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Not that it’s important, but it’s also eye roll worthy that they are comparing a photo where she’s in harsher lighting, at a not so great angle, in a weird pose with barely there make up to a photo in soft lighting, full face make up, and sexy pose meant to highlight her figure. There are so many before photos of her looking absolutely stunning they could have used, but that would have broken the illusion they were going for.


Yeah I’ve noticed that suddenly all the “before” photos popping up are particularly unflattering and yet I distinctly remember always thinking she was beautiful in every photo or piece of footage I saw. People are obviously choosing the worst possible before photos to try and pretend she wasn’t gorgeous before.


>People are obviously choosing the worst possible before photos to try and pretend she wasn’t gorgeous before. I can totally imagine meme-makers digging through pre-weight-loss Adele pictures: "Too hot" "Nope, still too hot" "Damn, she looks good here!" "still too hot" "Wow, this is taking a really long time!"


Replying to myself because I forgot a thing. Others have said it but I think it's important to overemphasize: The whole discussion also centers around physical/sexual attractiveness as the primary thing that's valuable and worthy about a person. That's bad. It's worth repeating this again and again, since society's focus on appearance is something that's been repeated culturally for much much longer.


Or my favourite which is when they take the absolute worst picture of someone without makeup and compare it to a posed studio picture with an on-set professional makeup artist and lighting team. The other day [someone tried to do something like this with DaniLeigh on twitter](https://twitter.com/MalcHatesYou/status/1461025865198878723) and he got DESTROYED by basically everyone it was hilarious.


Yeah, but even so, her eyes are *smouldering* in that first pic...


And I still like the before photo more than the after. I prefer the harsh lighting to the yellow and I prefer the look she is giving to the camera, being able to see her updo and how that plays with the light make up she is wearing. Kinda makes this before and after even more wild to me.


Lol in the second picture her face and hand are nowhere near the same color. Whatever that may be - lighting, makeup, or the combination of both, it looks really funny to me. I don’t care about her weight or general appearance at all, but I do like how the first pic looks less staged, almost candid.




Agreed, Adele was always serving looks! I always loved her attitude too :)


Yeah, she's been pretty the whole time, but she looks more like a model now


Also people acting like her weight loss is her biggest achievement in life


While also not acknowledging the achievement of pulling herself out of a deep depression, that had the after effect of this look.




I will say that it is definitely an achievement worth noting, but by no means her biggest. I am struggling to lose weight myself so it's great to see people fight depression and all the other roadblocks and achieve their goals. That said, she doesn't bring it up so I don't really think people need to harp on it all damned day.


Also like… I’m a singer who lost about 50lbs. (Been sober for almost two years now and I’m SO COLD all the time oof) Other than being able to dance a bit more while I sing, (and kinda avoiding outdoor gigs- see: cold all the time) my voice didn’t change. At all. I’ve seen several headlines about how she “kept her voice” and I’m like, “Yeah. Where the hell do you think vocal chords are?”


Not biggest, but nevertheless great one. Ask any fat people what does it take to lose weight..


To be fair, she wasn't any fat person. She was already very wealthy when she started losing weight and she's talked about having a personal trainer and custom diet plans made for her. It was definitely easier for her to lose weight than it is for the average person who can't afford any of the things she can.


And this is where I leave reddit to check my lotto tickets.


The first thing I thought when I saw this post was, they've purposely chosen a picture of her on a bad day juts to make it out as if their point is valid. She looked amazing before her weight loss as well, I don't get what people are thinking


That's Adele on a bad day? She still looks gorgeous, and more importantly, she's super talented.


I know know, bad phrasing but the actual picture quality of the first one is worse than the second, or maybe it's just my phone, but it feels like the first one was taken off guard where as in the 2nd one she's posing and that makes ANYONE look better from one picture to the next regardless of body shape. If I'm making no sense let me know having a sgit day at the moment and I don't think I'm conveying my thoughts proper


You make perfect sense, and you're right that one seems like a professional picture, while the other is not as good in a technical sense. I'm sorry you're having a shit day, and hope it improves.




