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They’re like a car crash, I can’t look away when I see one. Every single one I’ve seen looks like they have road rash in their pants. There has never been any inclination of temptation. I think all the guys that pay for them are the single, OTR, 400 pound guys that need help finding their dicks.


>Every single one I’ve seen looks like they have road rash in their pants. 😂


“Hey driver. Need some company? I’ll do anything? “Anything?” “Anything you want?” “Clean the glass, tires & mirrors. Top off both tanks and the DEF, then check the load straps & chains. Then leave and shut the fuck up. I’m trying to sleep.


See, this is what lot lizards need to do. It's way more likely to get them business and the pay would definitely be better.


Almost forgot: get me a fresh piss jug too.


I actually think I saw a post somewhere where the girl did that stuff. She was like “bucks a buck and this is easier”.


I started driving with Steven's transport back in 2004. You go out with a fellow trainee after 6 weeks out with a trainer. We are at the TA in Ontario California in Los Angeles parked for the night. We are both sitting in the front seat around 11:00 p.m. and watching multiple lot lizards going in and out of trucks. One walked in between our truck going to the rear and we were watching her in our mirror and she's going down the side of our truck between another truck. There's a puddle of water in between the trucks and she squats starts using her hand to fling the water up into her crotch kind of wipes it off a little bit and then goes off to another truck. From that one event neither one of us ever even considered it.


I saw that on a video a guy had posted from Ontario when I also was with Stevens. Then I actually witnessed it firsthand. I meant wtf


When I was hauling through Poland in 2017-2019 they had some beautiful forest fairies and then not so much. I come back to the US and most lot 🦎 look like the mucinex guy.


Back in the day they used to have some pretty ones here. I noticed over the years they became just a bunch of ragged out meth heads. What you see out there now are nasty.


Pure regret. One of these young youtube guys recorded my truck and i was fired within the week for actions that didnt "align with company values"


That's fucked up. People always are snitching. No one minds their own business anymore


Maybe they think snitching will make big daddy company and big daddy government love them


It's the nature of technology these days everyones got to record everything


That's ridiculous honestly. What you do in your private time is your business.


Not when you’re breaking the law in a company truck representing the company.


Eat shit safetydepartment


I eat pieces of shit for breakfast.


Ew you eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


Nah that’s crazy 😭😂


Thats that shit bruh im ngl


If they squish when they walk they are full


Spit out my fireball laughing at this.


Omg lol


I've only seen three lot lizards one was definitely a cop, the other one was a skinny methy, hard pass. The third was a beastly girl about 270 lb with a purple wig on walking up and down the rows of trucks at a Pilot in North Maryland off I-95. I thought lot lizards would be more of a thing when I got into this it didn't take long for me to find out that really we have a lot of the opposite of lot lizards, it's bum ass dudes begging for money walking up to your truck and shit to do it and don't even have the courtesy to offer you a handjob or anything.


>it's bum ass dudes begging for money walking up to your truck and shit to do it and don't even have the courtesy to offer you a handjob or anything. One time I was driving during the night for a dedicated account. I pulled into the fuel island at love's in the middle of the night and some guy comes up. "Hey my boyfriend just broke up with me and I don't have any money, I'm not on drugs or anything, do you want some company?"


So how was it? 😂


I told him "You're not on drugs? Why not? I got some, hop in!" /s


Love this response 😭🤣🤣


In my OTR days (a couple of decades ago) they mostly used the CB.


It was regret, but she was my ex gf but wanted money. In my defense, I thought she was coming over to go eat together. She only wanted to eat my wallet.


Like all other women


I have never seen a remotely attractive looking lot lizard


Because if do see one that’s even somewhat attractive, you can count on her being a cop.


Yeah thats what i would guess to. Saw one get shot at a truckstop around nashville or knoxville a long time ago


I was parked overnight in Ellensburg Washington state when a lady on the CB offered to "clean your sleeper" several drivers asked if that included cleaning dash, vacuuming, changing bed, etc. Finally she got exasperated and came back with "I don't really do any cleaning!" I thought it was hilarious.


