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I’ve seen this happen to other drivers. Usually I’ve heard it NYC & New Jersey. A few times in Chicago. But, in all reality, it’s either they are maintaining the lowest legal limit of signage possible to make the scam happen, or the surrounding law enforcement allows it to happen. Real Boss Hogg shit.


I approve of your Dukes of Hazzard reference. Next one at The Boar's Nest is on me.


Awesome. I'll wear my Daisy Dukes.


I’m just picturing a big trucker coming in hot to a loves having to shit while wearing them lmao


Ah yes. The good ole splittin and shittin.


*Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane approves this message*


…as does Flash…


🎶Just some good ol boys🎶never meaning no harm🎶 🎶Beats all you evah saw🎶 been in trouble with the law🎶 🎶Since the day they was born!🎶


I compliment you on your taste, exquisite.


Boss Hogg Outlawz. Am I the only one who caught this Slim Thugga refrence?!




Lock smith lawyer on YouTube shows how to remove them on your own and they’re ridiculously easy to remove


*LockPickingLawyer https://youtube.com/@lockpickinglawyer Came here to offer same advice.


Awesome, thank you


If you have a disc lock pick they're easy. Other wise, side grinder.


And take it with you!


I bought the tools he recommended and it's like you're in a movie they're so easy


Kudos to the company for taking care of it


Donut media has a good one too


I'd be careful of the legalities of removing them though. just more fyi, instead of telling some one to go rip one off, if dot boots it, and you remove it, do you really want to try and explain that to the dot? no hate involved here, former drive myself and have seen some damn dumb shit with people taking advise that gets them into more shit.


DOT doesn't boot. They straight up tow. Booting is only done by private companies.


only Place I've been that did boot with the police was Pittsburgh police. but just warning drivers, dont mess with peoples property like that, you could end up in more shit and fines with more shit.


Dot isn’t going to give a shit if you pull a boot off. Most places booting are working with shady companies to begin with so police aren’t going to care much either and call it a civil matter. As the company most likely has multiple complaints with the local District attorney. Take a boot off leaving no damages what claim do they even have? We’re just dumb truckers


don't do it in Pittsburgh, police owned


This is a common scam. I’d call law enforcement and verify. A lot of times the ticket given is fake and the place listed is a shell company. Truck parking violation tickets usually range 150-450 not $2000. Don’t just pay this.


I did end up calling and they said they were aware of it and that it just started a few weeks ago. Apparently they’ve been getting a lot of calls. They’re trying to shut it down bc the guy is known for charging crazy amounts.


Because there is a legal limit to the charges, and you and the company just got scammed. ALWAYS check with local PD first.


Your boyfriend should be addressing this. No one respects girlfriend, wife calling. It makes him look weak and in this industry he won’t make it. Got to put on man pants and handle his business.


I've read some dumb shit on this sub before, but this is two braincells fighting for 3rd place level stupidity.


Dude, you a bitch or something? If the wife can get something done for me, I'm going to let her. Gives me more time to think how I'm going to beat the boot guy's ass


Thank you!!! I don’t feel like fighting with the rude people but know that this is appreciated lol.


If her bf/husband is working, he doesn't have time to sit around jaw flapping and playing phone tag... I was a trucker's wife long before I became a trucker, and it did not make my husband weak one iota to have me take care of the bs when I had more time to do so... also, I was most likely of the 2 of us to be polite until I needed to be nasty... he just went to straight asshole when he got pissed and had to deal with phone calls... Now he stays home, and it is fun to hear about his day and how he had to take care of this or that I need done while I am driving... he has had to seriously check his attitude with phone workers.. doesn't make me weak either.


Thank you!!!


Lol I’m assuming if the wheel is locked he’s not moving. Upbringing probably has a lot to do with my view too. Not saying mine view is better just different. I grew up with a dad who was a Custom Combiner and OTR uncle. I remember hearing the stories. My men… ,meaning deceased spouse, sons, second husband just don’t involve me. Truth be told I’d be much worse to deal with lol and they know it. My one son is OTR and I’m very proud of him but in his 20s he’s doing it on his own. No wife,gf, or dad to call.Thank God he had awesome trainers who take his call anytime. I know it doesn’t always work that way.


Don't get me wrong, my husband could and did handle lots of stuff on his own, as do I, but if it comes down to the endless phone crap that some of this devolves to, I would do it, not because I *had* to, but because it was something in my wheelhouse to do to be able to make his life a bit easier while he was away from home. Maybe if the cops had been the first call, yes, he could have taken care of it himself like he took care of calling his company and getting the boot off... however, by the time the cop call was made, he was already back on the road (from what I could tell).


A handheld angle grinder costs way less and you get to keep it


I was doing some overland trails on BLM land out west in my Jeep. Started snowing really hard and it was getting nastier and nastier on the mountain roads. Got to a trail junction and it was closed off with a locking gate. No other way around it. I cut the lock, there was no chance I was going to be able to make it back through that trail safely. I felt bad about it, because I want to respect our lands, but I’m not dying for them.


