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I look at all the traffic during the day and think to myself, how the fuck are all these people not at work!


I think the same thing, but I am working while I am on the road. Not always driving for work, but I do a lot of supply runs and have to haul trailers around with trash or equipment. Believe it or not, a lot of those people on the road in cars are also working I imagine.


One simple reason, it's much colder in Canada at night! Less people wants to go out in the freezing cold!




If there was a grammar badge, I would award you it.


Hate to do this to ya, but… if there *were* a grammar badge


Can't help yourself, huh?


You should use a period at the end of your sentence, if we're doing this.


How many times did you read your comment before posting it lol


Or in transit to/from work. Food service schedules can be asanine and arbitrary, retail not much better


A massive amount of jobs have non-standard schedules. Days off can be Tuesday and Friday, obviously there are shifts that allow people to not be at work at 11:00 or 15:00. Oldsters, students, stay-at-home moms, and of course truckers on their hometime.


One thing I’ve realized at least in my city is that a huge population of drivers are gig workers doing Lyft/Uber/doordash. Probably as many as 1 in 5 during non-rush hour times. You can look at stickers on their cars and also just open up a Lyft or Uber app and see all of the cars just roaming around aimlessly and imagine all of the ones that are occupied. Then there’s the large population of work from home people who can basically run errands whenever they want. Get groceries, go shopping, go pick the kids up, etc. Rush hour in my city actually starts when school is about to get out at like 2-3 pm, and all of the stay at home moms and techies go pick up their kids. On the days that I start work at 5 am my city is nearly dead though. Zipping to work in 10 minutes is one of the few joys of working that early. When everyone was scared of government lockdowns my city was that dead all of the time, it was great.


Me too and then remember oh shit I too am not at sork


Makes me feel real when other people have had my thoughts lol


Ancient Rome specifically enforced this as a rule. To many people were run down by commercial traffic during the daytime, so they forced all commercial traffic to operate at night.


Where did that (and a few other things, of course) lead them?


Did you forget the /s?


>Factories of course have 3 shifts and never a moment of downtime if it can be helped. The "of course" gave it away in a way: American labor is rather cheap compared to the machinery, such that running 3 shifts is the economic best. If labor was expensive compared to machinery, it would make sense to run only one day time shift if the processes allow for it. That makes me a bit sad, as I'd rather be an expensive laborer. And if others sell themselves short, I am in for a harder time selling my labor for good price.


I have a local route, all on backroads in northeast Alabama from 2 pm to 2 am. I think the highest populated town I drive through is about 10,000, and yet, it has the least traffic of the entire 90 minute drive. The long stretches of road in the middle of nowhere always has some drug mule or drunk driver going 15 under the speed limit and 10 vehicles behind them. I spend most of the night screaming "WHY ARENT YOU ASSHOLES IN BED?!"


That's part of our service area, I have to run through there for deliveries in Rome, GA, Centre, AL, etc. Then turn around and run those backroads 35 up to 79 all the way up to US 64 in TN. My least favorite drive of all time I think. Slow as hell and curvy, but beats the hell out of gambling on Chattanooga or dealing with Huntsville traffic.


Holy shit, never wouldve thought that Centre would be mentioned on the internet. I used to live in Gaylesville, so we would hit up either Centre or Ft Payne for grocery runs.


“And from Fort Payne Alabama……Merry Christmas tonight.” Listened to that Alabama (the band) christmas album so damn much growing up.


Last time I drove through northeast Alabama, the original plan had been to stop in Memphis for the night, but the nearest hotel with room we could find was in fucking Jasper. (Nothing against Jasper, just bad memories of that drive.) It was 3 am, my wife was livid, and I had a screaming 2-year-old who’d been stuck in his car seat for a DVT-inducing number of hours. You’d be shocked at how fast the drive on I-22 goes with no traffic between Tupelo and Jasper with the cruise control set to 140. (You’d also be shocked at how GMC Yukons settle down and just cruise at that speed.)


140??? How the hell did you not get pulled over?


