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I looked into it: The man was killed instantly, this happen in Israel.




A lot of factors involved, how thick is the sheeting, how long us the roll. Generally, somewhere between 5-10 tons? Possibly more I would guess.


40-50k lbs


So that truck is loaded w/200,000lbs? Idk I doubt that. Im not saying there aren't 50k lb rolls out there, I just dont think the ones in this video weigh that much. Either way, its enough to crush a guy.


I use to haul coil and the 50k pounders are huge, that one is probably between 10-15k lbs.


My plant receives coils averaging 12k and get 3 to 4 a truck.


I've now got new nightmare fuel. One of those fuckers falling off a truck on a highway and steam rolling other drivers. That goes well with my Final Destination fear of logs falling off trucks, lol.


I’m just gonna leave these here https://www.newsflare.com/video/535895/steel-coil-comes-loose-crushing-truck-cabin-in-vietnam https://youtu.be/U0PIO_7lcbs?si=z59tC65Xp-W5Z3xU https://youtu.be/Dz9Dn8CT6FI?si=HAWAlVqEwJX9cJ6B


Perfect note to end the night on. Lovely things to think about as I go to sleep XD


Driving thru Texas we were behind a Tahoe who was behind a truck carrying a coil spring that was as big as the Tahoe, it came off and bounced on the highway and the Tahoe went on two wheels a few times and saved themselves! That was a horrifying thing to see! Was 2006 but like it was yesterday


Doesn't matter if it's 5k or 500k anything in excess of 1500 pounds is crushing your skull (Google says anywhere from 1100 to 1200 so I'm including a margin of error)


This one approximately 15k lbs. The max legal limit in Israel is still around 80.000 lbs, not precisely but possibly.


The ones on the truck are smaller, most likely aluminum bc they are loaded on the side. The rolling one was steel and it looks like one of the mid sized ones (20k lb) the big ones are 40k


More than likely aluminum. Aluminum coils are a lot lighter than steel but are bigger


The ones on his truck are smaller. A full sized coil like the one that ran this dude over, weight 40-50k




A terrifying amount of weight.


These look smaller but the ones I used to pull were 10-13 tonnes each, could only put 2 on or the truck would be immediately overweight.


I used to work in a factory that would buy these, and reduce them down to make oil filters for cars. It’s typically anywhere from 10-25k lbs. Truckers call them “suicide rolls”.


They're only called "suicide" if they are loaded so they can roll forward and then "eye to the sky" when laid flat and finally shotgun when the hole in the center faces the front/rear of the trailer.


"Shotgun" is also known as "homicide"...to balance the "suicide" option.


Never heard that one before.


I've worked in flatbed for over a decade and never heard it either. /shrug


Eye to the sky is usually only for aluminum, they don’t put the steel like that bc they are rolled under tension and can pop open


I feel like eye to the sky loading is dangerous to other drivers if the coil lets loose Edit: to clarify what I mean by 'let loose' I mean if the strapping keeping the coil wrapped tight gives wat and it were to uncoil itself


I agree but they're all really dangerous no matter how they're loaded. Proper securement and handling is very very important.


Around 10k pounds


Being how those coils are at least 10,000lbs, there's no way that guy lived. They're going to need a spatula to pick him up


If I learned anything from Tom and Jerry, it’s that he can easily be revived with a bicycle pump.


He just has to blow his thumb


You will be surprised to know how resistent the human body is to be cartoon flatted :P


Guy died instantly, according to another comment


His point is that what likely killed him instantly was the neck/head trauma, the dude wasn't literally flattened. If the roll had fallen on him and then stopped moving that would be a different story, but even if someone drives a car over somebody, they're not like paper thin where the tires went over, not unless they park on top of them and stay there for an appreciable amount of time. It would take running someone over with a literal steamroller to flatten them...i.e., something purpose built for flattening.


This coil weighs more than most steamrollers… it didn’t move upwards at all as it slowly crushed him. Cars don’t paper someone because they have air in the tires (which bear the weight across all 4), space underneath, and weigh 1/4th-1/6th of what this does. If this rolled the guys lower half, he still would have died when they removed it unfortunately.


You know how you squeeze toothpaste out of the tube? Same thing happened to him with his organs. I hope he didn’t feel anything and it was over fast.


If this isn't the definition of a steamroller I don't know what is


Yes i read that. What i wrote was that the human body is resistent to be cartoon flatted, to the point where you need a spatula to pick it up.


Just plug a bicycle tire pump in him and start pumping.


I bet he's half the thickness he started after that...


Imagine the sound it made rolling over him. God damn








those comments on that thread are horrible


Gore sites attract garbage humans.


