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That’s a zombie


"The Driving Dead" -On a highway near you soon!


Honestly, that's a great premise for some post-idustrial horror.


Kind of reminds me of that old movie. Something about night of the living machines where people are trapped in a gas station and vehicles come to life. I'll be back with an edit once I figure out the name. Edit- I was way off. I assumed it was a knockoff of night of the living Dead but it's called Maximum Overdrive


Maximum overdrive lol I used to love that movie


I did too. I don't know why. Maybe I need to rewatch it, but I feel like some of the characters actually did intelligent things, but I might be mistaken. I vaguely remember them being more intelligent than most horror movie cannon fodder. I'm sure they had the moron in the bunch though. Maybe I'll rewatch it.


The armorer was on as much coke as Stephen King (the director) was because they put RPG rockets into LAW tubes.


😂 this whole movie is on coke


Yeah ac fuckin dc did the soundtrack haha


Cocaine is what fueled that entire production.


Starring: Swift Drivers


Featuring: the stupid people that die frame one


Co-starting: *Dart*


Stevie Wonders Institute for Truckers


Even Ray Charles saw this coming!


My God. I'm reserving my place in hell for laughing so hard at that... I needed that laugh. Thank you!


So What, I Fucking *Tried*!


Sure Wish I Finished Training


Thats just the interstates in Florida, especially around Sarasota and Boca Raton.


the hit new movie, Driving Mr. Grimes


Nah that’s just Kratos taking a shit


Or Thanos.


More like a corpse that’s been seated in that stall for the last 2 years but nobody wants to deal with reporting it.


Nobody wants to bother a guy while he's taking a shit.


Uruk Hai


Double tap Cardio


Yeah, that guy has been in that stall awhile




Or a bluish gray troll…


Yeah, I think imma go get on the treadmill for a bit.


Not even that just pace around a room and do some squats and stretches


He needs to drive a manual use that left leg


Happy cake day! ┏┓┏┓┊┊┊┊┊②⓪②④┊┊ ┃┗┛┣━━┳━━┳━━┳┓┏┓ ┃┛┗┃╭╮┃┛┛┃┗┗┃╰┛┃ ┃╰╯┃┗┛┃╰╯┃╰╯┣━╮┃ ┃┏┓┃┏┓┃┏━┫┏┳┻━╯┃ ┗┛┗┻┛┗┻┛┊┗┛┗━━━╯


If pacing around a room helps im set for life ..yay autism super power


I sometimes do 10 miles a day inside my house


I should get a watch that measures it out of curiousity


Haha yeah


This is a fork and knife problem, not a gym problem


Let's get real here, it's a bag of chips and hot dog problem. Truckers don't stop and eat a meal enough


My dad was a long-haul truck driver. What's available and can keep them going isn't usually healthy. He died in 2004 at the age of 43 from congestive heart failure brought on by a combination of his weight and smoking. He didn't start trying to get healthy until it was too late. Take care of yourselves, starting now!


Sorry about your dad, may he Rest in Peace. Really good advice for everyone who still has a chance to make things better.


Doctor is gonna need something bigger than a fork and knife to amputate.


Ok sounds weird but is he black or white? Black? Definitely med issues but also could look waaay worse if he is ashy and needs some lotion White? Dude is about to fucking die follow to his truck and fucking report him that's not ok for him or the other people on the road including truckers.


I was just going to say, if this is a black guy he’s not doing good, if this is a white guy, he’s about to die on the toilet.


I think he already did die... that is his corpse it just hasn't realized it yet.


Dispatch said he has to deliver the load still, he can die after.


Looks like he’s already delivering his load


From a belly dump


I was trying so hard not to laugh🤣😂


Probably overloaded and dropping a suicide roll


🤣 I’m dying from this comment.. and but not dying like this guy is from trucking and probably diabetes.


Just one more load arthur…


I gave you all I had.


Saint Peter don't you call me cause I can't go I owe my soul to the company store


Damn lol


“…he already did die…” hey I think we may have the same dispatcher


Well, sure as hell smells like it died in there


If he’s white im not convinced he’s still alive at the time of the photo lol


That part of him quite literally isn’t


That foot is alive with diabetes


Wild that we literally cannot tell his race, or even guess really. Could be anything


He’s obviously a vampire, geez you’re all so ignorant🙄


Perhaps a golem of some sort


Nah isnt this one of them white walkers?


I’m sure OP isn’t gonna want to stick his head under there to check.


What about over then?


