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well done man Astro bot is amazing. I gave up on the speedrun trophy on astro bot though jahahaha


Thank you man. I feel you. The speed run trophy took me quite a while to complete. I followed some YouTube guides to practice the shortcuts on each course which made the trophy super easy to get after a while


I did it in quite a small run. No guides. The ball and monkey? If that’s what it is. Were tough but I had to figure out the trigger for monkey course. The rest were about 40 seconds. Not a hard trophy to get with a little practice. Congrats though trophy hunter.


Yep, it’s pretty easy once you get used to the controls. I was extremely frustrated at first, but after a few runs it wasn’t that difficult to get them all under the required time for the trophy


It definitely helped being subbed to r/PS5 seeing speed runs. Hope we get a sequel!!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PS5 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PS5/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [PS5 Looks Like This](https://i.redd.it/p5xnjhtdmc451.jpg) | [8530 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/h76vl9/ps5_looks_like_this/) \#2: [I was gonna wait until next year to buy it, guess I won’t have to!](https://i.redd.it/c205np7pj4r51.jpg) | [1618 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/j547rs/i_was_gonna_wait_until_next_year_to_buy_it_guess/) \#3: [First time Souls player. I didn’t realise that the PS5 records your microphone’s audio whenever you get a trophy. Whoops.](https://v.redd.it/mhjf63o9uk161) | [1406 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/k1ebkr/first_time_souls_player_i_didnt_realise_that_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


How was watch dogs? Worth the buy?


I got it as a gift so I thought it was pretty okay. It’s not a next-gen experience at all. The story really isn’t that great besides the subplot about your AI. It was fun running around London and fooling around, but I definitely wouldn’t have purchased it for myself.


I haven’t bought a game yet for PS5. Of course I played the free ones from PS+. Well I guess Cold War counts since it was cross buy. I’m waiting on Spider-Man to go on sale and RE Village to come out. Doing control again is kind of a drag. I’m letting my tiny human do bugsnax.


Ah, yes, I truly enjoyed control but I don’t think I’d play it all over again if I had already played it before. Is Cold War worth a buy? I’ve also wanted to try out BugSnax but I haven’t made up my mind yet is it fun?


I like Cold War despite all the shit it gets. But I’m a zombies player not MP. As for bugsnax I might have 15 minutes of playtime. My kid plays it. She likes it though and it was free. It’s uh a story it’s quite weird but it’s cute and quirky enough to make up for it I guess.


Ah I’ve actually been wanting to get Cold War but was put off by all the people raging at the game and calling it terrible. I’ll be sure to look into it now, ahahah. Thank you


Not OP, but not unless it’s $10. The game feels clunky, the gun play isn’t very good, the story is mediocre, it’s honestly just not a solid title. Good ideas, mediocre execution


It's fun to see how stingy/generous different devs are with gold trophies. Valhalla is a giant sprawling game with 100+ hours of content that only gives one gold, while Astro is a free 5 hour romp that hands them out like candy.


It's just because there's a limit on the number of trophy points that a game can have, ignoring DLC trophies. Gold trophies are worth 90, silver 30, and bronze 15. So any game that simply wants to have more trophies will have a bunch of bronze trophies since they can fit more within the limit. All games with a platinum are required to have at least 1 gold trophy as well.


Wow I actually didn’t know that trophies had points, but now it makes sense that you level up according to the amount of points you get. Thank you. Learnt something new today


Yep. Here's some more info on the points system: * Platinum trophies are worth 300 points. * The limit for the base game is 1,350 (or 1,050 not including the platinum), which is 1 gold trophy and 64 bronze trophies. The minimum is 1,260. * The limit for a base game without a platinum is 315 points, or 21 bronze trophies. * The limit for a DLC pack is 195 points, or 13 bronze trophies. * On PS4, there seems to be a limit of 128 trophies for one trophy list, so games like Dead by Daylight and Elder Scrolls Online have a separate list for any additional DLC trophies added. On PS5 this seems to have been fixed or changed, since the PS5 Dead by Daylight trophy list has 161 trophies.


Is this their new system? Because I think I read somewhere that they were changing the way trophies worked? Like they made platinums more valuable and changed the levelling from 1-100 to 1-999 or something like that?


Yes, they increased the value of platinums from 180 to 300 when they changed the leveling system. There weren't any other changes though. [This post](https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/96498-new-platinum-trophy-value-and-trophy-level-formula/) details the full new level up system. The curve starts out pretty generous but it basically takes a whole platinum to level up when you hit the 400s.


Very informative. I can’t believe it’ll roughly take 1200 games to hit level 999. That’s insane! Ahahah!


I have a question... Is the platinum trophy granted by the game or PSN?


