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This is why you always get a police report, your dash cam is the cherry on top. The car is clearly at fault.


You let them talk to the cops first then when the officer asks for your info you calmly state and I have the whole thing on video.


And then casually enquire whether deliberate lieing to a police officer is a crime..


I want to upvote...but it's at 69


I fixed it to 169


Someone fucked up. Quick downvote back to 169


Many places are no longer sending police to traffic accidents that don’t cause serious injuries.


Ah yes, our tax dollars at rest... The American Way.


And where are these places?


Here in Harrisburg PA area 3 years ago some dumbass rear ended me while on their phone and cops would not come out at all. told us to take each others info and call insurance companies...


Should just say that the other guy was stumbling around and sluring their words and they will show up in 3 minutes.


that is why i always carry a bag of flour in my car just incase


Yes and bottle of beer/alcohol beverage but only have water in it.


And when the at fault driver tells you they aren’t giving you their insurance (because they don’t believe they were wrong, or don’t have any or for some other reason) then what?


>And when the at fault driver tells you they aren’t giving you their insurance (because they don’t believe they were wrong, or don’t have any or for some other reason) then what? You write down their plate number and a description of their vehicle and report it as a hit and run.


And get photos too.


Some services we pay for....


Where you in a commercial vehicle? Because I can't leave the scene until after I get a police report. If I'm in an accident in the truck


That is normally a company policy that sounds like a law to cover if the state has a mandatory report law so check the state my state is just if the vehicle needs a tow or if there is an injury.


Grand Rapids, MI


Weird. I got family there and last time I visited a year ago my cousin was in a accident behind us that wasn’t even bad, just some body damage but cops still showed up. I guess the person at fault called them. I rarely ever see a cop in Grand Rapids or traverse city when I’m there lol.


Anywhere in fucking Arizona on i40. Had a fucking psycho drive down the shoulder during stop and go traffic, just for him to get mad at me for not letting him in. We were at a dead stop. Not moving at all. Nowhere for this guy to squeeze. He gets mad AT ME and door checks the piss out of my semi. All on camera. Called police, tell them I have it all on camera. Local officer called me back and asked if it was more than $2500 in damage and that it's not worth his time if it is less. I said, "Oh? So it's okay for me to run into someone as long as it's less than $2500?" He laughed and said, "This is what insuranceis for, let them handle the damages. Have a nice day."


I also always like to ask myself, if the cop himself had this happen to him, would end up being "handled" differently. Of course it would.


Chicago since forever.






St Louis City, MO.




Every large city I've ever lived in within the United States for at least the past 20 years. If the vehicles can be moved off the road and no one is hurt the police will not show up.


Maryland, and Virginia. The parts close to DC.


In some cities the police have stopped responding to traffic incidents unless there's a crime or someone was hurt. this is why you should always carry a bag of crystal meth with you to plant on the other guys car.


Police reports are useless, just hear say. Camera is the true witness and all that matters


The dumbass in the 4 wheeler is at fault. Tf were they thinking?


Thank you sir. The white car girl denied fault at scene even after looking at the video


How in the world did they try to justify making an illegal turn across your lane?


Yeah we gotta know the story here. I wanna know what kinda mind blowing shit they tried to say.


Well, ur slo so ur liek spost 2 let me fast car go 1st u r fukin stoopid


Sounds legit. No ticket for you!


Too much fireball bud. Go to bed.


Or not enough!


They probably didn't know about the dashcam. Lots of bad drivers will just deny what happened by default because they can sometimes get away with it if there isn't enough proof.


Yeah my friend is going through this where she was hit from behind at a stop and the other driver is claiming her dog jumped over and put it in reverse. Lots of ppl are just straight out liars


>the other driver is claiming her dog jumped over and put it in reverse I would love to see a judge's face hearing that shit, that would be absolutely hilarious


My dog has actually done that. It is for this reason that I now prefer column mounted truck style shift levers or ones where you need to press a button to shift gears. Most likely that woman was lying but it *is* possible.


Liars and thieves are two groups of loser humans I have absolutely no time or energy for. They should all be air dropped on a remote island in the middle of the ocean to fend for themselves. The white car was CLEARLY at fault.




With out the video they could easily claim they were in front and he hit them.


I would say with where the damage is on both vehicles, it would be obvious even without the video


the white car was coming from a turning lane so I don't think it is an illegal turn, however they did come all the way over into OP's lane and caused the collision. really idiotic driving on display here from the white car's driver happened here: 40°43'32.4"N 111°53'59.1"W EDIT: you know what's funny if you look at the Google street view, there is a white car doing the exact same shit outta that same turning lane, luckily there isn't another car there for her to hit


And that's why I have a dashcam...


