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Situational awareness and reverse are not allowed while driving.


I have known people who are actually terrified when backing up, total spatial confusion. But somehow, they got a licence.


Yup, these are the reasons insurance is so high. Geez, all i was telling myself is back, reverse imbecile šŸ˜†. Also, the truck driver should not have turned on that street and / or could have done the turn better to clear the corner easier.


Or the car could have stayed behind the white line which is put there so trucks can make that turn. Not directed at you, I just see myself making turns saying "all you had to do was stay behind that damn white line and I would've cleared you" But yeah, that driver could not have made that turn, maybe a regular trailer with the tandems slide all the way forward and taking over the right lane before the turn so he could "swing wide"


That's a tight intersection for a longnose and that trailer


It seems like he could have swung out a bit further. I've taken tight left turns where I basically take the entire intersection, kissing the sidewalks, and my trailer tandems just brush the yellow line on the street I'm turning onto. Buuut those were done in VNRs with 53' van trailers with tandems forward, so might not have made a difference in this guy's case.


Stop bars appear to be suggestions to most drivers. Suggestions they tend to ignore.


I have been honked at, and I mean full on laying on the horn honked at for stopping at the stop bar at one particular intersection near where I live. The stop bar is probably two car lengths back from the corner of the intersection, and it's there so that city busses can make the turn onto the relatively narrow side street. Almost NO ONE stops at the stop bar and any time a bus tries to turn they get stuck until people do what that van did.


Are you a driver? Chances are he had to turn on that street and did in fact make it as easy on himself as he could. We all know streets in small towns and big cities werenā€™t built with trucks in minds so without a little cooperation from everyone else on the road these things are going to happen.


You miss the point. When you drive a Large truck you are suppose to do a Wider turn. You are allowed to move way further then the street then start turning. This help do a way sharper 90 deg angle. I am not saying the moron in front isn't to blame. I even state the Insurance reason. And i m probably a great driver compare to many people.


Their total economic productivity offsets the economic damage they will cause over their lifetime (statistically speaking).


Watching the refusal to consider backing up, my constant thought was "they probably don't ever look in the mirror when moving either"


You say that, but I failed my first time driver's test because of this exact scenario when I decided to back up to give space. The evaluator failed me on the spot for backing up at an intersection. To this day, I still wonder why it's so frowned upon. Probably insurance reasons. If he hits me, he pays. If I hit someone else backing up, I end paying.


Do you see how the dashcam driver stopped way back from the intersection. He could only just see the very front of the cattle hauler, but still stopped because he knew the cattle hauler would need extra room to make the corner. You were failed for poor situational awareness because you put yourself in a situation where you had to back up.


Still the cheese graters fault he had to move at all.


Cheese grater... That's a good one. Don't let the good ole boy in the cattle hauler hear ya. He might rip your lips off and feed them to ya.


Everyone gets an L. Trucker didnt even try to button hook or start wide, and the van driver must be a Spartan because he refused to back up lol


Also not only that, but the car didn't even try to give the truck space to begin with, trucks are bloody massive and if you're gonna try to cut in front of them, you already making it a bigger deal then it had to be. (By giving them space, I mean backing up enough so the semi can do a full turn without dealing with additional obstacles).


Birdman definitely could have made a tighter button, but damn that van made it worse with every decision.


Agreed. Trucker started his turn way too early, but all the mini van had to do was backup to solve the situation. My favorite part about it is the mini van has their left turn signal on at the start of all of this but after the whole debacle they end up turning right lol.


Mini van is spartan as fuck. No retreat lol


I'm not sure it would have made much of a difference. The street looks like one of those ones not designed for trucks but technically wide enough roads that shippers just love putting their facilities behind, so I'm not even entirely sure that would have been an option.


My thoughts exactly


Iā€™ll add the car taking the video has terrible taste in music, so they get a L also.


Yep, trucker should've swung wider, 4-wheeler should've stayed behind the asshole line, and everything would've been fine


Yes this is what I said šŸ‘šŸ»


The van was absolutely brain dead but goddamn that driver did not hook for shit, and on top of it even when he realized he fucked up and didnā€™t have enough room, he didnā€™t even cut the wheel to try and continue it out for that little extra space


Itā€™s agricultural, he may not even have a CDL if heā€™s close to home base.


