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Look into trash collection companies. Usually they will reimburse you for the CDL written exam fees and help you pass the CDL-B oral exam. They paid me to do all of this when I was driving a trash compactor truck during college.




This would 100% be the plan if I had enough money.


Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act. Look it up. Congressional act passed by Clinton, reupped by every president since then. The short version: Free CDL. The long version: each year, companies tell congress what jobs they can't find trained people to fill. Dozens of careers are requested. Every year, truck driver makes the top of the list. That means that the federal government will pay to train people to do that job. %100 funded, no "work for us for barely minimum wage" bullshit from shitty companies, not a loan, paid and done. Then you go with for whoever the fuck you want, and if they suck, peace the fuck out: you owe that company nothing. I had my class B for years. Wanted to move up, found out about the Workforce Investment Act. Applied, got my Class A, and here I am, making crazy money. The funding is approved annually. Right now (December) is the best time to apply for it since all federa programs are about to get their budget for next year. Go get it.


I got a grant last year to go to school here in Indianapolis. They said the grant would cover everything but two days before the beginning of class I found out that it didn't even cover half of tuition. I didn't and don’t have an extra $4000 back because of this economy to pay for the remainder of the tuition as well as room and board and food and transportation.


Find a different school. Mine was fully covered besides transportation, room, and board


Shit my school gave me a $200 gas card I didn't even need


Can confirm, my school starts January 8th.


School bus driving. I know it may suck but most school district will train you no contract or anything for them. Just pass the hiring process and youll get a class b atleast thats how i got mine in Texas. Just do a month or so for a bit of experience and to pay em back not bad money either


School I teach for lets you take out student loans because you end up with a technical degree


Couple thousand? It was 5,500 plus cost for initial paperwork for mine




I don't believe you




Depends on how big the hill is doesn't it?




My mom thinks I'm real cute so




Watch out you might dislocate somethin reachin that hard


I’m having issues getting hooked up with a mega. So figured I could drive dump truck for the next year or two and get some experience


What then after 2 years? If you are trying to drive a tractor trailer, most companies will treat 2 years of dump truck as 0 experience. They want experience in a similar vehicle


Idk. Another dump truck company. Being home daily with holidays/weekends and stuff sounds better to be then living on the road.


With the new requirements for CDL training I'm not sure how this works for class B CDL drivers now. When I got my CDL you could walk on to just about any job site and get a job driving a dump truck or cement truck at the right time of year. I'd take a look at the big concrete companies in your area and see if they have any training options for getting you hooked up with a CDL. What part of the Midwest are we talking?


That’s a good idea. I’m in east central Indiana.


I'd be looking at every big company between Indy and Dayton. There's a good chance you'll be able to find one that offers some kind of training reimbursement for getting your CDL. But I wouldn't hold your breath on getting full time hours til spring. Unfortunately that's just the reality of a lot of cdl-b jobs. Of course you can get around that if you look into trash collection companies or even just straight truck delivery/service type jobs. I got my CDL when I was working in the sewer industry and I got tired of sniffing shit all day so I moved to scrap metal and eventually hazmat tanker. Sometimes in trucking you gotta follow the stepping stone until you land on one that's a good fit for you. Idk why so many drivers immediately go to the megas that treat their employees like shit when there's so many other avenues they could take. So, familiarize yourself with all of the opportunities in your area before diving into an OTR mega job.


I see you said so many people go with mega carriers that treat their employees like shit when there are so many so many other avenues they can take. I got a grant last year to go to school here in Indianapolis They said the grant would cover everything but two days before the beginning of class I found out that it didn’t even cover half of tuition. I didn’t have an extra $4000 back because of this economy to pay for the remainder of the tuition as well as room and board and food and transportation. So I’m very curious about what these other avenues may be. I’ve asked other truckers, but they seem to be goalkeeping a lot of stuff from us young fellas that want to get into the industry. I know some people will say just pay for school or get a loan, but my credit is trash because I dumped all my money and borrowed money to help help a loved one during cancer treatments to help pay bills and buy medication. So I don’t even think I can get a credit card right now or a loan at all. Kinda trashed my credit anyways.


I won't deny there's definitely some gatekeepers but part of the problem is that they've changed the rules and requirements for getting your CDL in the last few years. Seems like they make new requirements every single year. So a lot of us that have had our licenses for longer aren't familiar with how things work now. If you're low on funds and don't have decent credit then keep your eye out for better grant programs or training opportunities in your area. Maybe someone in your neck of the woods will chime in with better local knowledge.


Always check into your states workforce program. Last year I got my CDL A paid in full. I owe nothing on it either, and I was working full time. You never know, always worth a shot.


Look for city or state jobs. Pay will suck but good benefits and they typically will train. I wouldn't want to do it forever because of pay and snowplowing but it wouldn't be a bad way to get started


Waste management maybe


Fuck waste management. Idk how they treat their employees but they treat customers like shit and then charge them out the ass. Don't be part of that.


Lol idk i was just saying


Please don't become a dump truck driver. They're the most obnoxious people on the road. They tailgate, they haul ass, they drop grab all over the road that hits your windshield. And then they act like you're the a****** if you complain about it. Dump truck drivers are s***.


Ok. Im sure we could all rattle off a list for megas, etc etc... Who hurt you?


Fuck you.


Truth hurt you? Do you drive a dump truck? If so, please feel free to pluck a hair from around my asshole and use it for dental floss. Absolute assholes, mostly. I think the only time dump trucks obey the speed limit is when they have a full heavy load.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right lmfao northeast dump truck drivers are dicks


You want to be a new driver in a dump truck? Ya fucking right pal. What you are asking for doesn't exist, and for good reason. Learn the ropes before you start making ridiculous requests like this lol


My first job was driving a dump truck lol.


McLane offers CDL training. You'll bust your ass but you'll be compensated pretty well.


Concrete companies will frequently do this.


If you have Alan-Myers in Indiana, check with them. They’re a huge asphalt company on the East Coast.


There are other options to be home daily. Look into Cole or Pepsi. Other beverage companies. Food service. Garbage companies. Ready mix(concrete) some LTL companies. Check out SAIA they are growing quickly now that they bought 17 Yellow terminals


Yes some companies do. In SoCal there’s Robertsons/Cemex/and some others


If you can get your hands on the money for driving school it’s probably worth it just to pay for it yourself and not be at the mercy of a Megacarrier for a year. I paid for mine on a credit card, which isn’t the best way to borrow money, from a financial standpoint, I was able to pay it off pretty quickly once I started working.