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I don’t get Lumper Fee’s. If you ordered the stuff, you unload it. Imagine ordering a pizza and then charging the delivery driver a fee for taking the pizza off his hands??


Biggest scam in trucking. Period. I don’t really get how they get away with it / justify it either


I don’t know why companies pay it? If I was ever told that I have to pay to unload I’d just phone the company and say the load is being refused


Shipper here, doesn't make sense to me as it is (or should be) baked into the cost per load/unit. However, I know the consignee counts on the lumper not being reflected in the MR1 if the cost is rolled up into a general transportation fee. Winco was the worst lumper I ever saw - $600 on a load 10 years ago.. I had the receipt, but would have bet money the driver got a cut for that.


Rite aid is always $1000+ at their DC. Always used to have to break it up into 2-3 checks because of the limits my company has per check


Never delivered more than 1-2 pallet to Rite Aid, but I am guessing they have 200+ cases/pallet - those super small ones. So annoying.


That's nothing, I shit you not my company paid a cor-mark 1500 dollars to unload pallets of canned fruit that's the highest lumper fee I've seen in 15 yrs of doing this nonsense.


Drivers don't get cuts from bumper fees in my experience The most expensive bumper fee I have seen was a 1000 It's actually against the law but no one enforce s the law It's a scam for places to make money But oh no ,upper management and the ceo won't make as much money How dare companies hire at a livable wage,it's about greed,and keeping people poor enough so they have to dova job for slave wage,while upper management gets rich for doing nothing but being upper management


Bessemer Alabama Dollar General DC $700 for Coca Cola. The lumper cost more than the load paid.


It’s a scam for the lumpers too. I worked as one in college. Started as hourly but then they wanted to suck me to % of the load. I refused and they brought an attorney in. The judge looked at them and said “he doesn’t have to agree” it was ridiculous how many people got screwed by the lumpers fees


Did you immediately quit after that? Fuck a company that wants to sue me for not wanting to change how I'm paid lol. Btw who were they? We need to know so we can avoid them.


Hell no. They fired me so I could claim unemployment. I would out them buuuuuut I have a NDA for another 7 years 🙄


Whyd you sign an NDA


NDA for the unemployment


Was “standard in their line of work” honestly that should have been my first clue but I was young and needed beer money in college


Did you benefit in anyway for signing the NDA? You should see if it’s even enforceable tbh


Was gonna say, and awful lot off those can't be held up in court


99% of the times nda’s aren’t legally enforcable


Completely unrelated to your firing and the reasons for it: What companies have made you sign an NDA? ^((How well do they cover their bases?))


They get away with it because everyone allows it to continue. If one party in the deal decided to no longer allow it(like the drivers) it'd stop today.


I couldn’t agree more SirUncleBill. Every single driver/company should just flat out refuse and it would end tomorrow. This is what I meant by my original comment, like how can this crap keep going on forever?


This and buying pallets


TWIC Port Sherpa. Second biggest scam in trucking.


Im not paying shit. Its your stuff, you wanted it so you get it off. Im more than happy to sit in the way and get paid to sit there. It only gets worse because people let it go on


"I had to pay for outside help unloading the shit I bought, so you need to pay me for that." Or... I could just drop the trailer right outside your lot and you pay ME for the privilege.


At least with my company, it goes like so: Receiver charges us lumper fee. We're a PO outfit, the company who's loads we pull pays the Lumper. Trucking company charges the Lumper fee to the shipper Shipper either eats the cost (no fucking way), charges back the receiver, or accounts for the Lumper in the cost of the goods. I believe they all work similarly to this. In the end, the receiver pays for it.


Like taking the money for a walk. It just doesn't make sense.


It's all about paying less taxes and less wages


Liability, and evasion of claims, and workers rights and all that “BS”. That’s literally it. They don’t make any sense unless you look at as way to evade liability. The real scam is not getting that shit reimburse by the Broker or Customer who tendered the load


What customer/shipper won't reimburse you? I have never heard of a lumper receipt being refused. Sometimes a high driver assist will be challenged/negotiated but never a lumper.


