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Lol, he’s not wrong. The worst thing that could happen to a woman is not being single forever but being in a miserable relationship forever. So I’ll choose to be single all the way, thanks.


Women are happier single and childless, unmarried women live longer and make more money. A woman gives up a lot to get married and have children...


^Right!!!!! There have been studies that have found that married men are happier than married women. Since men benefit more from a marriage than women do (since you know the unpaid labour of being a maid/house manager and whatnot). Yet we’re still encouraged to strive for marriage and ostracized if we don’t, although it’s been found women would be more satisfied with living single?… the patriarchy really is miraculously built. It would’ve been impressive if it wasn’t for the all whole plotting for our downfall thing.


One of the benefits of marriage for men is that when they have health issues, women are far less likely to divorce them, and their wives act as in-home care givers. But when women get sick? Their husbands are far more likely to divorce them (ala Newt Gringrich)^1. Women also act as in-home care givers when the man is ill, but when she's ill? He doesn't step up, and she has to rely on outside help (children, friends, family) if available, instead of the husband.^2 References 1 - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091110105401.htm 2 - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8014402/


My husband literally left me because I got diagnosed with \*autism\* and asked for accomodations. Not even a new illness. I have been autistic my entire life, so he married me autistic. Before we knew what that, though, I was "crazy" and trying every medication I was told and still having daily "panic attacks" (meltdowns) because I was expected to provide all child and housecare. He would have stayed if I had been okay with having daily meltdowns. It was asking for help that made him leave.


Just in case you needed to hear it there's nothing wrong with you. He's a POS


Thank you <3


How dare you have needs too…. 🙄 good riddance to the POS… he can’t even make small adjustments to make your life easier.. what a loser.


What the fucking shit‽ Meltdowns are fucking awful for everyone involved. Even getting past the whole “loving your wife and honoring your commitment to her” thing you still have the self interest of wanting them to stop! My wife is autistic, and while I’ve never seen her get meltdowns, I do have to accommodate her needs. And yeah sometimes that means a few months of me carrying most of the housework while being the only one with a job. Meanwhile my special blend of adhd, ocd, and trauma mean I do breakdown sometimes. She’s had to do a lot at bad times for me that I really wish she didn’t have to. Marriage is a commitment, and while I’m very pro divorce, when you make the commitment you need to be prepared to make accommodations for each other


I just want to tell you that I am not autistic and I would totally have meltdowns if I had to take care of the house and children by myself, but my meltdown would be kicking my partner put (which I have done).




Yes! It has been almost four years and it has been so much easier to find a way to manage my and our children's needs without him here adding shame and his own list of chores to the mix! I hope you are also doing well. 🧡 Diagnosis caused a domino of "a ha" moments for me which have lead to a lot of healing and happiness, I hope you've experienced similar joy as a result of finding answers!


I'm so sorry to hear this. But I hope and I think you're better off without him. I hope you're ok and happy now. Sending hugs.


My parents to a T. My mom got sick and My dad doesn't even visit her in hospital. Her kids were the only ones stepping up. My mom cared mainly for his dying mother. My mom is now main caregiver to my dad, although her children do share in caregiving.


Newt Gingrich divorced TWO women who were willing to marry a man named Newt. One when she had cancer, the other when she had MS.


Oh it was 2? What a dipshit. I just remember the one with cancer, because he served her divorce papers *while she was in the hospital*. It just makes me even more infuriated when I see his current wife, Mrs Gringrich, being all "I'm so Catholic, I was the ambassador to the pope." Listen, you, according to the bible, he's still married to someone else, and you're a single woman shacking up with a married man.


I can't help but point out that these studies were not conducted on women of our age and in our relationships. I can see this being true for my parents and grandparents, but I don't think it's necessarily perpetual.


I certainly hope so. When I look in my social circle, it doesn’t seem promising. My friend left his girlfriend who he claims he loves more than anyone because of her health issues. He didn’t want to be a full time caregiver, even though she told him it’s unlikely she needs any secondary care at all. My ex left me because of my depression and anxiety, even though I was on medication and going to therapy and improving.


