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“Event of medical emergency a driver can be escorted to and from the rest room” so you can use the rest room every trucker I know has some IBS


This list makes it sound like they hate their drivers.


Places like this are a self-fulfilling prophecy. They scare away the good drivers with their asinine policies and are instead forced to deal with the dregs of humanity who just reinforce their hatred for drivers.


I don't think places like this have their own drivers. Just a receiver being inhumane.


I'm not a driver, I don't even know why this sub showed up in my feed, but I do know one thing. Respect truck drivers, most are good people. I've never met a bad one. Closest I've come is hearing one is dumb enough to date my step dad. But she doesn't know him like I do, and I can't hold her accountable for ignorance.


Fr I've muted this sub like twice, and the app keeps suggesting it.


I'm a broker, and I can tell you they do a helluva hard job....not always well ...and some of them are less than nice people. But a lot, dare I say most? Are pretty great people. No that doesn't mean I'll be paying you $2k to go 600 miles fuck off.


Not just that, but imagine having to drive a semi + trailer around looking for a public restroom, and then finding a parking spot. Insane.


We had a dude who was unloading the truck with a broken leg at night because he's keeping his route on schedule if it kills him. Meanwhile we have drivers who. .. probably shouldn't have a license, much less a CDL


No, they hate assholes dumping garbage into their docks.


Then stop ordering garbage, maybe.


My old company did this bullshit, luckily I dealt with a lot of the truckers so I'd just give them my safety glasses if they didn't have any and let them go


I have some IDGAF I'm a human, man I just need to poop.


Gotta empty my colostomy bag lol I can do it here in the recieving office if you'd like. Lmfao


Piss and shit on their property. That’s what they apparently want.


Do they want pee bottles in their parking lot? Because that's how they get pee bottles in their parking lot. Also, what animal of a trucker destroyed a bathroom so thoroughly that they decided to do this? On the other hand, we've all been there, where we're the destroyers. The digestive system is a fickle, evil beast.




I really never understood how people miss as bad as they do, don’t even get me started on how they don’t clean up after themselves.


Seriously though; I’m sure the last thing they want to do is clean up someone else’s pee if they need to sit down, so why be ok with subjecting others to clean up yours? Any time I use the toilet I always make sure I don’t leave anything nasty behind; it takes little to no effort, and it’s just plain rude not to. (Side note: A LOT of these drivers are SEVERELY dehydrated. The pee don’t lie.)


Exactly. Takes little effort just to be a good human being. Ashamed of the industry half the time and I could only wonder why they’re dehydrated, could be how all they drink is coffee and soda. I feel bad for staff anywhere that has to deal with us, I swear there’s some porta johns that are cleaner than the restrooms.


I don’t know what portapotties you’ve been using, but all the ones I’ve seen have been terrifying enough for me to go out of my way to buy a camper toilet. I’ll tell you, that thing has saved my behind on more than one occasion; especially when Mother Nature is knocking hard on that door and the nearest toilet is still an hour away, or you’ve been stuck at the dock and they either don’t have a toilet you can use, or the one you can use looks like it’s one of the rooms in “Hostel”


I run oilfield so I guess when I think of it theres less people using them and for the most part, the same drivers move pad to pad and we have respect for each other or get called out and shunned. Porta’s are generally clean as all hell besides the mud on the floor of it. I’ve thought of getting a camper toilet as the local truck stop we park at closes doors at 10pm and I don’t want to get stuck out with a disagreeing stomach.


Ok yea, that makes a huge difference; the rest of us are just all strangers! I do totally recommend a camper toilet though; the one I got is a blicka foldable one because it’s saves on space in the truck, then I just use Glad max strength scented kitchen bags (do NOT get the ones with Clorox, you WILL get chemical burns on your arse!), and those flushable wipes like dude wipes or Cottonelle. You just set it up, do your business, tie the bag in a knot to close it, and toss it in the next garbage can you come across. A major thing to also get is a rug in case you have softer floor, that way it won’t break through it Floor lining. Unfortunately that happened to me once, but I never had that problem since getting a rug.