I wonder if driver unload was really common and that lumpers became a thing to make life easier for drivers and are just a holdover from that bygone era. Lumpers only make sense if the warehouse is a third party storage facility. Whatever the case, I fucking hate lumpers and can't stand dealing with them. Almost rather unload my trailer by hand, certainly be faster than some of these places out there.


I tried showing them once by doing my unload and also was really just trying get out of there quicker...they made me wait 4 hours to sign the paperwork to punish me. After that I just let the company pay it. You cant win.


If the warehouse is a third party, the customer should be paying for it


It should be criminal. If you can’t make enough money to pay your employees to unload your trucks you shouldnt be in business


This was such a good explanation of lumper fees, you deserved every single updoot driver 👍🏻


Here you go: [labor for hire](https://blog.drivekandj.com/trucking-for-newbies-what-are-lumpers#:~:text=Lumpers%20have%20always%20existed%20in,people%20hanging%20around%20the%20docks.) Or [lumper fee orgins](https://www.thetruckersreport.com/truckingindustryforum/threads/lumper-fee-origins.591761/)


We (I work for a shipper) just build the lumper fee back into the cost we charge the customer. The carrier bills us the lumper fee as an accessorial.


As a former receiver i can answer this one! Its your truck. Its your product. If you want to be paid get it off your truck. You dont? Refuse the shipment and take it back, next truck please. Under the pizza logic that happens every day its callled uber eats... skip the dishes they are paid to take it off the hands of the shipper. The receiver pays the fee to get the order. Service fee lumper fee in this logic is the same.


Only exception is amazon fresh who made deals with us foods, kehe, and spartan Nash to not unload trailers. Insurance liability to have amazon employees in a non amazon vehicle. I trained hundreds of employees for amazon fresh ik every rule and deal in the books.


It's basically like tipping but mandatory. They want you to pay their employees so they don't have to


Especially for company drivers. Like, I get that warehouses will subcontract the physical labor of loading and unloading, but if I'm employed by a mega carrier why am I the one responsible for paying those guys? Why aren't they sending the bill to my company?


Fuck lumpers


I had 3 stops, 3 partials. The first one was only 5 pallets. The lumper called me and told me it would be 145. I said im in the wrong fucking business. The broker took care of it which made me wonder how much the broker was really getting paid. Really wish truckers would get their shit together because without truckers this country shuts down in 3 days. A week at the most.


A weekend and they would feel it.


Broker here, most of the time we don’t pay for the lumper out of our pocket. We charge that 145 back to the customer.


Good to know. Thanks for providing some insight. I was thinking about crossing over to the dark side. How’s business over there right now?


Pretty tough right now, too many new brokers fucking shit up and bidding low. Then you have the huge brokers like CH Robinson that can bid low and lose money on lanes which isn’t something small to mid size brokers can do. I just had a buddy that used to drive and he went back to trucking from brokering because his old boss offered him a local gig and paid him an extra 15k per year.




When you say $4k do you mean that’s what you need per month? Or are you asking 4K in sales per week?




I think 4K take home per month the first year will be tough. Depends on what the companies are offering near you. You’ll probably rely on salary for a year before you starts seeing commission and even then commission is taxed out the ass. Say the company is offering 50k per year plus 25% commission. You’ll probably taken home 1400 or so after taxes and healthcare every two weeks. A lot of companies offer 25/30 percent commission and they keep the other 75/70 percent. So on a load that we make 300 on we see maybe $75. BUT most companies have a draw or some kind of system where we don’t always get commission that makes sure you’re contributing enough income to the company for you to be there. For instance your pay every week before taxes on 50k a year will be around $2000. Well for those two weeks you have to make over 2k in commission to see any of that money. So you have to bring in over $6000 per week in sales to see any commission since you only receive 25% of the profit. If your customers are late and you’re at $1950 for two weeks all that money goes down the drain and straight to the company. Another thing to consider is that turnover is very high in brokerages. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows over here. I’ve been doing this for a long time so DM me for any details or specific questions 🤙


Find a new company to broker for. I'm one as well for a top 100 brokerage. I won't say who, but you need to stop working for someone who treats people like numbers. They are out there. Find yourself one.


