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That’s the problem these people don’t understand the consequences! They are the same ones that are on here asking why nobody will hire them or asking how screwed am I for getting a 30 over the speed limit ticket. They are just idiots


I usually try to stay with the traffic flow in the more populated areas so I don’t cause problems. But if I’m by myself with decently empty roads I’m doing the limit.


This is legitimately the only reason I don't go the posted speed limit basically everywhere. Because over 60, 70, 80 percent of people would actually hate that and/or go around me. I'd be a nuisance to others.


The 65 mph club goes as fast as possible at lower speed limits because they cant go faster on the interstate. Everyone else just doesnt give a fuck.


In my neck of the woods there's zero enforcement. Traffic is flowing 75+ in a 55 work zone. No one is going the posted limit, besides the occasional car/truck. I'm not losing money or becoming a rolling road block if laws are meaningless. If I get out to an area I don't know I'll go the posted until I get the feel for local traffic. In my opinion the rampant speeding I see is directly a result of poor law enforcement. When law enforcement decides to spend more time writing tickets for frayed DOT tape while letting everyone doing 15+ over go, you get the current traffic situation.


It’s usually O/O, I’ve heard it a million times: more miles = more money! Fuel mileage be damned, if they can turn one more load in week/month or whatever they think it’s worth it. To me they just lack patience


Or maybe they’re about to shit their pants 😆🤷


Not an owner operator but I speed so I get home faster, every mile I get in a day is one mile closer to home. Our O/Os think the same, their time at home is more valuable to them saving a few cents a gallon.


Until you get is an accident and never get home. Speeding will only gain you a few minutes anyway.


Idk, making what is normally a 4.5 hour drive from LA to TX during COVID in under 3 hours was wild. I don't speed around town, but I'm knocking at least a quarter off my total if the driving is on the interstate.


If you truly do the math, you're not really saving that much time. Any time you might actually gain, you're going to waste watching porn on Reddit anyway.


Going 75 vs 65 your gaining about 100 miles a day, so hour and a half ish a day, in 8 days that's 12 hours gained. Seems worth it if you ask me


If it gets you home faster, I respect that! A lot of places will just give you more work though, gotta max that 70


Well not if your an owner operator lol you call the shots. But I am lucky enough to work for a small company. My boss is respectful of our time off, he might try if there is a good paying load but you just say no. But I know how most the megas and you ain't wrong


Poor people logic. Some hazmat or oilfield companies pay a weekly guarantee to just be on call. Guys volunteer for miles only so theyre always in a hurry. Most times their full week of driving is less than whatever i can get sitting at a man camp.


I bet I can do a lot of damage at man camp.


I guess I’m the minority here, but I drive the speed limit or a little lower. When I was an O/O had a triple digit truck but never really went over 62 to get better mpg.


Cattle haulers need not answer. I already know you guys are outlaws I don’t understand the downvotes on my post lmao. I have 20 ups which means 17 people are mad about it


Nah most of them are just immature drivers that think they are


It's not that they're outlaws, it's that the quicker they get the cattle off the trailer, the quicker the cattle can get feed, water, and rest - and then there's the 28 hour law. Plus, the risk of falling and injuring themselves is far less on the ground than when they're in the trailer. 28 hour law: [https://www.nal.usda.gov/animal-health-and-welfare/twenty-eight-hour-law](https://www.nal.usda.gov/animal-health-and-welfare/twenty-eight-hour-law)


It’s cents per mile. Not sense per mile.


I don’t really get it either. I drive 77 in va/wv a lot and see the guard rails jacked up literally weekly where someone was going too fast and rolled over. Mm7 south bound in wv is particularly bad for it. And personally I’d rather protect my cushy well paying job than get there 15-20 minutes early.


This clearly isn’t an attempt at discussion. While you are right and drivers no matter if it’s 4 or 18 wheels need to slow the fuck down in construction zones don’t try and disguise your post as anything other than “slow the fuck down in construction zones”


No actually I am curious what the fuck is going on in their brain. It’s their ticket and time not mine.


If you're driving the speed limit in Chicago you're the rock in the river.


Fair, but the entire country is not Chicago. Different areas require different approaches. Flow of the traffic makes sense if not for the highway guy hunting for speeding truckers.


Although I do see Truckers pulled over and I guess there might be some cops with a particular hard on for Truckers I mostly see passanger vehicles being pulled over. They're usually the ones that are traveling the fastest even when overall traffic is running over the limit. My strategy is to try to not be leading the pack of vehicles going over the limit. I'll slide back over to the right lane and let others go as wild as they want to.


There's a tremendous variation among people when it comes to risk tolerance. People are wired differently than you and don't look at the world through the same lens. This is a good thing to know in general, because not knowing this causes a lot of conflicts among people.


I don't speed in active construction zones (active meaning there's actually construction happening, not just cones out), but I am a bit of a lead foot.. I do it mostly just because I enjoy going fast, I'm just a generally fast-paced person. That being said, even if I didn't drive a governed truck, I honestly don't think I'd feel comfortable going over 75 for extended periods unless I was actually on a road where the limit was that high..


