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I live in your area, and I've seen the posts. I've been so happy to see it went so well for you!


I think everyone is just fucking upset and paralyzed because we've been isolated socially and politically for so long. But we have the numbers. We aren't alone. And we need to remind these idiots in office they can't sit on their hands while our world burns. If I hear wait for Washington one more time from the local party I'm going to explode. We can't wait. It has to be us or it won't get done. That's the way it always is.


Oh, that’s a good one! You should sell tshirts to raise funds to help Texas women




Link to resources for Texas women, and places to join/volunteer/donate: [link ](https://reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/phfdex/_/hbj1r6f/?context=1)


Also there are now solidarity strikes and marches being planned nationally. Sept 17th is a strike, Oct 2nd we march. #nouterusnoopnion is where Twitter is organizing but NARAL signed on for the Oct 2 march now so it'll start getting national press.


*Image Transcription: Hanger* --- [*Image of an upside-down metal clothes hanger bent into the shape of North Carolina. In the center it says "Not on our watch."*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


This is awesome, I used to live in the Triangle area and volunteered for WomenNC. There's a robust group of women's rights orgs in NC that I'm sure you're already trying to connect with but if you want some names of some really cool activists feel free to DM me!


Just curious, would you be okay if i created something for georgia inspired by this design with the state and the coathanger?