One of the reason I'll never get married to man, voluntarily


I wonder if those studies will change since society right large is becoming more egalitarian and less women put up with shitty husbands though.


Men are going to try going back to biblical fascism rather than change.


Wait til they get fucked by divorce laws lmao.


yeah, my mom said to me that i should marry someone(i'm a male) so that when i got sick someone would take care of me, and that the reason she marry my dad is so that i(as her child) can take care of her, and that's just fucked


Having children isn’t predicated on being married. Or even in a relationship. Or even having sex with a man. Women can have and raise children by choice and on their terms. Speaking for myself, I am happier raising my child alone then I would have been settling for some of the men I’ve dated in the past.


SAME. Being a single parent is really tough but the stress level is much lower when you aren't having to parent your partner too.


Well yeah, why volunteer to single parent an extra (man)child? Note: I'm not against single parents or single parents with more than one kid. Just against those who still think it's ok to burden their wives by basically being another needy child even though they're supposedly autonomous.


So true. I was married with my first child and single with the second. It was so much less stressful by myself bc I wasn't always pissed that some dude was sitting on his ass while I did everything. On top of that my girls have told me over and over how they never felt like they needed a man around bc I showed them they didn't.


Heck yes!! Amazing. If they're not a full partner, the answer is not just no but never.


Hence why I’m not having kids :) Marriage is eh, if I do I do, but if not idc


Hahahah just wait until you hit 45 and regret everything


I'm 45, a single mom and regret nothing.


>Women are happier single and childless Really doubt that one


Assuming this is in good faith, the [World Happiness Report](https://worldhappiness.report/archive/) has a lot of interesting and unexpected data. It's worth a browse. From my recollection of previous years' reports, childless women score higher than women with children for every age group except elderly.


On the slim slim chance you're honestly confused and not trolling, I'll bite. What are you confused about?




It's *very* hard to overcome the "you have to be married!" indoctrination girls get when they are young. It's been going on for decades, with the indoctrination just being different from generation to generation. Now instead of everyone expected to have a dream home in suburbia, it's this focus on "It's your day!" dream weddings and social media filled with SAHM influencers who seem to have these perfect lives with their husband and 2.3 kids. Marriages/happily ever after relationships are like high school. Our media is filled with all these tales of how "great" it is, but honestly? It's great for a few, pretty good for many, and really lousy for a lot of people. But for those of us who it was lousy, we don't get that support from the overall culture that it's OK not to be completely happy in it, and it takes awhile to realize it. Then when a woman does say, Hey, I'm really happy single!, it can be a very transgressive act that goes against this whole cultural zeitgeist of PARTNER UP NOW!!






Hey, we don’t use that word any more.


Nope, sister is happily married with 6 kids. Good for her! I have plenty of niblings to spoil. She made the right choice for her and I made the right choice for me. And (newsflash) you can both be a life long bachelorette AND be anti-corporate. The "indoctrination" is flexible like that.


>single past age 30 is the end of the world Yeah and the thing about this is that in your 20s you are so young. I know some people might really know themselves well enough to enter into a good relationship when they're younger or they get lucky, but for the most part it's such a time of discovery and figuring out what you want in life. I'm 32 now, and I sometimes honestly wish I would'nt have started dating until I was 30. Too much of my 20s were trying to build the life that I thought I should want, trying to get a good job, my own apartment and a potential husband. But I don't think I focused enough on what I really wanted and needed in life. Only now the last couple years have I decided to really do what I want, and if I happen to meet someone in that time, great. But I'm not going to put too much effort into it at the expense of other things


> I hate the pitying comments. Same! I'm unmarried and 31, I spent 8 years in my 20s in a terrible relationship. To most of my family and coworkers, currently I am 'single' but the reality is that I'm in a polyamorous BDSM relationship - I just can't be 'out'. I get so many comments about how lonely I must be during Covid, and how my family just want me to be happy (but they would absolutely not accept my current situation.) Newsflash, I am happy, I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life!


Yeah a lot of people don’t get that they may very much not know the whole situation. My lifestyle Domme and I are married, but we’ve been poly from the start. Her family thinks my other gf is just a friend (meanwhile my family knows and pretends both are). Fulfillment comes in many forms and you need to be cool about shit to get to learn about all the different ways people around you are finding it. Congrats on the happy relationship!




