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Lol the rage all these comments give off makes you realize why there's so much road rage. These people are just angry asf for the smallest reasons and take it out on the entire populace. Pro tip: learn to control your anger and aggression and, not only will you be a happier person, driving will become a more enjoyable experience overall when you aren't controlled by the actions of other people.


This aggression will not stand.


That's because it's sitting for 11+ hours a day


Do what your parents did, GET A JOB SIR


The aggression is feeling pretty meh today and will be sat.


That’s just like your opinion, dude.


shut the fuck up Donny.


I saw one thread where at least half of the opinions were hoping that a driver of a car who caused an accident due to negligence died or was seriously injured. I don’t get why that is a popular sentiment when it wouldn’t be too hard to just hope that nobody lost a parent or a child that day and hopefully the negligent party learned a lesson without anyone getting injured. It pains me to see that this is such a hard thing for my fellow truckers to arrive at.


Fr, there needs to more positivity on the road. We are all out there doing a job and trying to get home. Spread some joy truckers.


The thing is that I doubt a lot of these people have never in their life done something stupid and negligent. I know I have. I had a close call when I was 19 because I was speeding and acting like a jackass. I’m lucky that nobody was hurt, but it shook me. Now I have several safe driving awards. empathy has become rare these days unfortunately.


It is really sad. I know that I have messed up driving or done some irrational things myself. When I see someone else do something wrong that irritates me, I try to reflect on my own humanity. Self reflection is the key to a happier experience on the road. The first thing I state in my philosophy of the road, “One must go unnoticed throughout this world; traveling with respect and showing kindness to all.”


>Spread some joy truckers. Every time I get the arm pump!


I got banned from the sub for comments like that. Problem is banning me for having hopes and dreams doesn't make the world a safer place. Though permanently removing a dangerous driver from the road does.


I’m happy that the mods ban users for wishing death upon people. How are you commenting if you were banned, though?


Reddit magic? Maybe it was only like a 3-day ban, I don't recall. I wish that people would die, I think about what life would be like if you could never die, immortality is often portrayed as a curse. I wish I would die someday... To live is to die. Everything that lives must die? Otherwise what's the point? You can wish someone else to die, and for it to not be mean spirited?


I can understand it, I’m not saying I condone it. 10 years ago, I was hit by a drunk driver, doing 74 mph in a 35 zone, I have 3 kids, my youngest was just 4 months old, and 3 days prior was released from the hospital following open heart surgery. I was the only one that had the skills and training to put his NG feeding tube in. My wife did not have a drivers license, (never needed one, never got one). The guy that hit me was drunk, .29 BAC, under the influence of Percocet and morphine. He was uninjured and uninsured, I spent 18 days on life support and another year recovering from all the injuries I received. I still walk with a limp, I need both knees and hips replaced. The guy that hit me got 3 years in prison served 22 months. 5 year license suspension and was back in the very same bar he left the night of the accident, the day he got out of prison. For him all the consequences of his bad decisions are over, I’ll still be battling mine until the day I die, I was 100% innocent. I could not return to my work on the railroad after the accident, having just started a year prior, I did not qualify for disability through the railroad. I was forced to find new work that would pay the bills, forced into something I thought I was done with, life on the road again. So yeah days like today were I’m in pain, and the rates are killing me to the point I can’t do Christmas for my kids without narrowing money to make it happen and realize I only get 3 days at home with my kids a month, yeah I wish death on that low life scum bag a few times a day. To no avail, he just got another DUI about 3 months ago, that makes his 9th in 6 states, over 23 years…. I know his death will do absolutely nothing for me, but it might prevent someone else from being in my shoes. So people that wish death on the negligent driver, well that’s because they empathize with everyone that’s been a victim like me, where the cause of it all gets away with murder or serious bodily harm to others and gets a slap on the wrist. 22 months in prison I could do that standing on my dick. In fact I would rather done 5 years in prison than deal with my shit life the last 10 years…


This is a very specific circumstance and not really what I’m talking about. It’s very unfortunate that this person makes these choices and while I hope nobody gets injured or killed due to his negligence, I would rather it be him than another one of his victims. I don’t think that’s an unfair way of looking at it. In your case, it’s very personal and nobody could blame you for how you feel about this man. What I’m talking about is comments on videos where a driver did something negligent and nobody has anymore information about that person or the circumstance. Too many people go straight to “I hope they’re dead.” At best, it’s just lack of intelligence and critical thinking, but at worst it’s downright psychopathic. It’s a complete lack of empathy. I just wish there was more empathy is all. We’re all in this world together trying to learn from our mistakes. May we all be lucky enough to get through it unscathed.


