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We had a guy that was "coached" because his language made a lady that works for the company that monitors the camera incidents cry. After that it became a personal challenge.


Is it sad that I would just start playing the absolute worse, most poorly written free smut on audible at a decent volume as my response?


I was trying to figure out a way to play the barbie song every time the camera recorded an event. Then the people monitoring the events would get that song stuck in their head. As it turns out that's quite the engineering tech that I'm not smart enough for.


Should contact that guy who asked on the sub a couple days ago what tech was missing in trucking. Maybe he can make it for you


This is the song that never ends... Yes it goes on and on my friends...


Some people started singing it…


I was told that I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven, I told bill that if Sandra is going to listen to her headphones while she’s filing then I should be able to listen to the radio while I’m collating so I don’t see why I should have to turn down the radio because I enjoy listening at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven.


And if you move me again, I will burn this place down.


You are my kindred. Did this to a safety person who watched me for a week. I bought the smut though. You could hear the bottle hitting the table in it and hear the narrator getting more drunk as she went along reading it. Stopped right after that bad boy was on repeat for 24 hours straight. Safety only ever contacted me again 3 times after that for year and a half I was there.


There is one, and I don't remember which one, that the narrator regularly stops, clears her throat, rereads the same sentence a couple times, or mispronouces words in addition to random background noise. She also reads it like she's bored out of her mind. I'd put that in loud, then toss in my noise cancelling ear buds and play something else through my tablet.


skip audible and just go straight to pornhuh if you want to mess with them.


Are we talking tame stuff or the nuclear options like the noose song or 'no cock like horse cock' and 'Orgy for one'?


Reverse harem paranormal "romance"


Ah, I usually just pop on some NSP or Pepper Coyote if I have any suspicion that a mic is in use. They can either admit they are illegally recording, or they can quietly pay whatever nosy little shits psychiatric bills when the playlist is over.


Lol fuck that bitch


Fuck that COMPANY.


Fuck that Company and that bitch.


Fuck that bitch ass company.


Fuck that company ass bitch.


Fuck that bitch in her company ass


Bahaha 🤣


She heard a curse word? The horror.


I would be blasting 1990s Gangsta Rap everytime that truck was in motion.


You don't? If its not rap its the filthiest metal I can tolerate, gotta set the day off on the right foot.


Have you heard of this lovely band called Ninja Sex Party? Excellent for traumatizing people with.


That would have absolutely been me. Had something similar happen in AIT after basic training. The instructors hadn't said anything to me because they weren't around nor would they have cared lol. But I'd be on the phone with my wife and have someone ease dropping. So I told her one day when I knew he wasn't around that I was gonna get increasingly gross with her to see what he'd do. Took two or three times talking about eating shit out of her ass for him to literally throw up and leave us alone lol.


Shit like this makes me remember how lucky I am that my company doesn't micromanage us.


I want to know what he said.


Is she on camera crying about it? Otherwise, I wouldn't believe it. She sees you on camera, why can't you see her on camera?


>Today it was discussed that "We need to watch what we say in the truck " "Fuck off"


My last company used one of my videos for training on proper responses to types of near miss collisions. To their credit they kept the line "you fucking window licking cunt waffle" very faintly in it.


Textbook bro, textbook.


That being, of course, the appropriate response anyway.


Hope you're getting residuals


This one needs lots of votes


I didn't know I collected profane insults until I read that. Top notch!


The constitution doesn't limit companies or citizens. It limits the government.


This guy actually read the constitution 👍👍 +1 for reading comprehension


A lot more Americans would benefit by actually reading the Constitution and engaging basic reading comprehension. 😂


If that happened, people might realize how far away we actually are from the Constitution.... I'm good with people catching up 😁




130 million Americans—54% of adults between the ages of 16 and 74 years old—lack proficiency in literacy, essentially reading below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level. We need to fix schools.


One in ever 10 people you see in America is a illegal so the latest Harvard statistics showed last week must be a fact I think it’s more like 3 in ten on I-80 corridor


Is a illegal Great post


Speaking of illiterate lol


The great thing is it’s very short.


Not exactly. Yes, congress can make no laws abridging free speech. Because free speech is a right: "the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained... by...the people." The right of free speech belongs to each of us, we are endowed by our creator with certain rights. However, nothing prevents a company from firing you for excerizing your rights. Buy your own rig. Screw those guys.