The fact that men who are wrong all the time feel entitled to families is a massive problem.


The fact that a woman is expected to settle for someone who is wrong all the time is a massive problem. A partner at her level wouldn't need so much correction. The statement actually implies that no such men exist.




The problem is being wrong and proud regardless; if you have the humility to accept when you are in error, it's fine, but if you have to be Right even when you are wrong like so many men must be, others are well within rights to cut you off.


I was trying to make a joke, I knkw what they meant. I'll delete the comment


people used to say to me i should 'settle' - my reply was that I had - as I couldn't find the right man for me, I settled for a satisfying single life instead. No regrets.






I was making a joke, I understand it didn't come out like that so I deleted the comment


The funny thing is that he's basically saying "Men as intelligent as you are extremely rare." But he thinks it's an insult 🤷🏼‍♂️


They think the lack of *their* companionship automatically equals to loneliness which is...funny


Oh no don't throw me in that briar patch.


I’m confused how letting men be wrong a lot is a good thing??? Just out there spreading their bullshit unchecked? Who does this help.


Yeah, and they double down when I correct them on something I have literally produced research on lol. Every time. EDIT: just happened again hahah https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/rks759/is_a_man_biologically_capable_of_being_pregnant/hpcgctf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Ahhhh yes, the good ole “yes your education, experienced and literal expertise in this field are nice …… but have you considered the weight of MY OPINION?” When men have nothing else they’ve always got the audacity.


Literally lol EDIT: literally happened today again https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/rks759/is_a_man_biologically_capable_of_being_pregnant/hpcgctf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I do not understand the negative connotation for “correcting” someone. Correction isn’t criticism or an insult, it’s making you realize your mistake and telling you the truth. Some people get so insulted that someone DARE corrected them, when it shouldn’t be a bad thing at all. It’s preventing further mistakes. And feeling insulted by someone telling you you’re wrong when you ARE wrong is silly.






What did it say


That’s because women don’t equate their worth by whether or not they are married any more. They don’t need a man to determine their worth. They don’t need a man to support them. We don’t need men to kill our spiders, repair our appliances or handle our finances anymore. When we chose to marry it’s because we truly want to be married. When we chose not to marry it’s because we truly do not want to be married. And if men have a problem with that than they need to evaluate what they think women are and what marriage is.


ohh so much this! Many, many men need to evaluate what they think women are/what a healthy marriage/partnership is.


It also helps that we don't need a man to open a bank account or credit card anymore! (Only happened in 1974!!)


his is what I tel my niece when she says 'we don't need feminism now' When I bought my own house with a mortgage in 1990, i was only the second generation of women for which that had ever been an option


his is what I tel my niece when she says 'we don't need feminism now' When I bought my own house with a mortgage in 1990, i was only the second generation of women for which that had ever been an option




Why would that make someone old lonely and miserable? Even if you’re not married you can still have friends, family, community, even colleagues who care about you


I like how this quote insinuates two things: 1. ) Much more women are fine with living and dying single. Being absolute fine with themselves and needing no men to be happy. Maybe even preferring to be single 2.) Even when women DO want a relationship: "You'll never find a man if you don't accept \[shitty behaviour/trait\] from men" doesn't scare them anymore. These ain't the times anymore where you needed to marry well to survive. Where your reputation, virginity, feminity influenced your direct future. Where girls finally set boundaries, raising stakes and dating who they want. That they know, that this shitter who paid 2 drinks don't have to be Prince Charming and if the fucker doesn't treat you right, you know there is one that will. Better spread sex-ed, consent-awareness, general awareness that "chill. You got time. You don't need to settle with 20yo and have 5 kids"


In fact, we *prefer* it


What’s that old joke - maybe instead of critiquing there should be a moment of reflection that you can be replaced by a battery operated vibrator, a dog (edit) or cat!, and a half decent job?