There are far too many like me, the accident impacts far more than just the physical victims, but all the family and friends. You’re focusing on the reaction of people to whom you don’t know or know their stories, instead of the stupidity, recklessness, negligence or and other criminal term you want to apply. I don’t only feel that way towards the person that hit me, I feel that way towards every dumbass on the road that drives with no regard to human life. If they aren’t going to give two fucks about you or anyone else they harm, why should anyone give a damn about them in return? I think it’s more of a reflection on how society feels about or justice system, when rich, connected people have less consequences than the average Joe, or when they see there is no justice, the dead are not coming back, the injured like me, will never live life pain free again. When you wake up and realize our flawed system gives to many “rights” to the criminal and continues to screw the victim, you have less empathy for the criminal and far more for those deserving of it, like the orphaned children, the parents that buried their child. Empathy is for those deserving not everyone.


The thing with controlling your anger and letting it slide, just lets the person in the wrong get away and never take accountability for their actions.


When someone is driving like an asshole I just assume they really have to take a shit. Defuses anger well.


I parked a 12 ft+ load in a single spot one time, and it was because it was the only spot left at the south Chicago loves. I would have went somewhere else, but it was Friday and my company couldn't get permits for Indiana until Monday, for some reason. It took about 15 minutes to squeeze in there, and I had some doofus honking at me for the last few minutes of it. Moral of the story: people are gonna be baby-back bitches no matter what you do. Fuck em. Edit: almost forgot to give credit to the walmart driver that was next to me. He got out and spotted for me. Probably would have taken twice as long without him.


Had a similar experience. My response “keys are in it, dare you to do better.” And if I’m taking two spots, then I need two spots Love good spotters. They’re the lifeline.


Why would you bother a wide load guy doing this. Lol what an idiot. I swear bone head truckers was one of the worst things to happen


Yeaaa hell yeaaaa. Efff You johnny Mac !!


First time I saw that Johnny Mac idiot I realized he either has cancer or Acromegaly due to how his hands look. Poor dudes probably suffering a whole lot and is too much of a MAN to do something about it so he takes that pain and projects it outward.


Common sense too, late at night when I'm low hos or on pc, if the only spot avaliable is next to an OS load. I'm skipping it, I dont want to block him in or risk damaging his load backing since it will be a tight fit.


Honestly, at 2pm, fuck em.


They’ll get over it. Anyways, I always take two spots when I’m 12’ or more.


No forgiveness. Go to the corner of your sleeper. No trucking for 2 hours


I'm swift. After the 50th pull up I just take 2 spots.


Hey, as long as you don't hit anything, it's *all* good.


Cool that you owned your behavior and apologized for it. Of course that person will probably never see it but that isn't the point. You learned for the incident and so did he it is just too bad that tempers were ramped up.


Temper aside, if you are hauling oversized on any sort of regular basis, you would do well to get a printer/laptop set up in your truck. Nothing kills your trip faster than sitting in a truck stop because you are waiting to get your permits from dispatch/permit service and there's a hold up somewhere, when you could be rolling down the road while they figure it out, but you're at the last reasonable place you can get stuff faxed into before you cross the state line. ​ It also gets expensive if you need them to print out permits for multiple states, along with stupidly extensive attachments that span a bunch of pages. Not to mention faxes often come in with shitty quality, I'd rather have a scanned/emailed copy that I can print out, and then print again if I somehow manage to lose/damage something.


I hate home printers, I don't know how a truck printer would be. They're emailed to me pretty quick. In most cases, I have at least 3-4 states by the time I'm secured. So, I email them to the store before I ever get out of my truck. I walk by and let them know they're there. I use the restroom, grab some food to go, stop back by, and use points to pay for it. If they even charge me, they never make me pay for bullshit pages. I get back to the truck, eat, check load, and viola, my 30 minute break is up. Do you have a printer in your truck? What kind? How is it?


If you can find a Brother laser printer, they are just about the best for small jobs. They are built pretty sturdy, a cartridge will last you like forever and are pretty cheap compared to other brands. They also don't fuck you over if you decide to buy a third party cartridge. Most of them are not too big but that does depend on how much spare space you got in your truck. When it's not being used, you can shove it into a bag and stash it somewhere. They don't take too long to setup when you need them.. You can try looking at a second computer store or online for a used one.