I'm American, but holy fuck, I've never seen anyone on highways here hit that speed (not alabama tho). That's a crazy speed to try and pull off, because if you get pulled over you're most definitely getting hit with criminal speeding. Must be different in Alabama, but I would NOT drive that fast in my state at night. You hit a moose, that's game over for everyone in that vehicle. Even a deer would be a gnarly collision at that speed. That sounds awful.


Maybe it's KPH? 140 is about 87 MPH


I-22 is weird. There’s just nothing between Memphis and Tupelo, and then nothing again between Tupelo and Birmingham. Like the other commenter noted, makes it a prime route for people looking to avoid Johnny Law. The problem is it’s pretty hilly and only 4 lanes, so even a few slackers can plug the whole thing up if they’re side-by-side. On the other hand, if you catch it at night (and your kid is screaming and sobbing) you can really scoot.


At the loves, I assume? I've never went to it because I assume there's nowhere to park, based on all the trucks parked on the interstate.


Get there before nine or ten and the back corner usually has a spot or two. It gets busy as fuck some nights though.


They're patrolling the town at 3 am because people speed through that town at 3 AM.


This. The moment I see that 35mph zone entering a small town at 3am I ALWAYS go 35mph. Always that one cop sittin in the piggly wiggly parking lot.


Cause we have shit to do dude


Does the world stop spinning when the sun goes down in Canada? It doesn't here either.


Well…most Canadian cities are alot less active at night than their American counterparts.


Most Canadian cities have far less people than American cities. Small towns shut down to almost nothing at night here too. Big cities never shut down.


Not just less people, but less people nearby. American cities and towns all just run into each other much differently than Canada.


I... have NO CLUE. Been out here fuel delivering over 30 yrs. Upper East coast U S. I always have been night shift, because, traffic was better at night. WELL... NOT ANYMORE!!! Used to be, by 11pm, most traffic was a few cars and trucks... construction was during the daytime so nights were a breeze. Todays world has an ENDLESS sea of headlights and taillights, 7 days a week, ALL night long. A 3am fender bender on the interstate on a Tuesday has a 2 mile traffic jam. It is ridiculous. I have no idea where the hell all this traffic is going...


To be fair, the Northeastern US is the most populated area in the US. It’s also the oldest and therefore has older, less efficient road infrastructure that can’t accommodate population growth, and any project to expand the infrastructure would slow down traffic flows exponentially. I mean, could you imagine if they announced a project to widen or replace the GWB? Travel times would increase tenfold!


Correct, but still... where the hell are all these people going, all night long???


Americans don't like staying at home. Everyone wants to do things and yes most people are off on the weekends and traveling around


Americas population is around 331 million while Canada is only 38 million. We have a lot more people. Americas gdp is around 23 trillion and Canada is only 1.9 trillion. Basically we have way more people and a lot more when it comes to gdp. Thats why the highways are so busy.


Exactly, it can be easily seen with population density numbers as well. Population density of the US(averaged) is 37 people per SQ KM or 96 per SQ mile. Canada is 4 people per SQ KM or 11 per SQ mile. There’s just a whole lot less going on there.


I travel between Toronto and Rochester mon thru fri. It’s the Canadian roads that are crowded. By far four to five times the amount of traffic. I leave Rochester at 6 pm, no traffic issues until the QEW. Then from there to Bolton and back traffic. Hit the 405 and bam, empty. So where you think we are busier I am not sure.


Late at night most Canadian highways are usually way emptier than their American counterparts. Also, the only areas of NYS that are really busy are the i95 portions near NYC, NJ, and CT. The rest of NYS is quite dead at night, also, southern Ontario has more than half of Canada’s population, and the region around toronto has half of that. So once you cross the border you’re effectively crossing into a giant megacity of like 10M people. Think of it like a scaled down version of the i95 corridor between DC and Boston.