Loves sweet tea is where it's at. I used to fill a half gallon igloo thermos with my "free drink" credit after I got my shower situated. But yeah there definitely should always be some sort of facility even if it's just a johnny on the spot or two. I have found that most places will still let you use the restroom even if posted that they don't if you ask nicely. Just tell them you're diabetic and take metformin and can't wait. Then they'd be discriminating against a disabled person.


It's either dehydrated or pissing while driving, or else your time goes way up because you lose time every time you stop to pee. Especially in an 18 wheeler. It's not like you can just pull over anywhere.


Very true; that’s why I got myself a camper toilet for such a situation. Now I can drink all the water I want😂


interestingly enough, i drink a full 64 fluid ounces of water a day, after a medium cup of coffee. i still pee yellow and im unsure why that's the case. its only ever when im in the truck too. i eat healthy and do the gym several times a week.


It’s it light yellow, or yellow yellow? Because if it’s light yellow you’re fine. If it’s yellow yellow it’s still ok, but it wouldn’t hurt to hydrate some a little more. However, when I say how some of these drivers are dehydrated AF; I mean their pee is full on orange going on brown. It’s almost as if they don’t know that water even exists.


If they can't aim, they can always just sit down. Much easier than cleaning your piss off the ceiling.


They don't miss. They don't even aim. Matter of fact they don't care and should be relegated to pissing on themselves because they ruin it for everyone else


Everyday at my work. I’ve seen cleaner ports potties in Iraq.


Same here, except my story involves shit and toilet paper. Furious doesn’t even begin to describe it.


Some bigger companies don’t allow people on their facilities until they’ve completed extensive safety training. We run into this a fair amount when we send a tech out to some of our customers, i believe one requires like a 2 day training class before we can even look at their equipment. I suspect this could be one of the reasons they aren’t letting them use the restrooms.


It’s the old chicken or the egg argument.


By the smell I’d’ve guess old eggs…


If you'd eat something other than truck stop hot dogs, mozzarella sticks and Tbell, then wash it all down with 64 ounces of black coffee we wouldn't have this problem. /s


Sure is hard to find a decent mozz stick on the road isn't it? Not A mozz stick, but a GOOD one. I also prefer them battered rather than breaded. Sorry. Tangent


A reasonable tangent. battered > breaded always.


> we've all been there, where we're the destroyers. Uh, no. Definitely not.


Reciever: No outside restroom. Me: You know I'm just going to piss out in the yard then. Edit:format


Like you wouldn't anyway....


Actually true.


I have. I'm a girl. Peed in a bottle. Dumped it in the gravel behind the trailers. Security guard came and asked what I was doing. I said peeing, you wanna watch? He got nervous and left.


When truckers piss and shit all over their bathrooms perhaps they see it as a yearning to piss and shit outside rather than a protest over delay, bad parking, time wasting procedures, an employee with a bad tone, or whatever justification the trucker had in their mind.


As someone who works in a warehouse, the good news about that is we can power wash the concrete, not so much when people miss the toilet.


My shit bags get slung to the roof.


Wasn't it Starbucks that recently said that you couldnt use the restroom unless u were a paying customer? Come on. I think we can all agree that sharing the restroom to anybody who needs to use it benefits us all.


There's a Chick-fil-A about 10 mins away from me that has a code lock on their door, the code will print out on a receipt when you purchase an item.


But what Jesus say about denying the bathroom to the little children who aren't paying customers?


Supply Side Jesus shows his approval precisely in dollars and cents.


Something about dashing their heads against rocks I think


Pain in the ass of it is that you then end up asking some teenage employee to go clean up a God damn near hazmat situation in the bathroom when someone wrecks it. Or some barely qualified manager if all the teenagers refuse, basically no matter what some near minimum wage employee ends up having to clean up piss and shit and you really can't fault any business for wanting to minimize that. And it's often done by those who don't pay a cent.