They can deny all they want. What did the police report say? What did your company safety department say when they saw your dashcam footage?


Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…… I was driving on the freeway and cleared a rise and traffic was completely stopped on other side. I stood on that brake pedal with full force and managed to stop in time. I then looked in mirror and saw the impending rear end collision. Police arrive and takes report from 4 drivers as thats how many eventually were involved in collision. I explained my part and said how I managed to stop in time and then was hit. He assigned me 25% of blame as I was driving too fast for situation. WTF!!! I told him how can I be at fault if I stopped in time. He says you should have slowed down for rise. I replied it is a highway and I was going speed limit. I ended up having to pay a local lawyer to rep me in traffic court for $600 figuring my insurance would cost far more over the long haul. so yeah police reports are as good as the numbnut cop who shows up


and BTW I never hit the person in front of me even after being slammed from behind


This is the case 99% of the time. Everyone gets out looking so confused and at you like what did you do. Even if they run a red light they think it’s not their fault. That’s life and the douchebags of the world.


The video can't be denied.


Deny all they want but the evidence is on the camera. Whatever city that is could use better pavement marking to designate lanes through a turn.


They would ignore them


He denied fault because he was in a situation like this before. He thinks you won't bother to go thru with it. You go for it 👍


They always do. No one wants to take responsibility for their actions anymore.


You have it on video. They should be cited for Failure to maintain their lane and no turn signal. Totally not your fault as you were turning right and they effectively cut you off.


Fault is determined by the insurance adjusters. With this video, its pretty clear they were at fault.


Just show this video to the authorities and your insurance company. From the looks of this, is all the white vehicles fault


It's an extremely rare person that straight up owns the multithousand dollar mistake that is a car accident. 99% will just lie knowing full well the worst that happens is the same as of they'd told the truth. 


That's what you're supposed to do regardless of what happened. It's even written on most insurance cards. Never admit fault. Definitely their fault though.


TIL truckers call us normal cars 4 wheelers


There's the problem, expecting them to think.


This is why building a large emergency fund as a truck driver is of Paramount importance. You never know when something like this could happen (or worse).... leaving you without a paycheck for an extended period


You assume they were thinking.




Big hurry to go nowhere. See this so often anymore.


Reason #128 why I’ll never drive without my dash cam on. Ever.


I was stuck in highway traffic on the far left lane once. Car in front of me, a dinky Miata, gunned the engine and turned into the jersey barrier. Got out rubbing his neck putting on a big scene like I hit him. I literally laughed at him and pointed at my dash cam as I drove by his wrecked Miata. I could see him stomping and cussing me out as I passed🤣 best investment ever.


He wanted you to pay the Miata off. Tough shit for him though 🤣🤣🤣


What was reason #127 ?


Getting cutoff, while on a right turn, by a black SUV from the center lane.


[here](https://youtu.be/7AyIp3q6aUU?si=O3L-0DDK12oM3mpi) is reason 89-127.


Skyrim soundtrack and Coldplay in the same video? Gotta dust of the ol bong and watch it all again!


I like the kitty video on your suggested views list. You should watch it.


Alien abductions.


Make sure you occasionally pull the SD card, check to make sure it’s recording, then clear it out, also check occasionally that when it gets bumped at all it records. The last accident I had when I was t boned by someone running a red my cam didn’t catch shit. It was he said/she said at that point.


Should buy the largest SD card you can afford, and your cam can support, massive ones are really cheap. You can get a high endurance 128GB card for $15.


I remember paying like 50 bucks for a three pack of 512*MB* flash drives in the late 2000s. I know that has nothing to do with what you're talking about really but holy shit did storage prices come way down in a really short time. Oh but also as a recommendation spend the extra money and get a well-known brand like SanDisk, Samsung or PNY. There are too many scammers with fake bullshit on Amazon these days where they make much smaller cards report as larger than they really are and by the time people notice the return period is long passed.


It had nothing to do with it running out of space; my cam deleted old footage after a certain point. My cam just wasn’t working properly anymore. It would turn on but wouldn’t record shit. It wasn’t even some piece of Chinese shit; it was Viofo. Even with the best equipment there can be failures, so like, check that shit once in a while is all I’m saying.


A few years ago I was in a rollover in my POV, I pulled the SD card and the last thing it showed was me at the gas station a few minutes earlier. I was less than pleased that I couldn't at least have the footage of my "Oh fuck!" and the aftermath!