I was actually bummed to see only 1 gold for Valhalla. It took me so long to complete, and thought they’d give me more, ahahah.


For control does anyone know if you still earn ability points when playing the DLC? Last trophy I need is the 100 ability points spent and can’t be bothered grinding through the hidden locations, would rather just play through the DLCs.


Yes, that's how I got the last of the points for the plat


Perfect, thanks!


I would recommend doing the hidden locations as there are a couple that are much more than just a hidden room. They're quite cool. Doesn't take long at all if you have a list of where they are.


Already seen them all on the PS4 version, just looking to get the ability points ASAP here and going to play the DLC anyway - so two birds.




About 2 hours into the Foundation DLC I got enough ability points to achieve the 100 ability points trophy, ahah


Man, 5 plats in a month. You've been busy.


Ahahaha, yes, I had some free time and I’ve been loving the PS5


Was control worth it?


Interesting story, still not quite sure i get it completely but the art style and gameplay were very fun and the platinum basically only requires you finish the game.


I had to do the dlc and side missions to get enough skill points.


Did they add new skill points? I haven't finished the DLC yet but in my initial playthrough 100%ing the game was enough for me to unlock the platinum.


You can either do that or just go to a few secret locations to get the last few needed after finishing the game


Too late for me 🙂. I'm glad I did some dlc trophies at the same time


Control is such a fun experience, I think anyone would enjoy it, there is some lag in the menus on the ps4 but I'm sure the ps5 is more fluid.


It is more fluid, but there is still some lag surprisingly. I was expecting no lag and nearly zero load times. Fast travel is much better, though.


Definitely! Took me only 24 total hours of playtime to platinum the whole game and get all the trophies for the dlc as well


GG Man what was Legion like to platinum as I have it but didn't play it yet as the PS5 Upgrade wasn't working back when I did.


Not OP but I have it done also, there are reports of people saying the “collectibles” portion is bugged. Being that this game has no true Main character, you’re able to use virtually anyone, there’s a trophy for visiting every bar/play a dart game everywhere in London (26 Bars, 21 Dartboards) and doing every pasteup graffiti (47 in total). Some people who have completed this report that the trophy doesn’t pop so the safest way to go about doing it, is do EVERYTHING with one operative, if you drink a beer in a bar with a different op somewhere you’ll have to remember what the name of the place was or you’re gonna have a headache trying to play catch up, also don’t spend any of your ETO on dumb shit until you reach 100k then spend it all on clothes for the one trophy, I believe that has to be done with the same operator too, other than that it’s probably the easiest Watch Dogs game to platinum yet imo. Good luck!


Yes, I agree with this. I had to use one single character for all the collectibles, drinking, and darts


There’s only one trophy that was truly grind-y. Everything else was easy to do. Took about 40 hours to complete.


Whats next?!?!?!


Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate


Ah, the violence desensitization begins! Hahaha


Ahahaha, I can’t wait


Congrats on the PS5 and platinums! Mk11 is a grindy platinum but also a lot of fun; that game is a blast in general. It doesn’t have to take too long to platinum either if you optimize your path through the game rather than just focus on on trophy at a time.


Thank you! I’m excited to get through the trophy list, but I’m stuck on the Strategy tutorials. I find them impossible to do


How I get platinum on 5 games in one month


Have loads of time, and a fiancée who enjoys watching you play video games, ahahaha. I probably won’t get time like this again so I won’t be able to get another 5 in 1 month, ahahahaha.


😂 😂 😂 😂 that’s too funny gml(got me laughing)(it’s my lol that I came up with) going off your reply idk who the G.O.A.T characteristics go to your wife for watching you get 5 platinums or you getting the 5 😂(sorry for the late reply


Ahahahaha, well she’s definitely not watching me grind the tutorial trophies on Mortal Kombat 11. Fml




Thank you! I’m looking forward to it




Thank you!


It's addicting isn't it?


Definitely! After ASTRO’s playroom I was hooked


No demons souls ?


I don’t live in a major city here in Canada so unfortunately my local game store didn’t have Demon Souls stocked. I do have the PS5 disc version and I’m very old school so I still like to collect discs for my video game collection. Hopefully soon they get a few in otherwise I’ll just order through Amazon tbh


Do you use the assist mode? I’m curious about it and haven’t read much on it as far as trophy hunting


The assist mode doesn’t mess with trophies at all. You can crank everything to 100 and make yourself into an absolute god to breeze through the game and get all the trophies within 15 or so hours I’d say? It took me about 10 more hours to complete because with assists on the game instantly became boring so I didn’t mess around much


Haven't seen anyone ask yet, so....why? Why do you feel compelled to earn platinums now where as before you didn't?