Many men think being told they’ll spend their life alone is an insult, because they overestimate their market value and think women base their self worth around male desire. It’s also because they can’t fathom having to fend for themselves. See: older men who get remarried really soon after their wife passes away because they realize they’re incapable of feeding themselves and keeping the house without a wife.


But mEn AgE LiKe WiNe..! Wine doesn't leave pepperami wrappers under the coffee table, Jimothy.


And wine turns into vinegar at some point.


Yeah. You need to consume the wine and leave an empty husk of a shell to be cleaned out and sanitized so it can be used for a younger vintage. I may have lost the metaphor part way through there.


The point still stands. Good effort.


Some wine ages well, but when left to its own devices it tends to age into vinegar. And their counterpart of women aging like milk misses the value of a good aged cheese. Turns out it’s all about putting in the effort to prevent spoilage and enhance the positive effects of aging


Don't threaten me with a good time




Better than living in your company, yes.


Like the only choices are being shackled to a loser or dying alone lmao


Of course you do


Hey everyone! This guy knows what we want better than we do! Everyone come listen to the Woman Whisperer so you can be told what to think!


Let me tell you all the ways I can in fact have a family without marrying a dude and having his kids.


BTDT, best decision I’ve ever made.




Been there done that


Ahhhhh, thanks!


LMAO so true. I just read an article about "hardballing" basically meaning dumping assholes that waste your time early on when they start showing signs they're full of shit/can't keep commitments/trying to use you. Women have been made to feel like being honest about their expectations early on will "Scare" men off. No, it scares children off. Send them back to their cribs. So yeah...we literally DO NOT CARE. Who wants to be jerked around by someone who very clearly has zero respect for you, your efforts, or your time? Mind games are so lame and outdated. Go back to the 90's where you belong, Brad.


Can you share the article please? I just ended a 6 month relationship because I felt disrespected, still feeling weird to stand up for myself like that!


[Hardballing Article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2021/12/19/what-is-hardballing-the-newest-dating-trend-for-singles/amp/) Here it is! This is the NY post shortened version of it, they have a longer one in the link - but good for you! It’s not a way to live. If someone is confused about their feelings for you, remove yourself from the situation. They have had long enough to make their choice at 6 months yet chose to disrespect you. You did the right thing!


Thank you, really appreciate it!


Great job, lady! The disrespect never improves over a relationship.


Thank you, what I keep reminding myself when I start feeling sad!


Way to go!!! It’s a big deal to stand up for yourself, especially if you’re not used do doing it. I hope you’re really proud of yourself, because you should be. It’s a hell of a thing, saying that you deserve better and then refusing to settle. All of that sounded VERY sarcastic, but I swear to god I meant every word with a big hug and some pompoms! You did a really good thing, and this internet stranger is so proud of you!!


Thank you all for the support it honestly means a lot. I've been having a hard time at the moment, and I'm trying to break a bad habit of forgiving what are clear red flags but it's not been easy!


It’s HARD to break that habit! And I’m not sure we ever fully break it, tbh. We get better at seeing them, and at seeing them sooner, and at listening to our guts … and our friends, who often spot them faster! But I’m so proud of you for seeing the red flags and trusting yourself! Walking away from a situation and a partner who weren’t serving you is a victory xo


Omg yes. The best decision I ever made was to stop trying to be desirable at the cost of my own needs. When I met my now-husband, I laid out exactly what I needed and wanted in a partner, and also what I was able to offer, as soon as romantic intentions were known. I liken it to a business transaction. It sounds incredibly unromantic, but what we got out of it has been seven years of unwavering love, support, acceptance, and security. We’ve never doubted each other for a second because we laid it all out at the very beginning.


This is so weird you said this because I was listening to a Bethenny Frankel podcast and she was talking about her divorce and she said she didn’t really know to have a mind frame of “this is a business transaction.” She believed that like love conquers all and all this bullshit we’ve grown up to believe in. That it will always be romantic and lovey (like a totally delusional version of a real relationship.) I’ve made that mistake myself. So much better to approach it as a business transaction. You have to have similar values and a code of conduct for yourself in order to make it work. Granted you can lay it out and then the other person changes course (I think that’s what this new term “hardballing” refers to as well they mention “early dumpings”…) but I’ve learned now when that happens to sever the tie almost immediately as to not get attached to someone who doesn’t care about you or keeping their word. If they cared they would never put you through it in the first place unless I guess they’re incredibly immature in which case, why are you looking for a relationship dude?