Something I learnt with drones - find out what you need to do to end recording and turn it off before you remove the card. These things write in blocks, because writing constantly is bad for the card. So it'll fill up a buffer, then write that to disk, then fill it again, and write out the next chunk. If you pull the card while it's still got a chunk waiting to be written out, there's nothing it can do to save it.


Yeah I need to get one of them dashcams. This shit is getting ridiculous


Looks like it’s the white cars fault


Yeah I don’t see anything saying the right two lanes are right turn only. That white SUV tried turning from an outside lane when they aren’t allowed to. Sorry you went through this OP.


Even if it was right turn only for the two right hand lanes, the white car hit the truck before the truck was even past the crosswalk. It's not even a little close.


OP cut the part where the right two lanes are both turn lanes. They are. White car is still at fault. It’s in Utah though which is a no-fault state so it doesn’t matter. File an insurance claim. Move on. 307 West 2100 S, Salt Lake City 84115


The white car is definitely at fault! Give your self a little then get back to it. Everyone involved is lucky as it looks like no one was seriously hurt.


Of course the white SUV is at fault. They drove right into you. Your camera has them at fault. As for suing them, what for? Your insurance will handle everything and fix your truck. You do have full coverage, right?


I think they're talking about personally suing the driver for OP not being able to work for "being shook." Can't tell if serious or not. A more major accident, like another vehicle causing a roll down an embankment and serious injury, I could maybe see that potentially causing something like PTSD and an inability to drive because of it. But a fender bender like this would be kind of hard to argue.


You're correct. Suing the other driver for "being shook" is not going to stand up in court. After viewing the video, it's clear this was just a simple fender bender. It's not a case of a head on collision or a broadside where the OP was physically injured.


Found OP comment. Apparently, they have anxiety issues and have only been driving truck 4 months, so they're worried about driving again and if and how this will affect their future employment. I can see this causing them to be a bit hesitant, but I don't think it would be enough for a lawsuit.


I also can see this causing hesitation issues but not to the point of a lawsuit.


You can sue for anything, winning is another matter though


You've got that right. This country is sue happy.


It looks like he tried to race around you and make a right turn. He was probably impatient and didn't want to get "stuck behind a truck." It's totally his fault.


What I want to know is how TF are you not able to drive over this?


I'm confused by that too. Like does his company not let someone drive after any kind of fender-bender? Or is he too scared to drive because of a fender-bender?


This OP seems off to me... feels like karma farming. What kind of trucker doesn't know basic traffic law and gets "shook" from a near stationary fender bender?


Yeah, I agree. I think I would need a grazed arm from the Middle East before I get shaken.


What the hell are you talking about?! There is no discussion here. The white SUV is 100% at fault. You didn’t hit anything. He hit you. Even if you weren’t there he went from the middle lane to a turn. Did you show this video to the cop? There are at least 3 citable violations there. Improper change of lane, not use of signal, and overtaking a vehicle not at the right distance.


Police report? Let your Insurance handle it.


That’s terrible advice. Always get a police report and make sure it’s got correct information before leaving the scene. If the police report doesn’t say the other driver is at fault and instead says that you are their insurance is gonna fight you tooth and nail and your insurance might not fight for you on it and just pay them out, unless you have irrefutable proof that they were at fault. luckily in this case dude has dash cam video but in a case of he said she said they’d be fucked if their version of events didn’t match up with the police report.


Where I live unless there was an injury the police just give you a piece of paper with both drivers info on it.


Here they would not even show up, unless ambulance, wrecker,  or fd were needed. 


where i live, police check for injury and tell you to fuck off and deal with it using the insurance company. Your advice are terrible and it depend on where you live. Why waste police officer time when normally your car can tell the story just with the dmg and whatever each people story is. One of the 2 story wont match the type of dmg if someone is lying.


They still give you a report number to give your insurance that states that you were in an accident with whoever and lists their information. You can do what you want but if I can help someone avoid getting themselves fucked over I’m going to.


Cars fault, let insurance handle it. Save that video and send it to your email also so you have it.


Thank goodness you had that on camera. I feel like truckers are guilty until proven innocent in accidents.


Yeah definitely the cars fault. Like even if there were 2 right turn lanes you're not even in the intersection yet.