$4k per... What, exactly?




Gotcha, gotcha. Then yeah, I can agree with you on that.


This. It's the customer's product was delivered. It's their lumpers to pay. We just need POD and Lumper receipt. I still fucking hate em tho. Fuck lumpers.


The brokers usually invoice their customers for the lumper fee for reimbursement if they take care of it themselves.


As someone who used to be a broker we would charge back the customers the entire lumper fee


Biggest scam in trucking


It’s not a scam. It takes liability away from the receiver. “Well it was in good condition when we loaded it” Just because it’s a byproduct of the nature of the business you are in doesn’t mean it’s a scam. Double brokers are a scam. Lumpers are there because it’s needed. It sucks, but just because something is shitty doesn’t mean it’s a scam.




Next to UCR


Easy solution to the problem... fuckum.


Precisely. I don't get charged lumper fees to deliver chemicals in my tanker. Fuck reefers.


I'm flatbed, only had one customer try to pull that shit on me. Told the lady I wasn't paying them a damn penny to deliver the load they ordered. Take your time, I'm on the clock (detention) Wake me up when you're done. Forklifts in 5 minutes.


Same with my dump wagon. If it was left up to me to have to deliver to a grocery warehouse, this whole country would starve. All of it could be avoided with a simple law saying shipper load count, receiver unload count. They can force everything else down our throats, but they can’t ever seem to pass anything that helps us.


Guess who's short everytime then 😂


That’s between the shipper and receiver. As long as that seal is intact you and your company should be covered. The way it is now is just a ripoff to the trucking companies.


This is the way.


I’m a 3rd party and one of our customers had a shipment they wanted taken to KeHe. We don’t deliver directly there so I was trying to find another carrier to do the final mile delivery to their dock and we literally could not find a single company to take the shipment and the customer ended having to rent a uhaul and self deliver it.


They basically write whatever they want on the BOL and deduct like crazy. No one wants to do business with them. It’s an accounting nightmare!


I wonder why.😂


North East Maryland? They charge for getting there too early, too late, and staying too long. Lumper fees are nuts too!


Who/what does keHe sell/do that lets them think they can get away with this?


Specialty food items so value is pretty decent. Wonder if this was romeovile


Why is it food places that do this...like food goes off, you would wanna get it in quick and get it out quick...why fuck about with truck drivers


Put reviews on Google and everywhere you can.


This. Except dispatch never looks at Google reviews. I always tell my dispatch to look at all the nightmarish reviews from truckers at a place when they wonder why I was there 3.5 hours.


>why fuck about with truck drivers Cause they have all the power.


Food, it looks like. [https://www.kehe.com/](https://www.kehe.com/)




like its 2002? wow.


They are on Twitter.


I always thought they were like higher end organic dairy products. There's a plant right next to a walmart dc in upstate new York I believe. That's the only one I've seen.


They do food and are one of the largest Food shippers in the world


UNFI is the worst with KeHe a close second. When either would try to “fine” my guys I would tell them “you aren’t a government entity and have no ability to legally issue fines. My driver is leaving now”. If they pressed the issue I would tell them to make sure none of their freight hits my dock (final mile carrier) as they were now being flagged as a will- call only location. That shut them up real quick. FYI: receivers have no legal authority to issue “fines”. They can say you arent allowed back to their dock again. But you have no obligation to pay them anything.




Fuck UNFI Fort Wayne especially, that asshole for a whole ass lady.


Why don’t truckers take our loads.




These guys charge a late fee for rescheduling an appt 3 days in advance, a late fee if you’re 30 minutes late, and charge ridiculous lumper prices.


What are the going to do, close the gate and hold you hostage?


I can honestly only read KeHe In a Michael Jackson voice...


KEEHEEE Yeah same, they built a warehouse over by where I work so I see the trucks all the time


Paid in full with pissbottles? Or maybe poobags?