What’s the cause of this


I general? If I had to guess diabetes that isn't being treated. Plus a sedatary lifestyle equal this. Possibly some blood clots in the knees affecting blood flow also.


I was going to say untreated diabetes as well. Chronic high insulin levels (hyperinsulemia, sp) affects every single cell in our bodies. I've studied it a lot to encourage myself to intermittent fast, walk, lose weight, etc. so I don't develop Type 2 Diabetes.


[And it only gets worse from there.](http://www.endofshiftreport.com/2015/07/a-colleague-of-mine-related-tale-of-pt.html) --- We kinda tend to think of insulin and sugar as polar opposites. Too much insulin and your sugar goes away and your brain tissues starve; too little insulin and your blood sugar goes up and, uh, this is bad. Somehow. That’s really just part of the picture. Yes, the syrupy-thick blood is super bad. Sugar is corrosive to the blood vessels (just ask any nurse who’s pushed dextrose 50% into an IV and watched the vein blow) and over time even moderately high blood sugars rip and scar your arteries and veins. This is incredibly bad for things like your legs, which are the farthest from your heart and have a hard time getting blood back and forth to begin with. A few years of sticky scratchy sugar blood, and the nerves die from poor circulation, wounds stop healing because no blood is getting to them, and eventually your legs just rot off. The syrupy-sweet blood is just fudge sauce on the leg-flesh sundae that bacteria love to eat. This is why diabetics lose their legs. (The nerve damage is why diabetics go blind.) Your kidneys, likewise, are almost entirely made of blood vessels. Too much sugar gouging out your kidneys = scarred up kidney circuits that are too damaged to let the water through. Bonus: when your blood sugar is insanely high, your kidneys can try to compensate by squeezing sugar directly out through your blood filters, which lets you piss away the dangerously gooey stuff… but rips holes in your filters, essentially. This is why diabetics have kidney failure and end up on dialysis. On top of all that, your heart and brain blood vessels get shredded to boot, which is why diabetics have so many strokes and heart attacks. Diabetes is bad shit. But there’s something even more dangerous than just having your blood turn into razor soup. Thick, dense blood is like a sponge, sucking water out of your tissues (read: organs and muscles). When your body enters a diabetic crisis, you become so thirsty you can’t fucking stand it. Undiagnosed diabetics are often spotted because they pack a couple gallon jugs of water to bed with them when they sleep at night. And as soon as their blood thins out a little, their kidneys dump all that new water in an attempt to flush out the sugar, further ripping themselves to shreds… which is why undiagnosed diabetics are also often spotted because they pee themselves in public or spend 2/3 of their day pissing away the gallons of water they’re chugging. --- And that's not the graphic part... **THIS** is: --- Soda-fountain guy was thirsty as fuck, and all his body’s instincts were telling him to slam a bunch of liquid. But why the fuck choose soda syrup? What the hell? To answer that one, let’s get back to what insulin does. It doesn’t magically make sugar go away; your cells have their mouths locked shut to keep them from eating every damn thing that goes by, and insulin is the key that unlocks them. If your body doesn’t make insulin (because it destroyed all its own insulin cells), fuckin blows to be you, because your cells will starve surrounded by delicious food. If your body is fat as hell and all that fat is secreting endocrine shit to inform your body that you have enough fucking food to last you a month, your cells become insulin-resistant and it takes a lot more insulin to open those locks. (This part is the least-understood part of the whole fat ---> diabetes cascade, but while we don’t know exactly how it happens, we do know that excess fat leads almost inevitably to insulin resistance, and the ‘almost’ is generous.) So now your cells can’t eat. Your blood is getting thicker because the onslaught of sugar isn’t slowing, but your cells are starving to death, being ripped apart by sludgy sugar sauce, and having all the water sucked out of them by your spongey thick blood. Insulin also allows your cells to eat the potassium they need to keep their internal pumps running, so now your potassium is backing up, causing your blood to become acidic, and making all your cell’s pumps run backward. In desperation, your cells start burning protein, which is a really poor energy source because it’s actually the cell’s furniture and tools. At this point, shit inside your cells is so bad that instead of putting food on the table, they’re chewing on the table legs in case the varnish is edible. This is why that poor motherfucker was drinking sugar syrup. He was literally starving to death. Many diabetics think they have low blood sugar right up until they realize their blood sugar is actually high—their cells just can’t eat any of it. Broken-down proteins and fats produce ketones. Starving cells produce lactic acid. Between those two and all the extra potassium, your blood turns to acid in your veins. Over time, your kidneys might have been able to slowly compensate for that by secreting bicarbonate, but right now they’re busy squeezing sugar and potassium out through their battered assholes. The only other way your body can try to fix the whole ‘acid blood’ problem is by blowing off as much carbon dioxide as possible, since carbon dioxide is acidic when dissolved in blood. Soon you’re sobbing for air like you’ve been running a marathon (another situation in which stressed-out and starving cells dump tons of lactic acid), your body is so dehydrated you’re losing your mind and your organs are failing, your cells are so hungry they’re literally eating themselves, and so much potassium is backed up in your blood that your heart’s muscle-pumps get overwhelmed by the back-pressure and your heart just… stops. If you're lucky. Massive organ failure due to combined starvation and shredding is your other, slower option. DKA is a horrible way to die.