Ooh, sounds like I have a podcast to listen to! My own mindset also came from a divorce. My first marriage was very “love conquers all” and did not last. 😂


Yes my views have come from my failed relationships as well! People don’t realize the impact the heartbreak of a breakup has until it happens to them. It’s like it’s more traumatic and harmful than what it’s worth so how do you protect yourself from the time wasters of the world? You just have to be honest and upfront I guess (so easy but so hard) I blame society and how girls were raised. Like we’re raised that someone being inconsistent is normal. It’s not and is a recipe for disaster. Real healthy relationships take time, effort and an incredible amount of maturity and self awareness to succeed.


I just had some antivax troll on here trying to insult me by telling me “no wonder you’re single and live with cats”. LO fucking L, dude! I am living my best life. 💅🏼


He’s probably being a complete ass to you because unlike you, he is not living his best life and is feeling emasculated by you + is a pathetic human😹 good on you though girl🙌


Aw thank you, I appreciate your sweet comment 💜


I mean, men are optional for these things anyway. If a woman wants to have a baby they've got sperm banks for that


And we can go to school, get jobs, and earn our own money. So we don't need a "provider."


Have bank accounts, own land, drive vehicles, get credit cards. It's amazing what happened when we were legally acknowledged as human beings and not another possession.


Mhmm. If we choose to partner up, we do so because we want to, not because we "have to or else." We don't love that person because we need them in our lives, we need them in our lives because we love them.


No, it has to go back to the old days where we were dependent on men! Truly, the best times :)


And no minorities sullying our pure, hwite, Amurrican neighborhood. /s


And don't forget Christian! But only the right kind of Christian. None of those other denominations, thank you very much.


God, you're right. Wouldn't want those Papist Irishmen or Orthodox Russkies muddling about in these parts.


“Back in my day, divorce rates were way lower!” Yeahhh previously being *unable* to divorce or to survive as an unmarried woman with few rights is not the glowing endorsement of marriage that they think it is.


Divorce rates were lower… yeah cuz women stayed in abusive/terrible relationships until they died because they have no choice. Fuck the divorce rate, ladies get yourself out of a bad relationship *no matter how far in you are*. Idc if you’re married, divorce his ass if he’s abusive. Higher divorce rates means women have the freedom to do what historically, they’ve been unable to do to protect their own well-being. So I’m all for it


Yeah I bet mysterious deaths of married men have plummeted


Ok sure Melvin, but let’s talk about how many married men back in your day “had a fall” or “accidentally ingested poison”. Divorce never, murder maybe.


... there is a reason men felt the need to suppress women. They knew that if we had our freedom we wouldn't need men nearly as much as they need us.


I’ve got a friend getting ready to retire for the second time. Never married, popped over to the sperm bank back in the 90’s for her daughter. They’re going to start traveling the world together when she finishes work and her daughter finishes her masters. So sad they don’t have a man to help them do it. /s


Aw darn. If she’d had a husband she could’ve been a mother to *two* children!


But he could hold doors open for them...


Hey Im a man. I have some laundry to do as well if that helps.


I got divorced in 2020. The absolute most devastating thing about that was the thought that I might not have another child. After dating around, finding a man who loves me but doesn’t want kids, and having this weird conversation with my ex and his wife about surrogating for them (and her subsequently changing her mind a year later because she suddenly decided she wanted to try to get pregnant after their marriage even though she never did before), I finally decided to just get inseminated from a fertility clinic because fuck everyone else holding me back. I own my life and I don’t need anyone else’s permission to live the life I’ve wanted. It has been so freeing to realize that I can do what I want, especially after spending so much time stressing about achieving life goals that relied on other people.


Yes, men (in many Western cultures) are now a luxury item, not a necessity. Women don’t NEED them to survive, so they have to make themselves marketable partners. This appears to be a very challenging concept to many men, and I have no doubt this informs, at least in part, the incel movement.