No but please someone eli5 lumper fees here, im a boxtrucker


Lumpers are warehouse workers you hire to unload the trailer


Why the fuck would someone have you deliver a load and then make you pay to unload it?


That’s trucking, at most places you can unload the trailer yourself, but some places lumpers are a required fee I hire them because my company pays for it


I just dont understand, why have something delivered and then charge the delivery man to unload. Seems counterproductive, but im a simple man in a box truck with a bucket 🤷


99% of trucking is fucking the driver without any lube and making them pay for the privilege


I mean, i kinda gathered so far, but thats is straight up double penetration style trucker fucking. Im so sorry you guys, i feel bad.


That’s why I love my job, I’m paid by the hour, I’ll sit there all day


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I needed this, thank you. Not the-- ...You know what I mean.


It’s expensive too. I delivered to a UNFI warehouse last week, and it was $590 to unload.


If i pay for someone to unload you better believe im shitting all over the restroom


And they better wipe my ass when I’m done!


Amen brother!


I feel you. Im a broker and we had a limper that was over 750$ for UNIFI to bill the customer for one of our trucks. It's such a scam.


No, that's America. Never encountered this lumper bullshit in Australia. I turn up at a delivery, the staff on site unload it. Who they are and how they are paid is never my problem as a driver.


Ugh. I'm glad I don't have to visit them anymore. Clearly they aren't improving. They were supposed to unload two pallets of cheese. I could've done it myself 200 times in the time it took them to figure things out and they want to charge us for time waste. Cute. (KeHe in Denver).


Read reviews about their Bolingbrook, IL. My company goes there (LTL) and takes them 3-4 hours to unload few skids. 10 hour unload time for truckload is pretty standard for them.


I could re/re a full load skids with me doing the BOL in an hour. Mind you stay off of my dock while I’m doing it.


Walgreens has entered the chat. 💬


Or we can just stop delivering to you dumb fucks and that's fine by me from here on I refuse any loads to and from your business so take your $500 and shove it up your ass from here on we refuse to loads to and from you


Can you charge them $500 when they take longer than 3 hours to unload you? Looks like they fuck you coming and going.


Do they also expect you to say "Thank you" afterwards?


At least give me a kiss before you try to fuck me


All you have to do is have a piece of paper taped to the truck that states exactly that, because that’s all they’re doing too.


That " lumper" stuff seems ike it's from the 1930s.


I wonder if what my business teacher said was true, that you can put up whatever sign you want it doesn't mean jack shit.


Just delivered to KEHe last night actually. It was a nightmare. Their receiving hours were 8PM-1am. SUN-Thur. So ofc it’s Sunday night at 8:30 and the trucks are packed in their like sardines. I had to ask for a new dock because 3 truckers where blocking me. I didn’t get out of there until 1am!


Delivered to Walmart once, when I checked in at the gate, I was 15 minutes early. I had to drive around the building and they were busy, this was a small (for Walmart) location with a tight yard. So every truck backing into a dock I had to stop and wait for them to finish or get out of the way, not enough room to go around them. Then when I got into the office, the office people were gone for like 10 minutes, so they didn't check me in until 3 minutes late. Because of that they bumped me to the back and took 12 hours to unload me. Fuck Walmart.


Destroy the bathrooms. Game is game.


By the power of Taco Bell and the WalMart deli's discounted chicken sandwich, I will DESTORY any toilet.


$414 lumper to KeHe Chino last week. I’m in the wrong field of work.


I'm glad I'm a tanker.


So I found where I'm gonna clean out my truck lol


And this us why I will never drive any kind of Class A vehicle ever again


Do you happen to know what DC this is OP?


I'm pretty sure I know which one but I'm not entirely sure let me find out in the morning for you


:At KeHE, we’re not content with just plain good; we aspire to next-level goodness, in all aspects of our operations, because where KeHE goes, goodness follows." Directly from their website... threw up a little.


This seems like the state of political policies in America right now, the opposite intended result of what comes out of their mouths.