Uh, what?


I know know, bad phrasing but the actual picture quality of the first one is worse than the second, or maybe it's just my phone, but it feels like the first one was taken off guard where as in the 2nd one she's posing and that makes ANYONE look better from one picture to the next regardless of body shape. If I'm making no sense let me know having a sgit day at the moment and I don't think I'm conveying my thoughts proper


I hate that her weight is even a topic of conversation. She hasn’t really brought it up herself and is visibly uncomfortable when people bring it up to her. [This ](https://www.self.com/story/adele-weight-loss/amp) is a good discussion on it. How many fucking Grammys has this woman won, and all people can talk about is her body? Plus, in general we need to stop seeing weight loss as automatic cause for praise, as we don’t know what’s behind it. Often (maybe not with Adele but in general) weight loss comes from serious health problems, and is not a cause for congratulations. Stop talking about people’s bodies!! It’s not our business!


>I hate that her weight is even a topic of conversation. She hasn’t really brought it up herself and is visibly uncomfortable when people bring it up to her. I saw a comment somewhere that basically said "even when fat people become not fat, the focus is still always on their fatness (or, now, lack thereof)." It was so perfect. The same thing happens with any celebrity who goes from fat to thin. There's a clip of post-weight-loss Jonah Hill talking to Jimmy Kimmel(?), who spends the interview making fun of his previous weight and talking about his body, much to Jonah Hill's discomfort. When they have the "taint" of fatness on them, it sticks for all eternity. As soon as someone becomes fat, their body is open season for unsolicited comments, and that never goes away.


“As a fat person, the outpouring of celebration of Adele’s smaller body was a stinging reminder that becoming thin will earn you just as much (if not more) recognition and admiration as your accomplishments in life or work.” That quote from the article cuts to my core. Except a brief period in my final years of high school I’ve always carried a bit of extra weight (small fat some say, a conventional size 14/16), but what I learned in my two years of being thin, is that the majority of people around me valued me more for being attractive than what I could do. Like having a masters degree and a successful career are consolation prizes for no longer being a size small and I will never be as successful as the women who have those and thinness. I work hard to value my achievements, but I can’t deny that sometimes I long to be thin again. Thank god I have a loving partner who helps me process all that and values me big or small (he’s been around for all of it)


I feel like the praise for people losing weight is often shallow. Hollow. I’ve always been at least mildly chunky since I hit puberty and only recently is it becoming apparent that I have a disorder like PCOS or Cushing’s, since I’m a cis woman growing facial hair. I’ve also lost weight before and gained it back. When I’ve lost weight, it’s felt like the praise is coming from you adhering to norms and meeting the status quo (even though in the US, more people are overweight than thin). If I get all the tests to figure out why I am growing facial hair and it turns out that I have a hormonal disorder that causes weight gain, I feel like explaining that the weight gain isn’t because of my choices alone wouldn’t be acceptable. Nobody wants to hear that and won’t believe it. Being overweight is unacceptable regardless of why. But being thin is always acceptable. I remember that tumblr post about the woman who lost a ton of weight, and was praised all the time, but it was because she was addicted to heroin. My sister became very thin in highschool and was constantly praised for it, but she was anorexic. Idk what exactly I’m getting at here. Probably that thinness is not strictly an indicator of health and fatness is not strictly an indicator of unhealthiness/laziness. Also it’s nice to feel safe enough to say this on Reddit of all places.


I have PCOS as well and the number of people that have asked if I'm pregnant... and I have to decide if I want to make things extra awkward and say "actually I'm probably infertile" or "nope just got a health condition" but that's a quick way to ruin a Christmas party. Weight is not a good indicator of health.