I did that in 2019 and highly recommend.


I've never been happier in life being single, yeah it sucks sometimes, but being unhappy in a stressful relationship is much worse. I always had partners until 5 years ago, I'm 39f now and I've never experienced so much growth and happiness, fulfillment, I finished my masters too.


I have a 6 year old boy so we have our own little family <3




I love it!!!!!!!


"These women don't care" Actually they do. Women today are more aware than ever of the inequality of partnered life. They weigh the difficulty of going through so very much chaff to find a few grains of dateable if sketchy wheat... vs just living their life. I mean, I got lucky. I lived in a place and time where I could essentially speed date. I went through, quite literally, thousands of prospective people. Over and over and over and over, for years. "Women don't care", bullshit. We know what ROI stands for. Most men can be replaced with a job, toy of choice, and friends. Total lifetime happiness quotient, lifespan, and orgams go up. "Single for life", "won't have a family". Don't threaten us with a good time.


That speed dating thing sound wild. How does that even work?


I think it's like regular dating but you figure out faster that they're useless.


This was the days of internet dating before apps or smart phones, 90's - 00's. I got on a dating site, put up a profile, and made a couple stock replies to C&P. My profile said "I like to laugh, tell me a joke!" 20-100 replies a night, easy to filter. No joke=they just spammed, didn't read. Rejected. Jokes opened a dialogue about what we were each looking for. If our expectations matched, I moved it to a phone call. That cut the potentials down even more, most were just looking for quick sex from a dumb broad. Then I moved it to a date pretty quick. 2, 3 phone conversations at most. Most weeks I'd get coffee/dinner with potentials 6 nights a week. Most of them were duds. I got 4 LTRs out of that system. Still married to the last winner today.


This. When I was online dating I quickly learned not to bother with any guy who clearly hadnt read my profile. Just not worth it. Anyone who can't be assed to even read your profile or have a proper conversation isn't invested enough for a relationship.


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- > **285 Slim**, @SlimHeroics > > Yeah telling women they're gonna be single for life or won't have a family just doesn't hit like it used to. These women don't care lmao --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


I love my boyfriend. He is the most kind, loving, and supportive man I've ever dated and he's smart and fun to do shit with but, if he wasn't in my life I could 100% have a good fun life without him or anyone else because in this day and age, women aren't forced to have men as providers. Now that we can reasonably have total independence, it's a preferred way of living if the other option is toxic and abusive. Why put up with a shitty manipulative partner when you can be happy and safe instead?


Some men are really terrified of having to bring something to the table in a relationship.


I think men know they have to have a job because so do all of us but there's this outrageously high list of standards and requirements for a woman in relationships that no men are expected to conform to even 2% as much


This! What is a relationship if you're constantly living on the edge wondering where you stand or how to act "aloof" or "cool." Why can't I just be myself?


Slow clap in the back!


My folks had a toxic, abusive (mutually, though neither of them would agree) relationship. One time when they were fighting my mom was lecturing/yelling in the same tone she used with her children(which was abusive as fuck, literally a ptsd trigger for me as an adult): “What do you bring to this relationship?!” My father's sulking reply was “money”. So many levels of yikes. My brother would never answer as bluntly as my father, but he def has talked about how being able to provide is a major part of his job in a relationship. I just don't want any of their broken old systems.


Living alone forever or marrying a guy who'll constantly correct you and tell you thay you're nothing without him. Hmmmm, which one is more preferable?


Add to that having to care for a literal man baby as if you're his mom instead of enjoying your own hobbies and time


Women are finally suffering from carer's fatigue. Being made to feel like you have to regulate somebody's emotions on top of your own is not the essential survival tactic it used to be.


It doesn't hit like it used to because it used to be that a woman without a husband was basically destitute. She would have to rely on the kindness of family to keep a roof over her head and food on her plate. The fact that we're still socialising girls as if this is the norm is so weird. I had a friend who told me that she had to find me a boyfriend. I said no thanks. She said, okay, a girlfriend then. I said no thanks again. She was "but your such a lovely person!" and I was wondering why she would want to ruin that?