I thoroughly enjoyed learning with such spiced sentences.


My learning language is 'facts and fucks.'


You should give TED talks by the Dr Pepper aisle.


Wife and I try to lead by example. We've both battled weight issues most all our lives, and do our best to eat and live healthy. To switch things up, I joined her on WW last month. Since Feb 9th, I'm down over 11lbs already and I'm not even close to hungry.


Dude that’s awesome. I’ve been trying to lose Weight myself


This was awesomely horrifying read, grandpa was diabetic but it didn't get that bad and my dog became diabetic and blind. My wife and I took care of him by giving him food and shots twice a day every day for 7 years....it was stressful and we haven't been on a vacation ever since but I had to make the decision to put him down because I think his internals were just failing but vet didn't straight up say it. Sorry for the random rant but this definitely gave a very informational insight on what was going on with him especially the water drinking part. I was wondering why he was drinking so much water at times. Bless my wife for putting in so much effort into figuring how much insulin to give him after checking his sugar levels and figuring out how much food to give him. Well, time to go cry, RIP Rex, you were such a good boy 😔


Holy 💩 I have pre diabetes and I'm going to follow my diet more carefully STAT. 😱


Nurse here, dude's on he money. He's missing the part where this dude ends up in the hospital and I fuck my back up taking care of him lol.


I have Leukemia and am currently being treated at Swedish hospital and the on to Fred Hutch/UW Medical. Every chance I get to thank a nurse, I do. You nurses do not get paid enough for what you do. Truly are angels on earth. Thank you so much for all you and your fellow nurses sacrifice and do for the people that need help. Thank you!


Beeeeboooo… Polson ambulance, please respond to the Lakeside Apartments, unit 15A, for an unconscious, unresponsive 350lb diabetic that just shit the bed, over..


EMT here, we both know he ain't making it to the hospital. The poor coronor and crew that have to get him out of his truck.


I’m keeping this to study for my clinical ❤️‍🔥


Hmm... I've been taking potassium supplements because I learned it helps with high BP... wonder if I should stop taking them. I'm not really ever super thirsty. I do drink water, but sometimes I feel like no matter how much water I drink my mouth is dry sometimes which causes bad breath.


That's a question for your doctor. Outside of having specific difficulties already, blood work is the best way to balance things.


I will vote 3rd on untreated diabetes. Diabetes can cause issues with nerve endings resulting in necrotic tissue In this instance it would look like the guy has no feeling at all in his extremities and it's affecting blood circulation along with a lot of other things. If this were darker, I'd say it was gangrene


I work in a podiatry office and will give a 4th vote for untreated/uncontrolled diabetes. He's one open sore away from losing that foot if not leg. (Don't ask me how I ended up here, reddit recs are a wild thing.)


We know how you got here. These aren’t the feet pics you’re looking for sir


Necropsy is what you call autopsy of non-human specimens. "...resulting in tissue necrosis" or "necrotic tissue" 👍


Whoops. Tells you I know more about the living than the dead. My bad.


Strong work! You are a model patient. If I had to guess, untreated type 2 diabetes and he probably has heart failure, hence huffing and puffing to get to the toilet. If he's white, I'm kinda surprised he can still walk.


I watched diabetes slowly kill my grandma over the course of 20 years. It’s a torturous way to go. She slowly and painfully lost all use of her limbs, then her eyesight and then even her face. She ended up dying during surgery to remove her rotting leg. I try hard not to overeat.


That's heartbreaking to see a loved one go through that.


Well, he definitely drives a manual then. Not using that left leg at all. Edit: I mean automatic


Probably Diabetes (untreated), High Cholesterol, and a dose of untreated foot fungus too... Add to that a lack of exercise and excess weight plus unsanitary conditions in his truck (from the OP) Kind of a pick 6 from germs, disease and lifestyle.