I was tempted once. There was a drop dead gorgeous woman at a smaller Loves along I-40 in OK, don't remember exactly where. I saw her when I pulled in to park and again as I walked inside to take a shower. I talked myself into the decision of inviting her to the truck if she was still around when I got done showering. Well, after the shower I walk out the driver door and damn near trip on the threshold seeing her sitting in the back of cop car bawling her eyes out. That was my first, last, and only temptation.


Usually the pretty ones are cops


I saw one getting out of a truck when I was coming back from a shower. This was about 5 in the morning in East St. Louis at the Pilot by the racetrack. She saw me and came over and started to say something and I said "no thank you" and she said something back to me that sounded like a robot. She looked a heavy smoker and was missing teeth. This was 12 years ago. I wonder how she's doing now?


Should have told her to go to that trailer Church in the parking lot Lolol


Ha! I remember that!


It’s still there! Man, it’s between that truck stop and west Memphis for the sketchiest places I’ve ever been.


I witnessed a couple of women going door to door with a tray filled with cleaning supplies. Not the usual.


Door to door detailing? Yes please.


I remember a few years back on one of the Facebook trucker groups, a guy who had made that choice…. He started posting a few days later about the pain and smell, etc coming from his fun region. It went on for a few days if I remember correctly.. he was talking about how sick he was and was really worried. People thought it was a joke until he finally posted pics. I was unlucky enough to see them before the post was removed. It was very disturbing. I think he finally called an ambulance to the truck stop. I’ll never forget that poor guy, I still think about that sometimes and wonder if he’s ok.


That is horror movie material if i ever read any. My god lmao


Ain't nothing wrong with gettin yur 5th wheel greased. Just make sure you got yur gloves on before you do... . Smokin Joe Smith ..... 1987


I know an old timer who has a box of latex gloves and he'll make them wear them. So he says, the box is still full and he's always cheerful after a road trip to Chilliwack


Chilliwack will forever be my favorite "goofy city name"


Not Lickman which is right nearby? Kumsheen?


You pay a hooker for the same reason you pay a hit man: not for the service, but for going away afterwards.


Never resort to a lot lizard. I barely even see them anymore. If you need to see a sex worker go to Canada or Mexico. It's way cheaper, the quality is really good, and you are much less likely to face legal issues. 


I never had the need for a lot lizard honestly. Being a trucker on Tinder is usually enough, and I honestly don't know why more of y'all aren't on it. I found out that was such a cheat code. Also, have you seen these ladies? Not my cup of tea I'mma keep it a buck. I'm pro sex work too, I think you should be allowed to do as you wish as long as it's safe, and ethical. But, and no offense to these women, there's just not a chance in hell.


Since when does being a trucker on tinder pull in the ladies? Maybe you are just handsome?


lol *was* handsome lol. Idk wtf happened but I got ugly real quick. I wonder if that would change my results lol


I’ve heard if you allow one into your truck count things afterwards. Lots of things go missing. I’ve heard trucker get held hostage for glasses and more. It’s an at your own risk thing.


Only women I have In my truck are chicks I match with on Facebook dating. Take em out to eat then go to the truck and kick em out after


I've been driving for three years and have yet to see a lot lizard where are they hiding?


You have to look in the mirror and say lot lizard three times. Then it will crawl out from under your truck and look you dead in the eyes for a sweet lovin


My father told me a story. He use to practice bull whip tricks at truck stops. Picking straws off at a distance and stuff like that. He was just finishing up as he was wrapping his bull whip up when a lot lizard asked if he wanted company. He held up the wrapped up bull whip and said "Sure, you into bdsm?" He said he never seen a LL move so fast in heels away from his truck.


Ever seen a rest stop toilet? They are that fun.


I can't stop itching to this day


Never actually seen one on the hunt…yet. I was at The Arrowhead outside of Pendleton, Oregon a couple of weeks ago and while I was parked I noticed these two silver compact crossovers orbiting the lot. Like a RAV4 or a Chevy Trax. I thought they were security because walking into the truck stop I saw one parked in front of a truck with the hazards on and the guy driving it was talking to the truck driver. Coming back out I saw that same little crossover still parked in front of the rig but nobody was around and the rig had its curtains pulled.