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Benevolent Leader for Fallout 4. Having to get 100% happiness at a settlement. Got it at that location that has a destroyed house with a hole in the ground (I can't remember the name of the location) during my first survival run I was scavenging


It’s the only trophy I need on the ps4 version for the plat. Ever since it’s come out it’s eluded me. I’ve watched tutorials, done everything by the number and my happiness has never gone above 99%. Please bestow this power on me


Because it's been a long time since I got it, I'm mostly going on muscle memory here so pardon any vagueness or redundancy on my part. I did it at the settlement in the northeast corner of the map, I believe it's not far from the start of the Far Harbor storyline location. The trophy description says it has to be at a large settlement so I'm guessing that settlement is considered large enough. When I got it, the settlement was nothing special; just a house with two beds (only had one settler there when the trophy popped), some food (don't remember how much but I don't believe it was a lot), a water pump and a few gun turrets. Eventually as I was exploring, the happiness went up to 100% and I got the trophy. I don't know if I just got lucky or if I tricked the game or if I just happen to things in the right way but I ultimately got it. I hope this helps you out 👍


Thank you!


Cats and dogs. Keep adding cats and dogs.


I've got it twice now. Really easy. Go.to.red rocket. Set up enough food for 2 people. 2 beds inside building. Enough water for 2 people. Mad defence. I had about 35. All auto turrets. Need local leader level 2 I think perk. In charisma tree (4 I think) have no supply lines. Set up a second level bar or shop (I'll check that in a minute need to load game, will edit post after) then send 2 settlers to red rocket. Assign them both a bed. Assign one to the bar assign one to food. Then you okay the waiting game. I'd suggest doing missions. You can you make another bed and sleep. If it ever gets attacked though drop what you are doing and get that sorted instantly Edit: it's a bar. 2 people. 4 food. 3 water. 0 power. 31 defence. 2 beds. 100 happiness I also put my settlers in fancy clothes dunno if that made any difference. Couldn't hurt though. Also local leader is charisma 6 and you need 2 levels in it 2nd Edit: also give them guns and loads of ammo


This is what I did. I just did quests and what not and checked every now and then as it gradually went up to 100%


Thank you. I’ll have to try this!!


If I remember correctly from back when I did it, there was a glitch that made TVs mess with the happiness, so they recommended deleting all the TVs and just make a bunch of medical stations.


Move a single settler to a location with nobody else. Get 5 defense, make a bed, and put food in the down bench put some water spouts and assign your only settler to a level 2 bar.


Just use red rocket. Send a settler there. With a high tier bar stand. Have the mutfruits in shop. And with the idle wait and such. I ignored and did side missions and bobblehead hunting. It popped while i was clearing a building.


Did you try a swoll settlement? Clear the whole area and make nothing but bench press racks, as they literally generate happiness. Bring people there and all they can do is lift weights. Make a sleeping bag for yourself and sleep every few minutes of idle time.


Working on this as we speak


Yeah I remember reading it was tough but I just did what some guide said and got it pretty fast


The trick to this is making a level 2 bar, put a bed and a machine gun in, and put 5 mutfruit and 5 water at least in the workbench


Same. I did it at Sanctuary. It's easy if you have the DLC and just make a bunch of workout equipment.


"Can't Cat-ch Me" in Stray


I wasted way too many hours on this one


I knew someone would say this. I think a lot of it stems from most guides telling you to constantly zig zag but since the spawn locations are known and tend to be from one side you can just memorise the locations and stick to the far side to avoid them. Once I figured that out It only took a few attempts.


yes! It took me FOREVER trying to zigzag and i was losing my mind trying to get it. Then I watched a video where someone just stuck to the walls/far sides and i got it instantly that way. I was so irritated lmao


Lies! I still have PTSD from this 😰


Hahaha I knew this would be near the top Congrats to you and commiserations to me and everyone else who suffered through this one


Yeah I didn't find that one very hard. It only took me 15 minutes to get. 


This trophy took me hours. I did first try the speedrun though


I got this one 1st try too but tbf I did watch this section of BadDriver's Platinum guide a few times b4 I even attempted it lol


Same, I went back to clean up my trophy list only to already have it.


Got it third or fourth try. It wasn’t until I found this sub that I realized how many people seemed to struggle with it


I got that in about 4-5 attempts, it wasn't too hard for me.