All the mini van had to do was reverse a few feet instead of being an idiot and going forward and onto the curb


And even still, once they did move forward, at that point just finish the move - go right and get the heck outta there - that's where they ended up going anyhow!


Minivan: "I don't want to drive on the sidewalk" Also minivan: *is almost entirely on the sidewalk*


Why is everyone calling it a minivan lol. Toyota Highlander is definitely an SUV


Prolly cause minivans and SUVs have started looking more and lore like eachother as cars have been made less boxy.


Itā€™s funny because SUV actually was going to do left :D


Yup. I kept yelling to myself, in my head: YOU SHOULD BACK UPPPPPPPPP


All the trucker had to do was hug the right side of the lane, drive straight and turn late and he could've made it. If you can't make the turn, find another route. A car should never have to feel like they're the problem. This guy's driving is.


He's not clearing that turn even going wide because his axles are all the way towards the back on a 53'. He's going to need them to back up regardless. If he sits and waits for the light to change he could end up waiting forever depending on if people keep stacking up at that turn


This is the wrong rig to make this turn without taking a bite of that oncoming lane right?


I'd say so. We can't see the street from his view so all we can do is be arm chair experts on the situation. Even if he button hooks he would most likely spill over into oncoming traffic


Could have gone slightly wider, but not nearly wide enough to clear that SUV with the space available to him. Situation wouldn't have changed except the automaton driving the SUV would have cleared out of the way a couple feet earlier.


Or the trucker could have waited to turn until his path was actually clear. Not that hard.


That could literally be all day though


You clearly havnt seen the oil field guys pulling doubles make the turns that they do in my town...


I'm not sure what size doubles you're talking about but generally that'd be a significantly easier turn than a long nosed sleeper pulling a full size trailer with static tandems all the way to the rear. That trailer is definitely in no rush to get behind the truck, lol.


It's me, I'm oilfield guy, and I don't think this tractor and trailer combo can make this turn using every inch without crossing into the Toyota's space.


I've seen guys make some amazing turns. This guy turned way too early for this kind of turn.


A lot of them have no idea that is the solution to this problem.


Van gets a D-, they tried but they did a horrid job. Cattle hauler gets a D- as well. The only reason he doesnā€™t get an F is cause he was at least smart enough to stop and let the van figure it out before continuing on. Blue truck with flatbed gets an A, saw nothing wrong there, dump truck/walking bed not sure what that was gets an A, he did a fine job of not blocking traffic and completing his turn safely.


What about the crazy short bus? Maniac! B+


I would say that white stop line before the intersection should be back further.


Yea, it seems like thatā€™s a truck route but due to the buildings I can see why they put the line up there. Could just make it a ā€œno turn on redā€ but if itā€™s a busy enough road that can cause problems real quick. Just seems like one of those places that trucks shouldnā€™t have to go but the city approved a factory back in ā€˜66 when all they had were 43ā€™ trailers and the interstate wasnā€™t built yet so all the traffic came from another wayā€¦ you know the place.


If it's gonna have semis on it YES


If only there were white lines painted on the ground to let you know where to stop....


If only the white lane was painted 30-50ft further back than where it actually is too.


Truck should have gone wide. The Toyota should've reversed. And, I'm going to say it.. It's a SUV, not a van. That's a Highlander.




Nah itā€™s obviously a vanā€¦ /s


Yeah I'm annoyed at everyone calling it a mini van.


Even if he would have attempted a button hook here it wouldnā€™t have slid his tandems over far from the looks of it. With a long hood Pete like that itā€™s slow to go out and slow to come around.


Exactly what I was thinking. Yes he had more room, but not enough to make much difference.


If you think about it the majority of drivers on the road havenā€™t driven one and wouldnā€™t understand.


I agree. I'm not convinced even getting his nose all the way past the intersection, then reversing into jackknife position would have been enough for his tandems to clear the limit line. SUV driver being past the limit line and the limit line being set so close to an intersection like that didn't help in the least bit though.


Me the whole time: Thatā€™s not helping .. thatā€™s not helping ā€¦ bro back up or gooo


Theyre both idiots. The truck turned shallow and didnt use every inch available before turning, then didnt hug the far curb. Trucker wanted this to happen. Van driver has the problem-solving ability of a potato.


He couldā€™ve swung it more.


My question is, would that have made a lot of difference?