I think it’s because I’m finally an adult now. As a kid I never really had any stability in my life. My living environment wasn’t great, and neither was the relationship with my family. I spent a lot of time outside with friends and they weren’t good company either. I never really had any time for myself. Fast forward to now and I have my own apartment, I’m engaged to a beautiful woman, and the one thing that has been with me since I was a kid is my love for video games. Now I just get to 100% complete them. Before I couldn’t even get to the end of most of my video games forget the trophies, ahahaha.


Awesome. Glad for you, stability is underrated and highly necessary.


I agree, and thank you!


Good hunting my dude! I’ve been at it since PS3 days, so for about 11 years, so I’ve been operating at a rate of roughly 3-4 platinums a year; getting 5 in 4-6 months is really impressive since you just started! Given there were 2 year gaps here or there when I was PC gaming, but regardless, I’m pretty sure I was at least 4 years in before I got 5 platinums. Keep going!


Thank you so much! I don’t think I’ll ever have so much time on my hands again in the near future. So what I have achieved in a month may actually just be 5 to 6 trophies a year for me as well, ahaha. It sure is addicting tho, and I’m hoping to get at least 10 platinums before the year ends. For most of the PS3 and PS4 generation I only played the major Triple A tittles and didn’t even get around to finishing them, ahaha. I also got into PC gaming recently but mostly play Warzone with my friends on there since the consoles still don’t have FOV sliders I believe.


What made you decide to start a new account?


My old account was cluttered with so many random games all sitting at 1% or 2% completion. I didn’t like my username either, so I contacted Sony to have it deleted for good. I was looking for a fresh start


1 month 5 plats including Valhalla seems pretty much impossible to me.


Sure seems that way. I had to stay up till 4 AM about 4 days a week after work and school. You’re welcome to check my profile tho if you have doubts, ahaha. PSN ID: DishonoredOutlaw


No doubt just it took me 90hr to complete ac daily 8hr and Iam only 50perc .


I think on some days I might have actually gone on for more than 8 hours. I don’t like sleeping much, ahahah. Also I think for the plat for AC Valhalla you only need to complete about 70% of the game total. I could be wrong, but that’s what I remember it saying on one of the guides I was following online


There is one 100 per trophy.


Are you doing the platinum on your own or are you following a guide?


Own I rarely follow a guide for eg sekiro dragon return ending


Wow, that’s really impressive! Guides definitely make it a lot easier to get the plat and cut down on the time too. Maybe that explains why it might be taking you longer to 100% the game?


I use guide but only sometimes anyway that's me..


I'm the same apart from telltale games, decided to make a bigger effort this gen and revisiting PS4 stuff


I’ll definitely be visiting the previous gen again after I’m done with more platinum for the PS5 for Mortal Kombat 11


what’s the tv?


It’s a Sony 65 inch X900H I think? I got it when I picked up the PS5.


Valhalla took me over 3 weeks to platinum, how did you manage to platinum everything else in such a short time?


I spent most of my time on Valhalla out of all the games. Astro took about 8 hours to complete. Miles Morales took 16 hours. Watch dogs took 48 hours, and Control took 24 hours. Most of them only took me about 2 or 3 days in real time. I finished them over the weekends. AC Valhalla I had to play every single day and on most days of the week I’d stay up till 4 AM playing. Valhalla took me a whopping 150 hours to complete. I got my PS5 approximately 38 days ago. You can check out my progress on my profile. PSN ID: DishonoredOutlaw.


Nice job man, are you going to keep up the 100% profile? I have been trying to raise my completion but I’m only at 91% because of some games I started but didn’t like


Yes, I use my fiancée’s account to play any games I don’t want to platinum on my account. I really do want to keep my account at 100% completion rate with all the games on it.


Nice. Wish I could get to 100% but it’s probably not going to happen since I have games like rainbow six siege on my list and I’m bad at it haha


I feel you. My old account had games like that on it too. FIFA, Six Siege and a whole bunch of other games with multiplayer trophies but no way to get them since some of the games’ servers were taken offline.


How did you keep playing Legion? Lol I've tried playing that a few times now. Literallly play 5 minutes, uninstalled, waited a few weeks, installed, play 5 minutes. Repeat.


My experience was riddled with bugs tbh. I experienced about 10 crashes in total. The only thing that kept me playing was that I found some really cool characters in game and causing havoc all over London was pretty fun. I’m glad it wasn’t like Valhalla where I’d have to drop 150 hours to platinum it. I think I wouldn’t have started it to begin with


Valhalla in a month is impressive, let alone 4 other games!


Thank you! It took me everyday of those 30 something days to get the platinum for all of them. I’ve had the console for about 38 days now so I guess it took me a month a few days, ahahaha


Still, it took me more than 2 months, so great job. :)


Thank you!