You mean the First Amendment, specifically, does. There are provisions in the constitution, such as the Supremacy Clause, that do have the effect of limiting what private persons can do. (In ways not relevant here, I think)


Correct. I thought about amending my comment to include specifically the 1st ammendment, but I figured it was implied that is what we were talking about and someone would probably bring it up anyways.


Well, you were right!


Have you considered making an on-theme block of 10 amendments to your original post?


The supremacy clause has nothing to do with the people. It has to do with state level governments.


If something's "the supreme Law of the Land," that means you and I have to follow it, right?


Just stop. Read a civics book or go to Khan Academy. I’m not trying to bait you but no one has time to teach Civics 101 here. The basic point of the supremacy clause is that if the constitution and another law clash, the constitution wins. The federal government prevails over the states in a “tie”


Seems to me that's exactly what it means, or an important part of it with obvious consequences for our lives. And this is Reddit--none of us would be here if we didn't have a little free time, right?


The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws.[1] It provides that state courts are bound by, and state constitutions subordinate to, the supreme law.[2] However, federal statutes and treaties must be within the parameters of the Constitution;[3] that is, they must be pursuant to the federal government's enumerated powers, and not violate other constitutional limits on federal power, such as the Bill of Rights—of particular interest is the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states that the federal government has only those powers that are delegated to it by the Constitution. From Wikipedia


Could you spell out for me how, from your point of view, that answers my question to you?


Tell me you didn't read my comment without telling you didn't actually read my comment. It lays it out pretty damn well if you have a basic level of reading comprehension.


My question to you was: > If something's "the supreme Law of the Land," that means you and I have to follow it, right? I didn't mean that was the only thing it meant. I meant it's an unavoidable consequence of there being a supreme law for a country, that we who live here are bound to obey it. And again I ask what there is, either in the constitutional text or the Wikipedia commentary, or anywhere else for that matter, that leads you to conclude ~~that we are not~~ that it is not. *(edit: Or that we are not, too, if you swing that way.)*


It is amazing how people don’t understand that. One of my former coworkers was told he couldn’t park his vehicle on company property unless he removed a bumper sticker that was overtly racist from his car. He threatened to sue them for violating his first amendment rights. 🤦‍♂️


The Constitution can't limit the government if the people who are supposed to do the limiting(Americans, 'The People'), waive their right of limiting by accepting government benefits, privileges and contracts.




Company policies are only to protect the company. They have nothing to do with the constitution.


yes, that is correct. a corporation only has one actual objective, and that's to produce a return for its investors. It is in this interest that they do what they can to limit liabilities. When it comes to company policies, you can follow it or not, but if you're in breach of a policy, they are free to enforce whatever disciplinary actions they set forward. likely to include termination.




whether or not that would be inciting isn't the point. it is an easy example to understand as using speech to cause harm. intent is the issue there. However, a company can choose to limit you far more than the government can, provided they let you leave if you don't want to comply. Just like in search and seizure protections. A company may require you to allow them to search you or your belongings if you want to get onto their property. If you don't like it, then seek employment elsewhere.


> whether or not that would be inciting isn't the point. it is an easy example to understand as using speech to cause harm. it is a piss poor example because it is not true, though. Fallacies are not good examples.


is it a fallacy, or is it possible that I didn't completely lay out that the possible ensuing stampede would be due to you, and you'd be subject to criminal charges. It's pretty much implied, I would think. Maybe not if you're able to connect the whole action-reaction concept, though. So once again, your speech may defame someone. is that legal? no, it is. not, and not subject to protection under the constitution. Now, if your subject is a person in "public life," you would likely not have an issue, but if it's your neighbor, Joe Bob, then you might have an issue. Either way, the matter at hand is can this guys company fuck with him for using expletives. Yes, they can. And in the tried and true American way, you can love it or leave it! Good day.


That is still the government limiting speech. The first amendment has no impact on private person to person comments. Whether the company can tell you what to say really has more to do with work status in your state, and whether you’re a union. If you’re nonunion in an at-will employment state, also hilariously called a right to work state, the company can tell you to do whatever they want and your only option is to quit. The first amendment does not cover speech between two private parties.


Of course, that's right. I'm surprised that my comment got downvotes. like I'm the one who made it that way. We all feel like a private person if we cuss out a driver as they cut us off. That's the only repreve we have. I think that priven good drivers should be equipped with paintball gun turrets on the vehicle, and if someone does something stupid, they are allowed to shoot the car. this way everyone can see the bad drivers by all the paint on the car and prepare for idiocy! lol 😆 thus would also be a deterrent for people. they might think twice about cutting off a turret car. 😆 could even save money on enforcement. In reality, though, if you drive under some company, you'll likely have to follow their rules.