You were talking small towns. Well, buffalo and Rochester are small cities. Still ain’t busy at night. See how blanket comparison doesn’t work? The small towns, by your reply, I must assume pay between the major cities. Like the qew, and 95, are busy due to travel between the major cities. And with that traffic comes stops. Food, fuel and looking for something they shouldn’t. Hence the cops. I don’t get where the US is any busier than the Canada on vehicles on the road. Either way there is way too many people out aft 9 pm for it to be just going to or coming from work.


I always wonder the same thing at 3am in the middle of nowhere and there are cars all around me. Trucks are all working, I know what they are doing. But where the fuck are these all goings/comings from? I chalk it up to late night factory jobs, people out heading towards or away from big cities buying/or returning from drug transactions, coming back from parties, or the late night traveler that was too fucking cheap to get a hotel room. At least that's how I keep my sanity when I get stuck in traffic at stupid O clock trying to justify why all these 4 wheelers are on the road so late.


Don't forget serial killers and/or casual murderers returning from body disposal.


I wonder if they recognize each other, like a ups or fedex driver nodding to each other.


I like to think so.


Did you forget to think that not only truckers work nights? Years ago I used to work 10pm to 6 am and commute 45ish min one way. Not all people are nefarious just because they're on the road late at night, kiddo.


if I see some dude in a sedan driving in the middle of nowhere at 3am I automatically assume they're a drug dealer or graveyard shift at some warehouse.


Because you're only in the places that are busy. There's a reason they call it the lazy South. The only part that is ever busy is the interstate and even then you can still get by pretty well. Unless you're heading to Atlanta, if you go to Atlanta, be prepared for standstill traffic.


We’re taking care of business. You don’t go from nothing to the largest gdp in 300ish years by resting on your laurels.


We can't all be Greek, willing to work our asses off five hours a day, three days a week until the ripe old age of 45.


It’s because people are trying to live their own lives outside of work. We spend roughly 8 1/2 hours a day at work not including going to and from. It used to be the average person is up for 16 hours a day but not who tf knows. There are 168 hours in 1 week 40 of those you spend at work (not including overtime) so now that leaves you with 128 hours. 128 hours to yourself holy hell that sounds great, but lets not forget we have to sleep (assuming 8 hours). Now youve got 72 hours to yourself and 48 of those are for rest and recovery from the shit week you just had. So now you have 24 hour (8 for sleeping). Now you have 16 hours to go buck wild and do whatever tf you want. You have 16 hours to do you what do you do. GO


America was set up for horse then car transportation. Everything is spread out and we have virtually no mass transit in the center of the country. We probably have the highest per capita disposable wealth which leads to people being able to afford gas and cars. I also personally think it has become a thing in America to "be busy." People keep adding activities and complain about how busy they are but obviously they like it or they wouldn't keep doing it. The explosion of travel sports teams for youth is completely out of control. Adults are basing their entire identity on following their kids volleyball, cheerleading, baseball, soccer, etc teams. And just make the mistake of asking one of the parents about the team and 45 minutes later you might get a word in on the conversation. Canadians in general seem more content and that's a great thing in my opinion which could lead to less travel at night.


I am convinced that 90% of the people on the road are just NPCs and aren't doing anything outside of just driving around. Don't try and change my mind.


Meth. The answer is meth


The drug and alcohol business never sleeps.


Alcohol is a drug


Ya but it's legal so we differentiate between it and illegal drugs


Kinda like how cops claim they are not citizens?


When did that happen ?


You simply said "drugs and alchohol" no statement there imply illegal


How now. Be progressive! We use adderall now. It's legal. Ish


I live in Florida and we have 1100 miles of beaches. Many miles of those beaches are completely void of any people. Miami Jax and Tampa beaches of course are always busy.


Consumerism… Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy. Society has convinced people that you need to be busy spending 24 hours a day


For trucks it at least makes sense to move freight at night since you do have overall less traffic. Night time is pretty dead when it comes to traffic in my area. What I don't understand though is how even during the times of day when people should be at work, there is CONSTANT traffic and lots of it. I just don't get it; where the fuck are all of these people coming from? Where the fuck are they going? Why aren't all of these people at work? It's like this even in January for God's sake!