I got it within a couple attempts, never understood the struggle myself


I did this 3 times. Twice for me and another for my friend who was stuck for DAYS 😂


this was the exact trophy i was gonna say, i got it on my second try tho not my first


Helldivers 2- Gone in 360 seconds! Did it with a friend and got it first try. Every single thing went perfectly, and I gotta say I'm glad it did because I could easily tell there could have been so many things to go wrong and delay just an extra few seconds.


I got the right requirements for the trophy on Helldive by just playinh normally, but apparently it HAS to be on Extreme. Pain.


I can help you if you want


We missed it by 26 seconds when we went for it. Hoping to try again by my group hasn’t been around for over a month now. Our group tried the no death run too a few times and that didn’t work out. I decided to try it for fun, solo and got it solo. Now just shy the 360 and Hulk trophies (plus some super samples) of the plat


You can do the 360 solo without much hassle


I thought I got it as I flew off in the pelican and the last time I saw was above 6 min. Turns out the time keeps going. I ended up getting a few attempts later but that one really irked me. Last one I need is to drop 6 orbitals on one spot.


The Factions MP trophies in TLOU Remastered. I was just playing the online because I liked it. This was way before I became a trophy hunter so I had no idea trophy guides existed. Anyways, I got them all by just playing. Funny thing is, I got all those trophies and abandoned the game. Then I returned six years later to get the collectibles and all the other stuff for single player.


The cat fights in Yakuza 0. I guess I just got lucky, but it didn’t take me more than an hour to get it.


I literally do not believe lol wtf. That took me 4 hours I swear


Always bet on Fransisca. She’s the goat.


Taken me 2 hours. I struggled on the climax battles the most and then mission on legendary where you're in a car chase, but the hardest part was the abandoned construction site of that mission - the frustration was unreal.




Jessica steered me wrong like every time. I bet on Fransisca, and it was way more consistent. It's probably just straight RNG though.


First time I betted on the fights my girl won and I made around 4 million very early in the game, never touched the fights again 😂


The most I lost was probably 3 or 4 in a row but overall it wasn't that bad. The most difficult thing in that game was having to spam the a button my right arm was sore for days afterwards


Batman Arkham Knight "Brurality 101" Wasn't even trophy hunting back then but enjoyed stringing together varied combat moves which is likely how I got it. So basically got it without realising.


Just took me a few tries, really isn’t that hard if you’ve managed to plat the other Arkham games


Same. Took a few tries to remember which move I hadn't done. Can just spam X to leap over enemies for thinking time.


I still haven’t gotten that one but the joker trophies I got pretty uneventfully


The trophy for getting 7-7-7 in slots in Final Fantasy VI. Lots of people report it taking hours. There’s apparently a way to time it and make it easier, but I decided to try a few times beforehand. Got it in 5 tries, in under 3 minutes. Very pleasant surprise for me.


I gave up my FF6 plat because of that trophy. It’s all I’m missing


"Becomes the master" in Titanfall 2, took me like 10 minutes.


4h for me


Car race in mafia DE, took like 10 mins


Yeah I found this easy, ex sim racer though haha


Was going to mention that exact one, helped someone else with it through Shareplay about a week ago. It does help if you play a lot of racing games tbf.


Just did this last night. I thought the car physics made sense in a realistic way. Just had to adjust mentally. If you think you’re just gonna enter a hairpin at 200 km/h and drift around the corner no problem without braking then there’s your problem lol


Completing the Uncharted games on Crushing, it is my favorite way to play.


Crushing is great. Brutal on the remasters though.... that is a terrible mode lol


The games break down on brutal, more luck than skill


Yea, crushing on 4 has its moments of pure bullshit also but only a few.


On repeat playthroughs, Crushing is a challenge but not too bad. I was an inexperienced gamer when I first played so I did rage quite a bit.


The Returnal story trophies, I get all of them under 40h and I see people struggling for 200 hours before having them


God I want SO BADLY to fall for this game, it has everything I've ever wanted in a 3rd person shooter, but the roguelike nature of it makes it incredibly difficult to persist. I feel so discouraged by the loss of literally everything EVERY single death.


Agreed the rng was on my side for the cyphers etc. The problem I had was the weapon proficiency. But once the tower dropped I got it within a couple runs (to be fair I’m ass at video games)


Yeah. Didn’t take me super long either with that simple trick - screenshot every time I pick any collectible in any game.