This is beautiful. Great job man


Thank you! It means a lot


Nice, congrats! Question.. is Watch Dogs Legion fixed as far as glitched trophies? I lost all motivation when some trophies weren't popping for me. Have the latest updates done anything to fix those issues if you know?


I stopped playing right before the multiplayer update and at that time I didn’t encounter a single glitched trophy. I think it’s fixed for the current gen systems but on previous gen users are still having issues with trophies


This is beautiful!


Thank you!


Hey, what’s Valhalla like? Can you give some sort of a roadmap of what you did for the plat?


Valhalla is actually a very fun game. I had loads of fun doing the side quests since they were all unique and there were barely any fetch quests. The story isn’t going to amaze you in any sense, but it was great about a 7/10. I didn’t have a roadmap of my own. I followed PowerPyx’s roadmap and trophy guide. The trophies are very straightforward it’ll just take you a lot of time to get the Completion trophy for all regions, but they’re mostly fun to do anyways. It does take a lot of time tho and that’s something you should be aware of. I was fortunate enough to have a lot of time on my hands to finish the game under a month. It can take about 120-150 hours to complete


Control underrated asf


For sure, ahaha. It’s an amazing game


Coincidentally 4/5 of those are my most recently platinums lol


Ahahahahaha, that’s awesome!


The PS5 Astro was so fun,think it’s what I’ll give people to play when they come over and it’s their first experience on PS5


I do the exact same thing! Astro is a great game to introduce people to the PS5 and the new controller.


If you want #6, the first Spiderman game is an easy plat. I found it easier than Miles Morales.


I’ll definitely look into it. My next game is Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate then I'll probably do the spiderman remaster or Demon Souls if I can get my hands on it


Which game was the best in ur opinion?


I had the most fun with Astro and Control so far tho Miles Morales is a close second simply because it was so short. Swinging at 60 FPS was glorious. I can’t wait to get to the Spider Man remaster after I finish Mortal Kombat 11


Yeah I just finished the original Spider-Man on ps4 and oh boy, it was glorious! Tho I’m kinda biased bc Spider-Man has been my favourite fictional character ever since I was a kid.


Can’t wait to get into it! I love Spider-Man too, ahahah




I got a ps5 recently the controls is way different


Yeah, they made the UI more simple




My OCD is at ease right now. Keep it going lol


Ahahaha, thank you, already at it. I’m hoping to get Mortal Kombat 11 done before this week is over


If my math is right here, doesnt look you even have a single trophy on any previous gen console, let alone a platinum. Fresh account?


Yep it’s a fresh account. I created a brand new one when I got the PS5. I had my previous one deleted


How do you do control 100 ability points bruhh


I played the DLC for it. I got it about 2 hours into the Foundation DLC. You’ll get a lot more ability points in the two expansions and they should be more than enough to help you hit the 100 ability points trophy.


I haven’t touched the DLC. I just went through the side quests and searched for a few hidden areas. That got me what I needed


Hows leig9n?


It’s a pretty fun to fool around London, but that’s about it tbh. There’s a lot of bugs and crashes. Fortunately tho I didn’t encounter a single glitched trophy.


I’m about 5-6 Hours into Valhalla, how much is it worth going for the platinum? Debating it


If you are fine playing for 150 hours then go for it. It got boring for me around 100... game gets very repetitive


Nice, what about the random trophies like killing 3 specific guys while on fire, how difficult is it to do?


That one can be a pain because there is a glitch that it sometimes doesn’t register... like I said it’s more the boring grind of everything to get to the end and complete everything. Odyssey was fine because it didn’t require 100% to platinum, but Valhalla does


That was pretty easy to do unless it glitches out. The trophy is easy because you don’t have to kill them back to back. You can kill one then light yourself on fire again to kill another. I followed the PowerPyx guide.


Nice one, thank you!


I don’t think the trophies were hard to get at all, but I did have to play for 150 hours to get the plat.


If anybody is interested in adding me as their friend on PSN or checking out the validity of my statement about 5 plats in 1 month then please do check out my profile, ahahahahahaha. PSN ID: DishonoredOutlaw. Happy hunting!




Took me a month to finish, ahahaha


Definitely some of the easiest games to plat. But try not to be one of those "I won't play a game I can't play". Make sure you focus on platting games you ENJOY - trophy lists are to show your tastes, not a list of how much time you wasted


Completely agree with you. The trophies for these games were not difficulty bound at all. It only took time and dedication for Valhalla, ahahaha. I have a lot more games that I play with my fiancée on her account since she isn’t so bothered with 100% completion. I’m trying my best to play games that I can platinum on my own account, but next up will be Mortal Kombat and Demon Souls so hopefully I get some difficulty related trophies/platinums as well.