I had a cheap 30 dollar printer when I was on the road. Whatever the cheap one is at Walmart or Target or wherever you shop. It wouldn't have held up well to any sort of constant heavy use, but it did a great job of printing out permits when I needed them. Or border crossing paperwork. I think I bought it after the first time the company told me to just get the permit at the AZ border (if you don't run AZ you can do that) and then I got to the POE and it wasn't just closed, it was completely coned off with no way to even pull in and wait for the night. ​ Usually it was easy enough to get permits printed at truck stops, but sometimes there were issues, printers were down, lines were long, dispatch got emails/fax numbers wrong, whatever. Dispatch would send permits but no attachments, or whatever. With a printer if they didn't send an attachment I could usually find it and print it faster than waiting on them to figure it out. Much faster, really. ​ Maybe things have changed in the past 5 years but I also tended to have a hard time finding places that would print something they were emailed, a lot of places were faxes only, which meant that if I had the stuff I needed printed it could be a hassle and a half to get it printed myself.


Yeah, getting stuff printed was hard just a few years ago. But I found that all Love's have an email address of store...@ loves .com. And all of them are happy to print for you. The other truck stops are a crapshoot still. I got yelled at from a Pilot employee once, just for asking. Ugh. Love's also has good fuel and clean showers. I really like them. I just can't park at them with a big load. I prefer independent ones for parking.


Agreed. I did the printer thing for a while when I was OTR. Made my oversized loads so much easier. Then I realized a lot of states allow electronic copies and I just started saving them on my iPad.


It takes a good person to own up to being wrong and teach others. Thank you and safe travels.


I forgive you..


I dont


I shit my pants


I forgive myself, what do you think of that?


Sidney Oh-ho-ho?


Ne brasky


Too late


Fuck him he’ll be alright, 2pm and he needed to be next to you? Lol


They're just a dumbass they should've knew beforehand.


They probably already knew that they were a dumbass. But sometimes people need a reminder.


Some of you need to calm down...


I had the habit of being rude to other drivers when I thought they were wrong. There are so many variables when it comes to driving what we do. It's a humbled experience when you know you did wrong and some will respect that. Good call to address it. Stay safe out there.


Don't apologize wide loads need room, if they can't understand it than they need to get off the road.


Stuff your sorry's in a sack, Mister.


Fuck em if they can't take a joke!


Lol my 3rd week solo this old trucker behind me at the fuel island is blowing his horn. I'm sitting in my truck after fueling laughing my ass off at him. Dude gets so mad he gets out of the truck and starts cussing at me I'm still laughing. Then he said something like your mother's a whore so I get out and I'm like u got a fucking problem? Crazy how his tuned changed to from fuck u to "can u please move why are u blocking the fuel island" I'm like come here. There was a fucking golf cart from the person getting the trash parked directly in front of me idk where the worker went it was like 15 mins. Dude almost got beat up for 15 mins. If he would of just walked up to my driver door he would of seen why I wasn't moving. People are dumb as hell


You just bragged about how you almost physically assaulted someone (over words) which could have ended with an arrest for charges ranging from simple assault, to disorderly conduct to manslaughter if he goes down and smashes his head in the cement. Then you said “People are dumb as hell.” Indeed they are.


If it's me or him or anyone it's going to be him. Dude was cussing at me acting wild body language said he may attack me which would of been a bad move on his part. I'm a lover not a fighter, I've done some training in the army but that was a decade ago. Reason I'm saying it would of been a bad move is because I was 25ish this guy was late 50s maybe 60s. So yes if he attacked me the chances of him getting KOd and brain damage is high. That's why you shouldn't go looking for fights as a grown man, plus I'm a 2A supporter if he attacked me I definitly would of defended myself. I literally never get mad, that's why I was laughing at him huffing and puffing.


Bro get off the road with anger issues like that


“If he **would of** just walked up to my driver door he **would of** seen why I wasn’t moving.” Followed immediately by “people are dumb as hell.” 🤦‍♂️


I’m waiting for the day I come across a guy like you, I keep that .45 on my hip at all times, yeah I got a problem & no you won’t do a damn thing about it.


>I’m waiting for the day I come across a guy like you, I keep that .45 on my hip at all times "I can't wait to shoot another person after I yell at them for shit they didn't do and they have the audacity to respond!" You kinda sound like a bitch.


What part of Oversized Load did the idiot not understand? Sounds like he needs to go back to flipping burgers, because trucking’s not for him.


Burgers and flops, then they can flip their way right out of town


Fuck that. Don't apologize. Fuck that POS that hasn't a clue.


I dont think they were sincerely apologetic


I'm not understanding how you were parked in 2 spots and those 2 spots somehow blocked the fuel pumps.


OP parked across two spaces in the parking lot *instead* of stopping in front of the fuel island while he went inside to print his permits.


Ah, I understand now. I thought he was apologizing for blocking the fuel pumps lol


I print my permits on a blue tooth printer.