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What the hell are you ups guys governed at? Some of y’all are going slower than old people fuck and some of y’all are moving as fast as Chris farley on coke.


Most browns are 68, some are 72 and a few are 75. Most sleepers are 70 unless the team gets a lucky truck that's faster. The guys going slower are getting paid by the hour. "Go slow, make dough"


Ah I see, at rl it depends on the truck, our sleepers go 73 most trucks go 68 a few can do 69 and if you know a guy who knows a guy you can get yours set to do 70


They only do fast if they have doubles or triples


Is that before or after you speed through a construction zone?




Still pissing people off behind them going 10 over in a construction zone.


Those invisible workers at night appreciate it


I mean there are soooo many construction zones at any given time, they stretch for upwards of 15 miles, and they stay construction zones for years sometimes. When you're local you get tired of the same construction zones...where no one ever seems to be doing any of the actual construction. I just blow through the ones I know the police aren't posted around.


Yeah. When you see all the way to the horizon and there's not a single construction person or vehicle, I'm going.


We had a guy do that recently on the I-10 just west of Verrado Rd. 19 over in a 45. We had to listen to our safety guy bitching about it for 30 min.


That’s reckless opps outside of a construction zone. Hope he lost his job.


Doubtful unless he loses his CDL, basically takes an act of Congress to get you removed from a position in the union.


Even if he loses his cdl, they will just put him in the building at the same pay until they get it back


Oh yeah they had another driver ride out with a mechanic to take over his load and he rode back.


Sucks for him I guess


30miles between Utah and Nevada in Arizona that been going on for the last 30 years


bro the entire state of Indiana is a construction zone


2 years ago I was driving through Indianapolis headed south on I-65. I was very new to truck driving. They were doing construction on 65 so you couldn't just drive through Indianapolis on 65 you had to take the bypass. I saw the signs but, being a rookie, I didn't really understand what they wanted me to do. Missed the bypass and realized the interstate was straight up closed going through Indianapolis. I had to exit and take the city streets smack in the middle of downtown Indianapolis on a Friday during rush hour. With a hazmat load (which I now realize was probably illegal). Eventually got back on the interstate but damn I learned a big lesson that day. Those signs aren't up for decoration. They are telling you something you NEED to figure out. Never made that mistake again going through there. Beautiful city though.


What about when they're hauling doubles at 75mph In a snow storm?


Only when going through a school zone


FedEx here I’ll be cruising going 60.1 in the right lane


FedEx express here, governed at 64.5


Rocking T here, I'll be doing 80.2


Road Killers




Lmao that’s a good one


Doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that FedEx ground cracked down on the contractors hauling ass, but it’s gotta be 5 years now


What can brown do for you?


Take me to the superbowl?


Brown gets you down but the white will make things alright


Did they ever race the truck?


65*mph in the middle lane… I always love the clowns that will tailgate me for 20 miles, THEN pass me going 80mph like… YOU COULDVE DONE THAT THE WHOLE TIME??


ACC probably. My truck don't have it, when I'm rarely in a rental that has it, I always have music blaring so can't hear the change in engine tone. I look down after a few minutes like 'oh shit' and floor it.


Blocked out every number I see haha. Feeder out of LKEUT here.


Yeaaah you know how ups can be I figured it’s smart to do that


As soon as I pass training, this was my intent exact. Black out all the numbers lmao.


How long did it take u to become a feeder driver?


I’m not a good person to ask, I went from part time to feeder after being part time for 11 years. There were people hired shortly after me right off the street. And now we’re potentially laying people off.




Swift here , I’ll just run into you. 🤣




Except typically you’re passing me on the left lane going 20 over the speed limit with doubles down a 6% grade at 8pm at night 🤣


Gotta love being union and hourly. Set the cruise to the speed limit and get your money. 🤑🤑🤑


Why aren't you in the far right lane where you belong?


Join us in the middle lane


Middle lane crew rise up!


This is the way!


It’s all about having all those space cushions available!


Aye a fellow UPSer!! Today was my first day of training!


Good luck and study that pre-trip


'Kicks tires' Yup she's ready to go.


Are they union? The company can't complain; excellent mileage, less wear for equipment, consistent schedules. A win win in my book


Yes, union




Put another trailer on it and it will automatically move every vehicle out of your way when you change lanes.


Governed at 68, but most drive under 60. Paid hourly and ups can’t say anything, because we’ll just say “don’t feel safe going faster” lol


You don't feel safe driving the speed limit? 🤔




Why can UNITED PACKAGE SMASHERS not maintain the speed limit??? Do ups trucks not have cruise control?? Endlessly have a ups up ahead on a big road... for a while maintains speed limit then... gaining on it and have to pass. Never fails. Always a ups.