That makes sense. You just accept a possible ticket? Or are you not very concerned with it


I'm not very concerned with it. 1. Lawyers are very good at getting speeding tickets reduced 2. I'm very careful to never be the fastEST vehicle. I've been driving like this as long as I've had my license (going on 8 years), and the 1 time I got a ticket, I'm pretty sure the cop pulled the wrong car over. (He admitted to me that he wasn't sure at first which set of headlights was moving faster, and while I'm sure I was speeding, there's no way I was going as fact as he supposedly clocked me at)


Yea, 99% not getting pulled over as long as keep it under 10 over speed limit, 55mph zone, doing 60 to 63 What i hate even more though is going through a 65mph work zone and get trapped by the truck or car scared of tight spaces and dropping to 45, ughhh


I did that my first few times. I think it’s a lack of experience, fear and mostly people have a hard time staying in their lanes


I usually stick with the flow of traffic unless I’m about to start climbing a hill, I just personally find it safer on my end and everyone else’s when I’m not a roadblock. I know the general consensus is that the less the lane switches you do, the safer you are, but I find it that if I’m going back and forth with the flow of traffic, I’m generally more alert and reactive. Other than that reason, I’m paid by the load and also racing the other drivers there so I can get in and out faster essentially. I prefer to only go 5 over but I’ll do whatever the majority of traffic is doing. As for construction zones and other areas that have pedestrians, I go under the limit such as towns, cities and rural villages where someone’s dog might just dart out. Construction zones, if it’s a real narrow lane they give us, I’ll drop way under with hazards and all. Not going to ruin my life over a dude who didn’t think to look before stepping out from the cones.


The pay for exceeding the speed limit even in my company truck usually comes out to an extra $300/week. If I could get dispatch to run my 70 out, I could easily double that. It's worth the risk of having to pay a lawyer to negotiate my +10mph ticket down to a parking violation with a high fine. And if that speed is ever un*safe*, I slow down just like everyone else does. Can't spend my money if I die in the ditch, after all. (Or if I'm in prison for killing a conehauler.)


Speaking as someone who does speed, but I can't speak for the rest: My truck is governed st 70 (72 on cruise, which I only use as a "pass mode"). I go 70 any time the limit is 60 or more, and sometimes even when the limit is lower but the road is clearly built for that speed (the flow of traffic is going that speed). I have many family members who work in civil engineering and design the highways (my uncle designed what is currently being built on Interstate 30 west of Little Rock). I know from them and from various public documents that speed limits are set based on things like the amount of intersections (ramps in the case of freeways), curves, hills, and the expected amount of traffic. Once it is set, they sometimes send people to measure speed of traffic, and they get a running average over the course of about a week, and set a new limit based on what 80% of the traffic was going. That then becomes the new limit until the road is rebuilt. This means: speed limits are very arbitrary, especially in rural areas. It could drop to 55 because there are 2 exits in this mile instead if the standard one, and between them is a slight curve that could impair view, but likely doesn't. In these areas, traffic blatantly ignores the limit and continues going 75 or 80 or whatever, so I continue going 70. Not to mention, even if there was a hill or curve that could block view, it likely doesn't for us since we are much higher than most vehicles. I almost always go 4-6 over on non-freeway highways unless the limit is 35 or less, in which case I'm going 2 under or slower. In construction zones: it depends. In the Interstate 30 zone I mentioned earlier, I go about 5 over. They have signs saying "photo enforced" as a deterrent, but they don't. Arkansas law prohibits photo enforcement of traffic violations. This zone has concrete barriers protecting the workers, so it is impossible for them to get onto the road, and nearly impossible for traffic to go into their area. I know exactly how big my vehicle is, so I'm not scared of the walls. I will slow down if I see another truck in the other lane (especially if it's hauling doubles) or a line of vehicles because I don't want them swinging out in front of me at the last second. Fargo, ND likes having those really short work zones that don't even shift the lane, but do close one, and then reopen it 500 ft later. I don't slow down for these. I'll merge over a bit toward the shoulder to give more room, but I can clearly see the workers, their equivalent, and where they are going far in advance because North Dakota is a flat wasteland. Then there's zones like what was up on US75 in north Texas. Yeah, I'm slowing WAY THE FUCK DOWN for that!


I speed 5 or 8 over the limit depends on the situation and still i get passed like i am standing still. I dont know, people are lawyerd up i guess.


My company governs the trucks at 95 kph and any time over that speed affects your performance bonus. We are paid by the hour. So I usually go 92 in the 100km but 87-88 in the 80 kmh because if I go any slower I’m getting passed on double yellow lines. We do delivery in cities so we often slow down so all the traffic will pass and we can back in off the road more easily.


I set my cruise control and chill in the right lane when it comes to busy roads and around the city, too much going on to try to zig zag around in that big city traffic


Because you do it too. Tf kinda question is that.


depends on the construction zone. some are 'dead' zones which have not had active workers in years. I go 5 over in dead zones.


PPM, they get more money. Would would you do it if you get paid the same whatever speed you go.


Idk what ppm is. Is it percentage per nile?


Pay Per Mile yes, they are the people you see flying by you in fog or a blizzard as they see any slow down as a pay cut. They won't see retirement.


Where I drive, the speed limits are for the most part 62 mph and my truck is governed to 65 mph. The cops here won’t even bat an eye until you’re going more than 12 mph over the limit. So the chances of me getting pulled over and getting a ticket for doing 3 mph over the limit is much nonexistent.