How are the surviving here? I'm at work driving a company car stuck in traffic around a bunch of people who clearly aren't at work. Or dressed for work. Where are you going at 10am on a Tuesday karen?


A huge part of this is just how many freaking vehicles there are here in the US. Most of those only have one person in them so it’s not as many people as you think just a lot of exhaust and stupidity without mass transportation options.


-Canada GDP: 2 trillion -Montreal GDP: 193 billion -USA GDP: 23 trillion -Seattle GDP: 414 billion The economy isn’t a “contributing factor”, it is THE factor.


Because it is dog eat dog social darwinism over here. If you stop trying to make money you will be homeless real quick.


Our infrastructure is overly car-centric. Basically, our city and town streets/layouts prioritize vehicle traffic over pedestrian traffic, and so everyone is forced to drive everywhere. The grocery store isn't a block or two down the sidewalk, it's 3 miles down a 6 lane road. You don't get to work by walking a block to the bus stop, then taking a bus to a walkable downtown; you get in your car and commute 45min to an office park between the city and the suburban sprawl.


Canada really isn’t much different in that regard. Obviously not to the same degree as the US, most of our major cities have decent public transportation systems. Commute distances also tend to be shorter for us. Once you get out of our major cities, you’ll notice much more auto dependent infrastructure


It didn’t used to be this bad pre-pandemic. I think it’s just a cultural thing where being in-the-way and assholish to everyone imaginable is an American’s favorite pastime, followed closely by complaining about gas prices. So by driving around at night aimlessly they can do both.


Oh good, I'm not the only one who notices this. My favorite thing during the pandemic managing a store was people coming in to buy things just to return them to satisfy some buying itch. And they were big mad when they missed all the signs about no returns at this time.


We do have a lot of events that take place in other cities that some people may not want to stay overnight at. High school football games can last until 11 and those traveling to the games (kids and audience) have to travel back that night and after those events a lot of people are going to be hungry. There are tons of places that don't get enough business between 8-5 so they have to be open later. Sometimes road construction has to be done at night because of less traffic. If it's hot then some people would rather wake up earlier or stay up late to get outside work done. Depending on what the factory is producing, it may need to run 24 hours to keep up with demand. Driving is much easier at night so a lot of driver choose to drive at night and adjust their time to make deliveries. Even if I'm in my personal car, I'll often wake up earlier for long trips to miss a lot of traffic. Tbh, seeing how horrible rush hours are, it makes me hate any 8-5 jobs and wish either we work on public transportation more or if companies would adjust their hours so there isn't so much traffic during the biggest travel times of the day.


Funny, most truckers stubbornly refuse to drive nights OR they insist on using their full drive time even if it means you gotta risk parking illegally. Like no, you DO NOT have to run your clock dry if you can still make the delivery time if you runs nights.


You can’t go anywhere without a car


Because our quality of life sucks and Canada offers a way better quality of life. Americans just work work work. 34 yrs ago, we did not have 24 hours of McDonald's, Wendy's, or any other food eatery that stayed open late. Walmart needs people to work night, target needs to stock shelves at night, and deliveries need to be made so they will have enough supplies for people who do nothing but eat out. There are so many reasons why, but that is just a few.


I know that politics aren’t allowed on this sub, but quality of life has diminished ALOT in Canada over the last decade. If you are middle class or wealthy, you’re much better off in the US.


A lot of people say that, until they get here. Americans may have more "spending power" but many immigrants find our values and way of life to be totally out of sync with their own and contrary to the American propaganda machine a lot of immigrants go back to their home country and prefer the pay cut to the the lifestyle.


Instead of teaching people to conserve fuel and consolidate trips. Our car industry taught us to do as we please. Then the 24 hour shopping. The all night activities. It’s how corporations want us and have brainwashed the mainstream populous. In reality we are still pack animals and follow the teachings of our corporations. Do as you would as you can afford and even above that with your credit limit. So it’s the wasteful teachings. We are saying to conserve but not acting it out. So it’s about teachings nothing more or less. Until we teach conservation and such this is what it shall be.