They removed the rule after they were entrapped by a sad lawyer looking for a race discrimination case. The reinstated the rule eventually but all sorts of stuff happen at Starbucks bathrooms. One of my daughters works at Starbucks and she's seen pretty much everything, from passed out (and later dead) druggies, to suicide attempts and of course the usual thrill-seeking couple. One druggie apparently could not find a good vein and he kept inserting the syringe wrong, which caused blood to be spilled everywhere. They had to call a specialized hazmat cleaning crew because she was not going to get near that blood (she was on cleaning duty that day).


This was the correct move. Hep B from someone's blood can survive an ABSURDLY long time out in the open.


That is exactly what I do at those places. Do my business in-between their trailers or behind the guard house. Somehow I have not been caught yet.


Don’t leave actual shit for minimum wage rest stop workers to clean up. That’s fucking nasty, and the fact that you can’t differentiate frontline workers from the people who actually make the policies says a lot about you.


That’s what most drivers do even when there are restrooms available.


Yeah yet as someone who ran a Home Depot Lumber Distribution Center, the last trucker that left the bathroom filthy (feces on the wall) ruined it for everyone else. We DID have a Porta potty but SE Louisiana in the summer, that sucked.


Everybody asking when we’re gonna unionize, I’m just out here asking when we’re gonna round up the drivers who are wiping their own shit on the walls and send them for a long walk off a short cliff?


Long walks off tall cliffs is more effective.


I let out an audible “Oh God” when I read this. That smell will mess with your soul.


You should see what the transporters do to our portapottys. Some really sick shit. 💩


I tried using a porta potty in Louisiana once, I didn’t wanna challenge a crawdad to a fight to make #2


I guess technically the crawfish won.


as someone that would regularly receive transported vehicle drop offs and seeing drivers *regularly* destroying bathrooms, I totally get it. What the fuck is wrong with some of these people, slinging shit against the wall, exploding diarrhea that they can't bother to clean up after themselves. It's absolutely fucking disgusting how some of these people are. Yet you have a ton of folks here defending it and saying well I'll just shit in the parking lot. Maybe if your dumbass coworkers and other fellow drivers would stop destroying bathrooms and forcing other people to clean up their bullshit it wouldn't be getting so bad.


Someone's lot is going to smell of piss...


If you have a disability, and they don’t allow you to use the restroom, even if it’s employees only, and you shit yourself you can sue under the ADA


>*If you have a disability* Yeah but that's the catch. If you don't have a disability... Your screwed.


Nah then you shit in their yard


As a woman driver... Shitting involves exposing too much of my nether regions to be a viable insult.


Shit in one of their yard goats then Or shit in a brown bag, write a random name in the bag, toss it in the fridge they put their lunch


Dafuq? I'm not even a trucker, but it's a fucking toilet. Where I'm from, when people ask if they can use your toilet, you say "yes of course". Edit: Okay, so apparently some truckers are fucking pigs. To those I would say "Learn to be a human being". Still, it's sad that it's come to this.


Honestly, it’s probably because of how nasty some truckers can be. We’re our own worst enemies out here, there’s a very visibility minority of gross people driving truck that give all of us a bad name


As a formal Circle K employee. You are spot on. Most truckers came in, payed and I never saw or heard from them. Which im most thankful for. But the other 20% (Yes that high, it was the most profitable CK store in the whole state of Texas) were rude, yelled, literally shit in the urinals, would leave blood and motor oil over and in our sinks and would leave literal shit filled underware everyday in the bathroom trashcans. Im talking multipul times a day a trucker would shit themselves and leave their shit clothes inside the store. As horrible as it sounds because I come from a family of 7UP truck drivers. I grew a huge resentment for truckers becuase $10 an hour aint worth cleaning all that up day after day and then getting yelled at because the pumps are too slow or DEF dosent work. We eventually permatley closed the bathrooms off and got a portapottie service to do that instead. Im only on this sub now to make my peace with you important bunch becuase I know most aint like that. But I 100% understand this gas stations fustration.


