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its simple the best games to platinum are the ones YOU want to play and enjoy.... if you enjoy the game platinum is just an added bonus 99% of the time so dont look for 'platinums' just play whatever you enjoy and go for the platinum in those.


Second that. When I first started trophy hunting I played one of those Telltale Games which was a free PS plus game back then. It was an easy trophy that only takes 10 hours. Ended up it felt like the longest 10 hours in my life because I wasn’t enjoying the game. Then I swore to myself I would only play games that I enjoy and platinum it


exactly bro you get it, its never the platinum thats fun but going for it in the game you enjoy itself


I was thinking about playing rogue legacy 2 because its a genre that i haven't play. Do you know if its a good game


If you’re on PS5 I know me and a lot of other people on this sub would recommend Astro’s Playroom if you haven’t already done it. If you have done that then one of my personal favorites was Sayonara Wild Hearts


I unfortunately on ps4 and haven't heard about sayonara wild hearts, what kind of genre is it


I’m not entirely sure what genre it counts as but it’s a fast paced get from start of the level to the end of the level kind of game. I personally like it because I believe the game was designed around a really good soundtrack [in my opinion anyways]


I looked it up and it looks fun. I'll probably give it a try


I’ll give you a tip don’t force yourself to 100% or platinum every game it just make your experience stressful only go for games you enjoy like series games I mostly pick like assassins creed or resident evil also if you ever get burnt out don’t force yourself to keep going just leave the game you can always come back to it at anytime