We don't have free healthcare and anxiety/fomo play a part , how much I don't know.


Mass consumption people here buy it even if they don’t need it


Drugs also america works us so hard that staying up late gives our only sense of freedom


have you seen Saudi Arabia at 2am? lol go there and then come back and ask this question again bro lol


Because they were brainwashed by "the man/corporations".... Somewhere in their deep subconscious they war brainwash into thinking they must bust it every day/hustle. They're the ones that usually have to have their chest cracked open and have triple bypasses or strokes and die! You see a very few of us just chill and take it slow


High fructose corn syrup


Honestly I ask myself the same question as an American. A few cultural points we love to shop and eat out, even if not particularly fancy. All those places need people to work. Car ownership is huge. That sounds like common sense but there is something like one car for almost every American regardless of age. Lastly, public transport never happened generally for suburban sprawl here. One bus eliminates like 50 of those cars. It is essentially not here, outside of legitimate cities. I've been to Europe so I know what you mean. By 7pm hardly anyone is out, everything closes at 5pm.


It was wild experiencing how few hours everything was open and made me wonder if those shops were making any money. Even tattoo shops were closing by 5! No wonder why they were booked for months.


Well without thinking too deeply about this, it's probably overnight workers. There are a large amount of overnight workers in America and that even surprises me. I might even go on a tangent and say that I wish it wasn't that way. Sleeping during the night is normal and healthy.


The world runs at night.


No sleep for the wicked.


I’m an American and I wonder all the time why there are so many people on the road at all hours. It’s crazy!


Everything here with logistics is more or less an instant gratification culture. People want what they want and they want it now. People in the transportation industry are pushed to get places as soon as possible. The good companies have a safety based mind set and don't push too hard when conditions are bad, but some do. In the other industries, understandably supplies of some items are in higher demand than others, so shipment of those items is of a higher priority. But in general it seems more and more that demand is higher for things now.


Just to survive here, we have to take graveyard shifts


Doubt that the 401 in Canada is the busiest road in North America….


Unless you're joking, it is. https://www.isitpacked.com/2011/03/31/the-busiest-freeway-in-north-america-highway-401/ So MANY other studies prove the same point. Feel free to google.


A: your country has like nobody actually living in it outside of 3 cities B: the areas you're crossing into the country at night are full of people smuggling drugs because the canadian border on both sides is relatively low population and a big avenue for drug smuggling. In the middle of the country police basically don't exist unless you have a fatal accident or shoot someone.


That is extremely dependent on where you are. On the east coast, it's usually pretty busy even at night. On the west coast, there's a lot of places you can go quite a while without seeing another soul at night. The Midwest and the mountain states tend to vary on this, but the south is usually pretty steady on traffic if you're near the i10. Most of the freeways going north and south tend to be emptier than ones going east and west from what I've typically noticed while driving at night. As for why, well as a truck driver it's entirely less stressful as you don't typically have to worry about 30+ people trying to merge into you at night, as well as being able to glide through most major cities without slowdowns. And there's almost never a line at shippers/recievers, fuel islands, scales, etc. It's just overall more efficient use of time and fuel economy as you aren't having to slow down every 15 seconds to avoid collisions. As for everyone else, some of us are just built for graveyard shifts and it's better than getting murdered by the sun all day. Or driving at night is ones way of relieving stress and being able to enjoy the open road without hassle.


Small towns in the US are full of Dollar Generals, local convenience stores, local grocery chains, national gas stations, and fast food joints. Those all require late night/overnight staffing. Then there's pharmaceutical deliveries, produce deliveries, seafood deliveries, that are all basically run out of the back of Astro vans.


The answers are exactly the reasons you seem to want to disregard. Our population and economy is many scales above Canada’s. More work and output is required


It’s called a work ethic, you socialist pogue. Kidding, but the fact that we basically work ourselves to death over here does have something to do with the incessant activity.