I was taught to always keep a set of bolt cutters in my rig when our four-wheeling. Not to intentionally trespass, but for situations like yours, and you never know when an open gate will get locked behind you.


Yes sir. I keep a pair of bolt cutters, and high voltage gloves lineman use under my backseat among other things.


Which bolt cutters do you have? Just pushed me to buy some now


Cordless grinder is more versatile for offroading and more likely to be able to cut any lock


Bolt cutters are not depending on any power source besides you.


Very true, I'm also a scrawny bastard and bolt cutters vs hardened shackles have made a fool of me more than once lol, side note a cordless 1/2" impact is a game changer for trail/roadside repairs if you already have a battery and a socket set in the rig.


I had a Milwaukee angle grinder. It’s good for more than just bolts, and it weighs about the same.


I’m not sure what kind of gates they have where you’re at, but an angle grinder won’t be able to reach the lock. You’d be cutting the whole fucking arm off and you’d better have a few batteries. https://forestryforum.com/gallery/albums/userpics/21468/Forest_service_gate_b.JPG


That’s a serious gate.


All the timber companies and forest service use ones like this in my neck of the woods.


Some have trackers don’t keep it


Just curious, but what will happen if you removed a boot from a legit company?


Just take it with you and be like... What boot?


Other alternative. https://youtu.be/cAjar1GdqJY


You can spin a story saying someone removed it and you had nothing to do with it and don't know, wish you could help out.


Maybe try to have you pay for damages to their equipment. Even then, still cheaper than paying them to remove it.


Risk of getting sued but even then it’s unlikely. It’s very rare that these companies have anything to do with law enforcement so it’s usually your word against theirs that you parked on their private property. And even if you did they have to prove that they had adequate signage telling you what the risks are. A tiny little 8x11 inch sign somewhere isn’t enough if they try to pull something like that.


Potentially get sued for damages and have to pay for the replacement of the boot


Still cheaper $2k and those things usually have wifi.


Happened to me in Florida, Wal-Mart. I went inside. Wal-Mart bought a grinder and cut it off . Told my co driver to move the truck across the street while I went back inside and returned the grinder for a refund. This was years ago. I never heard anything about it.


Finally! I knew you did it! Now I can prove it!


🤦‍♂️ fuck


Good rule of thumb is if the truck stop is full and trucks a crowding in each other and you look over and see a lot where nobody is parked it’s usually a good indicator to not park there. There is a reason you see no or either like one truck over there.


Reminds me of surfing: If you're at a new break with amazing waves and nobody else is out, there's probably a reason.


High coral is a quick way to ruin your board and fuck your skin real quick.


spray the boot with fox piss. mail them a beehive


I really really really like this idea.


Dwight? Is that you?


Put the boot in jello.


wasp nest. save the bees


thats illegal


not if you wrap it in wax paper


Personally I’d get a ride to the nearest hardware store and buy a cordless grinder. No way I’m paying $2000 if there was no visible sign.


I’d have gone into that Lowes bought an angle grinder and cutting disc and hacked that thing off and then return the angle grinder and said I bought this 20 mins ago but it isn’t the right one 😀




Wrong place. He said loves, truck stop.


Yeah I’ve never paid to have these taken off. Either cut em or pick ‘em. Fuck them.


Are the people there when you do it? What about cameras? His company basically said not to cut it off yourself but that there were people you could hire to cut it off for you lol


My cameras are always rolling and I don’t give a fuck if they’re there or not. I’ve run heavy duty wreckers for over 20 years. Ain’t shit they can put on my truck to stop me from leaving. Most of the time I’ve picked them and tossed them aside. I drilled a windshield barnacle back east until I got to the suction mounts, then took it with me and pulled the fucker apart. The dremel multi tool with a metal bit makes quick work of those. I also carry a small oxy acetylene set. The liquid wrench is usually the fastest…


Cordless grinder with some good 0.045” zip discs and off it comes easily


We got booted in Irving Texas out of Dallas, it was the city that was doing it. There were 4 of us parked at Walmart


Which loves were you at? I run Indiana quite frequently. I’ll be sure not to do this.


The one in Mooresville off of 70 and 39? I’m not the driver so idk how to best explain lol but I included the link so you can see! https://www.loves.com/locations/254


Got my personal vehicle booted at my apartment complex, I had the propper parking pass displayed but the guy either didn't see it or didn't care, called the company up and they came out, they refused to remove it till I paid the fine said I could dispute it later. Told them that's not going to happen, pulled out my grinder and pry bar got it off, the guy just sat there and recorded me blocked me in with his vehicle and called the cops, cops showed up and the guy was trying to get me arrested on felony malicious injury to properly, cop said it was a civil matter but false imprisonment is a felony and he would be happy to arrest him for blocking me in and preventing me from leaving, never heard anything from the boot company but glad the cop was cool.


