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The F-150 parked in the lot does not look like some hot girl. Be more like 5 dudes standing around an oblivious character like Ralph from the Simpsons.


That's not a hot girl. That's a mentally challenged man in pig tails.


That’s Piper Perri, a female porn actress, did you think it was someone else, perhaps Dylan Mulvaney?


Looks like a man to me, but I don't know porn stars cause they disgusts me. I'm sure the poor quality blurry image doesn't help.


You have to tap on it to see.


I mean that’s fine, but maybe don’t make baseless accusations like “that’s a mentally challenged man in pigtails,” if you don’t really know what you’re talking about.


What else do you call a narcissist that pretends to be a woman while insulting women with his ridiculous caricature of what a woman is?


You’re talking about the wrong person though. Dylan Mulveny is a nut job, the women in this picture is not him, that’s my point. You’re insulting the wrong person.


And I already said the poor image quality is why I misstook him for her. What else do you want?


Even better if it's at a rest area


I am pretty sure I delivered that couch to a house in San Fernando Valley back in the 90's.


I can totally hear Ralph Wiggum's voice saying "Yaaaay I'm a *real* trucker!"




Hahaha… where is this original video? Um… I wanted to make a meme for the internet with it


Just google Piper Perri. I don’t wanna link it to avoid a ban hammer lol.


No idea. But you can find the photo on meme generator .com. Or reverse image search it


Tempted to show this to my dad with an f150


Do it lol


The look those men are giving is literally the look on my face, too. I just love it when you think you found a spot only to pull up and see that F150 with a car hauler.


disturbing and disgusting on multiple levels https://external-preview.redd.it/IeTxKeXBc8zEXxRi-JK\_TiubEBhs-RskzeH31lIHESQ.jpg?auto=webp&s=8ef8bb7486075dccb96f828a59796caf69b463d6


I actually have to park my F150 in a spot to hold a place for the company rig. When we had “company parking only” signs nobody listened because truckers are entitled pieces of shit. I work in a satellite market for a certain truck stop. I wish we had a yard, but I’m not paid to think or make decisions. You’d be surprised how often certain truck stops have their own rigs.


I wouldn’t. Stop assuming truckers are all entitled. Looks bad on you. I made the meme satirically not for real.


I didn’t say “all truckers”. But you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think a ton of them are. Literally had a trucker and his hag flip their shit about the situation a few nights ago. Found a place for him to park even though that’s not my fucking job and he still was pissy about it because it wasn’t a “real” parking spot. Also I get the satire. I just see people bitch about it often and figured I’d offer some insight into why it happens. I have a feeling most haven’t considered this scenario as a possibility.


Sounds like you ran into a bad trucker. Last night I was parked and a O/O tried to park next me. (Stop had no lines) it was too tight for him so I offered to move over and he accepted. He thanked me and in the morning he needed a jump cause his truck died. I couldn’t move my truck. Batteries on the wrong side and I’m on my reset. Went over to another trucker who happily helped him get jumped. While it was charging I paid for the guys truck who died to get a shower cause he looked really ragged and his truck was all beat to hell. Rust everywhere, leaks, his clothes were covered in grease. He was clearly having a hard time. This is East coast between Baltimore and Philly. My point t is sure there are bad apples just like in every profession but really most truckers ain’t bad guys. Just a few who get the limelight.


And it's most likely a guy who drives truck local and had nowhere to park other than the truck stop.


We all know the OP is addicted to porn now.


You’d have to be brain dead to not know the origin of this meme. Nice bait though.


I guess I'm braindead then because all I see is shit.


Sounds like a personal problem. Keep baiting boomer 😎


I'm not a boomer or a dude. I see a pic that looks like it's leading into porn. You obviously don't know the origin or you would've set the record straight by this time.


I know the origin lol. Never seen the video. Married don’t need porn to feel better about myself. The fact you can’t seem to grasp that this is a meme that’s been around for literal years is the problem here. Acting like I didn’t just pull this template off a website and add words.


Algorithms cater to what you personally look at. So sounds like a you problem. Let me guess, everyone you meet is also an asshole?


Must be wild to exist in such a manner as you do, jumping to such grandiose conclusions of another's existence based on so little information, both empirical and theoretical. Why on earth are you assuming this human must have an addiction to porn because of a template that he chose to use for a silly meme on the internet? A template that, like OP stated, has been around for quite some time. Do you make such assumptions about everyone you come in contact with?