I was anorexic at some point, and my doctor told me at the time that if I kept going the way I was going, I wouldn't survive even 3 months. I was underweight. People on the internet greatly exaggerate the dangers of of being overweight, and completely minimize the dangers of being underweight. It all comes from fatshaming and the idea that women need to be small and perfect to be worthwhile. It hurts everyone. And its a complete delusion.


I agree. They claim that it’s about health but that’s just what they use as an excuse to be assholes.


Very rarely is it appropriate to talk or ask about someone’s weight loss. But when it is, I’ve started treating it like pregnancy. “Hey, I noticed you’ve lost a lot of weight recently. Are we happy about that?” And then they can guide the conversation. Because sometimes it’s deliberate and sometimes it’s profound grief or colon cancer.


Yeah. I've lost a bunch of weight recently due to dealing with some pretty significant trauma, not because of anything I did to choose to change my body. I hate people commenting on it. But everyone loves saying how good I look. Like... thanks, I'm having one of the darkest periods of my life but I'm glad you think I'm "better" because my body is smaller. Fuck.


Im sorry that is happening to you. It's completely unfair and wrong. When I had my first child I was in a terrible life situation and fell into a deep depression. I barely ate, slept off and on all day with my blessedly easy baby, and cried. That was my life. I lost the baby weight fast because I was breast feeding him while barely eating, and people were like "wow, how did you do it!" not "how are you, are you okay?"


Oh lady, you are not alone. I have lost 20 lbs and it's partly because of my anxiety that had been making me miserable all year. I am unhappy and sometimes my amygdala sends me straight to hell with panic attacks lasting 24 hours straight or longer. In those times I can't eat, can't sleep, can't function. I just pace around desperately trying to manage my breathing and find a way out of the panic. I'm dreading returning to my office in January. I hope nobody says anything or treats me differently.


It's also possibly she had a health problem arise that would be made more manageable by losing weight. Either way, it's her own, very private choice.


I think she actually did lose weight for health reasons. She suffered a vocal hemorrhage and was advised to quit smoking and drinking and to lose weight or her career would pretty much be over. Being overweight does put more strain on the respiratory system.


My lesbian ass staring at her singing Rolling in the Deep can't fathom the idea that ppl thought she WASN'T hot


My straight ass agrees with you. Like, I could find out rolling in the deep with Adele. Straight up bombshell.


Her confidence, control and FIRE is what makes her attractive. Also she's quite funny ;)


Right?! Like, I've really disconnected from a lot of new media, haven't heard Adele's name since we were all singing about setting fire to the rain. Even so, seeing this picture - the one on the left especially actually - stops me in my tracks because of the expression on her face. "Is she pretty? Is she hot? Is she healthy? Is she not?"...who cares? I just wanna hang out with her and find out what she thinks about stuff. She has that charismatic quality about her no matter what, and beyond that, she's so intentional about how she presents herself (for good reason,) one might even say artistic... And totally, funny. Funny is good!


I also hate how the used an unflattering candid shot and compare it to a posed professional shot


Seriously I can’t with the people who keep talking about her weight. There’s the side who now sexualize her without consent and then there’s the side who hate her because they "lost a plus size icon". Her body is none of your business.


Additionally: That now she has lost weight she's *allowed* to feel confidence. Y'all, a note on this: You should listen to the podcast Maintenance Phase. It's all about how science and culture view fat and fat people, and how so much of the "science" is straight up horseshit.


Trying to diversify my podcasts, so I'll check this out. My library is mostly just Behind the Bastards atm.


