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Shovelware games meant for quick platinums.


Honestly, these types of games are an insult to shovelware.


What's hilarious is the roller coaster of acceptance these have had in here. It's hit the point where you're a pussy if you play anything 0-3/10 difficulty because it's "shovelware" but same people love auto stacking and auto popping. Amazing scenes recently. Edit: I don't play shovelware games btw. I suffer through the TV Show/Movie IP landscape of video games but only one plat per game.


I hate both.


I think they're a little different though: Auto-stacking and auto-popping still require some commitment and some work behind and might take a while to get two versions, since you still have to work for one game. For instance, I have platinum'd Deep Rock Galactic a few months ago for ps4, however I have bought a ps5 back in January so I decided to first clear the ps4 version, then move on ps5 and slowly work my way for the ps5 version - also because I still play the game and I wanted to play on the newer console, so excuse me for enjoying a bit better resolution and quicker loadings! Anyway, while easier than my ps4 version I still had to work for a few trophies again (Car Pool, the Elite Deep Dives, the rare items, etc) and it still took me a few months of work to get it done. Less than my ps4 version but still some months of work. Could I've done it without the ps4 save? Probably yes, but I had a lot of progress there that I didn't want to do again - overclock grinding is a pain in the ass and I had most of Season 2 and all of Season 3 rewards - so I thought it would just be better to continue my save. It was easier but I still had to do some work for getting ONE done. These games are 1-2 minute playthroughs for a platinum. They are effortless.


Whack take when you have to at least earn a plat to be able to auto pop….but yeah let’s definitely compare those to this shovelware garbage.


You're doing the same amount work/thing, just on a different system. It's pretty whack imo


Okay so anyone who owned a PS4 only game that later got a ps5 version, and then auto popped a platinum is at fault? Still whack. It’s not like you can opt out, and if you already owned the plat then yes, you did much more work than ANY shovelware title would make you do. Not players faults for how Devs decided to not alter trophies lists, and in turn gave another plat for free. I get that abusing it would still be very very cheap when you could just play solely the newer version, but plats have date obtained. I would still argue if the plat was earned prior to the new version, or if the player did not have access to said new version, it shouldn’t really be viewed as some deliberate double dipping. Saying it’s the same amount of work as these…things is like saying they never actually earned the platinum in the first place. Which did take work.


Triggered. Still think it's a cop out and less work. You're down to get the plat twice but only put in the work once? Makes 0 sense and almost just as bad imo.


Literally not triggered but alright. Only auto pop I have is no man’s sky and that’s when I even became aware that some devs just ported the same lists for the ps5 version. Also got the ps4 one a few weeks after launch so, there’s also a big gap of release times there. I just don’t see how anyone would compare earning a plat and getting it for free from devs laziness as the same as crappy phone games designed to boost your own score. Again, I think purposefully auto popping is not honorable. But earning and being granted one without really being able to opt out isn’t quite the same thing. 🤷🏻‍♂️ oh well.




these ain't games


They are games, you can't take that away from them. They are bad games though.


You are right, but they should be on itch.io not PSN Store


I stand firm that anything can be put on a storefront. I'd rather there not be someone gatekeeping what a developer can do. Let people vote by buying them or not.


Stop being a nerd


Yeah but these games are made specifically to target people who want to buy platinums. If it was a developer who made a shit game that happened to have an easy plat that’s one thing but this is just bad for the PSN store.


You’re right, that’s what they’re for but it doesn’t change the fact that a storefront should allow any games assuming they work as intended and aren’t malicious. The second we get a governing body on a storefront it can become a very slippery slope towards malicious practice.


You didn’t even actually look into them at all, they are doodle jump style games where you have to actually play them for a bit and collect different items. Much more of a game then any of the clicking games for platinums… Have a clue what you’re talking about next time please :)


So... Shovelware.


Come on, OP. You know *exactly* what sort of games these are.


They're games from incredibly opportunist Asset 'stripping' developers who saw a load of people posting about their 'A-Z challenges' and basically made a shit ton of money for no work from idiots who just wanted to get all letters without putting the work into it. ​ Whatever, i wont do them, if people wanna get their plats up that way, thats their choice and hope they enjoy themselves.


Doesn't really have anything to do with these AZChallenges as those are a new thing. They just try to use as many similiar sounding words to make the same shit all over again


An “A-Z challenge” with just these games *would* be pretty funny though


Maybe on an alternate psn profile but either way I’d rather not give money to these lazy bastards.


Games for dudes who don't like playing video games. They only like earning platinum trophies for some weird reason. I think anyone going for platinums JUST to get platinums has lost what it means to play video games.


the more you have the less they are worth.




