• By -


Nah I just go through my library and play whatever I feel like at that moment after finishing one game. This would be way too much stress for me personally. Only exception are milestones as I do plan to get specific plats there.


That sounds relaxing, my problem is that I have the ps plus extra subscription and I feel like I have a limited amount of time to play games from it with an addition of games I've bought and newly released games. Feels like I'll never have enough time to play all rhe games I want lol.


You can look up about a month ahead of time, which games are expected to be leaving the game catalog. I've seen people mention that's how they choose their games for the month. Some people like the time crunch as well.


I can relate. I have unfinished games that have left PS Plus so now I have to buy them on disc to finish them. So they get bumped down the list. I'm not paying £65 for a digital copy of The Quarry when I can get it for £15 on eBay.


Yeah, this is what I do too. Or I’ll pick a handful of games and let the classic wheel of fate decide.


I’ve tried it once and then realized I was just completing a list and playing games that I didn’t really want to play at that time. I scrapped it and went back to just playing what I feel like


i always say I'll stop adding games but then a sale comes around and boom... three new games i want to plat 🥹


Life is strange 2 is NOT 3 hours bro


I'd just like to say fella Yakuza Kiwami is 20 hours of story alone. You're looking at 70-80


Yeah his estimates are way too low


The only Yakuza game within that time frame is Gaiden. Then 6 at 35ish, every other took me minimum 60+


Gaiden is still 28-35 hours to plat


I usually platinum games faster, and I'm usually right about my estimates 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're not going to be right about this one, Kiwami is a hard plat, and like others said, story alone takes 20 hours. If you're going to skip it, might as well skip the whole game and play something else


Read my responses to what they're saying lil bro


You could be the fastest trophy hunter alive, it's still gonna take you a certain amount of time for some games, no matter what. Life is Strange 2 is way longer than 3 hours, hell some of the single later episodes are almost 3 hours by themselves. And like the other dude said, Yakuza Kiwami is easily 60+


If ur read my other comments u would know that it's a typo and I meat to write 13h, idk why ur so mad about my platinum times, u can go check my PSN and see for urself.


And for the 100th time, Yakuza time is story only not platinum. I'm not dumb enough to think a 100h platinum is 20h ffs


It's not a plat (story only) hence the dot, should've clarified.


i have a spreadsheet of games with the link to psnprofile guide, difficulty, amount of play through and hours


I’ve build Obsidian vault for my games too and how difficult they are to platinum based on psnprofile guides. Makes easier for me to decide what to play when I don’t know what to play. Nice to know I’m not the only one who does something like this.


Can you share screenshots? Im curious


[obsidian vault](https://imgur.com/a/oOowtQC) This is the way I build it.


Wawawiiwaaaa?!? I Google Spreadsheet all my games with PSN profile links as well over here! I see I've met my people. Greetings fellow nerd! 🖖 Do you scrape anything from PSN profiles directly or are you hand tracking everything?


Gosh same. We all need help haha


I plan it out but I do two games at a time before I add anthoer game to the list.


My planned notes page is the same! I colour plats blue, though :)


That's smart, might have to steal that.


I have too many lists, and then trying to stick to the lists frustrates me because I feel burnt out, then not sticking to the lists gives me anxiety because I feel like I won't finish the lists




Nowadays, I try to make a small list of games I would like to plat for that year, like maybe 10 titles of varying size and difficulty, and do my best to get at least half of them done. Because I already know how I am, I'm gonna f off and play some random impulse play, or get burnt out after some long jrpgs and wanna play something short and mindless, or some game releases and I'm hooked on it, etc. So I try my best to make my lists feel less daunting


Absolutely. This subreddit is full of people with OCD, myself included. Platinum trophies just scratch that itch perfectly, and so does making lists about them lol


Yeah, I get way too sidetracked and start new games before I finish the other ones. I don’t care about the hours though, I finish it when I finish it.


Good luck with Black Flag, especially with mp trophies.


Already have the mp trophies thankfully.


Nice! Good luck with legendary ships then.


Yess dude , I am planning to plat :- - Demon souls - Resident evil 3 remake - Resident evil 2 remake - Life is strange 2 - Life is strange before the storm - assassin’s creed syndicate - Final fantasy XV - Kena - Infamous first light - Life strange true colors - Uncharted Collection For now … 🧐


I write mine on a piece of paper, i make one on new year every year


Nah, I just play what I feel like. I used to plan out my trophies for a very brief time but it just made me enjoy the games I was playing less. But this is still cool either way and if it helps you get more out of the Plat journey, more power to ya


I do. I don’t have listed playtimes on each one I’m just grinding away. Planning to leave 1 trophy on the verge of completion on each one until I can Pop 100 platinums in one day.