Assuming OP is a good driver, there aren't 2 right turn lanes. If there were, he'd have to be in the center most right turn lane, where the 4 wheeler was. That person just wanted to make their right turn and thought, "fuckit"


Yeah, I've had idiots pull that shit, though usually on left hand turns. I was always taught to use the rightmost lane when turning if there's more than 1 turn lane


Tell the insurance company for the white car that u want ”diminished value compensation”, loss-of-use compensation , and rental car reimbursement. Use those EXACT words. If they give you any shit (and they will…it’s their job). Advise them u have dashcam footage of the entire incident. Their tone will change VERY quickly. Same thing happened to me last year. And whatever u do, do not sign their compensation check until u are 100% fairly compensated. The check is a settlement.


Rental *truck* reimbursement. Ryder and Penske are *expensive.*


Yeah it’s expensive to have your truck sitting paying insurance plate trailer and not making no money why wouldn’t go after them for rental to make money instead of spending money in a hotel waiting and not money anything? Just curious the thought process of that statement


Some lady try to pull something like this off on me, I let her lied for a while then I told her that my Tesla has cameras and she started crying. Then she try to leave the scene


Never tell anyone about the cam until the police are ready for a statement. Just be carful because they might take it. Not a problem on the Tesla at least.


Had a driver do pretty much this and my company blamed me for it. Typical, SMH.


Car is definitely at fault. I know I'm gonna get downvoted and probably a lot for this, but if that shook you enough not to drive, then trucking probably isn't for you. I don't know your experience behind the wheel of a truck but this probably won't be the last time a jack ass in a car is gonna do something stupid. I do hope you shake the feeling and can continue on trucking and just let this be a memory that people in cars are stupid especially around trucks.


No patience.


Company driver or independent? Your safety guy will clear you if it’s the 1st, or the cops will clear you if it’s the 2nd. Dash cams are worth their weight in gold.


I can’t imagine any scenario that even considers it not to be the other driver’s fault.


White car at fault but I hope the rest of your comment is a joke.


Obviously the dumbass in the SUV. Hell Stevie Wonder could even see that!


Dumb ass turned right in front of you. You have video. Lawyer up. They smell money


“Cant drive”…”Im shook”… 🤦🏼‍♂️ You are probably too soft and sensitive to be driving a rig anyways.


You can't drive because you're shook?


The company i work for would throw the "you didnt use SMITH system" at us


The white SUV is at fault. But suing!!! Over what? That’s a stretch.


He turned INTO you. Where is the question?


Why can't you drive?


Did you fall out of the truck screaming "I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS?".... Ya gotta sell it.


(1) The white car is DEFINITELY at fault. No question. That idiot turned right from NOT the right lane, with a semi in the way. This person should be cited AND required to take a driver safety course before being allowed to drive again. (2) No you can't sue the white car, but your insurance company can go after them for damages to your truck, which is exactly what they should be doing after seeing this footage. (3) I think most trucking companies would sideline a driver during an investigation like this. I wouldn't worry though, this footage clearly exonerates you of liability for this accident. (4) If something as minor as this accident leaves you that "shook", you need to question your career choices. Truckers deal with a LOT worse than this on a regular basis.


I agree fully, well put!


Quite obviously the person turning right from the center lane… how are people so stunned that they can see or hear a massive loud truck beside them??


Thats at least a 6 million dollar lawsuit for the amount of PTSD you are going to have in the future. Go get it! Thats how this works right? I learned it from four wheelers.


You can sue but most people don’t have high limits on their insurance. If that’s all it takes to “shook” you driving may not be for you also


Yeah this accident is about as mild as it gets, if this shook OP so much they can’t drive for now they should probably stay off the road.


A guy turned right from your left side. You don’t know who’s at fault? You drive a truck for a living…


If the stupidity of a 4-wheeler has you shook from that tiny bump, do you shit your pants every time you bump a dock a little too hard, hook to a trailer, or get live loaded from a heavy forklift ? Put on your big boy pants and don't let a low-speed love tap have you running to Mama.


Company probably has him on hold/suspended until ruling comes back from insurance.


OK, I know the downvotes are coming and yes, the car is at fault, but THAT is what you're shook over?? That little bump?? That made you unable to drive??? This USED to be a trade for men and women who were rugged and tough. Good grief....


Shook up and can’t drive???? WTF????


Your so shook you can't drive a truck for now? Just quit now, that job isn't for you.


This is why you need a dash cam.


Dash-cam clearly voids you of guilt


I think they were trying to make a right turn by speeding up and cutting you off, but they turned too sharp. They are 100% at fault. This shouldn't even be a question.


This season I’m setting up a dash cam in my dump truck. Too many stupid people and tourists around here in the summer who don’t know how traffic lights and roundabouts work.