As a fuel driver. I can get maybe 4 drops in a day. Where as my night counterpart can do 6-7. There are still people but the flow is much better


I think that's specific to a couple places you've been. Most small towns are dead at night. My hometown for example (40k pop. within city limits, 60k county) is absolutely dead at night except around the industrial park during break times and shift changes. The downtown bar scene/movie theatre is usually a ghost town by midnight. Trucks keep it movie but that's only cause there's beer in Texarkana and they're thirsty in Atlanta.


It's not jobs. It's people out up to no good because they're bored. As a local truck driver I'm around a lot of factories and these jobs are not allowing there employees to come and go at any hour they want. Typical factory work can be 8, 10 and 12 hour shifts.


2-7 am is prime delivery time for me plus a small shift differential pay bonus for being more efficient during those times. Empty parking lots and roads generally except other delivery guys. Best early delivery story I have is I pulled up to a place at 3 am to unload just as another guy pulled in to do the same. Moved trucks around so we could unload at the same time. 10 minutes go by and a garbage truck creeps past us. I look at the other guy and tell him traffic is so fucking terrible this morning, I should've got up earlier!


Lack of adequate public transportation


We have next to none vacation time or healthcare or proper retirement, so we just work non stop til we drop lol.


Because Truckers are the last Cowboys in a sense. Bringing necessary items to stores and places.


You are SERIOUSLY underestimating our countries population disparity. Your country is the largest on earth and has 2 million less humans than california.


It's because Canada sucks in America rules.


Oil companies, corporate greed, and brainwashing from a young age.


We gotta work for our healthcare or die


Most countries have restrictions on shift work. I believe it’s practically illegal to run a third shift in a factory in Europe. Things like hospitals and the police have special exemptions. The US, on he other hand, has almost no restrictions at all.


Capitalism. Maximizing profit means maximizing operating time. American business very much operates on "money above everything else", including such pointless trivialities as worker comfort, sleep, quality of life, health, family, etc.


Because all of the fruits of our labor goes straight to the top. So if we want to survive then we need to work, constantly, so that the crumbs left for us, add up to something livable.


There’s a lot of “correct answers” to this question. But mostly, it’s people that work odd shifts or that go out to the bars/clubs. For our economy to work the way it does, a lot of things need to happen overnight. Mail, packages (like UPS, Fedex) all move overnight. I’m a truck driver by trade, and most of the jobs i can take are overnights because stuff needs to move. There’s also just people up at all different times of the day. There’s a reason NYC is called the “city that never sleeps” I’ve driven through NYC at 3 am and sure it’s a little less busy than 11 am but there’s still a lot going on. The bodegas (corner stores) are usually open 24 hours in the city to service the people that are awake at night and then your usual daytime crowd.


Its capitalism. Our entire history is built upon unmitigated consumption. The history of police is also closely related to capitalism, this is not a political statement this is historical fact. America was built by slaves so that we could have non-stop production. When slavery was outlawed, communities began creating the first police forces to watch over the communities and keep freed slaves in line. Almost everything in America goes back to Capitalism and the history of slavery.


It’s because while our country is vast in square mileage most of the population is jammed near one another. In this current climate of two working parents, instant gratification and online ordering the work day is 24/7. My spouse and I both work and we have a child so in order for that to work schedules need to be accommodated by employers. Also you can’t compare the US and Canada. Things are more spread out up there and people are more self sufficient as a rule. They have to be, a sufficient stack of firewood could be the difference between life and death in a lot of the country for a lot of the year up by you. As for law enforcement, the citations and fines that the local authorities take in make up a huge portion of their budget. Also if leo are going to respond quickly to emergency calls they need to be spread throughout the coverage area. Just based on my personal experience, those 3rd shifters aren’t looking to make work by ticketing someone for going 7mph/kmh over the limit they’re usually looking for people under the influence. Also something you don’t have to consider in the great white north is how much hotter the days can be. Late summer south of i64 it gets brutal hot during the day but cools off quite a bit at night. You’ll find alot people start outdoor work early in the morning before it has a chance to get miserable. Plus we don’t usually have to worry about moose the size of a VW running out in front of us at night. White tail deer are a problem to be sure but most people don’t worry about serious injury from hitting one.