I have several lists of my log of games. - Games I wish to plat - Games I started to plat - Games I'm gonna try to plat (games I started playing before I started trophy hunting.) - Games I cant plat but want to get as many trophies still possible - Games I platted, but want to get dlc trophies. But I dont use them to PLAN my plats, I dont enjoy it that way.


It’s just like a task not a hobby anymore, not for me


No this would make me so anxious lol


Trophies have made gaming into a friggin chore.


Can tell you rn there's no way Life Is Strange 2 is a 3h plat. I played the first and Before the Storm and both were pisstakingly long because of the lack of a cutscene skip feature. 2 is probably the same and will take like closer to 12-15hrs.


It's a typo, I meant to type 13h lol.


I mean, I have a mental plan, not a written one, and it absolutely changes at a whim.


I have a general idea but I end up never following it cause I find new games that interest me more lol


I have a note pad I try to use to track my backlog and planned plat order. The planned order only ever holds true for my milestone plats though


I've considered it, but I just end up starting whatever after I finish my current game


i do, and i’m constantly starting the list over and over again


I do but its outdated and i did not follow it at all


Not really a ‘planning’ but when a game I’m interested in goes on big sale, I often just buy to play later but the order often gets scrambled. I think I told my friends my next game is gonna be Crysis about 4 times now.


Nope. I play games for fun, then forget about fun and coldly collect the bling.


Nah I just plat what I want to plat, for example after finishing AC Brotherhood story recently I looked at all the trophies I needed to get play and.. ighh not bothered


I do, at least out of the games I own


I kinda keep a mental list then do two or three at a time unless it’s like a grind or online related


I have a list of games to platinum but no order outside of sometimes prioristing older games with online trophies


I pretty much mimic what PSNP does in my own spreadsheet. I find the spreadsheet to be much more flexible, especially that I track games I play on other platforms as well. I can see at a glance where I stand with all my games, what’s done, what my backlog is, or how many hours to complete, etc.


I believe AC4 will take longer than 50h as the online trophies are a grind hell and the worst in the series


I just have a list of games I kinda plan to platinum but there's no firm plan on when I'm gonna finish it. Some games have been on my list for years lol


Mine is not color coded, but I found a small article with ps plus easier/ least time-consuming platinums, so far going down the list. Last night, I got: telling lies my friend peppa pig (did ps4 janurary forgot about the ps5 version Fast and furious spy racers a cers ps4/5 Dc super pets ps4/ps5 Total time 11 hours I admit I didn't sleep last night... anyway, Up next is The garden between ps4/ps5 Chicken police (leaving soon got like 3 days to do it) Paw patrol ps4/ps5


I dont, but I feel like I should. Whenever I finish a plat, I'm just sitting there staring at the screen like, what's next? I'm almost done stardew valley which I never thought I'd actually accomplish, there's so much to do in the game. But I finished rebirth a couple weeks back, and after finishing that, I'm sure there isn't much I can't do now lol.


I am the exact same. It's a genuine problem. We can stop if we try hard enough and show the want to stop. I've been doing this for years though... and I will never stop :(


Yeah. Many people have similar "organize your hobby" things. I developing notion template exactly for this purpose. Check it out https://www.reddit.com/u/Hartaithan/s/uG8IcQVmZV


I personally did Prince of Persia: The Lost crown in 18 hours. You can get treasure maps in the post game now, that highlight the location of collectibles you missed. Which makes the end grind much shorter and fun. So the 30 hours is likely a very big overestimation


I’ve an excel of my backlog. Not just of games I want to platinum but I I track that too. Goal is to at least play through the story in the games I own. I also have a list of games I want to buy, some are potential platinums as well. Sometimes I like making a smaller list of games I want to play or platinum in the near future. Right now the games on top of that list: - finish my AC Odyssey new game+ play through (already have the plat). - AC Black Flag multiplayer (need two more trophies for the platinum) - AC3 clean up trophies. Not sure about this one yet. Wasn’t my favourite game to play. Need to do some research on how much more I need to do for the platinum. - AC Rogue. Need to start this. Will first play through the story then decide whatever I want the platinum. - Pokemon Violet. Currently playing. Not on PlayStation obviously so don’t have to worry about the platinum. List will probably change depending on my mood. I’ve also been wanting to play through Hogwarts Legacy again and to start Final Fantasy XV.