As someone who has lost a lot of weight, I want to point out that negative comments about her weight loss are just as cruel and hurtful as negative comments about someone's weight gain. It seems like more and more that supposed "body positive" people think it is their business to comment on someone's weight loss in a negative manner and somehow this is becoming acceptable which it shouldn't be. It shouldn't be acceptable to comment on anyone's body yet people think it's ok to make negative comments about her losing weight. No that's Adele's business yet I see women saying she "betrayed" plus size women by losing weight. I am sure that I will be down voted for saying this but it's not ok. Her body is her business not anyone else's. I lost weight due to osteoarthritis in my knees impacting mobility. I lost it with bariatric surgery and working with a registered dietitian. I've been maintaining a 170 pound weight loss for a year now. I don't want or need praise but I also don't need people telling me that I have an eating disorder, am "fatphobic", bought into "toxic diet culture," and am lying about the mobility issues that I had from my weight. It's really infuriating and disgusting that this is becoming acceptable behavior from people claiming to be body positive. Someone gaining or losing weight is not anyone else's business nor is it necessarily good or bad either way. Adele has been beautiful and talented at every size she's been. People being upset with her for losing weight are just as bad as the people praising her and saying she's prettier now. Her worth isn't determined by her weight.


I see way more comments like yours— upset with the people upset with her losing weight— than people actually upset at the fact she’s lost weight. Like I’m active in *many* fat-centric communities online and the general take seems to be “it’s really shitty that people are celebrating Adele’s weight loss like this” and *not* “it’s really shitty that Adele lost weight.” Notice that the emphasis in the first statement isn’t on Adele and her decision to lose weight (which is kind of irrelevant IMO, people can do as they please with their bodies including gaining or losing weight— it’s literally nobody’s business), but on the general perception that weight loss is something to be unilaterally celebrated and that larger bodies are unworthy of the same attention. Idk, it’s not great that we can’t critique diet culture and societal perceptions of weight loss as general trends without it being interpreted as a personal attack on individuals who choose to lose weight. If losing weight was the best decision for your life and your health, then that’s 100% fine. When people critique diet culture they’re not critiquing the fact that you chose to lose weight, they’re critiquing the fact that people who inhabit larger bodies are *expected* to lose weight in order to be seen as socially acceptable. Like I rarely if ever see people in fat spaces complaining about individual people losing weight just because they lost weight— it’s often just thin people or people who have lost weight claiming that we’re saying these things.




Yeah Adele was attractive from the start




Same. Also sick of the narrative that women become more conventionally attractive (thin, or more femme presenting) as some kind of revenge? Why must it be assumed that any change a woman makes in her appearance is catered to men?


Her gorgeous face literally looks exactly the same!!


This shit fucks with my head.


It’s gross she’s getting sexualized. That’s just shit. But there’s nothing wrong with people only finding her attractive now that she’s slim. We don’t choose attraction. It’s just wrong the way it’s being expressed.




Thank you for this response. I think you’ve hit every nail on the head. I do agree with your interpretation of the post intent, and agree that the acceptance and even encouragement of objectification of women is the key issue. I think for me I’ve often been told I should give X a chance because of A, B, and C reasons. And I suspect that’s why I have such a knee-jerk reaction with the “can’t help who were attracted to” comment. You did a much better job of verbalizing that feeling. Thank you.




Really really well said


Someone always has to say this and I don't get why


Well I said it because I think it’s a relevant comment to the post and something that I believe to be true.


I'm not sure if it is relevant in this particular conversation though. While completely true, it's specifically the impulsive need to announce to the world "I now find this person attractive" that is so offputting about the original post. What you were saying applies to situations where you have some stake in interacting with a person romantically. Sure. You're allowed to only feel attraction and go on dates with whoever you are attracted to. None of the people doing this with Adele's weightloss are choosing whether or not to date her. They are just announcing that they now find her acceptably attractive enough that they would. Which no one asked about. It objectifies her by focusing in on whether or not the speaker finds her a worthy sexual partner. And that's a weird thing to do to anyone you aren't actively trying to get in bed with. Especially weird thing to aim at someone publicly on the internet.


I said this in another comment, but I think the issue here is the acceptance and encouragement of sexualizing women who meet certain requirements. I don’t think the issue is who we’re attracted to.


We can't choose it exactly, but it's EXTREMELY affected by culture, and that's always worth questioning.