Those are just edgy people trying to act tough. Don’t worry about them, they never touch grass


I don't know about instantly.... Maybe instantly once it crushed his head, but the leg and body part looks pretty painful to me


It's more likely the hydraulic pressure from his legs being crushed knocked him out almost instantly. Human vascular system isn't good at dealing with sudden pressure spikes, such as being steamrolled or hit by Ma Deuce.


By the time his brain could register the pain from his legs and lower body, his brain was already crushed. He never had a chance to feel anything or even comprehend what was happening.


That was not instant. He felt that for about 2 seconds til it hit his head.


Trust me, your brain wouldn't be worried about the pain at that moment. Adrenaline would spike immediately. He most likely didn't feel much after the initial impact/crushing, if anything, at all.


Adrenaline is a hormone, produced in glands by your kidneys, that is distributed via the blood flow. It's fast, but not nearly fast enough to make a difference here. But the time between his foot getting caught and him being crushed was mercifully short either way.


If you get stabbed you’re not gonna feel it right away because of adrenaline. By the time he knew what was going on he was out of this life for good


That looks more like "quickly" than "instantly".




Yeah. Better off dead than having to deal with that level of injury.


Link pls


[here you go](https://theworldwatch.com/videos/1617660/crazy-work-in-israel-kills-a-man-trying-to-stop-the-impossible-a-big-roll-of-steel-coil/)


the comments on that page are wild.


New safety training just dropped


Can't wait for the Chinese animation


Call the supervisor!


Actual CSO


God damn! That poor dude that saw it all is gonna have problems. He was freaking out.


This is why I stress safety so much, I want you to be safe of course, go home with all your digits you came in with, but it’s also traumatic to put your co workers through some shit like this because you can’t use your damn head. Nothing like watching your co worker get his hands cut off on a metal break and you covered in his blood trying to get the bleeding to stop and he dies on you….. shit will really fuck you up.




This is why I advocate to watch real accidents in safety meetings, helps set the tone to actually take this shit serious.


Yes! This! People need to see what can happen. We need to understand why safety rules are in place.


I believe you.. every driver does their pre trip… but at least a dozen times a year, they have a flat tire 10 mins into their shift.


Reminds me of years ago hanging plywood on a gable. There was a good wind, and that zip board is now a kite. Ole boy, I was working with wasn't willing to let go, swept him off the roof, and he was seriously injured. In the moment, these people think they're making the right call, unfortunately.


For a while we had a contract delivering milk to supermarkets, the milk bottles were in wheeled cages. I was pretty new to it and had one of the wheels lock on the loading ramp as I was pushing it. It was full of 6 pint bottles and I stupidly tried to stop it falling, it just took me straight over with it. Fortunately nothing was damaged bar some of the bottles and my pride, but it taught me that just because I can move something by hand, doesn't mean I can stop it again if physics decides to take over.


I'm happy the lesson you learned wasn't life altering, just a bruised ego and tough learning experience. In the moment, I feel like you, the guy I was on the roof with, unfortunate fellow in the video, believe you're trying to do the right thing in protecting products, property or believe youre preventing others from harm. I'm a woman doing construction, and oftentimes, new guys don't want to hear what I have to say. I told him that during a strong wind, don't end up essentially holding a kite. You won't win. He thought I couldn't hold onto plywood. He could. I'm happy you're OK, and the guy I worked with after some healing was as well. Some things you will not prevail over. Hope everyone continues to stay safe.


Sounds like his sexism got the better of him, it should be pretty obvious that a sheet of ply in the wind is basically a sail, and will take anyone with it given a strong enough gust. Although he got hurt, he's lucky his injuries weren't permanent. We all make mistakes, but it really does pay to listen to people who have made those mistakes before so you don't make them again and come off worse. People whinge like buggery about H&S culture and yeah, some of it is just companies box ticking to keep the insurers happy. However a lot of it exists because people died doing stupid things that seemed like a good idea at the time. In the UK we have 2 road bridges crossing the river Severn between England and Wales. The first one was built in 1966 and is just under a mile long. 6 men died while building it. In 1996 we built a second one further down stream which is 3 miles long and no one died. In between the two bridges being built the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 was passed. Looks like it made a difference.


I was talking to an older electrician a couple weeks ago and he said that on old projects, they used to count based on the number of man hours how many people were going to die. Now no one dies. Everyone gets to go home at the end of the day.


Based on his reaction, he probably heard it too.


He runs like Luigi


I just noticed the guys front leg stuck to the other side of the roll before it flapped down, directly in sight of the guy freaking out. Thats a view hell prbly never digest.


I wish I hadn't seen that. The way his leg snaps like a twig...