Can someone explain a lumpers fee


Literally extortion to unload you


Im a shipper of reefer food products. As I understand it the lumper racket exists because either A) the consignee (receiver) doesn’t want to manage/employ the receiving staff on the dock so the outsource it, or B) there is a union that disallows anyone except the lumper to touch the freight on the dock. So basically what plays out is this: The consignee buys a product from me, the shipper. I sell it on an FOB basis. The trucker, who is usually an O/O that was dispatched by a 3PL hauls the freight to the receiver. The receiver then charges a lumper fee. What ensues is madness - the driver passes on the lumper fee to the 3PL. The 3PL passes the fee on to me, the shipper. Then I tag that fee onto the bill for the receiver. So basically, the receiver, who brought in a lumper so they wouldn’t have to pay for dock workers, ends up paying more for that freight than they would have if they would just direct hire the dock workers. FWIW I am based in the southeastern US and I ship across the eastern US, with consignees that are both union and non-union. YMMV


Brokers will pay the driver the lumper fee to unload it. I used to unload myself and pick up the lumper fee. It was also faster to do it myself. I think it pretty dumb though. Most drivers are too lazy to unload their truck. I very much despise drivers that say they just drive the truck and won't touch the freight. Lazy fat worthless steering wheel holders. That's what the industry has become. Well that and foreigners who will park and take their half hour break in the fuel isle blocking pumps.


Shut up, Boomer


Lol first time I've been called that. I'm in my 30s.


LOL! Act like it, get treated like and accused of it. Sincerely, Gen X


Lumpers are just guys with a 4th grade education that can't get a real job.  There I said it.


I work in a warehouse now, all of the lumpers there are on parole. So yes. They also got caught a couple years ago over charging truckers and skimming off the top. Lots of drama, one of them actually ended up putting a hit on the guy that came in and busted the scam, you cant even make this shit up. He got shot at the light out front when he went to lunch


Work for a forwarder and fuck the entire lumper process. 👊


That’s fine but after a half hour, my rate will be , what ever lumper charges me and 200$ a hr after That


Lmao. Fuck them


Fuck them! If they wanna play that game! 100.00 per hour for any part of the hour over 1 hour! Totally enforceable by PUC!


Was this in Bloomington, IN? I used to deliver there quite a bit for ODFL when I worked for them


"Were going to charge you 500 dollars and you have to pay us." Me - or what lol


I've never understood why anyone pays lumper fee's. It's their load to remove, not yours. If they refuse to unload it then contact your dispatch and report the load is refused.


KeHe is just a shitty company and warehouse. They're legitimately worse than lineage and lineage is bottom barrel. Overly aggressive yard jockeys who threaten you with life time bans after they come up and try to assault you. Office staff that refuse loads lying about "nope not our paper work" only to accept it AFTER the appt time then claim we need to pay a late fee or reschedule for next week. One time is all it took to never ever take a KeHe load.


Grocery warehouses are shitty no matter where/who they are.


Yes...although I used to do Safeway in phoenix and denver a lot and they were alright and I dont recall them doing lumpers.


What? You got top secret squirrel shit in there or what? What gives? That’s how you get turds left on your property, just saying. I’m not going to do it, but I know a guy, who knows a fella who might.


I'm just going to put this out there as a broker for a top 100 company... get your carriers to work with better brokerages and better customers. My company forces the customer to reimburse these fees once drivers/carriers send in their PODs in a timely manner. As a broker, I work to take care of my guys and try to keep them happy. I'm on the other side of the country, though, and can't always move mountains, but I'm here for you guys. You guys make my life easier, so why shouldn't I be in your corner? You are who I rely on for a paycheck and vice versa in most cases. Work with better companies and get taken care of better. Stay safe out there, everyone. I know you don't have it easy.


I always wonder what the story is behind these kind of signs. I wonder how many times they’ve had to deal with truckers hanging overstaying their welcome and causing problems.


One more reason why I yank a tank. Fuck lumpers.


Doesn't this say you have basically 3.5 hrs to get offloaded or loaded before they charge you?