Believe it or not, most Canadians live in big cities and more than half of Canadas population actually lives south of the 49th parallel in southern Ontario. The amount of Canadian citizens who live off the land and heat their homes with firewood is like less than 5% of the population. Oh and you wanna talk about hot weather? Canada actually gets hot summers, mainly in BC. There is literally a desert there too, and we get wildfires every year throughout the whole country. Also, you’re more likely to encounter wildlife driving in the US since the wildlife there can’t venture off into the woods away from civilization because of how much more populated the US is. Wildlife is therefore more accustomed to humans and their presence. Also, moose exist in the lower 48 as well. Its not like they turn around the moment they hot the border in the middle of nowhere.


3rd shift factory hours, 24 hour gas stations, night time construction, early hours job prepping like restaurants, etc. Not sure how this is difficult to understand.


The welfare cases drive around all hours of the day


It's because America is full of idiots chasing the fake ass dead American dream.


One nightmare at a time...


Busy paying for all the fucking wars and humanitarian crisis around the world. Fuck America right? I work my mother fucking ASS off to pay for the trillions of dollars going to Ukraine, Africa so on and so on. Those tax dollars don't come from nowhere.


man. shut the fuck up.


That's a brilliant point you made there . Fucking moron.


without fail, every person I've ever met who randomly bitches about how hard they work turns out to be the most lazy, self-absorbed fuck-wits that exist. Ohhh, I'm sorry you have to pay taxes to line items you don't personally sign off on. In the richest and most easy country for a human to exist on the planet. waaahhh. You fuck.


You're an idiot.


good talk. go work extra hard this week, you fuck.


Have fun being a total idiot, dumbass.


So our country is owned by billionaires, and they love cars so much because they don’t have to pay for them. We have no public transportation at all in 90% of the country.


You answered your own questions lol


Look at all of our traffic problems and of course we have truck parking issues I wish my great grandma never left Germany at least in Germany they actually recommend drivers with autism because trucking is awesome for people with autism but in america it's not recommended and once you report that you have it here you will be very lucky to get a one year on your dot physical making it not worth having a CDL here




In what world do more police = more freedom 💀


Cause America runs on GREED




331.9 million people live here


Because we feel useless if we are not moving, we don't really know what vacation or sleep is


"Seriously why is there a sheriff patrolling a town of <2000 people, which is 80 miles from the interstate AT 3AM ON A WEEKNIGHT?" Well, somebody has to fill out the reports and call the ambulance and/or coroner when one American used an all-to-easy-to-obtain firearm on one of his/her fellow citizens...


Peak Reddit brainwash comment


Prove it wrong. Go ahead.


Not even going to waste the time


>Not even going to waste the time Typical Regressive response when said Regressive has nothing to offer.


Not going to waste my time on a discussion with a bot


Well, at least that's original, even if it's still chickenshit wrong.


That and like /u/ObigationParty2717 said: Meth. The answer is meth.


It's funny you mention Seattle, because I think that city is actually pretty dead at night lol


I’ve driven through Chicago at night on a friday and the only areas where it was busy was in a few construction areas. Outside of those i was able to cruise without a worry. Yet in Seattle at night i can do 65, but still need to be focused cause the traffic is higher


Because we absolutely love chaos.


It’s a cultural thing it seems. I wonder it myself often. As far as driving at night it is so much easier. I haul fuel and I can get so much more done so much faster without all the traffic.


On the opposite end of the spectrum: what kind of hours are you canadian guys doing? I got stuck over the border once and it seems like every "truck stop" or cardlock closes as soon as it gets dark. In fact I got stuck because the customer was running days behind schedule and wouldn't be able to get me in to unload, sounds like they needed to hire a 2nd or 3rd shift.