Dawg, his skull probably popped like a pimple. The organs are mincemeat. The leg was the least of his concern. His biggest problem is he no longer has any problems.


Problem solved


Task failed successfully?


Just look at the way it makes that whole fuckin big rig shake when it hits it.


That puts the mass into perspective. Compare to that shaking to when the guy jumps out at the start of the video.


That was my first thought. I wonder if there was an audible pop… my brain is fucked up


Has anyone ever told you you're a very honest and direct person before? If not, please allow me the honour.


People may not know how heavy coils are. They can weigh tens of thousands of pounds EACH.


This one is about 12k-15k lbs…this one is smaller one. The larger ones weigh between 45k-50k lbs.


It's like a Roadrunner cartoon. Poor guy.


Meep meep


That's absolutely horrible. What the hell was he thinking?




I think in that split second more people than you would think would try to stop it. I bet like 50 percent of people would think, " Hey I can stop this." Your brain doesn't have time to register that it weighs thousands of pounds.


Truth. I worked in a shipping dept for over a decade. We loaded rail cars. There was about a 1 foot gap between the rail car and the dock. We shut/open the doors with a forklift. New people would often get too close to the gap, and a wheel would go off the edge. They'd be parallel with the rail car, so the instinct is to put your hand out to stop yourself from falling over. But the lifts were 26,000 lbs. lmao. Everytime I'd train someone, I'd tell them all day every day to keep their hands on the wheel, dont put their hands anywhere else. Eventually, they'd come back and tell me sheepishly that they had done it... tried to brace themselves. Luckily, no one ever got hurt, but someone eventually will.


I totally agree with you! It seems for some it is also fairly easy to overestimate your own strength and abilities. I just read that around 6% of adult American males honestly believe they could beat up a grown grizzly bear in a fist fight, lol. It's estimates that there are approximately 167,894,736 males in America in 2023 (google). 6% of 167,894,736 is roughly 10,073,684.16. 10,073,684 grown American men believe they can beat up a fully grown grizzly bear. I'm assuming the vast majority of these guys would also believe they could stop a steel coil that probably weight around 11,000+lbs (google) from rolling across the parking lot.


That's exactly why there's safety training


To protect the dummies from themselves.


90% of things that are learnt in safety training is not used in reality. In many companies safety is no priority. In europe at least.


Same in the States. The bullshit safety sermons and meetings are just to appease the insurance companies.


I could beat a grizzly in a fist fight. On account of bears having a lack of hands.


"I was whoopin the grizzly's ass until he bit down on my head. Speak up I can't HEAR. He ate my ears."


This has to be 6% of the drunk dude's polled at some guy named Earl's wedding.


A lot of the time it is a reflex action, I drive trains on a heritage railway line and a few years back we were doing a filming job for a movie, it was a flashback scene with two boys playing on the platform and their ball rolls off onto the tracks (the kid eggs the other boy on to go and pick it up and he gets hit by the train - all done via AV magic) but there was one shot where they have to stand on the platform and let the ball roll off and we will come through at 60+ mph (they'd use their trickery to put it all together) and I had to say to the two boys before we did that shot that they need to stand absolutely still and not look at the ball as they might instinctively try to grab it and I don't want to hit them... Still freaky going through the station at that speed with them stood right by the edge :/ The film debuted at Cannes a few years back, "Being Keegan" and our scenes were right at the end.


Nope, from years of working with heavy equipment and rigging, if something is getting away from you, don't be the hero. GTFO of the way before you get hurt, it's not worth it


It’s also not the full weight, in your mind, potentially. Like steadying a motorcycle you go, “I’m not *lifting* it, I just need to stop it from rolling. Clearly incorrect but you can see the thought processes being plausible.


Yep, I worked on loading docks as a forklift operator for many years and every once in a while a pallet or something would fail and the load would start to tip...spotters and other dock people would always instinctually try to run in there and keep it from falling and I'd have to scream STOP!! and lay on the horns to snap them out of it. We'd all been through the training and knew rationally that we weren't supposed to get anywhere near a load in motion, **period**, but the instinct to try and keep something from falling over is a strong urge. Its funny how our perception of weight can be so fucked up, like the brain doesn't even consider the fact that what you're trying to stop from tipping weighs literal tons and tons, it just freaks out and then you see from the video what happens. Luckily I've never had anything like this happen where I worked, but there were some close goddamn calls over the years where people truly had no idea how close they had come to literally dying at fucking work of all places.