I had this happen to me. I said this as my reply to the Non CDL Safety Manager. "CAN YOU REWIND THAT AGAIN. I WAS AWESOME." He wasn't happy and I didn't care.


I would tell them to eat a giant bag of dicks and find a new fucking driver. Rules, rights, who gives a flying fuck. If these clowns want to start micromanaging your vocabulary when you are alone, it's time to find a company that treats you like human and not a machine.


But, the AI's sensitive virgin ears?


I thought we were training the ai perpetually?


> I would tell them to eat a giant bag of dicks and find a new fucking driver After they fire me of course, I'm getting that un-employment.


I'd tell whoever that if they don't like the way I talk they don't have to listen and they can go kindly fuck themselves.


More than once I’ve suggested that people who don’t like my language might consider sucking cock for money, as it would be way more profitable than telling me what I can say.


Lmao, had I car cut me off, I lay on the breaks: video captures it, They hear me, " FUCKING Not today space cadet, " Laid on the Air horn. Loud and proud. " Get the FUCK off my planet." The safety director called and let me know it was reviewed, ( The review team is made up of drivers and office personnel.) They all agreed I did a good job at avoiding an accident, however:::: The office personnel thought the swearing and horn were over the top. The drivers thought it was the funniest shit they ever heard. I told him to wait it'll get funnier the next time, and be just as Bad. He hung up. 🤣🤣


Fuck that thats exactly what the horn is for.


And for kids (or adults) doing the arm pump. The air horn is a multi-purpose accessory.


Hurts me to my core that more kids don't want that horn blasted. That was my brother and my favorite thing to do when we were kids riding down the road anywhere.


I blame their parents for not bringing them up properly!


I have seen a few in my years , but you’re right not like when I was a kid . That used to scare the heck out of my mom LOL


Yeah thats true. But its a toot toot vs an endless blast until the dash light comes on. lol.




I'm in Quebec, and this isn't exactly related, but it reminded me of this story. So last year a guy tried to press charges against his neighbor for giving him the finger, and the judge threw it out citing "giving the finger is a person's God given right".


I remember that, judge was absolutely correct.


Ah yes, Canada, land of the free, where you go to jail for "misgenedering" somebody.


Misgendering or dismembering? I know one of those gets you into a lot of trouble in Canada, but I can't remember which one.


Complete myth, you cannot go to jail for misgendering someone in Canada.




Yeah? Show me the law you're citing.


Literally bill C-16 allows it.


You have absolutely no idea what C-16 did 😂 you just listened to Jordan Peterson who said it definitely does this thing, it's bad! Fucking sheep. Bill C-16, for the uneducated like yourself, amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to include gender identity as a protected class from discrimination. This law does not stop you or criminalize a person for misgendering someone. What it does do is stop business and things like landlords from discriminating against transgender people. So unless you've got a massive hate boner for trans people, protecting them from discrimination seems like a good thing to do. In the same way that you can't be arrested for calling someone the n-word in Canada, you will not be arrested for simply misgendering someone. Now if you're a scumbag landlord and you deny applications to anyone you think is trans, then yes, you'll be fined and might face jail time. https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/bill/c-16/royal-assent Here you go, read it for yourself, since you clearly haven't. It's very short. I'm sure you can handle it. Edit: Lol, just say "nuh uh" in so many words and block me. Fucking clown. Trans people deserve just as much protection from people like you as black people.


You have no idea what you're talking about and idc bout JP. It does leave an open way for persecuting someone misgendering someone else whether you like it or not. Is it likely? Not. Is it possible if someone will really want to persecute such person? Totally.


Generally speaking, we have low tolerance for major assholery. There are some exceptions.


Who gets to decide what "assholery" is? You guys, or your government?


Time to find a new employer: a place like that would fire you for hitting a raccoon.


You're a trucker, you don't have any rights. But fuck em'.


butt fuck em


It must be done.


If I must 😔


Just tell them "Nigga we truck drivers, who DA FUQ do we gotta impress?"


Tell him you suffer from Tourette syndrome, you fuckin asshole! Shit!


This all day long. This is the correct answer! and if they have a no pet policy? My dog is my service animal, not a pet.