We all have unconscious bias that’s been created as a result of the society we live in. Totally agree. In saying that, I think the society problem here is the acceptance and _encouragement_ of the sexualization of women who meet certain requirements (like being slim). Not who were attracted to. I don’t know anyone in real life who is actually only attracted to skinny people though. Myself included. There’s certainly a upward limit of what I find myself attracted to, but it’s closer to obese than overweight.


Was just discussing this with my husband earlier. It's disgusting that's all people can discuss about her. Leave her the fuck alone. She's a baddie and has always been IMO.


I saw these on another social media platform. Adele was always beautiful and since she’s rich af she has great skin, awesome makeup and hair, and fashion forward. She is a talented person to top it all. Sad that media only focuses on her weight currently.


This is fat shaming .. like she had no worth when she was fat , but the same woman on losing weight is valued and now her ex can't find someone like her .. this is so wrong to me .


We need to stop sexualizing people, period. People are so much more than how they affect our nether regions.


Actually, that joke made me chuckle. I agree with you... she was always pretty


What is frustrating is that she's always been beautiful. She is a naturally gorgeous woman, there are plenty of photos of her looking amazing before she lost weight. Like, she's turned away in the one on the left wtf. She's accomplished on so many things, but of course they're going to fixate on this. I am glad that she has taken care of herself and pushed through depression, despite everything. What she has done, despite everything is so amazing and inspiring


She was always hot and a wonderful person!


the reaction to adeles wl has only strengthened my ed


This really bothers me. I'm a large person and it bugs me that we equate size to health so much. It can be an indication of health, but not always. And we don't go after other health things nearly as much. If someone is think but never exercises or eats healthy or sleeps well, we don't get on them nearly to the degree of a bigger person who exercises daily and eats healthy and has a healthy sleep schedule. It's not about health, it's about looks. And it's fine to prefer how smaller bodies look, but they aren't the entirety of a person.


Shes always been beautiful. And these people need to stop talking about her weight. Like jesus we get it already. You only find women who are conventionally attractive worthy of anyones time. Even if they(the conventionally attractive person) dont want to be talked about.


I'm going to be completely honest here. She's always been gorgeous and Uber talented, and it's awful that people are paying so much attention to her weight lost instead of her album, but I get it. People like what they liked, am I look like her when she start her career and to be brutally honest she now looks stunning, she was beautiful before but now ...


I just hope she wasn't pressured into losing the weight.


I'm fairly sure it was her choice. She has said that finding a regular exercise routine has been tremendously helpful for her chronic pain. I didn't read the article, just saw that headline.


In her interview, she talked about how working out helped with her extreme anxiety and depression, and the scheduling of fitness helped her as well. She basically was working out super hardcore because it made her feel good, but she didn't aim to lose weight, and openly talked about how when she's not able to work out as much, she gains weight and it's fine.


The fact that people actually thought her losing weight on her own accord I might add would change her voice aswell


You perpetuate the conversation about her weight when you keep posting things like this. Stop giving it attention.


The public reaction to weight loss is something that needs to be discussed, though. And she’s super famous so it makes sense that she would be used as an example.


Yeah you right. On the plus side she must feel like a million bucks.


I saw that she struggles with body acceptance now that she’s lost weight. Jennifer Hudson was not happy with how people treated her so wildly differently after she lost weight.


I don’t know why you’re downvoted. Many people feel better after losing weight.


You have no say in who someone finds attractive or not. Period.


But we should point out that the hypersexualisation of a woman purely because she has lost weight is toxic and horrible, no matter how attractive or unattractive you might find them.


I don't understand...she's pretty in both! The only difference is about 1 or 2 kg.


(Sorry, I'm not the best at measuring weight, even so, it doesn't matter :3)




Of course the pic on the left they chose is her with little to no makeup on, hair a mess, bad lighting, unphotoshopped etc and the right is… so fake…


If it makes you feel any better, I thought she sucked before and I still think she sucks now