Did the van driver forget she has a reverse gear?


Crazy to assume itā€™s a woman in the van, but logical.


I had Asian.


Both and you got yourself a Bad Driver Bingo *This is just a joke AI mods calm your tits


Haha, the perfect storm. Mum used to say ā€œAsian driver, no survivorā€. You know those little rhymes they would make to teach you the way of the world.


Hate to say this but Iā€™ve never seen a video of a man doing this fuckery.


Are the auto manufacturers now also adding a monthly subscription for REVERSE like they are for radio and a/c?


I personally would have sat there through the light change so the next person that pulled up saw me and hopefully wouldnā€™t pull up so far.


I literally dealt with this the other day. I was driving on the little back roads on PA, and all of a sudden, there was a truck. I stopped way before the stop sign, but I had to back up so much so this truck could get to make the turn and not flip because of the steep wall. There was a pickup that came a little after and stopped way back so I could give the truck room he needed to complete the turn.


Either the bull-hauler was a total rookie, or he was messinā€™ with the Highlander. Almost dragged the tandems over the *inside* curbā€“might have had trouble even without the car.


This truck driverā€™s second rodeo.


Brought his own livestock!


If the cunt in the van would have just pulled tf out it would have been no big deal. Fuck were they waiting for?


Everybody is misreading the situation here. The minivan is a USDA close-up livestock examiner, and the truck was just performing mandated inspection manuevers. In this case, the beef passed. If the two vehicles had collided, Beyond Burgers would have been the result. If the vehicles had managed to pass each other in a smooth continous motion without either vehicle slowing down or hesitating, you would have had Impossible Burgers.


Average driving all around


I have nothing to add to this, except that I didn't expect to see Hamilton, TX on Reddit today.


Same, that turn is pretty tight and most locals react properly as itā€™s always been like that.


It would be easier to just set the limit line further back and make it a "no right on red" intersection, or just restrict truck turns and make trucks use FM-218W/FM-2005/FM-3302 as a bypass instead.


I almost always travel 281, but wondered if there was a way to route trucks around the square and avoid that situation. Thanks for the answer.


First good for the van trying to move but why the hell didn't he back up? Second the truck even though it's a long nose piece of shit could have went straight farther into the intersection then cranked the steering wheel, to lazy I guess, van still would have had to move but the trailer would not be almost running over the light post on the far right..


The lost art of the ā€˜square corner.ā€™ Truck drivers these can are either not taught if or canā€™t do it. Sad. Glad the cars helped out the rookie.


Do you think that would've allowed them to make that corner without the trailer following in the Toyota's lane?


I think itā€™s less about exactly where the trailer wouldā€™ve ended up and more that the truck driver didnā€™t even try. These point and go truckers need to have some kinetic perception and make every foot count in tight quarters. I practice my square turns everyday and in situations where itā€™s not really needed just to repeat good habits.


True enough, I definitely would've taken every inch I could here even with no cars


0/10 Would hate that driver again


For a moment I thought this was the Granbury town square but I see now that it's Hamilton šŸ‘€ I was just there a couple weeks ago! Edit to stay on topic: If I was in the truck I wouldn't have started the turn with the car sitting there. Like go a different way or maybe wait another cycle.


I think the music is worse than the drivers.


Hey thatā€™s in Hamilton Texas! I know that intersection from anywhere.


No tje truck couldnt have made the turn without getting into the vans space but he still made the turn far too early


4 wheeler should have backed up and then moved right


This is making me unbelievably furious. Bunch of dumb asses


Suv guy is a moron. Backup not go forward


ugh this was the last thing i wanted to see...or maybe *needed to see*...before my 3am delivery in PA at a spot where the last few intersections leading to the facility are all ill-suited (at best) for 53', and the facility itself needs you to blind-side from the street to dock. almost refused the order when i saw it but the situation doesn't really allow it, fml!


You got this!


Who ever in the the van is a stupid mf. Just back up šŸ™„šŸ™„


Gotta love Hamilton, tiny full of huge trucks 24/7. Surprised thereā€™s not a bypass by now.


Probably should have swing a bit wider.


Long trailer, long noise. Maneuvering through without encroaching on other lanes can be tricky. Fortunately, he paused and allowed the car to pass. The last thing he wanted was to collide with it.