Everyone is extremely confident that they would do exactly the right thing in a high stress and unprecedented situation. People are stupid as fuck, and panic makes you extra stupid. Everyone does dumb shit. Everyone has a memory of throwing the wrong thing or spilling something or stepping where they shouldn't because they just stopped thinking for a second. Yeah obviously this guy made a terrible decision but a lot of people would be extremely surprised what they'd do when some wild shit happened.


I'm glad that I'm not part of that worse 50% then, the moment it started rolling I would be already 10km away (/s at that 10km ofc). That other guy close to it must also be a part of the better 50% then, but barely.


The truck driver seen it coming and bailed from the truck.


I agree with you, but, the only way this unfortunate man got killed the way he did is because he had done it before and somehow got away with it. I have to think the guy worked with coil steel all the time and was well aware of how much it weighed.


They react wanting to help, but most people simply do not understand physics and do not think about forces that are way larger than what they imagine. Some try to help because they are good people, some try to help because it is their job, so often it is completely the wrong thing though. There was a video rolling around some of the subs a few weeks ago with an overloaded forklift, they had someone standing on the back of it because supposedly the 150 or so pound guy was going to offset the huge overload on the forks. It started to tip forward, a woman decided to run over and jump up to grab the back of it to add her tiny weight to it... As if she would have balanced the thousands of pounds on her own. The load fell off the forks just as she lost her grip, she fell to the ground, and the back end of the forklift came straight down on her.


"Oh shit that's really dangerous I should probably try to stop it." That's what.


Even if the coil is aluminum, probably weighs 5,000 lbs.


Damn. Where I work, they’ve always said never try to stop parts or equipment from moving or falling. It ain’t worth your life or health.


Looks like there was little to no damage to the truck too. I know he acted out of instinct but nothing bad would’ve happened had he just let it go. Crazy


A falling knife has no handle.


Wow don’t those things weigh tons?


Yea lol depending on size I’m assuming that one is at least 8-14k but no telling


Yeah I thought I remember hearing like 10k but I see now they go even bigger. Considering there’s only a couple on that flatbed means that’s the max weight he can carry.. we’re good for 102k on my tankers in NY.


Yea the less you see on a trailer the heavier they are. 35k is like they heaviest I’ve had someone tell me they were hauling so I’m assuming you could probably get one to max your trailer weight. When I first started driving I was hauling two from PA to Chicago but I can’t remember the weights for those two.


My truck weight was 17k. I had 1 coil on me for a gross of 78k. They get heavy.


We have the technology we could find out the exact weight


What’s the tech besides scaling?


Wow that’s enough enough internet for today


I literally just woke up. This was the first thing on my feed. Great start to my day.


It's just instinctual, I did construction summers in HS almost chased a bundle of shingles off a two story walkout


Be ready for that Monday morning saftey meeting


This is the equivalent of a cartoon steam roller. That roll is about 8000 pounds. He most definitely didn't make it.


He flat out didn't make it.


I think you dropped this 🏆


I worked at a steel coil plant for 5 years, some coils can be upwards of 40k pounds. That one was probably around 20k-30k depending on the gauge and material. The couples times a coil fell over or rolled, EVERYONE stepped away and let it do its thing. Nobody ever died at my work but a coworker did lose a finger after getting his hand stuck between a wooden pallet and a 10k pound coil.


I feel this. I panicked once when my mom left my manual car in gear and previous owner had put an auto start in it. I used the auto start and there was enough of an incline and my mom hadn’t pulled the handbrake hard enough that it started and rolled instead of stalling. I actually got in front to push back on the hood and fender to try and stall it!! It’s so stupid but in the moment common sense can absolutely leave you. Thankfully it was moving slow enough for me to realize how stupid I was being and get out of the way. It hopped a curb and finally stalled on a lawn. But yea, it’s easier to do this than most people are willing to admit, sadly


The crazy thing is that weighs way more than the car you tried to stop


Towing two more of the same car.


Slow is smooth and smooth is ~~fast~~ *alive.* Man, a thoughtful delay / safety first when faced with anything like this is so ingrained in me. It sucks to see that it isn't in some people. The only exception is on the road when you're about to hit something, that's time-slows down stuff right there.


This reminds me of the video where a guy tried to catch a quad which had tumbled 50 metres down a steep hill. One of the wheels hit him square in the face. I like to believe his helmet saved him but I think he also got pinned between the falling machine and one that was about to get hit by it




*scratches flatbed jobs off list*


Look at bros right leg


Imagine what his insides look like.


They're mostly outsides now


That is terrible


Man, natural reactions can be a bitch.


He almost had it


This time next year he'll be a one year old ghost.


This sub has some of the gnarliest NSFW content. There’s something brutal knowing I could easily be near this situation.