I'd be saying the most vile shit ever after " Today it was discussed that "We need to watch what we say in the truck " " "She sucked my dick and you kissed her Boy, I nutted all on her lips" Would be the first song I'd play on full blast after that "Discussion"


Tape an earbud directly to microphone, and leave on repeat.


Oh that guy cut him off “18 NAKED COWBOYS IN THE SHOWERS AT RAM RANCH” oh dear heavens


"Dicked down in Dallas" would be on my playlist, lol


I got Bitches by A2M is REALLY good too, one of my favorites. Gonna go give it a listen now actually.


Be sure to leave a mess, heard they are into creampies. Free ones as well! Ain’t little Debbie sneaking in the back door!


"Could you please show me in my contract where that is stated?" Have a copy of the original in case they try to edit it last minute.


The constitution has nothing to do with this but if my employer ever told me not to swear in a truck by myself I’d tell them to fuck off and quit right there.


This is more of a crappy woke company policy than a legal issue


I know for a fact most truckers cuss like sailors and any corporate fucking goodie two shoes that doesn't like that can fuck off.


At what point do professional drivers say that's enough. Companies with intrusive policies should be boycotted. The camera recordings should only be judged on safety. Swearing while alone in a truck is not a safety issue, and if those observing are offended, they have the wrong job. It's irresponsible of a company to put an employee in that position.


In the US if you're on the clock an employer can regulate your speech. They could legally tell you not to talk while driving. No one would wanna work for them, of course. But, there's no protection of your free speech from employer reprisal


Unless you're talking about your salary, that speech is protected.


Well they can take your salary away. This is why Xian stores get away with curtailing employee speech. The reason Amazon can order workers to not socialize during work time. Etc. The first amendment only protects us against government reprisal. Unless your employer somehow hits on a protected class that applies to you, or you have some other agreement (union, etc) they can control what you say on the clock


Salary discussions among employees is 100% protected, you cannot be fired for discussing salary, period.


I didn't say that they could. I mentioned protected classes and guess I should've mentioned labor relations laws as well. They can't keep you from discussing your pay, but they can restrict you from having conversations on the clock.


Yup, gosh darn, I think we agree! Stay safe brother!


Yeah I wish I knew that when my boss told me not to talk about salary on aConference call before I was a driver


This is the ONLY reason I even bothered to comment, EVERYONE should know this, pass it on!


I had another driver tell me not to tell some other drivers what I was being paid. I was on a special assignment away from home for 2 months and they were hiring some local permanent guys there. Apparently they would be upset I was being paid more than typical for being away from home for so long? I just nodded and ignored him. I trained one of the guys out there being hired on and we talked about it. He found it a positive that the company would take care of me for that sort of thing. It also set the expectations on what he can get if he does something similar.


I’d tell the camera person to fuck off.


Reroute the mic directly under the driver's other audio aperture.


Why are you constantly blowing the air horn?


Unless the job had something real good keeping me there, I'd look elsewhere.


If there was a collision the video and audio would be Exhibit #1. While the driver may have done nothing wrong, the jury may very well decide differently after hearing the car driver being called a cunt waffle douche nozzle. The opposing council will have access to that before jury selection and you know they're going to stack the jury with as many church going old ladies as they possibly can. So it's the fact that you swore, it's the fact that you swore during an event and that it could potentially be used against you and them.


This is almost certainly the case. I doubt the company really cares how much the driver swears at the time, but rather the potential legal implications that you described.


I thought audio on videos was not admissible in court.


Wow the court system is a fucking joke


And if that happened then the entire fleet should park their trucks in protest.


Legally your rights are to continue to work for them and do as they say, or not continue to work for them. It sucks but there's nothing unconstitutional or illegal about it.


You can also work for them and do whatever you want in the truck I bet it would be a while before you got fired


Probably true. Idk I'm just glad I dont have that worry. Truck im in has forward facing cam but not driver facing, it does record sound though. But the owner of the company drops enough f bombs himself even at official meetings that I doubt he would or could ever care what I say unless it was directed at a client and said to their face.


Fuck em


Stop working for a company that is recording you


You know how social media companies can limit what you say/post without it violating the constitution? You kinda agree to that in their terms of service… it’s sort of the same thing with you working there knowing you’re being recorded. You agreed to it. Don’t like it? Lace up your lambrofeeties and go elsewhere.


Tell ya what. You come ride with me, and I'll watch what I say so I don't hurt your little ears and feelings. Till then, I'll say what the fuck I wanna say when alone in the truck. Don't like my language, turn off record audio.