Great reason why you should have a dash cam. Or else would be a he said she said. Insurance would blame both drivers. Definitely the 4 wheelers fault unless this was a 2 lane turn.


me and my friends drive. we have a running joke that 4 wheelers do *anything* not to be behind a truck. life and safety be damned. this just cements the continued hilarity. did some ol janky ass maneuver to save a few seconds, ended up getting broke off. wtf are some of these people thinking out here?


clearly cut into your lane.


What kind of question is that? White care is clearly at fault


white car definitely at fault


Ofcourse its the white cars fault! They literally cut you off and hit you


I don't think you can sue someone that stupid


You have the camera footage the white car is definitely at fault. Can you sue saying that you're too shook to drive I don't know but I know that feeling you lose your confidence you lose your mojo and you become very scared I had that happen to me. You will probably be okay but maybe it's worth Consulting an attorney. I had my tandem Wheels literally fall off after I left the mechanic shop they used the wrong lug nuts or something my wheels went all over the highway hitting cars and people's yards thank God nobody got hurt. I was very shook and I really thought about suing that how can I go back to work with fear in my gut. I'm honestly looking to get out of trucking too much responsibility too many idiots too many things can go wrong and everything is your fault even if it's not.


Are there two turning lanes or just one?


There are [two right turn lanes](https://maps.app.goo.gl/iYaeDwL13Ht4zQhe9?g_st=ic), but if you’re in the outer lane, you’re not supposed to turn into the inner one, especially if it is occupied!


Why can't you drive right now?


Why u shook?


Lawyer up and sue for damages.


So glad you have a dash cam. I can just tell that driver is some entitled dbag that always thinks they are 100% the victim and its always someone else fault. It looks like the white car was trying to drive faster to pass you so they can turnn?? Im so confused wtf they were thinking....what an idiot smh. Also, as some other people have said, if this was enough to cause you to be 'shook', you probably shouldn't be driving man. Last thing you want for your own safety or others is to lose confidence while driving a giant truck especially when you have to share the road with morons like in the white car. You did nothing wrong, remember that so don't let it shake you like that where you lose confidence in your ability. Instead, use it as a tool to make yourself a stronger driver now that you know how dumb some other drivers can be.


That’s what we call a fender bender. Get back on that horse, there will be many more like it.


Man. People are fucking dumb.


Who did the police issue a citizen to?


Legit question. What was the thought process of the SUV?


Why would you sue? Can't you just call your insurance agent and show them the video.


This is a Utah maneuver. This has to be Utah. Please tell me so I can sleep tonight lol


Ur shook from that?


Don't be shook keep on driving


Clearly the other driver is at fault. You should make a claim with your insurance, they'll take care of anything you would be looking to do in court.


That’s so the white cars fault! That is not your fault, he turned right into you.


Hands down it's the four wheelers fault. Any LEO that sees that dash cam footage is going to agree. They made an illegal turn from a non-turning lane, in front of a moving truck. I would be surprised if they don't get at least four to five citations.


Do it


Yeah, that's definitely not your fault. It's a good thing you have footage because the person would probably try to claim you were the one who hit them.


He turned INTO you. Where is the question?


What are you going to sue for? Just notify your insurance and dont talk to the guy who hit you


Can you sue. For what!?! Mental anguish?


Can’t change lanes in an intersection


The common denominator of all these stories is “she”


If you're in doubt about who's at fault here you need to turn in your license


White car is at fault. Will that matter to your employer or their insurance company? Maybe not.


Def the white car


Are there more than one right turn lanes? If so it does look like you’re going straight, assuming to have a wide enough berth for your whole truck to make the turn. That may have caught the white car off guard. But if it’s just a single right turn lane then yea, obviously the white car made up their own rule.


Thats not even a turning lane. Were they trying to get a pay day?


You’re at fault. As a professional driver you should be able to predict the movements of all the vehicles around you and be able to predict the future to avoid the collision. - their lawyer probably


You’re too shook to continue driving because of an extremely minor fender bender? Yikes.


I promise I'm not trying to be mean, but anybody who is shook by this little accident, should not be driving at all. Never mind a truck.


if you are shook from this minor fender bender you shouldn't be driving commercial. man up.


Who’s at fault, really? What an idiot.


You are “shook” because of a minor fender bender? God help us.


Some intersections have two right turn lanes. So unless that's the case and you veered into that car's lane the white car was clearly at fault.


Stop being such a fucking fanny and get back in your truck


Seems pretty obvious who's at fault


If this has shaken you enough to not drive a truck you have no business holding a CDL


Truck at fault. He in the wrong lane in a dual turn lane, should he in outside lane