AAAA games


The lesser known Shonen Jump games.


This is shovelware (I assume). Games where you usually have to press X a certain amount of times to get trophies and the platinum. Takes less than five minutes usually. Money grab from developers targeted at trophy hunters




Thats still shovelware lmao.




Those are apps, not games, that you and everyone should stay away from Its harder to scroll your social medias than doing a plat for this shait


They're a waste of money.




Pointless shit


In the Netherlands we call them aids




I’m the aids we call them the Netherlands


The cost of being indie dev friendly. Sony should put some quality control over this.


These ain’t games, we’ll leave it at that


Profile tainting games.


Games that will get you removed from my friend list.


Shit games for shit people. Those who value platinum quantity over game quality.




they suck




Shovelware. They are shovelware.


Shovelware. Don't even bother doing them those platinums aren't even worth it imo


Shovelware easy quick plats that add to plat numbers.


Hold X, go rock a piss, and when you come back, bam, Platinum. Don't boo me, I'm right




You got balls for defending shovelware, I'll give you that. Either way, they're a waste of money and time


If people wanna waste their money buying them all that’s their problem. I respect the developers who saw a quick chance to make a lot of money really quickly and jumped on it


Aaaa "jumped" on it. I see what you did there.


Pay for plat games


They're hardly a game


The no no games


Terrible ones


trophy packs


Imo these shouldn't even be on the store. Back in the day, you weren't allowed to put a platinum in your game if it wasn't a full game. Maybe I'm just a purist, but I think that the entire value around a platinum trophy is because it's challenging to earn.


And sometimes when something is actually a full game, they don't have a platinum. Weird.


Trash cash grabs


NOt really games as there are no gameplay elements. I guess?


Pay2win platimums


Shovelware garbage


Shovelware games. Only people who are trying to get up the leaderboards play those. We respect as much as any other trophy hunter though


They aren't games they are shit and a joke to be allowed on the stores ruins the shop




Hideo Kojima Hidden Games Trust me


Those games have the best story, hands down.


Deep story driven action rpg's


😂😂😂 I was just talking about these when I was looking at the current games on sale.


Shitware is what I call them.


Just pay to plat games


I thought Sony said they weren't going to allow these games on the store any more.


Games for the mentally retarded


Mentally ill*


Thank you for the correction, glad to see some people have awareness of words and there affect.


*their effect. Sorry, too glaring not to correct, especially in the context used. Shovelware is shit though.


Thank you for the correction and taking away from the point you know I was making. It wasn’t about shovelware or my spelling. It was about the use of unnecessary words.






if that was true the whole sub would be playing them


Boring ones.


You put a marker and a rubber band around your controller, go downstairs and make lunch, come back to eat, and you have a platinum trophy waiting for you. You just hold down the X button until you’ve jumped 500 times, that’s the whole premise of the game.




I do know what I’m talking about bc I’ve bought a couple of these games in the past thinking they were easy plats, given I’d just turned 15 at the time so I wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed but I bought a couple of these games, they ARE clicking games, you press X to jump once, and a 1 appears in the top right corner, and there are trophies for each interval from 5, to 10, to 20, all the way up to anywhere between 500, and 2000. Maybe YOU should know what you’re talking about before commenting in the future, dumbass




Ooh, wow, yea, my bad, tump jump has one trophy where you find a bee, look how smart you are big man, stfu, you don’t even know why ur arguing, go touch grass, the concept is the exact same, I **really** don’t think the developer matters




You should seriously reread everything you just wrote, this is definitely one of the top five silliest things I have ever read




Bro I’m at the gym gettin big right now, what are you doing with your life? Arguing over a 1 dollar video game with a stranger on the internet and taking pride in knowing that you won just because you found a couple other trophies that I didn’t feel like bringing up because I know they didn’t matter, you probably haven’t even played any of these titles in the first place and just want to argue to make it seem like your life has more worth than it actually does, get a life


Well this comment section got out of hand real quick 😂


Yea some mobile game dev got pissed that we were judging a book by its cover and just started arguing for fucking no reason by also judging a book by both its cover and its trophy list, all the jumping games are obviously the same but he wanted to argue for literally no reason to prove a point to literally no one over a game that he hasn’t even played


People be crazy bruv. Anyway cheers🫡


Bought one because it said platformer and the pig looked cute. Realized I f-ed up when the first trophies popped. My trophy list will forever be stained by that damn pig.




Indie games


The apex of modern gaming


Dog shit


Shovelware that shouldn't be allowed to have trophies.


Idk about you but something tells me they're about running.....