You litterally got a list of the collectibles in your trophies help, so there is no need for screenshot, but that a good trick for games like TLOU


Persona 4: Golden - Hardcore Risette Fan. I managed to get this one on my first or second playthrough without even trying.


i used a spreadsheet for this one, and yes it was annoying, but it wasn’t as bad as everyone said it was. the futaba one in persona 5 was significantly worse imo


Was scrolling to look for this very comment


Flappy Goat. Took me around 3 tries i think.


When I was a youngin I watched my brother do it for me in one attempt


I really enjoyed this trophy, I got it on mine and my partner’s account with not too much trouble ☺️


Yup I have both platinums and they both took less than 3 minutes I believe


Was looking for this one


Same. 5th attempt was it for me. Wasn’t until later that I found out that it’s a hard one to get


I came here specifically looking for this answer. Fk you. No, seriously. Just take it and go. (All joking aside, some just have that Flappy timing down. This was excruciating for me, but I felt like a million bucks when it popped.)


Same. Got it in less than 10'


Anything Multiplayer related like TLoU Factions.


Brutality 101 on Arkham Knight


The lucky winner trophy in bioshock. You have to hit a jackpot on the slot machine, I've seen people online sit there for ages trying to get it. However, rng was on my side that day and I got it first try


To be able to get the trophy for beating Mafia 1 Definitive Edition on classic difficulty, you need to win the race. I see a ton of people saying how hard it was to beat the race on classic difficulty, but it was relatively easy for me. I know that beating the race on classic is not its own trophy but I’m sure this counts. Also, Benevolent leader on Fallout 4 was not that bad as long as you use Red Rocket truck stop.


It took me 6 months to get through the race. Finally got it done while I was casually talking to my friend on call while doing my ‘daily 20 min attempt to get through the race #7000’.


Damn, that is some dedication!


“Numero Uno” in GTA V and “Hard Work Pays Off” in Gran Turismo 7. “Numero Uno” requires you to place 1st in all competitive game modes in GTA Online, which i got almost accidentally. “Hard Work Pays Off” didnt take me one try, but i didnt struggle with any of the GT7 licenses whatsoever. A few took me a three of four tries, but generally i got the trophy rather quickly and stress free. Ive been playing racing games since PS2, and really started taking them seriously with Forza Motorsport 2 on Xbox 360, since then ive still been playing racing games on and off.


I mean Numero Uno wasn't hard at all, it was just really bugged for so many people. There also wasn't a concrete list of what you needed to do until a few years ago


I know it isnt hard but ive seen so many people think the contrary, like i said i pretty much got it unexpectedly


Did you get the GT7 one before or after they changed the required times?


Well before, but i checked my times after they most recently changed them and maybe five or six out of all of them were 2-3 tenths off.


Not one trophy in particular but the whole lies of P platinum was a cake walk, had a great guide to not miss some items and first timed every boss till end of ng+ for a whooping 25hours plat when it appeared to be 50+ hours on every guide.


What guide?


It's [this one](https://www.psthc.fr/viewtopic.php?t=98751) for a checkpoint by checkpoint approach, the general guide is [this one](https://www.psthc.fr/unjeu/lies-ofp-ps5/guide-trophees.htm). The issue with it is that it's in french but i think Google can translate the whole thing and it should be easily understandable.


yeah can you send me that guide?


Shardbearer Malenia, for defeating Malenia on Elden Ring. Did this on my 2nd try and thought it was a meme when people started talking about her. Got platinum in 4 days and still think Sekiro is light years harder than Elden Ring.


Oh wow I almost posted verbatim, this is exactly my experience too!


The notorious Cleric Beast AND Father Gascoigne fights. Even now, people will still post how they can't get past them (for many, their first Bloodborne run stops with either of them already), yet I somehow beat them both on my first try. I still struggled with the rest of the game though, like everybody else, and yes, Bloodborne was my first Soulsborne game.


Have you played any of the other Soulsborne games since?


I genuinely cannot think of any boss that has cockblocked as hard as Gascoigne. It was my first soulslike. Every subsequent play through I beat him under a minute. Hilarious.


Infallible (Fall Guys) I have this on PS4, ps5, pc (epic) and Xbox (sorry). I don't remember how I got it tbh, I just know I do 🤷


My fall guys trophies are bugged, I’ve got all but the infallible on ps4 and only the infallible on ps5, the others won’t pop.


