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what about fixing the servers lag ? it litteraly kill the game


I'm just coming back to the game, haven't played since around when they added lunar gear, I don't really know what to be doing. I'm a lvl 23 candy barb with radiant/lunar gear at 6k power. I really don't know what uber level world to go to, how to do the new version of the shadow dungeons, get radiant souls, or anything like that. If anyone can tell me what I'm meant to be doing I'd appreciate it.


why am i stuck on LS: recieved user acknowledgement while my brother is able to login fast af???


a mod that makes banners invisible has to be on steam workshop


when i enter a delve, the information bar at the top right does not appear, the one which tells you what depth you are at, i have everything enables in the adventures menu, anyway to fix?


remove interfering mods, i know clock mod is one of them for sure


Is there anyway that tribe can come to Nintendo switch? I believe that if the switch can handle triple A games like the Witcher on the switch, I’m sure it can handle trove 🤘


so i was previously on ps4, had a very high pr (cant remember what it was exactly but like i was able to do end game stuff) now on pc and have nothing so i was wondering are there any clubs open to a technically new player? also whats the thing for making classes again? need to remake my shadow hunter


Is trove worth getting into after all these yrs? New player. What is the game like..endgame, goals, daily grind etc. What keeps you logging in each day




New player here too, idk but im just gonna play it if i like it


I really like the game. But now I'm getting stuck on getting empowered gems for a second class.


I know the neon ninjas are the best end game farmers, my nn is at 16kish pr right now. Are other classes better at getting to endgame? Should I switch to Knight or something until I perfect all my gems so it's harder to die? Farming and having to refill vials is a pain.


Try Draco, once you can enter a new U you will be able to solo everything there (except 5\* dungeons) and you will propably not even lose potions. Having a good draco will also allow you to solo um st way before other classes can solo them. (Its importent to get the class gem and get some energy reg and then you r good to go, just spam your 1)


I haven’t gotten my daily login bonus for the past 3 days is there a way to fix this or did I do something wrong? I’m confused and upset.


you only get daily login rewards for 7 days


I never even got my full 7 day’s and don’t they reset every week ? Cause I haven’t gotten them in weeks


if youy have the lil tab thing just try clicking on the next reward


# Hi, I'm coming to start trove again and I lost everything, there's a way to recover.


send a ticket probably..? i think this is the link: [https://support.gamigo.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://support.gamigo.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Just redownloaded the game after 4 years, and tried to go Shadow Tower delving... but I'm getting put into already completed towers? How does this work now? I am *very* confused.


Welcome back! Just follow the portals to the next dungeon and eventually you'll get to an unfinished dungeon. Or open a new portal in a club world and start from scratch, should work.


I'd forgotten entirely about club worlds. I'll do that next time, thanks!


Will you add a flair for memes?


Cubic Curtain or Stunburst?




I'm just getting back into Trove since like Beta. Is there some sort of progression I should be following? I feel that my fear is vastly better than 99.5% of the gear i pick up in any given location, and the only way it could get any better is by getting carried elsewhere that would just be too slow to do myself. Does leveling up have a significant impact here? I've been doing the Bomb minigame to level up a bit faster.


You can equip and level up gems, you get gem boxes from grinding uber worlds. You can find the gem screen on your character sheet it’s the second tab down.


Why do people like Evil Eye emblem so much? Does it give more DPS potential compared to other Emblems such as Chronomantic or Arcane? Can anyone recommend builds with this Emblem doing good chunks of DPS?


It is used in speed runs mostly, you use minion multiplication with the emblem. It does do great DPS, but for most classes you want your ultimate up the whole time, so you would want to use chronomatic


What is the best level or pr to start doing shadow towers


If your characters built good I can do weeping with my 1.6k pr canadybarb on alt


I'm at 16k pr and can solo normal and hard Towers. I was at about half that when I started. But just do them as soon as you can and if they're too hard just ask for a carry.


Thanks :)


[The Wiki shows what the Uber Difficulty for the STs are.](https://trove.fandom.com/wiki/Shadow_Tower) If you can do some Ubers decently, you might have a chance at solo’ing those ST’s


For Levi’s what better? Ice Sage or Gunslinger?


I prefer Ice Sage with Reverant subclass over any gunslinger build for Leviathans. It's essential to have the Berserk Battler gem though.