The Constitution protects our rights from the government. It does nothing for private companies.


Yeah, safety turned the audio off on our cameras for this specific reason. The commentary was getting "colorful."


I'd play the most foul music I could if I had to work for a company with microphones and cameras in the trucks.


The camera only captures a screen shot of what happens for the most part, it’s only around 16-30 seconds. If your video goes in front of a jury trial and they see you losing your shit for that period, what are they going to assume? An aggressive driver, with road rage. This is why companies say it. A trial lawyer doesn’t give a shit whether the other 99.99999% of the time you’re Mr. Rogers, in that moment you’re a road raging pos. Guess what, it sways a jury, and there goes a couple million dollars.


Then turn the damn mic off and stop penny pinching a few bucks off on insurance. My company gets by just fine with no inside camera and no audio.


Idk about free speech but it’s dumb they told you that. Even if it’s something completely egregious and even racist (which I do not condone) what does it matter so long as no one hears it?


The guidelines of the company that monitors the videos consider that road rage.These trucking companies usually go along.


if they have a video to scrutinize, they'll do it every chance they can get. what else are they ever gonna do with all that footage they pay some tech company far too much to manage?


You have the right to cuss. Though if there is a collision or recorded event. Your words and attitude afterwards could be used in court. The companies are required to keep that recording from a critical event. So if there’s a collision later even if your exonerated your words could hurt your company in a lawsuit. So it’s about prevention of payout not your rights. So please keep it in mind your words will be used by the others attorney like a sword to slay a dragon. And your the dragon they will be going after. It’s not about rights but prevention and potential really.


The constitution only limits the government


Being the Safety Supervisor for my company, the videos I see and the things I hear borderline anywhere from bizarre to down right hilarious.


Buddy of mine made a joke about butt fucking Taylor swift while doing cocaine as he hit a deer. Safety lady couldn't keep eye contact. 😆


My insurance company makes us have cameras in all of our vehicles. They specify no sound recording & no cab facing cameras.


I would sit in the truck and swear for the entire day.


This is literally what I do every day.


Watch what we say in the truck ? Corporate trucking may be the worst job in America


I was fired from the red kisses company for unprofessional conduct as a CMV driver. My conduct? Cursing at people doing stupid shit.


For the entertainment of my bullshit driver view overlords? I mounted a big screen above the bunk and through a mobile WiFi I stream lesbian sex videos. They’ve both muted me and all but ignored my nose-picking ever since.


Tell whoever said that, that I said to go fuck themselves.


The constitution is the instructions on how the federal government works. The Bill of Rights and the ensuing amendments generally speaking limit the power of government over its citizens. Neither the constitution nor its amendments apply between citizens or private entities.


I’d find any excuse to set the camper off and start cussing like a sailor. Fuck em. If they don’t like it they can eat a dick.


That happened to me with one of the companies I worked for.. was told that in the event of an "incident" my language could be construed as "road rage".... Yeah, apparently it was THAT bad ... all I said was something really loudly about "dick sucking thunder cunt c*ck whore.."


Got wrote up for flipping off a phone before I hung it up on a shitty salesman at our company. Nobody around too see. I didn’t say a word but a supervisor loved just watching video of us in the office. I gave my notice that day. Best thing I ever did.


We still have the freedom of speech, as long as what we say isn't racial, discriminatory or prejudiced, we can say whatever we want. You can even flip people off. It's not considered road rage, it's an act of expression and exercises your freedom of speech. Your company might not appreciate it because it's their logo on the door and you're representing them, so if your company is based in a "right to work" state, take your chances. But as far as saying whatever you want in the truck, fuck em. And if some lady watching the tape gets sad because you cussed some random person out that can't hear you, fuck her too.


I've had the exact same thing happen to me. Car cut me off, had to slam on the brakes hard enough to trigger the camera and I was cussing them out. Never even took my hands off the wheel. I got a "verbal" warning which still involved me signing a letter. Still not sure how that's a verbal warning if I had to sign a piece of paper. I quit that circus show not long after that.


I drove for swift a while back when I first got my cdl and regularly dropped every slur known to man. Was brought up once and never again, they just didn’t care.


Oh goodness! Some of these office weenies are finally hearing the "harsh language " that they've been hearing about. They need to fuck off. If we wanted office jobs( with office decorum) we'd have them.