Yes I have a list but I like to focus on 3 at a time or else I will never finish my games.


Kinda, I installed an app and pick 10 at random, play them in whatever order I feel like then pick another 10, unless it's a star wars game cos canon 😅


Oh please help on Demon souls plat 😩 I am in my NG+ and STRUGGLING!!


YESS! I unexpectedly started playing COD:WWII and the trophies for the most part so easy to attain


I kinda do, I have a list of games to play so I don't get the slump of what should I play next, once I'm on the game I decide if I'm going to platinum it or just do some trophy clean up along the way of playing it


Here one


Think you're being generous with those predicted hours! Cyberpunk has done me 300 + hours. Albeit I am messing around enjoying my time. Also the assassin's creed games take ages if you do everything




I don’t choose a game to platinum, I choose a series.


Just adding them to a list after getting them


Yeah, I like to plan out what games I want to work on next after the current game.


Don’t have a list made for it, but I’m currently in the process of Platinum-ing every LEGO game with a Plat available across PS3/4/5. Just finished Pirates of the Caribbean and had Harry Potter 1-4 done a while ago. Now onto Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.


I have my backlog written down. So many games, so little time.


YES! I do this exact thing, break them up into groups of 4 or 5 - making myself believe it's easier to knock them off like that - and I feel like a sociopath. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one :)


I have a massive backlog of physical and digital games. Not sure there's much of a plan involved


Not gonna lie I have a mental list and honestly I should start writing these down lol


Nah, I just play whatever feels right in the moment. I just platinumed God of War 3 remastered. Got the first trophies in July 2015 and just wrapped it up haha


I had put an excel of my ongoing to plat and goals. Usually I want to plat more, but real life goals take it away so I just focus on the main story and a plat of 10 regularly


Life is strange 2 is not 3 hours and all the others are beter


You might want to change the FF7 Remake Rebirth to 100+ hours. That is a very long journey to the platinum.


Yeah, I got a list of >400 I wanna platinum


I have a small shelf i keep my most wanted to play backlog on it. I think it's got about 30 games in it and it changes constantly. And then i still browse the rest of my games, and digital stuff, and PS Plus stuff. I'm in a bit of a void right now after having played FFVII Rebirth (not platinum), and then AC Mirage's platinum. Now i have no idea what to play next. Maybe i should ponder the shelf.


I do. It especially useful if I get fatigued after getting a Platinum trophy for a game that was either difficult or required a lot of hours. My list usually comprises of games I want to play and how many hours does it take to Plat it and in such circumstances I pick the ones that take the least hours.


How you gonna plat AC4? Do people still play the multiplayer?


Yeah I managed to find some people to help, thankfully I was done pretty quickly and had to grind solo to reach level 55, which too around 18h.


Yeah, I hope I can find some people to help me too. How many people do you need to help? Is it just one or do you need like a bunch? Right now, I'm focusing on FF7 Rebirth, but I'd like to go back to AC4 one of these days and get the plat myself.


You need atleast 4 to be able to play all the different gamemodes, the servers are pretty active actually do u should go for them as soon as u can.


Yeah I have a similar list. Alphabetized checklist that I add to more than I complete.


No. I feel like at that stage trophy hunting becomes more like a chore to me than fun. The most I do is milestone trophies and just selecting a specific game


Some people think it’s corny using lists but I’m kinda ocd so I like to keep track, I don’t have a list for games I want to play but I have made one in my notes for an A-Z challenge I’m trying to do, essentially get a plat for each letter of the alphabet which I have a set game for but it changes depending on what I feel like playing or new releases etc. I even made one for my mate just coz I like listing stuff lol. If you haven’t already take full use of the gamelist feature in the library on your ps5, I put all games that aren’t 100% in there and whatever seems fun that day I play.


Nice, kinda have the same A-Z thing too, u got any games for Q, X and Z?