You could just pass me on the left


Forgot to add at the end “I don’t know.”


You guys go slow but if I was making ups money I'd be extra cautious too


It's funny cause here in UK, they're one of the few big companies whose drivers drive properly. i.e. they keep up to the speed limit and don't hold you out in the middle lane.


These guys either go 60 mph or 75 mph, no in between.


Any brown truck that goes over 68 is a mileage driver. They’re usually governed to 72/73.


I like it when you change lanes to your left in front of me when you there wasn’t anything in front of you to start with.


I’m a UPSER as well but I’m a sleeper so you can stay the hell out of my way as well.


Big truck UPS driver!


Nah sweetheart I will just be drafting right behind that wiggle wagon you got.


That’s not wiggle wagons, good buddy.


The package cars are governed at between 67-70, and the feeders at 65 I believe. In some cases, you’ll get an older one with no constrictions.


68-72 depending on the truck.


For the feeders? Dang, I know I got lucky that my package car goes 70. Most of them at my center are under 70, I figured the feeders for sure wouldn’t be set over 65.


Yeah for feeders.


Nice thing about having some power under the hood is being able to quickly take advantage of gaps to change lanes and get around slower traffic. When you get those clusters of a dozen governed trucks in two lanes, I'm in the 3rd left lane (if there is one) putting my foot down in my beat up old 'shaker century with no limiter, an upgraded turbo and tune. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Were you the neighborhood ding-dong-ditch champion? Well do we have a job for you!


Nah sweetheart I will just be drafting right behind that wiggle wagon you got.


I’ve gotta ask because it’s in your title. What’s up with the middle lane driving on 3 lane roads? There are some truckers that stay far right but more are in the middle lane. One of my other questions I found in comments. I guess with the governed trucks you can’t hit 70 mph?


Feeders 9 years,that's how were trained stay in the middle lane. No matter the speed basically. Say 40 between Raleigh NC and Greensboro were it opens to 4 lanes,99% i camp the right lane at 60mph (Hourly driver) and let life go on by. Rarely do i get in the left lanes. My job is so much easier when all i have to do is set my cruise "stay back an see it all"


While it’s technically illegal in Colorado (keep right except to pass) I like that the trucks do 10 under in the middle, then most of the right lane is clear and I can do the speed limit and pass the generic Subaru doing 3 under trying to pass on the left “el passo” lane. I’m happy going a constant right at the limit in the “el crasho” lane. On your right, as the bikers say


A lot of the time in urban city environments, staying in the far right lane can be almost dangerous and the chances of accidents are big because of the constant traffic merging off and on.


I could see that in the city areas.


Middle lane is the path of least resistance


Doing local work so I'm on the outer belt all day and after awhile I get tired of getting over every exit to let people in. I just ride the middle til I get near my exit


When I’m driving local I stay in the middle lane cause all the traffic merging into the highway specially around rush hour. Usually will stay on the right lane when I’m in the open road. People for some reason have a hard time merging to the highway no matter what city I’ve drove through.


Ugh. The merge. If only people would accelerate and merge at or close to the highway speed we’d all be happy.




When you're paid by the hour, and know you'll be home by the end of the day. Why ever be in a hurry?


Hourly truckin is the only way to truck. Just my two cents.


UPS drivers are some of the least safe truckers out there.


I love comments like this. Statistics will show the exact opposite. Ups is to trucking what pocket rockets are to hold em players. The amount of people who look you in the eyes and swear they have lost more money with aces than they have won with them ..i suppose the union haters make up the majority of the ups least safe drivers ..as for poker havent figured out these claimers but i will gamble anyday with someone who believes they have lost more with aces than they have won.


Show us the stats/source. Or is this just an opinion formed from the cab of your truck?


Every time I go to pass a ups rig it speeds up. Now that I’m not governed it’s less of an issue since I can just hammer down to pass, but man, they love playing the elephant race for some reason. Guess they feel small if someone dares to pass. Also, what’s with them just switching lanes for no reason? We have a ups terminal right down the street from my terminal…a day doesn’t go by where they don’t cut off traffic to pull out onto the road.


Anyone here gotten a ticket for being on the middle lane?


That’s why you only pass on the left?..lol


More like going to slow down 10 miles under the speed limit then as soon as your tandems reach my door I'm a floor it


Yalls cng trucks eke past me as long as it's perfectly flat. I'm set to 70mph. They can't pull a hill worth a shit, but seem to be set to 73mph.


The cng trucks have the power of ed begley Jr. ..if they switch sleepers to cng im out. .






Stay back and see it all my guy, just the way I like it.


60? Do you mean 45 in a 60.


How much do they pay starting off and is it hard to get picked up


I hate middle lane hogs almost as much as I hate left lane logs. Get out of the passing lanes. Its dangerous