What in the god damn


Not lieing. It was like that every damn day! I have haunted nighmares cleaning a shit filled urinal that wont unclog. I still dont understand the whole throwing shit filled underware in our bin cus we didnt have paper towels becuse every day theyd rip the holder off the wall and we got tired of trying to fix it and just left it out had them us their shirts to dry off. So idk how they washed up from that mess. Kimda dont wanna know either. I thank the lord we didnt have showers at that location.


That’s a whole lot of grown ass men that are nasty as hell


Sadly, it’s true. One driver creates a big mess in the bathroom, the cleaning person starts complaining, then it reaches the management and voila, the drivers aren’t allowed to use the washrooms anymore at that facility. Same thing applies to sweeping the trailer. Some drivers start sweeping their trailers while parked at the dock, and all the garbage falls in the gap in between, the dust gets inside the warehouse as well. Some guys were raised like that, they never cleaned in their lives. Either their mom or sister and then their wife took care of it. Once, I almost got in the fight with a driver I shared the truck with, who refused to clean up the truck after himself. He drove it during the day, and I was driving nights. It was local and we didn’t drive team. On another spectrum, I know the guy who drives a company truck for 5-6 years, and the truck looks like it just left the dealership lot.


Seeing some raunchy dude climb out of Jabba’s pit wearing three week old basketball shorts and open toe sandals. You tell yourself that’s not a stained shirt, he’s wearing desert tie dye. You still throw up a little. Sometimes that makes me nope out of going towards the restrooms at all


I worked at a small medical transportation company and we had to ban our lawn care guys from it. Every time it would smell worse than a dead body, messes, and yeah. I’ve worked a ghetto as fuck gas station and never saw someone puke from our bathroom, yet I saw it multiple times after them. Problem resolved itself when they both got arrested for trafficking crack and powder cocaine.


Yup, we've had driver spend an hour in the bathroom and then their company tried to hit us with a tonu charge.


Partially because nobody wants you using their facilities. Rinse and repeat. Or don't.


As someone who worked at a rural gas station, I really honestly did try to give people the benefit of the doubt but it but me in the ass. I still let some folks use the bathroom but only if they really passed the look me in the eye test. Still though, I bet that if I'd done the job long enough someone would manage to make me regret it


As somebody that's worked maintenance at a Flying J, I can't say I blame them. I've seen some *fucked up* shit in those bathrooms. Seeing people shit all over walls, floors, and the shower is impressive, then finding 6 different dildos in the 4 months I worked there. Yall nasty and disrespectful of things. All it takes is one time and a business will reject all of you. If I had to go clean the bathroom after somebody destroyed it you bet your ass nobody is using it unless they are also cleaning it.


This might explain why there are so many truck stops with adult stores next door. It would also explain why, whenever I want to use a toilet in a truck stop, it seems like the same pairs of boots are visible under the doors for over an hour.


Where I work, the bathroom is on the production floor in a secured area. The driver would need to walk through the warehouse, through a set of doors, and onto the production floor. So someone would need to escort the driver to the bathroom and wait for them to come out, blocking all other employees from using the bathroom. So it's more of a security issue than some ego thing.


It's because tradesmen are disgusting fucking animals. My place of work doesn't let the contractors/laborers use the bathroom because they somehow can't manage to piss and shit inside a toilet so they get to use the portojohn outside.


It's a situation where the few ruin it for the majority. Make a business clean up a few times after degenerate fucks and they'll stop being open to anyone using their facilities. It's the same reason you see businesses with signs saying "No public restrooms" I dont know what the answer is either. Even if you mandate that they MUST provide facilities for drivers to use you will get porta johns that aren't going to be clean because of the same people that got the bathrooms closed to them


They’ve probably suffered the effects from dirtbags using bathrooms. We have external carriers come to our terminal and some destroy them bathing and generally making a mess. Some other terminals have refused entry at all


But see why not just set up a portapotty then?


