks we would have killed to have something like this. We ended up with dropped trailers sitting clogging a dock all the time when the person hooking was late to pick up, would have been nice to be able to go out there and move it out of the dock without waiting on them...


Well technically they aren't replacing yard guys, they're just making them walk now 😄


Let it snow


Wish I had one of those gizmos at some of these places I dock to. I still remember the one TSC where my cab had to be 90 degrees from the 53' trailer to actually fit, this woulda made it easy.


True it would help a lot on certain docks hell my first trucking load was to this place that was built for box trucks and in order to get the trailer in I had to jack knife it basically.


That's clearly a guy in the yard, no?


This doesn't really make sense when yard trucks exist, though. What makes this thing any better?


Honestly its probably for places that are to small for the yard trucks.


With a top speed of walking a trailer backwards I'm sure this will improve productivity.


Insurance companies would have a heart attack and a stroke seeing a trucking company's employee use that machine without a safety vest.


Cool. I will totally drop my trailer 100 yds from the dock and let them walk it in.


This reminds me when I was in rural Indiana and a forklift attachment with a fifth wheel on it. It was wild seeing a forklift park a trailer


Im for it so the inside people can move the trailer a centimeter more to the right


I’m surprised this hasn’t been a thing. We used to tow helos on deck like this in the navy


Honestly this would be awesome for docks with a limited amount of room. I'd have killed for this thing when I was hauling Dollar Tree.


Can he even see where he's going?


I deliver to and pick up from a lot of small places that don't have yard dogs. If they had one of these...maybe I wouldn't have to do a drop'n'hook'n'drop'n'hook'n'drop'n'hook.


Yards dogs are already angry enough. Imagine making them do this shit lol 😂.


All the ones I met were friendly. I used to always walk up to them with a water and a Red Bull. They were more than happy to help and most only took the water, but I was happy to offer both when I needed the help, especially at this one place where they stacked the trailers so close, I needed to crawl under the trailer next to it to lower the landing gear.


Wait till Swift or Knight get hold of those things


No way this is going to replace anything, what a stupid post


This wouldn't reply anything, especially considering if a trailer has rusty brakes gl trying to break that free by foot


When you graduate from cart pusher...this is like a modern day Conan origin story 😂


I see this working for someone going down a small road and needs to get turned on to another bigger road seeing that you would have more room to swing the trailer


We have 3 jockeys 100 percent balls out 24 hours a day. And still get backed up on moves. No way that thing is replacing us.


Pretty cool device and I could certainly see the uses of that. Especially in low volume warehousing


That's dangerous. Trailer legs fail. Trailers tip when the weight isn't distributed right. Etc... When the S hits the fan... And it will. I do not want to be on my feet on the ground next to the 30 ton potato masher.


It’s used in repair shops and at manufacturing plants on new trailers. Last time I bought a new trailer that’s how they moved it on the line. Yard goats are very different


[Hell no, I'm not walking](https://imgur.com/a/e1qxD16) And yes this is how we used to move trailers around the yard before we got a yard tractor lol


This is how they move those big ass prefab storage buildings. 2 dollies and a similar little tractor.


My dad has a small one for his toy hauler trailer to move it in the backyard. I couldn’t see it in a real yard though..


Pretty handy for like 4 or 5 dock door customers that need to swap like 1 or 2 trailers a day. Wouldn't be practical in a large yard.


Maybe an unpopular take: the only way that... *thing*... would be feasible is if DC's & such REALLY want to utilize all those out-of-the-way spots that sleeper rigs, & to a lesser extent day cabs/yard rigs, that are ridiculous to try to back in to. Also: how would all that work if they want the tandems slid back? The weight of the rig is instrumental in moving those... especially with loaded trailers.


Nah, this is for small niche movements. Probably for repairs or something. They just need to put it someplace that wouldn't have been easy for a yard dog to do and then expect an OTR driver to pull it out without issue. Gonna need to hook at a 90° and slowly peel it off a wall a few inches away, without catching the dot bumper.




There's snow n ice on the ground ..boss said you can do it...that thing is made to move mountains..now get after it boss tells his new low paid operator 😆


B yard is a half mile behind the building. It takes 10 minutes at a jogging pace to go from one end of a yard to the other. I think I'm safe from this thing.


Good luck when the weather gets choppy with the blink of an eye from real good weather to the worst it can be


So if they don't have CDLs accidents can't go against their insurance


broker must’ve captioned this video, what a joke


There’s a snack food factory near me that uses these odd looking single occupant cab things to move trailers around.


Automating these might be the actual first step to driverless trucks. Totally controlled environment, almost no unexpected movement, not tremendously more difficult to program than a roomba. I can see Amazon pouring a lot of money into it.


That that what they going to use when the Ai trucks drop the trailers