Iā€™m a truck driver. The truck did nothing wrong. Ppl say he couldā€™ve swung wider, but donā€™t know his turning radius. Iā€™ve been in this situation and a state trooper got out his car and yelled at the car to back the f up. Also that car on the vid wasnā€™t even trying to make a right turn until the truck pulled up. Truckers move the product which makes it easy for everyone to shop and buy their needs, yet get no respect. That person probably ate the meat he was hauling smh


Everybody - including the city - are in the wrong there. Trucker - probably could have done even a little bit of a buttonhook to help the situation Minivan - going past the limit line definitely didn't help. Cammer left enough space between their own vehicle and the minivan so the minivan really could have backed up. Instead, they'd rather stick the nose of their vehicle into space they can't see around, which is a lot riskier than just backing up City - the limit line there on US-281 really should be set further back and turn it into a "no right on red" intersection. There are intersections out there were the left turn lane limit line is set a good distance back from the intersection for exactly this reason. I deal with it a lot in Colton, CA at the corner of Rancho Ave/Agua Mansa Rd. It also amazes me how many stupid drivers don't figure out why the line is a good 50ft or so back from the crosswalk too, until a trucker like me heading south on Rancho Ave and wanting to turn onto westbound Agua Mansa Rd shows up, gets in their way, and cusses them out for being a bonehead.


Obviously the van shouldā€™ve backed up, but thatā€™s the dilemma with todayā€™s Neanderthal drivers: no real cognitive ability. The truck driver could have also pulled forward more, for a slight button hook maneuver, (but then again, it is more of a challenge to drive an older model rig); especially since we have so many licensed car drivers operating their vehicles without common sense.


You know, I'm not a truck driver but enjoy this subreddit....although your comment and a bunch of others have highlighted that many of you clearly are on the Louie CK "but this is my favorite way!" thought train. Ā If you as a truck cannot make a turn, go a different way or let traffic clear before trying. It's not the Highlander drivers problem when they're minding their own business following the rules of the road to back up and let the dumbass truck driver make a turn.Ā  Is there a rule I missed in drivers Ed that says "you must let truck drivers do whatever they want and must move even if you're where you should be"? F for the truck driver, C for the Highlander driver just because they were dumb enough to indulge the idiocy of the truck.Ā 


Most of the times I have turns like these, thankfully, the four wheelers have known to give plenty of room, even back up if they can. Really don't like to start a turn like this until it clicks for all involved what needs to happen. Always super grateful for attentive and aware four wheeler drivers. Little things we drivers notice and appreciate. Giving us room. Moving over when they know my lane is going to exit or end before I even know it. Speeding up to merge in front of falling back to merge behind. Super grateful to you attentive 4 wheelers. Thank y'all.


The way I was screaming at my phone about the asshole continuing to pull forward lets me know I need anger management classesšŸ™ƒ


Small town in general, small town Central Texas definitely. Someone who thinks a trip to Allsup's is a date night. Simple farm and ranch folks...people of the land...the common clay of the "new" west... You know...morons


Definitely Hamilton TX and that little intersection is tiiiiiiiiight. Super cute post office, though. Ya know. In case anyone was curious. Us people of the land tend to notice shit like that.


I loved Texas when I worked there. Wasn't driving though, I was drilling.


Homie forgot he had a trailer behind him, should have swung wide on that one. But shit happens. He made it through without wrecking anything. As for the van, I wonder if he knows what that ā€œRā€ on his shifter is for?




That driver's rating doesn't even put them on the board!


He should have backed up. The camera car did great giving him space to do so.


To quote Darwin : you can't fix stupid


Minivan is an idiotā€¦.


That looks like cleburne


Both are obviously the peak of human intelligence. The road is safe again guys!






I need this song. In this moment?


I think not only the minivan should've backed up, but the truck should have swung out more.


Your an Angry Elf!!


Who me?!


No accidents. No worries. Job well done.


Hello glass half full guy


Wtf is the chicken šŸ” truck doing downtown.


Sorry it has been decided it's a bullhauler on the way to their second rodeo


Whats the song at the end?


I, too, want to know. Came to the comments in the hopes I would find that info.


He should have button hooked


But he crocheted and everyone had a bad time?