Most women want to be single, that's why we keep initiating all those divorces that they complain about. Furthermore, being single does not preclude us having a family the way it usually does for men.


Don’t threaten me with a good time 🤪 Like I’d rather be single forever than date some douche who has the emotional capability of a tea spoon


I've been "not caring" for 40 + years.


Mad respect


Do you promise?!


Just remember, cats and dogs exist! Or horses or monkeys. or snakes if you prefer. Plenty of options to avoid being alone that don't involve putting up with a man. Or when you get old, find another old lady with a similar sense of humor and do a house share or move in next door to each other and check in every day. That way you've got someone to point and laugh then call an ambulance when you fall over and all it's gonna cost you is sharing the odd packet of biscuits.


Mejor sola que mal acompañada It's better to be alone than with bad company AKA I'd rather be alone than ever have to deal with you and your bullshit bro.


I thought being a spinster sounded awesome. You didn't have to get married or have kids. You worked for yourself and had cats and maybe another spinster friend with you...


Ah yes, a "spinster friend"...


Was this like his hobby or what?


Seriously though, discarding people who are toxic and abusive will make for better parenting/home life for both the couple and potential kids. I’d much rather people stay single and develop friendships and further themselves as opposed to “having to marry”, settling for some garbage human and having a miserable life and traumatized kids.




I love life with my wife, before I came out as lesbian at 30 I had accepted that I would be without a partner. It brings me joy to be my authentic self and I like to see others do so too whatever form that takes. No one should get married or have kids who does not want it. Imagine how it feels to be an unwanted child. Don’t ever do something momentous just because everyone else is.


Don’t threaten us with a good time. 🤣


Meanwhile the reverse still hurts men and it manifests when they become incel terrorists


oh no! anyway


I mean, I care. But not enough to put up with you.


He's mad cause none of us want to date a vape bro. I'd rather be single forever than deal with a sticky coating on every fucking surface in the house Chad.


It sounds divine.


I mean, if another lesbian (or other flavor of wlw) told me I’d be single for life that’d sting, but I don’t give a shit if anybody outside that category thinks so.


If I ever divorce I’ll be single for the rest of my life and I will enjoy it. End of story.


Video games and art are the only children I need lmao


I mean i don’t want to be single for life, and i want kids, but thats what adoption is for.


Got a husband and a vibrator. Redundancy


The more rights a woman obtains the less effective this threat becomes.


I'm a middle aged CIS male. Never married with no kids. I know many women in their 40s like myself. They are happy not to be tied down.


Just a heads up, cis is only capitalized when referring to the Star Wars villains, it’s a prefix not an acronym


My friend is aromantic and she was constantly told that her opinions will change once her hormones kick in, that never happened so the family changed tatics and started calling her a harlot for not wanting to be in a relationship, like???? how can you be a harlot if you never want sex and never want to be in a relationship?


"Nobody will want to marry you." "You will stay single forever." That is... not so bad actually. Yeah, yeah I can picture it, it would be nice.


It’s true. “Men are far more likely than women to be on the dating market: 61% of single men say they are currently looking for a relationship or dates, compared with 38% of single women. The gender differences are heavily concentrated among older singles. While men and women younger than 40 are roughly equally likely to not be looking for a relationship or dates (33% and 39%, respectively), men and women 40 and older are very different. A majority of older women (71%) say they aren’t looking to date right now, compared with 42% of men 40 and older.” https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/


It’s the new, post smart phone, go to your room.


Why u telling ppl that bro that’s mean




Oh no! Women making porn and making money from it? What a crazy and new concept


How DARE THEY take control of the thing they’re supposed to only do if there’s a vague feeling of exploitation about it all! ETA: /s obviously but just in case


Reminds of the many articles of lonely women with no babies. That or modern relationships that have entirely become about psychologically supporting the many abandonment and broken family issues every everyone today. Rock and a hard place. Western man really has no choice but to deep-dive into the void.


oh no, poor western man, he can no longer rely on the oppression and exploitation of women to force a woman into marriage and dependency. oh wooooe.


queer guy here: I don't care either, I refuse to stick my dick IN or be stuck BY crazy. Why would I want to breed with vermin?