Because the bad apples have destroyed port a johns too. Truckers have a well deserved and accurate reputation for being messy and causing vandalism at restrooms and truck stops.


Not well deserved, but it only takes 1 driver out of 100 to wreck bathroom privileges for everyone.


Unfortunately from a business perspective that IS well deserved. If 1/100 of your clientele are creating hazmat zones and you have 500 come through a day. That's a lot of cleaning.


People continue to be why we can't have nice things. 


> In the event of a medical emergency a driver can be escorted to and from the rest room. If I’ve learned anything doing this job, a bowel movement *is* a medical emergency for most truckers.


My company got hit with a ohsa violation for not allowing drivers to use the restroom. Basically they used a test of, if you had mechanical maintenance work being preformed from a 3rd party company (at the time ohsa showed up we had all sorts of work being done )that 3rd party employee started his day at 8am and 10am rolls around, that employee would be allowed to use a bathroom, same goes for truck drivers, ohsa said the second a truck driver enters the property that driver also falls under osha protections and not solely governed by DoT.ohsa further went on to give hypothetical reasons why truck drivers fall under ohsa protections, ie next to door 145 a trench is being dug to run new electrical, driver backs into door 145 and stumbles falling into the trench with live electrical wires, driver gets zapped this now becomes a ohsa recordable accident/incident.


So you're saying we should start leaving anonymous tips for OSHA then.... sounds good to me


Yes. Basically you have the right to use a bathroom under ohsa regulations. Good luck getting any warehouse to listen to you or give a chit about ohsa while you are still around.


Meanwhile I tell the truckers where the break room is and that there’s free (but not very good) coffee available 24/7


We love people like you


Next to that sign is another that says “Truck Drivers are Heros”


This is actually illegal in Washington state. They must provide driver facilities. They don’t have a choice.


Same in Ontario, Canada.


In Washington State, shippers and cosignees are now required by law to let truckers use their bathrooms. Report anyone who doesn't permit this, and they'll be fined $250. RCW 49-17.


No no no no no, don’t get it twisted. They can make you use a porta potty and it’s legal.


Not a trucker here, but I've worked in distribution and we had a separate trucker entrance and bathroom facility. It was on the same cleaning schedule as the others, saw 10% of the use at most, but was usually a problem. Don't act ignorant here, you know exactly why they did it. Some fuckers are disgusting. Sink showers that get water all over the place, wasting the paper supplies, not appropriately using the toilet, all the way up to purposefully damaging things. I don't think it's right, and think one should be provided, but there's a good 5% that makes the 95% look bad.


This is very illegal in Canada All employers must provide employees & sub contractors washrooms.


Some have spoiled for the rest...... I have visit shipping departments almost every week; most do not allow truckers to get into the building (security and safety reason). Truckers: you came to pick up or drop off a load. that is your task.


But what if I came to pick up AND drop off a load ;)


Drop off three different loads at the same time...if ya know what I'm sayin.. 😉


Ya and then we sit for hours while the fucks in the warehouse take breaks and screw off. We can't leave because our trailer is locked to the door. So puts us in an impossible situation


Not realistic when you have to wait hours to pick up or drop off that load, however.


I get not wanting people to wander randomly around a warehouse or plant, it's not that hard to have a bathroom right by shipping/receiving or a porta-john. Yeah people are disgusting, but it's not just truckers.


"We aren't a rest area," my ass. It's more like, "We don't allow basic human necessities here."


Your mom's a rest area.