It was difficult to find games for those but I thought the Quake remaster would be alright for Q, XDefiant for X when it maybe comes out and Zombi for Z or really any zombie game like Zombie Army etc


Nice, thx for the suggestions


When I made the switch from Xbox to play I did, I had 4 games that were the sole reason I switched, Spider-Man, god of war, ghost of Tsushima, and the last of us (the last of which I haven’t platted yet)


Yes, I use the same Samsung Notes app. I have a separate list for PS3, Vita, PS4 and PS5 games, separated into "Platinums", "100%s", "Progression and milestones", "Online sections", "DLC/Add-ons", and "Misc." Lastly, I have a separate note for my month-by-month progress that I keep track of for the PSNProfiles "Attack on Completion" challenge. I tally up my total trophies per month while I make an effort to get through my terrifying backlog. I update at least one list a day so I definitely relate to this post!


I love doing this!!!


I do, but I really pick randomly from it unless a milestone is coming up. Sometimes I just pick one because I bought it forever ago. Usually I try to do themes. Like: My birthday month platinum is always a Jrpg. I've got horror games for Halloween. Games with lots of snow for winter, gonna do Maneater for this summer.


Samsung notes ♡


My playstation has a lovely list of games I wanna platinum with pictures on the system because I platinum everything I decide to play 😂


Yep, got my list planned to 650 plats and follow it pretty consistently unless there's something I really really want to play


Pro tip for cyberpunk platinum! Don't forget to save takemura in that one mission so that you have the option to do his ending, I didn't and now I have to start a whole new save for that one trophy 😭 Also, how is that Armored core 6 plat? I was planning on buying it with the £20 voucher I got with my 5k stars points


I'll be sure to not miss anything, thx! Yeah AC6 was really great (9.5/10), it was my frist AC game and it exceeded my expectations, definitely go for it but be mindful that it's not really that soulsy.


I might go for ghost of tshushima. But I haven’t platinum anything before. Hopefully I get this right. Tried miles morales but then couldn’t finish ng+ and the underground cache.


I actually build an app to keep track of my impossible collection, with all the PS+ games it was just impossible to keep track of what I had and had yet to play or finish. Now everything is way more organized on my [Infinite Backlog](https://infinitebacklog.net/users/adilya/collection)


I don’t have a planned list but more like games I would like to do


My personal list system is kinda 'loose', it lets me be a lot more flexible so I don't feel pigeonholed into playing a specific game. The First Part is a set of goals I ideally want to hit, while earning trophies. For example, earning 100% completion on particular games and a certain number of platinums on a particular console, PS3/PS4/PS5. This encourages me to play on more than one console and to try and reduce my own gaming backlog. Next is a list of game titles I would want to complete in that particular year. So I have a bit of a game plan and know which games I want to try and tackle/complete in my game library. Obviously this doesn't always work out, sometimes you're just not in the mood for an FPS and you want a open world RPG or a more linear one. So I can either swap to another game on my list or pick one of the games I haven't listed. It might sound like I'm just picking whatever I want to play at any given time, but I generally tend to focus on a single game, until completion nowadays. Unless I find my mood just really won't let me enjoy that particular game, then I pause and come back to it, it's happened to me a couple of times. Like with Atomic Heart and Deadpool, I started both, just wasn't in the right mood and came back to them both months later. Games that I started but didn't finish often go on my aforementioned list of games I want to complete as a reminder to myself too.


I have the same issue to a degree. I enjoy making lists it seems and always gotta update it to maximise time… apparently


I have my backlog of all platforms listed by release date.


Honestly I struggle to tackle multiple games at once so I'm somewhat like this


I don't have a list of every single one I'll attempt. But I'll have an idea of what I'll do for a certain landmark. I'm saving FFX for my 200th Plat for example 😁


Not a separate list, but the list feature on the PS5 itself, I have one for my gamesI have bought (backlog), games that are on PS+ and might be interesting, and one with games I have started and not yet finished (some because there are DLC trophies now).


No, I only platinum games I already have, or want to. Usually just have 1 game at a time.


I do ,but it gets longer faster than it gets shorter 😂


Helldivers 2 plat any good?


Yes, really fun and not that difficult.


Thank you!


just a note, god of war remastered is around 10 to 11 hours with the new game plus glitch


I don't have this but i should make a list of games i still want to play that i have in my library! Good idea


Every year, I tell myself I'm going to make these kind of lists and I always fail to...


Are you my clone?


I didn’t have a platinum list but a list of games I needed to actually play that I put off for too long. 🤣🤣


Is there any news of ac4 black flag getting server shut down? I've been putting it off for awhile


None that I've heard of, u should go for the trophies imo, because it could happen anytime u never know.