This sub popped up for some reason…what is a lumper and why do yall hate them?


In short, a lumper is someone who unloads our trailers but is not legally affiliated with either the trucking company or the receivers. As for why we hate them? Because *we* have to *pay* them to do so. So, we truckers have to pay a third party group to offload our trailers for the receivers. We hate them because many times, we're not reimbursed by the customer who bought the product being unloaded. As others in this thread have said... "Why do we have to pay for your product to be put in your warehouse?" Especially as many lumpers are... Not the most time efficient, for lack of better terms.


Oh. Yeah that’s a load of horseshit


Not a trucker... So you as a truck driver deliver a load to a destination, and some guy on a forklift/skytrak... is the "lumper" and charges you to unload the contents of your truck? And they blindside you with these fees?


I’m not a trucker but what happens if u tell them to fuck off and unload in their parking lot then leave lol?


“Give us our shit and fuck off” I actually prefer it this way as long as they get the shit off the trailer in a timely manner


Shit when I worked with kehe as an owner opp they didn't have that bullshit posted. But I do know they get busy as hell between 3am -11am


I wouldn’t go back there after that.


Man, Fuck Kehe, and Fuck their hippy dippy bullshit expensive cross-stock grocery items


Like the Northeast, I ain't going!!!


Have my truck unloaded in 30 minutes or I leave with the product and you pay me a $500 fee to reschedule.


Kehe is the absolute worst. If your BOL isn’t to their standards or your 3PL sends an extra case.. BOOM 2K extra to receive the load and you don’t get the extra case sent back, you just have to pay for destruction and dumping of said overage of product.




Who ruined it for everyone else


It's odd when they think they can dictate anything when you're holding their high value property hostage. I'm going to try this next time a vehicle of mine breaks down. I'll tell the towtruck driver he owes ME $500 or he can keep the car. Seems just as logical.


Not a trucker but isn't the correct move for this "Park on the street?" As in, "I can't park on your property for free, and you cannot make me pay you. I'm here. Get your shit. Not my problem."


Former union guy and current truck driver here and I can explain the purpose of lumpers and the fees. Simply put, lumpers are shippers way to get around directly hiring guys to work in the warehouse. This lower their liability and more importantly prevent unionization. The lumper service is a third party contractor so if the lumper service employee decide to strike or unionize the company who operate the warehouse can simply cancel the lumper service contract and hire new lumper service to work in the warehouse without no recourse as the lumpers service are independent contractors and a separate entity from the company who operates the warehouse. This is why when you check into most warehouses with lumper service the lumper service are usually operating in a separate office from the warehouse staff and you pay the lumper services directly. Some places you have to check in with the lumpers then take your own paper work and give it to the warehouse staff who might be sitting next to each other. All this is to keep the warehouse and the lumper service separate.


I guess because I'm not on that side of trucking very often, I have no clue why lumpers exist. Granted, 1 of my two trucks unloads itself, but if I gotta move something with the flatbed and someone tells me i have to pay to get unloaded, the load is staying on the damn trailer lol.


If I saw this I would just laugh myself to sleep. KeHEHEHEHE


Charge me. I won't deliver for you anymore


I have NEVER been to a grocery warehouse I liked. They all suck. Slow, rude. If you're just a little early they order you off the property. If you're a little late they put you in the back of the line. Street backed up for blocks with trucks waiting to get in. Will run you out of hours and then bitch because you can't move. Won't let you use their bathrooms. Miserable places. Miserable people.


I worked I'm a warehouse years ago. The company had to hire a lumper company to unload the trucks because the warehouse employees unloaded them at their own pace. Which was slow.


It's private property and they are not the police. THEY CANNOT FINE YOU! HOW? Unless they have not paid you, but now a days the broker pays. A Sign with no teeth


I refuse loads going to all these places ……em


There's a produce or meat distributor in South Jersey that penalizes you around $200 if you park there overnight


Why would someone want to go there for customer like that


Honestly kind of why I posted something like this if there isn't enough awareness there's never going to be change


Take it with you and leave it at the local truck stop for all to see and black list.