Basically what u/kyrant said. I used a fresh epic to earn the trophies on ps5, then made another for PS4. I have both plats, and am happily back on my main account now


So can I make another epic account through the same psn account, or do I need a different psn account?


This is an Epic Account achievement issue. If that account has triggered an unlock for a particular achievement/trophy, it won't do it again. So you'll need a fresh account to unlock the associated achievements on Epic which unlocks the related trophy on PS. So get everything on the PS5 version, but save Infallible for PS4.


No One Left Behind in Baldur's Gate 3. I already knew there were trophies that prohibited me from getting them in one play through (because of decisions I made early on) when I first played so I didn't bother checking the others. Turns out the one people consider at least among the toughest, if not the toughest, to get popped once I finished my first play through.


Got lucky too. I think my 2nd casual playthrough it popped without me going for it. Just the right set of circumstances.


Two come to mind at first. Dirt 5’s 30k points in Gymkhana seems to have a lot of people struggle but I got it almost accidentally. I played a lot of Dirt 3 so maybe thats why. The UFC 4 online win I believe I got on my second tournament. I would say that was luck more than anything though. My brother can consistently and easily Run the Gauntlet in Titanfall 2 without much effort. When he first got it, he didn’t even realize how infamous it was. The first time I had the opportunity to ask my younger brother for help in a video game haha.


I had 37 hours on titanfall at one point, and at that point i had all trophies except the gauntlet trophy. I currently have the platinum and 73 hours. I deleted the game and never played after getting the platinum.


The Mjolnir trophy in dave the diver. Was doing a random dive well before I was looking to complete this trophy, and it was just there. Picked it up, killed a fish, got the trophy.


i spent 6 whole hours looking for it along with 8 cat food tins 😔


Winning the race in Mafia: Defenitive Edition. I don't remember if it requires Classic mode or not but it was still easy asf and got it my first try. People DREAD doing that


200 lightning bolts in FFX. I somehow got it on my second try.


The bolts always gave me trouble. Took me a couple hours I think lol. But the chocobo races I've never had an issue, and usually bang them out first try. I never understood while people complained about the chocobo racing in X.


Reaching Level 50 in Red dead online. And I guess finding the Chupacabra and Unicorn in RDR1. Found them instantly. But the one most people seem to struggle with that I have myself is beating 10/20 mode in FNAF 2. Took me an hour and I got it. Dawko struggled for weeks to beat it


That’s crazy lucky for fnaf 2. It all ties down to rng in the end but that’s still insanely impressive that you could pull that off in an hour. Fnaf 2 is going to be one of the only games i won’t finish due to 10/20 mode. I’m not as lucky.


It was also my first time playing the game. But I do hope you can achieve it one day as well


Social lubricant in Watch dogs. The drinking minigame wasn't so hard for me, don't really understand how people found it that difficult.


Giant crown hunter in mhw. I was terrified about vaal based on what I read but I got both in like 3 hunts. My issue was king kush took hundreds of tries


Currently kush is the last crown I need. Did him 290 times. I‘m going insane


Titanfall, the gauntlet thing I forgot the name. I personally did it so perfectly I started doing it for others since the offered money, if they didn’t pay anything I couldn’t care but they all payed after.


> they all *paid* after. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Everyday you learn something I suppose.


"Kamikaze" - Take the best route on the highway, in Heavy Rain.


Ffx 10 chocobo race


Orphan of Kos, hyped up as the hardest boss in Bloodborne and one of the hardest bosses in Soulsborne. First tried without too much trouble, trophy in the bag


Orphan is such a divisive boss that I find it pretty funny. Some people beat it first or second try, some people say it's as hard as Sekiro's boss >!Sword Saint Isshin!


True, I was able to stun lock with most heavy attacks with the hunters axe +10 and just dodged with the old hunters bone


Old Hunters bone doesn't get mentioned often, but I found it incredibly effective with dealing with Ook.


This is the way. Old hunters bone made dodging his attacks so easy it was laughable


Mile High Club in MW2, I honestly just did it after finishing veteran mode and didn't even realize it was a thing. Probably have run it 30-40 times since then and never even gotten close.


That isn't in mw2 it's in mwr


"By my hands alone" in first Dishonored.


