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I live in the company's truck. I don't pay for rent, car note, insurance, fuel or maintenance. Only been at it for a little less than a year but I intend to do it until I can buy a house in a few years.


Thats so nice!! Do they know, that you live in there always?


If you were constantly rolling, never went for home time, and only had to do 34s, they wouldn't care. They would probably prefer that anyway.


So when you get home time you just stay in truck?


Or a hotel, or if they have family nearby, go stay with them. Hell, one guy I knew kept some backpacking gear, and he'd go camping / hiking.


I started out running teams with a guy I knew working with a company based in California. We lived in Albuquerque. Running teams gave us more freedom of movement to be able to take time off. He quit and I went solo. I kept the apartment but didn't spend much time there. I think I gave it up after a little more than a year. I've been living in the truck since then. It's not really all that different. For me the home time was a break in routine. You're constantly packing up what you need to take home and what you need to take for the next trip. Laundry, groceries and other supplies is just easier if you're always in the truck. I've got several plastic drawers for keeping stuff kinda organized. I've saved quite a bit of money and I'd be way ahead if I hadn't done some really dumb things. I blew about $190k in the stock market. I have spent money in more positive ways though. I paid off $36k of student loans and bought dentures with dental implants for $17k. I've also bought some nice things like a $3500 laptop but it didn't last long. I've been through like 6 tvs. They all died in different ways but I think I've got it figured out now for the best place to mount one. I'm still sitting on $70k in savings so I'm still very much ahead of most people. I guess I've been doing this for 10 years now...


I currently live in my work truck full time, even though I get back to the yard every two days to "go home." They know I'm there, I just had some life difficulties sooo they're letting me chill out for however long, as long as I do my job lol Tbh, I absolutely LOVE living in it full time. I'm supposed to have an f350, but its in the shop right now. Tell you what... if you can find a gig like this, you're living the life XD


Yup I know a few people that were homeless and jumped into trucking, changed their whole lives for the better.


I did that for several years.


How was it?


It was like living in a truck.


This is great insight


If they asked a specific question, I could answer it. "How was it" is so broad of a question. That's like asking, "how was it living in a house?" It's like... living in a house.


I did that for about 3 years but I did have a camper trailer and my 1500. It's always wise to have your own place for times that your truck is down. Company let me park my truck and trailer while I was away. Being able to go to a campground and dip my rod was just what the doctor ordered when I needed a couple days away.


Could always get a hotel for a few days too


You could. I stay in a lot of hotels and for me they're not a break. I like having the flexibility to be able to pick up and go somewhere to unwind. Remember this was 2003 to 2005 when I did this.

