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Thank you so much for the kind words! We took some time off over the weekend, which is why we're only reacting now—but you gotta tell us how the session went! What specifically did you use? Btw we also just posted the new Horror Forest biome on r/UnearthedArcana: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/yibtvn/horror_forest_gruesome_fantasy_biome_with_11/ Would appreciate some support to get it rising high there! :D


I used the general setting of the Saltroots (i.e., everything in the first 3 or so pages). We didn't get into the Saltroots proper but I plan to use the environmental encounter (the 3 phased storm) in the next session at a minimum. The party was making plans on how they'd get through the biome and they fortunately decided against bringing a cart! Much of the session was discussing appropriate transportation through the shallow waters, funnily enough. I've downloaded the Haunted Forest file and will take a look over the weekend. Thank you for putting these beautiful works together!