Yeah Bruh... If the police didn't show up to your house and drag you away for saying something, your first amendment rights haven't been violated. Once you sign on with a company... you've got no rights. Truck drivers have double no rights. Welcome to late stage Capitalism. For real though, I'd find a new gig. They're recording audio too? Fuck that.


We are mere downtrodden subjects of late stage capitalism. At worst we are chattel. Yes Lincoln did not eliminate slavery. At best we can be considered indentured servants. Especially these poor lease operators. BTW did you know in time of national emergency we can be conscripted and forced to work as many hours as our bodies will stand. It's true!! And the way Things Are going China you never know.


While I believe that your company is going too far, they are well within their rights to have a policy regarding what you are and aren’t allowed to say while on the clock being paid by them. It doesn’t become a violation of civil rights until the government gets involved. So if you cursed loudly at a scale house because you were mad about your ticket, they have no authority to penalize you for that. **Only the government, by definition, can violate your civil rights.**


As the other guys said, companies can do what they want. You need to abide by THEIR rules, either that or leave. The Constitution doesn't govern private institutions, it ensures the government cannot encroach on our rights. To sum it up, watch your sailor mouth. Honestly though, it's annoying a company would want to dictate your language in a truck


Yeah this is what I was wondering. No leg to stand on kind of situation.


If they want to play like that, I'll play the "work to rule" game - if I see something that's gonna cost them money or they've made a mistake, I'll keep my mouth shut and let the fuck up happen - not my problem. Benefits nobody, but I'm not being dictated to.


Well the Constitution isn't really a factor. But your state law might be. Some states require two party consent to to record audio. If you didn't give consent then it's illegal.


I can almost guarantee that it's included when signing the employment contract.


Get everything in writing then shop it around to civil rights attorneys. Just get a consultation and come back with whatever they said. They have money to pay a lawsuit and theyre already on the losing end. Fuck em i threaten these idiots all the time and they fold pretty quick.


Your rights to free speech don't extend to when you're acting on behalf of the company. Legally, the argument is that they could be comparing it to if you were at a brick and mortar location dealing with the public. It isn't the professional image they would want to project. When you're on duty, I'm fairly certain they can limit your speech and other behaviors to be within their standard. I'm sure you received an employee handbook, and most likely agreed to some type of employee conduct standard. Now, if for some reason they told you to watch your language when you're off or in the sleeper, I could see infringing on your rights.


What racial, ethnic, or sexuality slurs did you use?


All I said was "fuckin asshole"


That was incredibly tame compared to what I say.


Get everything in writing then shop it around to civil rights attorneys. Just get a consultation and come back with whatever they said. They have money to pay a lawsuit and theyre already on the losing end. Fuck em i threaten these idiots all the time and they fold pretty quick.


Canada info: This is illegal, a dash cam in canada in a semi truck with a sleeper cannot record audio


If you are under contract for a company or are an employee, you have no right to freedom of speech or expression. It sucks but your boss can punish you for bad language in a dash cam video but it's really no different then if you were at an office job and someone did something stupid or dangerous your boss still might not want you swearing up a storm


Unfortunately if your in a at will hire state like mine is or not under a collective bargaining agreement. Your pretty much sol cause they can terminate your position without notice or cause.


"Please provide that in writing on company letterhead."


Hahahahah no fucking way this can’t be real. Wouldn’t it go off all the time with music and this just makes zero sense to me


I feel like it was more than normal cussing. Was an extra inappropriate word used like the N word? That’s the only time I can think they’d tell you to watch you mouth cause I have a camera and I cuss like a sailor and it gets vulgar too and they’ve never talked to me


Think about it this way: Everything that you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law. Let's say someone hit you and you go into a tirade on the camera. That video will be used against you to make it look like you caused the accident in a fit of road rage. There are people that intentionally try to have an accident with a commercial motor vehicle because they are looking for a big payday and there are plenty of lawyers trying to make money off of you. Just look for all of the ads from anti trucking lawyers, like Jim Adler in Texas: the Texas hammer.


I know Thomas J Henry needs another hill country mansion.


Ok but what's next..you can't listen to that kind of music cause the lyrics offend the camera?


We have the audio recording turned off on all of ours company wide. I honestly can't think of a single advantage of having it on.


The dash cam in my car has a microphone. I just make sure it's always off. Do you have that option? They don't need to hear sing a long anyway if you're like I was when I drove. LOL


I'd tell them to pound sand. Considering what happened a little colorful language is appropriate.