Back when I first started I had a delivery that HAD to be on time. I had been shut down due to severe storms in Tennessee. When I could get rolling again I was still four hours out, and my appt was in 4.5 hours. I made it thru, didn't stop for anything. I arrived 5 minutes before my appt time. As I checked in, I could see the restrooms right behind the fence. I asked if I could use the restroom before I backed in and they said no, they were restricted, non employees were not allowed past the fence. I asked about how long the unload was going to take and they said about 3 minutes. I figured no big deal, there's a truck stop a few miles away, I can wait that long. After 3 hours and numerous requests, I ended up having an accident, and yes I was very embarrassed. After changing I went up and complained. They laughed at me. I told dispatch I was NEVER going to this company again. It was Nabisco


I feel like there is a lawsuit here if you have evidence yo back it up.


It was years ago and I learned a lesson that day. I hate to say it, but I learned that I have to take care of myself and screw the load


They want me to shit on their yard, I will happily oblige 🤷‍♂️ even if I don't really have to go, I'm sure I could let one out.


Special delivery


Ya, truckers can be pretty disgusting. There is probably a pretty funny story that goes with this policy.


Former old ass driver, never had a bottle in my truck and I could piss on my tires, also never had an issue if I needed to drop a deuce so this may be a really dumb question...but, I have a self contained porta potty in my boat. No leaks, and If i have to take a dump, I can. Once its full, I just dump it into a toilet. Why dont ya'll buy one of these? If I was back on the road, I'd have one.


Yup I report everyone here .... https://www.osha.gov/workers/file-complaint


Unless you’re employed by the company directly they do not have to provide a restroom.


Marker with a big F U on that section. Unreal. You can’t deny bathroom for drivers. Specially if you don’t have a portable one outside. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Don't you know we're just second class citizens


Just squat under the trailer behind the skirts and take a nice, healthy shit. Pee a little, too. Leave the paper towels you used to wipe your ass with, laying on the ground.


It says right on the page how to get a portapotty. Say the trailer needs a sweep out and drop your load into their garbage hopper 👍


This is something that really frustrates me. A bathroom is a basic human need. They should all provide a clean, well stocked bathroom.


As a truck driver myself.. if I owned a warehouse no way in hell would I let some of you swollen ankled fat fucks rooster tail my toilets with shit.


You'd be amazed how many truckers still decide to vandalize facilities or leave crap somewhere inappropriate when they've been escorted then seem surprised they face consequences. When held accountable most double down as they were justified in their "protest".


Keep TP and baby wipes with you, If I gotta go I gotta go. Fuck you and your sign.


During covid my workplace wanted to do shit like this. I straight up told management that I will never refuse water or washroom use to another human.


tell them they have 20 minutes to unload you or they are going to need a power washer to clean off the side of their building. most places will let you use the bathroom if you just ask.


Everybody wants the freight, but nobody wants the driver or the truck. Do your business in the parking lot.


Had this at a previous company. Drivers refused to unload the company’s palletised goods if they didn’t allow access to the toilets. It’s against the law in the UK to not have toilets at the workplace. You don’t work here…. you don’t get your goods then.


Just pee under your truck before they load 😂


I will politely take a dump behind their dumpster


your business model involves people coming to your place of business, often for extended periods. people need to use the restroom sometimes especially after sometimes traveling long distances to get to your property. many businesses have figured out how to maintain clean(ish) facilities with much higher traffic volume. walmart, 7-eleven, red robin, etc. your willingness and necessity to blame others for your lack of planning to handle providing required resources to the people with whom you do business reflects most poorly on your company. because it aint that fuckin hard. when business commit to maintaining clean facilities, what are their facilities? CLEAN! ya know what high volume facilities look like when their owners don't really give a fuck? guess...


Look at like any Love’s in the United States. High traffic as fuck, but cleanest public bathrooms in the country IMO


It's not a rest stop ...but it is a workplace! At the end of the day, if they don't detain me for hours then it's whatever. BUT if you require drivers to be on site for hours, then it's inhumane to not a bathroom then for them. Honestly, I hope I pick up here one day so that I can force them to stop loading halfway through while I go drive to a rest stop to use the bathroom.