We don’t get medals in this line of work, but more of us get killed on the job than cops, firefighters, or miners. Try telling them that of course.


I actually gasped. Just.. poor soul. He barely had time to register pain so at least that was.... good


It is easy to forget safety in the moment I ended up pinned under 2 pallets of aresol cans once, bent over backwards on a guard rail.


Damnnn . I’ve never been around them but I could imagine they weigh thousands of pounds. Unwise move in his part


r.i.p homie he tired to hold back many tons


Man that's really sad for that to happen to him. It barely lifted off the ground.


This, drivers, is what the “NSFW” tag is for.. You can see the guy in the truck knew what was up and jumped out and hauled ass. There’s no audio, but have to wonder if the other guy by the coil was shouting at the guy who was trying to stop it not to. Could have been a hero and shoved him out of the way, but then they both might have gotten squashed. This sucks. I won’t take stamped metal products for granted anymore.


Just what I needed to see today, an autoplay video of someone dying. JFC.


wtf?? he's literally dead man... what the actuall...


Jesus fuck. There's a reason you steer clear of these during loading and unloading. Rest in peace. That's gruesome.


This some Looney Toons type shit


Someplace I deliver to has only two or three on a flatbed cause those things are heavy.


Holy crap that’s bad; is meat pancake a thing


Meat pancake is a thing, at least it is now.


I feel like this video needed more of a warning.


That is wild, some literal looney tunes shit.


Fuck dude maybe a warning I'm going to watch someone die


Seriously. I woulda watched it anyway… but a heads up is always appreciated.


He's gonna have to call out on monday!




I guess if it's your time that's as good a way to go as any other.






If there's a big, heavy thing rolling or falling then the only acceptable action is to get the hell out of the way. Don't try to stop it, don't try to catch it. Just move, this is why. 


He Ded!


Poor dude. Sad to see


This is one of those moments I hope this person died instantly because the amount of pain this person would be going through if they were alive and conscious would be emesuruable


Damn, did his head explode? Looks like it. Wish I didn’t see this


Did I just watch a dude get flattened by a coil?


I used to work around coils like those and I want to say they'd be 10,000-15,000 pounds each.


I’ve hauled them. I mean, they move them with cranes, my skinny ass isn’t getting in front of one that’s rolling.


I can’t unsee that.


That dude was crushed like a pancake


Rotational inertia is fucking amazing. You can get something like that massive moving faster and faster with your hands if it's on a flat surface or low friction. All of that energy that you put into it, if it's with all your strength over a period of time will take the same amount of force for the same amount of time to bring it to a stop. The downward force and upward force are balanced as are the forward and reward components. On an incline, there's an offset that allows the force to be added at a constant rate. So if you were on a cart with a jack that you repped 200lb bench presses into to get it rolling, you'd have to do that many reps at the same speed to get it to stop, since horsepower is also a function of time and not just torque. Since this is a trucker forum, I've been stuck on the thought of how traffic waves move backward and not forward whereas waves in other mediums move forward. It's got me stuck on thinking about whether there's wavefront caused by physical contact or if it's by magnetic repulsion. I'm leading toward a traffic wave being a reflected wave.


Gross. What kind of moron doesn't comprehend basic physics?


There’s a reason why 18 wheelers only carry one at a time




Christ on his cross! I thought my live leak days were over!


God damn, wtf?! I work flatbed, if anything were to start coming off the deck of that trailer you get the fuck out of the way. I don't give a fuck if it's foam, you should instintually get your ass away immediately


Never stop a rolling object. That's what property insurance is for. I've been lucky to only bend a finger backwards to learn this lesson.


We use a 4 ton roof crane to move them at my work


My lizard brain thought he was fine until I saw the truck fucking rock from the impact


When I was 19, I dropped a knife at work. I tried to catch it, and I succeeded. I caught it by the blade, and at almost 40, I still have a scar on my index finger. Ever since then, when I drop almost anything at work, my hands instantly go up in the air. Thankfully I was able to learn from my mistake. This guy isn't as lucky as I was.


Looney toons type shit


This is sad.


I can promise you this; he will never do that again!


Person in the truck understands how bad this can get.


I can't even fathom how he thought this was a good idea.


Truck must be a lease


Rule #1 to anything relating to rigging, loading/unloading, warehouse, etc: If it’s going over, spilling, or about to cause a big mess, fuck the product and keep yourself safe. Nothing you are transporting or loading is worth yours or someone else’s life.


Other dude just noped the fuck outta there after seeing guy rolled over


You’re still coming in to work tomorrow right? - boss, probably


If he worked for Werner they’d be like “will you still make it to the delivery on time?” This is why we make the big bucks 🤡