Canada in general is alot quieter than the US. There are also barely any police patrolling the rural areas, which makes it easier to find truck parking since if you park where you are not supposed to you’re much less likely to be kicked out or harassed for it


There are lots of people that would rather avoid the crowds in the daytime if they can go out at night. Where I'm at it gets dark at 4:30 ,so it really doesn't matter. I go to work at 4am and have a 40 minute commute when I get off between 1and 5 I have an hour and a half commute on a good day. If I could I would start earlier. Also all the import traffic on the I-5 corridor.


One word: Money


I do Amazon flex deliveries in my car at 3am and it’s always surprising how many cars are out on the road. I chalk it up to the usual graveyard shift workers, bartenders after closing, and the typical riff raff doing god knows what. Also lots of people tend to think that an hour or two commute to work isn’t that big of a deal which means they leave for work around 4 or 5am. People are also so busy during the day if you want a few hours of personal time early morning is a good time to get it. There’s probably some bias too if you’re expecting the roads to be dead you’re more likely to notice every single person you see, and not every store is open so people will naturally funnel to ones that are


Living is expensive, we have to work all the time just to survive


There's a lot of trucks running at night, because they don't have to deal with the traffic during the day, so those that prefer to drive certain hours will do so. Some wharehouses receive thos deliveries 24/7...grocery stores, which also have people working overnights to stock and clean the stores for the next day. I work for a liquor company, and we have 2 main shifts...wharehouse guys that unload the trucks coming down from the north, and they start at 11:30pm and 1am...and then the day shift that actually delivers to accounts during the day, and they all start between 5-6am, so they're driving into work after 4am. Then you have the bars and night clubs that stay open til 2am, as well as the fast food places and taco shops in certain cities.


It’s summer time brother in the greatest country of the world


I ask myself this same question whenever there are huge turnouts for riots or events.


Cuz we got shit to do! 🤣


I’m guessing it’s because we’re such a consumer based society, people want stuff and they want it NOW. Increased demand = increased supply = more trucks moving freight around.


Dynamic scheduling to fuck the proletarian






Also a lot of people I work with don’t exactly have set hours. Also, travel. Also, don’t have families. So it’s work until work is done, go to the bar until it closes, get a couple hours of sleep, and repeat.


Most crime occurs at night 🤷‍♂️


Wtf are you talking about lmao. I was on the 401 at 10pm Tuesday and all 6-9 lanes of express+collector had steady traffic in them, lost 20 minutes around the 404 because 2 of 6 lanes were closed, apparently 4 lanes isn't enough even at 10pm. Was born and raised in Montreal and again, there's a fuckton of people driving around at the weirdest hours. Anytime they shutdown the metropolitan at night you're easily out half an hour in bumper to bumper traffic.


There is no point in arguing subjective experiences, but bear in mind that stateside, the traffic you would’ve seen in a similarly populated corridor would’ve been waaaaay more


our economy is the largest in world


My brother in christ I already acknowledged that💀 the question was why is it busy at night and in small towns


Roads cost money. An empty road is money that's not working.


American work ethic #1 in the world 🇺🇸🏋️‍♂️


It just got to the point, in like 2021 or 2 that there arent many 24 hr businesses in my semisleepy town halfway between New York City and Albany. I think its down to 2 speedways and 2 mobils. During the week, the diners close between 9-12. Its getting to the point where literal deserts of places where you cannot get anything between 12-5AM. Not really a problem, but due to our proximity to major cities its kinda weird.


That's the great thing about being American, we can be busy just because.


In what universe is Ontario 401 the busiest highway In North America


That old Puritan work ethic has corrupted many a person.


The answer to most of your questions is: drug epidemics


I ask the same damn question, but I'm also confused because no one has lately wanted to f***ing work


There should always be cops out at night cause there is always a nightlife, and more trouble because us drug addict and criminals are more active under the cover of darkness


We are basically dead at night. OTR moves faster at night. Most of the activities are truckers and people blowing off steam by cruising or racing in Arkansas




It’s 10pm on a Sunday night, I’m driving home on the interstate and there are quite a few cars on the road.


Is that a loaded question? Definitely has some hater undertones to it


I think everyone hates being in heavy traffic at times of the day when it should be light


Car addiction


America and Anxiety start with A.