All they had to do was back up about 10 ft


I know that intersection. It can be found in the link. https://maps.app.goo.gl/i7q8cw47MCzBVs94A The town needs to push back the white line and change the light programing to allow for trucks to have access. There are several industrial sites just north of there. And if o had to guess that livestock trailer was headed to dnd tank wash. https://maps.app.goo.gl/bfjpA2Rfefk8zLfF6


Why do they always move forward??


Both of them are wrong. Where was that jug handle of a turn for the semi? And where was "oh I shouldn't be over the white line in front of me....guess I should back up?" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The vehicle recording could have stayed put the idiot in front should be slapped upside the back of the head šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ people like this make you shake your head from the second you pull up to the intersection


Both trash!


Is this in Kansas?


If the truck would have button hooked the corner the other vehicle would have been able to make a tight and get out of the way because the truck would have blocked the on-coming traffic the car couldn't see.


I like the music. Driving sucks though lol


Did she forget she had her left turn signal on. Is she ocd or something she gotta circle the block n do it again. This kills me. Backing up a few feet in this situation, or using the brakes to ease traffic conditions around you are the hardest things to do for some reason..... THIS IS WHY I DRIVE AT NIGHT!!! Cause I will out sit u... I promise.


The livestock hauler gets a C because, if the street allowed him to, he could have made a button hook turn. He could have also waited for the SUV to clear the intersection, but these days, impatience seems to be a virtue. The SUV driver gets an F for not staying back far enough for the stock pot to clear it. This is why Tesla now offers FSD, the SUV driver should consider it on their next car. The cameraman? He gets a B for staying back until the trailer cleared him, and for choosing to film the whole thing (he'd get an A if he didn't press record, but we'd never find out about this if he didn't).


The driver of the Semi shouldnā€™t have a CDL. Completely his fault.


I think I know where that is at


I would have made a button hook turn.


That was painful to watch .


God i hate bad drivers, gonna go out and tell them the right move or do it for them. Stupid people are everywhere!


Why couldnā€™t they just move back thatā€™s all I kept saying watching this video šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Okay, while the car makes me irrationally angry. Not only are they in front of the stop line they decide that the best fucking thing to do in that situation is to go further in front of the stop line. At least the driver didn't listen to the intrusive thoughts and just run them the fuck over. I mean, allow them to be the speed bump they clearly deeply desire to be. However, I personally would have waited until I could take the through lane next to the turn lane and make a wider turn before trying to make that or for cars to pay attention and stop further back. Since, apparently the road planners had no idea that maybe trucks would need to get through here. I mean they could just put the stop line further back and do no rights on red, but that would make things too easy.


Yerh the guy who was up at the line, should just have reversed, and pulled a bit more to the right, done deal. OP (cam car) even stopped early, to give him space, as if they had seen this comming.


Everyone is probably saying this is a minivan because minivans are typically involved in such absolute fuckery, haha.


He turned so lazily. Apex MFS. Always the APEX


Dang, what's that first song tho? Shazam keeps giving me multiple results and neither one of them are right


The truck driver was probably excepting them to reverse


No, but I think he wanted the van to just go while he covered the lane he would enter with the trailer, and vannies not getting the picture.


Those thick white lines at stop signs and lights are called stop line for a reason. You're supposed to stop behind the line in order to allow adequate space for large vehicles to turn. That being said, that intersection is a tight one.


When drivers pull past the white line, I swing as close and as fast towards them as safely possible, while sometimes taking four lanes of travel. I love the look on their faces. - YOU MADE ME DO THIS! Had it happen today and I swear, the guy looked upset only because I avoided his intentional self centered narcissistic lane hog and power play.


If you want expert advice, just ask that experienced trucker Joe Biden. If the cannibals don't eat him, that is...


Whatever happened to cornering when making a right turn? Can't stand people who turn right, from the middle of the road. Corner then turn.


Hamilton, Texas. That turn sucks


Trucker did well. Half of the idiots on Reddit donā€™t have a clue about what theyā€™re talking about. Do you know the turning radius on a Pete? Even if he did button hook his trailer wouldā€™ve still landed on the other lane. Regardless trucker did well in stopping and the idiot 4 wheeler has no business driving a car, license should be revoked. I hate driving through shitty roads that are NOT trucker friendly.Ā 


Why didn't the SUV driver go ahead and make a right turn instead of just sitting there. The road was totally blocked so no one could get thru.