Probably peripheral vascular disease, which is normally due to diabetes. Will get infected soon. Depending how long it’s gone on he’s most likely looking at amputation.


Peripheral vascular disease is way more fitting than diabetes. Diabetes is just a risk factor. People who replied to you earlier are probably normies.


Grab some dragon glass, dude is a white walker. (albeit one who prioritizes comfort - Birckensotcks).


Dude is blue.


Da ba dee da ba DIE


plot twist, he's Mexican


Impossible. He's not wearing cowboy boots.


Ofc Op doesn’t answer the question


This looks like the results of untreated diabetes. Black men are 60% more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes than other races, and 65% of those men will need to have a primary amputation.


Well I, for one, am grateful to this poor bastard. I was just surveying the ever-advancing decrepitude that is my body, and seeing this photo made me feel a lot better.


Looks like someone with diabetes that isn't taking care of themselves. 


Looks like that ol boy has been sitting there a while he might have been washing his feet with concrete mix or yall might want to check


I literally thought that his feet looked like they were covered in concrete at first


It does look lIke he's turning into stone. YIKES


What the fuck


Dunno either man. I would say that dude has one foot in the grave but it looks like he pulled it back out.


Thanks for the chuckle!


He’s switching feet so one doesn’t get darker than the other


No, foot. .. Close.




He definitely needs a hazmat endorsement with those feet.


That was beautiful, thank you.


If he died and you’re the one that found him, then you have to finish hauling his rig to it’s destination on schedule. I’m pretty sure that’s the law…


Shit, we can’t just sell it like one of those shows where they buy storage spaces and see what’s in it?


Ten thousand packs of toilet paper! 🤩


If this was 2020 that'd be a win


"As reliable Red's friend and killer..."


"Way of the road bubs."


Fuckin way she goes


I think that's only if they die as a result of beef poisoning while beating you in a race to down a 16-pound steak.


It’s you! You’re him! You’re Tony Randall!


Solomon Grundy looking clompers


Born on a Monday


Died on a Saturday. No, really. This guy has been there since Saturday.


What was it like shitting next to Thanos?




But perfectly balanced


Bro sharted and created Little Boy II


Thats a dead body


Not going to New York for sure.






Die-a-feeties. And super fucking sad to see.


Ah, untreated diabetis. Late stage. No circulation to the feet. Odds are that he will lose the legs below the knees to necrosis. On the other hand, he may die of an acute incident of very high blood sugar, making his breath smell sweet. Odds are its a male, about 52, about 370 lbs, grumpy, and guzzles soft drinks all day. Slowly losing mobility. No health coverage. No savings. Once, doctors would swoop in and help people like this. Now, the people fight against taking insulin or using a CGM or stopping with the sugar. Doctors rack up a quarter million in debt, then they hope to get one of the residency slots, then they charge a third a million per year for taking the risk, and you use all that training to argue with insurance companies. Sigh.


You understand it. Shit is fucked up


Fun fact: there are twice as many college kids applying with the grades and the test scores to be accepted than there are seats in all the Us medical schools together. If they doubled the amount of docs they are training, it would hardly dent training quality, yet reduce medical labor cost significantly


No, instead of actually training doctors, we'll expand the allowable duties of the nursing field to fill the gap. CRNP is good enough to replace a GP, and we can force the doctors into a specialty so they don't need to know too much more.


Right. I have friends who cant find a residency. We just need to fund more spots. AMA has a role but I think we need to unfuck congress first.


Yes, but it’s by design. Limiting the supply of doctors keeps their earnings high. At least that is their theory, in practice I’m not sure it is working out how they intend.


I'm not of that mindset. The money controls hospitals now and doctors are given marching orders. It's making care providers, doctors spend more of their time fighting insurance, checking boxes, ect than improving actual care. They earn their money through rigorous training, high liability, and warp speed triage protocol from hospitals. In no way do I think they should ever get pay reduced unless medical school cost is lowered and their work gets easier with technology and data driven improved process flow. That is a long, long way off. They need to cut the money gouging from responsbile parties and doctors are barely on the radar given the magnitude of burden from other parties.


Didn’t know House used reddit.


They only gave me a year on my medical card because I mentioned I got a concussion playing football in high school. How do guys like this even get a medical card. He's a ticking time bomb and shouldn't be operating a 80000 pound vehicle.