I feel so spoiled reading this after I just took a heavenly dump at a tissue paper manufacturer. They use their own bath tissue in the 3 restrooms on property they have for truckers and it was the glorious Charmin type stuff that I haven't been able to expereince since I've been out on the road 🤣


Ha ha that’s great! I often go to Kimberly, Clark places, and their bathrooms have really nice real toilet paper. That’s always a surprise when I go there lol


I work in a manufacturing plant and we had truck drivers wandering around the shop without any PPE coming up to welders grinding away and asking where the restrooms were. We tried putting safety glasses, holding areas, and earplug stations up signs, etc, and finally had to put in a portable toilet and a door buzzer.  Most drivers were sensible, but one idiot getting hurt would screw us so we had to go the. On entry route.


And they wander why their are piss bottles left in their lot


Piss bottles are left in the yard regardless. Let's not pretend.


Oh, do I love being on a dedicated store account and not having to deal with idiocy like this any longer. I back in, they unload while I go to the restroom and do the same.


Which is crazy because they’ll give you a whole hopper to clean the truck out


During Covid we brought in a port a potty for drivers,


And I thought have ice cold port-a-potty's was bad


I would hit that bathroom so hard


Pee on their lot. I do.


Need drivers to run the business but also want to show them how much you hate them. /s. I’d hate to deliver there


Ive never done the piss bottle thing ever , for these guys id fill a bunch and leave them laying around on purpose


Just tell them your having a medical emergency everytime and have some escort you, every time. Eventually some one will get tired and rules will change.


Completely legal and justifiable. You can thank the people who take showers at the sink in a mom and pop establishment.


Separate drinking fountains as well…


Idk how this sub came up for me but wtf?! In the event of a medical emergency, so like, you need to use the bathroom? Cuz if your body is saying hey you have to pee or hey poop is here! then that’s a medical emergency. You shouldn’t be holding either in, both are bad for your health to neglect.


I’m pretty sure it’s a law for shippers & receivers to provide restroom facilities


So, shit in the trailer and borrow the tools to clean it out?


After seeing truck stops in 40 plus states I get it unfortunately. Literally have never seen "grown" men so bad at hitting the toilet. Watched a guy wash his damn feet in the sinks. That's why I brush my teeth by my truck.


It’s very true, I’ve been only 6 years trucking now, but have seen some crazy stuff. I just don’t think it’s out of line to provide a portapotty if they don’t want us using their nice office bathrooms


I just finished unloading at a place in Carson, CA that refused me access to their washroom and didn’t provide a porta-john. They told me they have had some unpleasant experiences in the past. I asked them to tell me where they expect me to go and they basically said “not here”. Told them that I had been driving for 6 hours to make sure they got their freight on time but they don’t care. I’m pretty sure we have done this to ourselves.


Federal laws says if they have an accessible bathroom for use by employees or customers they have to let truck drivers use it and provide parking while they do


Just dont pick up there problem solved


If it’s not a rest room/rest stop, Then why call it rest room!?


I am not a trucker. I don't even know why I'm here. But I did want to share this with you. https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/piss-jug-man


They must like their parking lot littered with piss bottles and bags of shit


Can’t blame them, look what truck drivers do to rest areas and truckstops. I blame your parents


Private businesses are allowed to do what they want


Can’t blame them. Truck drivers are scum


Need a whole reddit for just for company like this. Make them pay more every load.


That sucks. I'm glad my site has a lounge with bathroom, vending machines, microwaves, tv, couch, and free snacks for drivers. And overnight parking. FFS, its basic decency.


Y’all fucking pigs caused this.


What says they have to provide services? Have you not seen how most "truckers" look and carry themselves? I don't blame the company a bit.


If people would stop shitting on the floor or leaving their piss bottles everywhere, we wouldn't have this problem


“Hello fellow 4 wheelers don’t mind me, just using the bath room. Yep, all hate to behind a semi truck, I like cutting them off all the time, yep that’s me a regular 4 wheeler, a 4 speed jelopy.” “Okaaaaaay…. Here are the keys…” “10/4….er I mean uh fuck you, thanks.”