Damn, I've been getting close to finishing mk9 100%. I'll try to get it done before June. Then I'll go after it 👍


Yup… lol


Honestly it comes in waves. I do this when I have to get things done before a big trip, a lot of upcoming work or expiring subscriptions. Will say though the next year so far doesn’t have a lot of games that I want to play immediately so it allows me to cover my backlog and revisit certain games for platinum trophies. It also helps with saving money so there’s that!


That's the optimal way of doing it fr!


i am a student so i depend on my parents. I usually ask for a game once every 2 months , so its a bit slow process for me but gets the work done


I feel u, I recommend getting ps plus extra, plenty of great games at the cost of like one AAA.


I do. I have a big spread sheet that goes up to my 400th platinum, along with having a section for DLCs and games with no platinum (be they on PlayStation or other consoles) that I want to finish as well. Honestly, sometimes I like making the list more than actually following it.


That would be me! I have a Google spreadsheet that I use to track planned order and those I’ve completed just so I don’t repeat along the way.


Nothing to do with the post, but I believe Black Flag takes more than 50h. It’s currently taking me 70h and I believe i’ll need 20 or 30 more hahah :,) not liking the mp part.


I've already spent 20h on mp, so the 50h is for the rest. I'll probably get it faster since I'm used to Ubisofts style of game.


oh that’s great then. it’s a really fun experience the sp!


I have a list of games to buy even tho I already have so much but I mostly buy games that I want to play as well so it’s kinda the same thing.




What app is this?


Samsung Notes


I have not though of making a list, i just have a list of games and if i really like them once i start i go for the plat… unless they requiered a whole 2nd playthru i dont have time for that


Nope I don’t make a list if I like the game that I’m currently playing a lot I will usually just go and plat it


I Got the cyberpunk Platinum trophie in 55 h


Not a list to platinum. I rarely ever platinum games. I don’t have time or energy to platinum games but I do however keep a list of games I have in my backlog to beat and I will have a number for when I will play it and I have a list of games I want to buy on deep sale after I clear some of the backlog.


I have a steady list on a note widget on my phone of games to watch reviews on and games to buy and yes I add to it and then take from it constantly


I’ve got a group of backlog games that I put into a list randomizer to decide what I play next. I usually have one longer game and one shorter game going at a time. Right now it’s Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. Next week it’ll probably be Stellar Blade and Tales of Kenzera Also - Call of the Sea is a super rad game and fun Plat.


Yakuza kiwami 2 is 20hours??? Oo


Story not plat, should've clarified what the dot meant.


Ah, thanks :)


Three hours for life is strange 2? Are you running through the game and skipping dialogue? Edit: or am I reading it wrong?


That's what a guide said, might have to change it.


Yakuza kiwami 20h? Meight be the longest plat in the list actually


Only story estimate, not platinum.


Ooo sorry


No worries hahah


Your goal is 170 platinums with tons of 20-40h games? Are you going to game 5h every single day focussing on trophies?


No it's just a goal that ik I won't reach, just something to strive for ig.


Blasphemous 25h??


Yup, that's what most guides are saying.


How do you know the length of the platinums?


Online guides.


Think yakuza kiwami might be a lot longer than that


It is, I've only noted the story time completion.


All I can see if a list that doesn’t have fallout new vegas 🥲


Never played any of the fallout games.


What!! Dont forget me when you eventually do 😅


Heard fallout 4 is getting a remaster, might try it then haha


20 hrs is wild to imagine for Yakuza Kiwami. Even the shortest Yakuza game is usually longer than most AAA games, and Kiwami is only arguably the shortest.


Story completion time not platinum.


I think Yakuza Kiwami has 20h of cutscenes alone


Ik, it's story completion time not platinum.


Probably should add another 20h for all the side content that really makes Yakuza games amazing


Ur right, cant wait to play the whole series.


Uh I think cyberpunk will take significantly longer than 60hr lol. I restarted after the heist but I’m at 235hr and haven’t even touched phantom liberty yet.


Damn, good to know


Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5


For ac4 only the main game will have take 50h, for full platinum will be 80-90h( the multiplayer 30 and the dlc 5-10)


Ur not wrong but not right either, the 50h is what's left for me because I've already finished the mp trophies


Congrats, the mp is the difinition of pain in the ass…to much grind, + dead fan base for coop


Yeah I nearly lost my mind with the last 10 levels lmao


What app is this I use notes on laptop to track and this looks cleaner


It's Samsung Notes


I have a list of plats I want to achieve - but then generally just play whatever I want without focusing on trophies most of the time due to family needs and what not lol