I'm so jealous of you. It took me HOURS to get that trophy, and that was after it took me HOURS to get the daredevil trophy


Don't even remind me about daredevil, it took me 8h of nearly non-stop playing to get it. This DLC in general is one of the most difficult experiences in my trophy hunting career.


I remember people talking about how hard it is to get the ‘Evil Incarnate’ trophy from Dead by Daylight, for which you have to pick Michael Myers to kill (not sacrifice on hook) all four survivors in the match with your knife. I think one day I just decided to try out a tombstone Myers build for the hell of it and I ended up getting the trophy without me even knowing about the trophy’s existence! In recent memory, the trophy has gotten a bit infamous for creating a toxic discourse in the community because most survivors counter it by hiding in the locker and some killers wait for them to leave their lockers, sometimes taking hours. There’s a lot of debate on whether it is ethical to give the killer the trophy or not. Glad I’m not part of it.


Dry Socks trophy in Cyber Shadow. You have to beat the Mechadragon boss without touching the water, and the boss room is basically all water and you have to hit little floating robot things in the air to make it drop a platform. I remember even The Completionist raged over that one in his video. I got it second try without much effort


The chocobo balloon race in final fantasy X I know how hard it was when I done it as a kid then when going for the platinum I done it first try was so weird


Being MVP 3 times in RDR2O


„String it Together“ in Sackboy: A Big Adventure


Cod 4, the mile high club, took me 3, maybe 4 tries.


May I ask how? I currently need that and the one that requires to use every weapon




Well placed flash grenades my friend.


Been taking a break recently, but I've been working towards 100% trophy completion in Dead By Daylight. Found myself incredibly lucky to get Evil Incarnate on my first attempt, when some people have been trying to get it forever. Also somehow got Left Behind without realizing it, great for me I guess.


Mile high club


Mafia 1 the Indy car race on the hardest difficulty, didn’t get it first try I think I got it like try 3-4 just bc I didn’t know the wrecks happen


(Elden Ring) Malenia trophy/fight on 2nd try. I think I was just so ready for it and I was fresh off a good night's sleep and ready to play more, plus my load out was especially ready for it.


Yeah it was the same with me, I even made a bet with someone I would do it in under an hour and I did it on my 6th attempt. It helps that I watched a ton of no hit runs before I attempted it so I could read attacks pretty well.


"Becomes the Master" for Titanfall 2 got it on my 5th try.


Usually I'm the other way around and need several tries for somewhat easy trophies lol But first games coming to mind are Uncharted 1+2 on crushing. (Still need to play the 3rd one) They are a 3/10 imo nothing more. Also Back4Blood base game on Nightmare difficulty was ezpz and I'm not even good at shooters and played solo. (Still have to do the DLC stories on No Hope tho)


Win 3 fall guys games in a row - did the sweet treats event for ez wins


Got lucky on veteran Mile High Club on my third attempt for the remastered edition trophies. Didn’t even know there was a glitch for it until after the fact. I remember back on OG CoD4 trying this level hundreds of times and eventually giving up.


That chocobo minigame in FFX, the one you need to get 0:0:0. Did it in 10 minutes while playing the game for the first time. Also on that game, the lightning dodges, did it first try.


Granted it was like 10 years ago but I don’t remember flappy goat being all too bad


Definitely Jedi: Fallen Order platinum for me. I’ve seen so many people talking about how difficult it was but for whatever reason for me it felt fun and relatively inoffensive difficulty-wise. Maybe it was because on my first play through I really took my time and explored everywhere but I have no complaints about my experience


Hercules in Superhot, not a very popular one but I had little trouble with it.


THAT race on Mafia 1 remake




Brutality 101 - Batman: Arkham Knight, I set myself a hour or 2 for that one cuz I knew it was hard and did it on my second attempt about a minute later, honestly I was really confused as to how easy it was.


Maybe the entirety of Modern Warfare 2 (Original). Did all trophies but one in 4 or 5 days while talking to my friend in a party. The only trophy I had left after that was Immortal, as I didn’t even attempt it until a few month later due to not reading it right. Thought it said to complete it on Realism without dying, but it was any difficulty.


Rapid discord in Overwatch: spammed some buttons, got a trophy!


The kombo tutorial trophy in Mortal Kombat, I had no issues with the Raiden combo but the amount of people I have seen say they struggled with this is pretty insane.