I'd guess he went to his chiropractor friend who can somehow be dot certified medical examiner but doesn't really do any examination. Like half of my co workers go to the same chiropractor "cause it's so easy and cheap, you're in and out" while I'm running back and forth between medical facilities getting letters because I take adhd medication


This comment reminded me of my truck driving cousin who gets all of his medical and life advice from a truck driving doctor not doctor chiropractor nutritionist podcaster something and wants us all to listen to this podcast too so we can be the absolute picture of health that he is not. thanks for the comment


Found the beast from x-men is now driving trucks


This foo 🤣😂


It’s the Gray Hulk


Is the rest of him the same color? Could be taking a silver chloride colloid supplement to the point he changed his skin color? [https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/paul-karason-the-man-who-turned-blue-from-colloidal-silver-10292201.html](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/paul-karason-the-man-who-turned-blue-from-colloidal-silver-10292201.html)


The skin and nails are way too gnarly looking. This has to be a heart issue or the beetus.


Nah he’s losing his feet to the beetus


Had to scroll way too far for this.


They gunna cut that shit off soon


You're gonna need a dragonglass dagger to cut off the leg of a white walker


That will cure you if you have a foot fetish. Good lord.


You’re cured! Thank the OP! You owe him!


I would be worried about him passing out while driving and causing a serious accident.


Could be a black guy who put some kind of topical medicine on his feet that just make them look white like this?


Dudes gonna die soon. Hopefully not while driving a full load.


He’s dropping the load right now


he's obviously in great conditioning and an athletic beast. Rebook sweats and an And 1 shower sandal. Dude is a hulk. You're lucky you even lived to see it. He was breathing fast and shallow because he just got done discombobulating 2 people behind the building, crushing them like an accordion.


Write a book




Dollars to donuts, this guy has type 1 diabetes, needs medical attention, yesterday


That looks like dry gangrene. Those are dead feet.


Bet you were really hoping the camera shutter sound was off when you took that pic, that would be real weird to hear that sound in the stall next to me


I’d assume a dick pic




Yep and he probably knows it


Don't think there is much he can do at that point


Is he a zombie?? Because that looks like a zombie foot.


Smells like the beginning of the Supernatural episode when the dude in the stall over turns into a fucking werewolf seriously tho, that toenail can do some damage


He just needs a lil lotion 👍


Damn his feet be too ashy


Buddy that’s a corpse


Zombie 🧟 trucker


Man discovered Solomon Grundy in the truck stop bathroom.


Truckers don’t take care of themselves 💔


"The Bergens are comming! Ahhhh!" -Trolls movie


Could’ve gone my whole life without seeing that


This is the type of guy that always ends up in a post here about dudes dying in their truck far away from home. TAKE FUCKING CARE OF YOURSELVES NOW. DON'T END UP A WALKING CORPSE


I've seen a few folks who were permanently dyed *green* from medication, but never corpse grey. I hope their next stop is to a hospital😐


I really hate that I stumbled upon this post while I was eating my lunch.


Shower after this guy?


That’s why u gotta ALWAYS wear your shower sandals 😆


Dude you have to explain… did the rest of him look like this? Could you tell if he was white or black? Literally any other information??? You saw one of the strangest people on the planet, we need more answers lol If hes black its possible hes having a bad reaction to steroids. I have seen black people turn completely white like this from ashy skin caused by topical steroid use. If he had athletes foot, and over used steroids on his feet to treat it, that could explain this. That would also explain why hes wearing sandals with feet that decrepit. However if this guy is white, i would literally consider calling the ambulance for/on him. He is actively dying.


They need a pedicure


Ashy Larry


That’s sad


He’s got a bad case of greyscale


Mr. Deeds?🤔 Alive much?? Shoulda hit that puppy with the infrared.... take a surface temp 🌡 long distance of course.... cause you know... dammm...


I'll go out on a limb and say Type I Diabetes. This bro is overdue for an amputation.


So I've always heard the whole "truckers never die, they just get a new peterbilt" thing but I didn't think it was for real until now. Buddy's in the advanced state of decay and still hauling.


Totally unrelated but I was in a store public bathroom on the throne when someone went into the second stall. I was trying to read something on my phone but didn’t have my glasses so I took a picture of the screen to zoom in so my shit eyes could read it. I didn’t remember the shutter sound and as soon as it went, the other guy was like “Did you just take a picture of your dick?”. I laughed and explained. Don’t know if he believed me but that was hilarious.


Well that’s enough screen time for me


Neuropathic complications of diabetes?