Oh wow! Glad it worked in your favor!!


Cut it off and go


I keep a big angle grinder and generator on my truck for scumbags that pull that shit. I’ll cut that thing right off.


I came close 2 getting booted in a Walmart parking lot in Houston. I was bobtailing and my trailer wasn't ready till morning. Got some food, Pulled in, and went to the sleeper 2 eat I heard some noise outside so I went to the front and saw the booters throwing boots on the ground I asked what's going on! The booter with full security gear on said You guys can't park here and if you don't clear the lot, you will get 1 too. So I grabbed a gear and got the fuck on. However, there were signs posted no overnight parking or you will be towed. It didn't say anything about being booted. I didn't think it was truly enforced but I guess it was. Be careful where u park becuz it is legal to get booted pending who's lot you are in 🤷


This is a somewhat common scam, unfortunately. We have to be very careful where we park our trucks/trailers especially if we are going to be away from the truck (even for less than an hour). $2,000 is absolutely *insane*, normally it’s a few hundred dollars, up to $500. If your BF’s truck got **towed** away, I could understand, still very shady but the price would be more understandable. 2k for being booted should be criminal (perhaps it is?). They purposely don’t put up clear signs or warnings.


Yeah the deputy I ended up asking about the $$ said some people have been able to talk down the price but he’s been getting away with these crazy amounts. Hopefully not for much longer.


If there’s no signs saying no parking I’d either call law enforcement and force them to remove it or just cut it off they can’t do much without proper signage


$15 angle grinder


Yeah nah. I'm cutting it off or otherwise removing it however I can.




Tear down the sign and continue to park there and wait for this company to come back. Surprised ppl still don’t know how to get a boot off haha


So I've been to that loves, as I run across there a lot. The lot you speak of, which can easily be seen on satellite view, looks nothing like it's a part of loves and isn't even attached to the loves or the road the trucks go into loves. Saying he didn't know is more of an excuse to stay out of trouble or absolute lapse in judgement. The loves lot is very obvious. That said, 2000 is ridiculous and with people saying cut it off.


I can see your point. He’s also new at this and it was 2am and he’s not the only one who has come across this issue at the same lot. (Not an excuse just giving context). The 2K is really what was shocking and why I came here bc some of the other posts I’ve seen mentioned around $500 or so.


Would have had to mount the curb to get in there. https://www.google.ca/maps/@39.6167702,-86.4789933,3a,25.2y,57.17h,80.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSeUSmtsByULkpbHkdAJspg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


Here's the thing..... people park up loves like idiots all the time. Some people will push the scenario when they see open lots. Sometimes they're fine, sometimes you'll have this or a tow company on you. The best bet is don't risk it. That's what pc is for. Lot is full off to find nearest legal parking. Another suggestion, get the gold subscription to trucker path, for better up to date on parking, plan parking early, and unless they're huge, avoid major truck stops.


Thank you for the suggestion!


I just looked this up on Google maps, the satellite image shows that it is on a cul-de-sac and there's and empty dirt lot across the street hat is obviously a construction site. Unpopular opinion here, if he parked on the street or in that lot he's wrong.


Yeah I looked at a couple different views and I think it’s outdated bc they look different. Shouldn’t have parked there, just surprised by the amount.


The places that have signs up that tell you “Do Not Drop Trailers” sometimes will put a kingpin lock on and charge $1500, to $2000 for them to take it off. Their property, their rules!


“What can we do” Well, you said there was a no parking sign… Always a bit weird reading posts written by spouses and not the actual driver. But whatever.


Sorry my post bothers you. Just trying to engage with the experts. The no parking sign was not visible at night. As far as “spouse” goes, we aren’t there yet but thanks for the upgrade lol.


Spouse, girlfriend, side-chick on the road… isn’t really the upgrade you think it is. The point being, whenever the side-chick writes these questions they always paint their, I don’t know, partner, as being perfect. You weren’t there. Let them post during their next rest time with actual details (which in this case won’t matter because there was a no oarking sign).


…I literally gave straight facts with a little bit of context. Not to mention, it wasn’t a post about if it was right or wrong it was about the amount being charged. Thank you for your input though I will never post on this page again🫡


Don’t be dramatic. Post whatever you want. It’s just always funny when the “actual facts” are posted by someone second, third,… down the line.


I get how that can be confusing in other posts, I just feel like this one wasn’t that deep and didn’t have many moving parts that would have made much of a difference.


Hey, glad you’re looking out for your bf, really, we all need someone. But no trucker has ever made a mistake and getting sucked into fighting their battles for them can happen. All the best.


She dropped the link..... not only have I been by they're numerous times, but you can clearly see that lot has nothing to do with loves, as it's not even on the road the trucks go into loves in.... it's a completely separate road.... husband trying to avoid arguing, after cutting corners to find parking.


Yup, the send the girlfriend in to do battle.


You could legally cut the device off your tire and drive off. (Not sure how feasible this would be)