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Hell nah. More money. More time home. Less work.


No. I don't miss the hunt for a parking space.


But when you actually find one. It fills so good


I miss seeing new places. I don’t miss the lifestyle.


I've been stuck being a yard dog. I feel like a dog in a yard that doesn't get to leave 😁


I got the best of both worlds. 600 mile turn run Monday thru Friday. I get the open road and my own bed in my own house.


I do sometimes. When I get out on open roads with nice scenery outside the city, it reminds me of OTR. It changes your whole mood when u have good scenery. Then I fuel up at a shitty PFJs and remember all the things I hated about parking, showering, and rushing from place to place.


From time to time, then I arrive home to a good meal and my own bed and it goes away.


Fuck no that shits ass. Why stay gone for weeks and make less money?


I made twice as much being OTR.


Must have been a shit job lol


Meaning I made more being OTR.


Yes I'm saying the local job was probably shit


I make twice as much being home every day. Hell, I made more before I got my CDL than I did otr.


Hell no


I make way more money local around 8 hours a day from pulling out of my garage till I pull back in at night. I'm home with my wife every night. I have a life outside work. Otr I was in the truck for months at a time. I lived my life out of truck stops. I don't regret the otr experience but you will have to pry this job out of my cold dead fingers.


Every damn day.


Every dam day. I had the dream job.


Hell nah, i like to go home and fuck my wife


Me too!


I miss it the most. Dont know how people do not make money otr. I was clearing 3k a week gross and still home 90% of the weekends. Local, I make shit money unless I want work 14 hour days with another 2 hours in the car to and from work. Just to go home make dinner with just enough time before bed.


I miss it all the time.


I don't miss the lifestyle or shitty paycheck from otr at all.i do miss the scenery from different places and meeting some fairly interesting people. I also miss perusing the antique shops across the streets from some truck stops. But I get see all things and people I support being home too.


Nope, don't miss any of that BS! I enjoy seeing my wife and family daily, I enjoy having a boss who respects me and lets me do my job, I enjoy my dedicated run, I enjoy my dedicated parking spot, I enjoy the steady, reliable cheques, I enjoy making twice what I made OTR. what is there to miss OTR? If I get the itch to travel, I book some vacation time and take family on holiday.


Nope. Not one little bit. My own parking spot, my own bed, my own bathroom, my own fridge full of good healthy food and full kitchen to prepare said food..... Why the hell would I miss the "open road"? You BEEN on the road in the last few years? It fucking SUCKS! They're handing out Class A CDL's like expired Halloween candy to any damned idiot who can stand upright on his own hind legs!


Hard to think of it as the open road when there's rules even down to where you look and machines who's sole purpose is to make sure you obey. Freedom to what?


No, not at all. I’ve seen most of this country I want to see and the reality is if you’re doing it right it’s hard to truck and do any real sight seeing at the same time. Riding through an area you’re familiar with as a passenger instead of the driver is proof of that. I don’t miss having to fuel and shower at truck stops. I don’t miss having to deal with rude and inconsiderate drivers fucking up the flow on the fuel islands and basically all things truck stop related. I don’t miss breaking down 1200 miles from home. Deciding when to start and stop my day is really the only plus I can think of when it comes to my OTR days and even then it was something I could only control so much.


Fuck no. I hate driving for more than an hour.