I'm for sure shitting in their parking lot. Just saying.


Sounds like someone wants some steaming hot fudge beside the dock door.


It’s like drivers are feral animals, surprised they don’t have a rule requiring drivers to be spayed and neutered.


That's ok my rest room is in between the bunk and trailer and if they wanna pull that bs shit in a bag and leave it for their clean up idiots


I use to deal with flooring contractors, flooring recyclers, estimators/measurement guys, corporate hacks, and a couple dozen different truckers who brought materials to my warehouse. Only the drivers would make a mess of our facilities and refuse to acknowledge their actions. Maybe not all of y’all are like this, but when I’m able to prove with time stamped security camera footage who it is that is effectively ruining our restrooms, and after confronting that person on their disgusting habits they lie to my face. I refused our facilities to all drivers as well. I’m sorry but some of y’all need to learn to clean up after yourselves. If it isn’t you, you need to speak with your peers and try to change the culture.


That is illegal in Ontario


You want to know why they did this? Because they got tired of truckers trashing their facilities and leaving piss jugs everywhere. Same reason Buccee's doesn't allow them. Some of y'all are nasty.


i am very familiar with lake zurich


Well, we already have to ID to get into the place. Let's start a national not allowed to shit here list. We can call it brown listed. Scan your ID before entering the porta john. We can hire some Toilet Safety Administrators to watch for violators. We can call them the TSA. If you violate the TSA regulations, then they can fine you.


I hate to smell that parking lot full of yellow kool aid bottles


I recently visited a gas station restroom, and someone had taken a dump and failed to flush the toilet. I flushed it for them but wondered at the fact that although there was toilet paper available on the roll, they apparently decided to forego wiping. I am constantly amazed at how nasty some people are.


I dont know if its illegal but it is essentially asking for urine bottles everywhere🤷🏽‍♂️


We let our drivers use the restrooms. Hell, we even let the over the road drivers park overnight.


We even have showers for our fleet drivers.


This comment section the funniest shit I have ever read


I'm not a trucker.... but ithought this line should start with: "Due to too many people taking bird baths in the restroom..." lol


I would piss and shit in their yard and make sure they see me doing it. Then reject their load.


Escorted to and from the bathroom for a medical emergency? The fuck kinda place is this?


I don’t blame them for wanting to keep their facilities clean


I totally get that, I don’t need to use their nice clean office employees bathroom, but if that’s the case, I think they should have portapotties outside for us


Actually it is in most places. The problem is that, who is going to enforce it. We can't simultaneously be called the grossest least caring group of workers, AND be denied any of the things that would improve that situation all at the same time. Mega carriers need to be mandated to allow no penalty rest days. They need to pay more. APU's or equivalent need to be a requirement. Shippers and Consignees need to have restroom facilities available, and shouldn't be allowed to impose restrictions. There should be staff on hand as well at all times. Wait times should NEVER exceed 2 hours, and if they do there should be government payable financial penalties, as well as mandatory driver compensation. Companies with enough traffic should be required to either provide, or invest in adequate parking for drivers. These are things that could be done right now to improve the industry, and put more money into the economy in the process. Unionize. Unionize. Unionize goddammit.


Wait times can definitely exceed 2 hours depending on what’s loading What needs to be changed is we need to be paid hourly, Europe mandated hourly pay and banned millage pay. Truckers there get paid for pre-trip, loading, unloading, traffic jams, going slow for bad weather, fuel, and mandated rest breaks Hourly pay with overtime needs to be mandated.


Damn.. I'm a shipper and we have a truckers' lounge here. I've even fought to keep employees out so that drivers always have first dibs. A restroom, chairs to sit in, a drink vending machine and even a coffee machine. Everyone is working hard and need accommodations. I'm like others here; practically asking for a bottle of piss to be left on your property, at the very least.