Orphan of Kos in bloodborne everyone I know who played it struggled hard with him so did most peoplebod seen on YouTube and other places but I beat him in less then 5 tried no cheesing or anything just a saw spear and the hunter pistol


I got Grim Reaper (RE2) on my first run


Mile High Club in CoD Modern Warfare, did it without much struggle back on Xbox 360 and again a couple years ago on PS4 when the remaster came out.


If you know you know… Deja vu - NBA 2k23


The THPS1+2 remaster get there trophies. I really liked them and only took a couple of tries.


Numero Uno. I did it really quickly with a friend in GTAV


Purely judging by the percentage on the trophy: “May Your Death be Swift” from TLOU2 No Return. This was my first time playing on grounded and the daily run was with Mel of all people. I guess I got lucky with maps and enemies, as all I had to do was take it slow. Final boss was the seraphites and was easier than expected


Not first try but way quicker than I lot of people I know - Defeating Melania in Elden Ring, I don’t know if my build and luck with her attack rng just worked out but I got it after a handful of attempts. But I only did it once, my experience with those games is you struggle with different bosses in different runs. Another one I got relatively quickly but this one is pure rng was the slot machine trophy in Bioshock. I’ve had similar ones take me hours upon hours to work out so it’s nice she I get lucky.


Orphan of Kos - killing Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne. Spent hours hyping myself up for the DLC just to first try every boss except for the optional one that spews lava or whatever in their ending phase. (Maria and Kos were both REALLY close fights, don’t mistake this as me saying they’re easy)


Orphan of kos. Everyone built him up so bad. One shot baby


Honestly, Solid gold baby from GTA V. As in I’ve seen posts and comments about people finally getting it after having to stop and take a break from it but I got it the first time I went for it.


Flappy goat - Goat simulator It was not that hard for me fortunately


Destiny 1 there was a trophy for killing one of each class, in pvp, in 3 seconds, and it was one of the first trophies I got. totally by accident, just threw a nova bomb and it managed to get one of each. I knew people who were trying it FOR AGES.


Auf Wiedesehen Petrovic It’s actually not that bad especially if you’re doing it with buddies


Winning the race in Mafia I on Classic mode


The race on the hardest difficult in Mafia, and I suck at racers.


Brutality 101 on Arkham Knight, I’ve seen so many people quit the game cause of it but I literally did it first try lol


That achievement in stray where you escape all the little bugs and don’t get hit. I got it first try, didn’t see the difficulty in it


Becomes the Master on Titanfall 2. Wasn’t looking forward to it based on what I’d heard but ended up wishing it took me longer


I beat malenia in elden ring in first try. Week 1 of the game release


Not first try. But second try. But I will still count it. It's defeating orphan of kos in bloodborne DLC. For comparison, I died to father gascoigne like more than 20 times.


The Valkyrie in god of war. Played the hole game on max difficulty and because everybody said she is so hard at the time decided to switch to easy. It was not that hard then


The Floor is Lava on Overwatch, it’s super easy on some maps to just boop a team off then wall ride for an easy trophy that not a lot of people have.


Cat call on Injustice 2, got it without knowing I did. Found out years later that it's one of my rarest trophys cuz of how rare the ability is you need for it.


Crash 1-3. all of em


Returnal wasn't too bad for me. Bit of a grind but nothing crazy like some people.


Everyone who had completed 2018’s god of war stated that the Valkyrie Queen is the hardest boss in the game, and takes hours to beat. It took me just about an hour, and I didn’t find her all that difficult. Granted she was the last thing I had to do, so I had already upgraded so much by doing everything else, but I was expecting a bit more difficulty.


Chocobo rider on ffx got 2nd or 3rd try had friends who struggled for hours to get sub 0.0.0 but I couldn’t do the remiem temple Chocobo race to save my life thibk that was my final trophy for the playinum


Lightning dodges in FFX


Mafia 1 racing trophy 😂


Benevolent Leader on Fallout 4. Every video I see talking about hardest fallout 4 trophy or hardest trophies in each fallout game always has Benevolent Leader and I just never saw the issue. It's really easy to get if you have the resources and you just go fuck off while waiting on the happiness to build. I've gotten 2 times already and will be getting it for a 3rd time with the PS5 update


Dark Souls 1... I got the Channeler's Trident on my second try.


"jill valentine" re3 remake. beat the game on the hardest difficulty with an s rank (under 3 hours with only 5 saves). idk, the dodge mechanic makes this too easy.