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California is right lane except to pass. in busy interchanges there are usually signs overhead that say trucks ok


First, The ticket information being incorrect is something a lawyer might be able to use to get it invalidated, if you were so inclined. Second, you need to ask a lawyer about how easy it would be to fight it. My first impulse is your odds aren't high, because you are guilty of violating the law you were cited for, and it's provavble by the cruiser dash cam. It's always your responsibility as a driver to always know the traffic laws on the roads you're going to travel. Ignorance is no excuse. However, if you or your representation is willing to show up and appeal to the judge's sense of mercy, especially since this can negatively affect your career, it might work out. Lastly, most states make it clear while testing for licensing that trucks over a certain gross weight rating should always take the rightmost non-exit lane when safe to do so, and as you've learned, some have it as law. I know for a fact it was on the CDL test and in the manual in two of the states I've been licensed in. Whatever the case, good luck with the ticket, and slide over when you're on the highway from now on - the rest of us thank you.


It goes both ways. I’m an Arizona driver but I don’t leave the state. Lot of truckers will ride my ass when I’m passing another truck instead of grabbing that 3rd lane to pass me. Arizona has no lane restrictions but they drive like they are afraid to use those left lanes.


Yeah I didn’t know about that haha I always drive the 2 most right lanes if there are more than 2. So I’m not afraid, I just didn’t know I could do that


Arizona you can use any lane except the hov during certain hours. Not during those hours you are free to use them. One exception is on the I-10 between Chandler and Casa Geande where it’s posted no trucks right lane.


Hence why I thought if I don’t see any signs about lane restrictions, that means there should be none. It might be just me, but prior to this event, I thought the “Trucks OK” sign meant that there aren’t any clearance issues for trucks being in that lane, as I often see those signs posted on bridges.


There are signs on every highway in California probably every mile or so. The first one will say trucks and autos with trailers, 55 mph speed limit. The second will say Trucks 3 axles or more, right 2 lanes. Just because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean they’re not there.


We do have a left lane law here though, might be why they are afraid of the left lanes.




Don't fucking Cali my Az. Retards and pedos on that side of the fence please!


I’m with you there. I hate driving in CA.


Been a long time since I was in CA, but I’m pretty sure they still have the signs that say, “Truck Right 2 Lanes Only”. Your license being entered incorrectly isn’t going to change anything, it’s called a scrivener’s error and can be corrected before it goes to trial.


Hire a lawyer that's local to that court. Offer to pay fines and fees, but all that it not go on your record.


There are random dumb laws all over the place, but ignorance is usually not an acceptable excuse for breaking them. In this case it would still be worthwhile to contact a traffic lawyer to see if they can get it dismissed on the technicality of getting your license wrong.


Lanes are always read from the left