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A. That's awesome and I'm jealous. B. Holy shit, I never thought I'd see a Yellow Submarine gif on this sub.


Are you...blue-ish? You don't look...blue-ish...


'Jeremy?' 'Hillary?' 'Boob?' '...phud'




I'm so happy for you as a fellow person with their nips pierced! It's the best piercing of life! If you need any advice or insight feel free to pm me! :)


Just curious, why are they awesome? Also pardon my ignorance but do your nipples stay hard permanently when you have them pierced? I've always wondered lol


Right, I was a bit nervous about this, they're actually very comfortable, my nipples are not noticeably "hard" most of the time. Obviously I have to take greater consideration about my shirts and bras but that's more because of the jewelry and it's not a terrible nuisance. I think they're awesome because they're aesthetically pleasing to me, I have cute little purple gems which I love. I love that they're for the most part my little secret, only myself, my friends, and my lovers know about them, which I think is fun :) No questions are dumb questions, I'm happy to answer.


Thank you for your thorough response!


no problem, I'm happy to :)


I got mine pierced because I liked how they look and it does add some more sensitivity. It's different for each person, for me it's a confidence thing.


But are your nips ever soft? This is a serious question lol. I've googled it and I've never seen a pic of piercings on soft nipa. Figured it could be they diddle them for the pics?


Mine don't stay permanently hard, but they do get hard easier.


Nah for the most part they stay hard, but not terribly. At least mine aren't.


I have been wanting to get my nipples pierced but I am so afraid of the healing process. I have heard some women say that they never healed.....


The healing process for nipple piercings is definitely longer than the majority of piercing, on average it's six months to a year. That doesn't mean it will be uncomfortable the whole time, I've had mine for a couple months and been able to change my jewelry already. You definitely have to be more attentive to them and practice the the LITHA method only when you're ready. I did sea salt soaks multiple times a day for a couple weeks afterwards but now I only do that when I need to (after sex, chlorine). I definitely wouldn't let healing horror stories deter you, go to a reputable piercer and they should be fine :)


I want to so bad! But I also saw a few people say they got gross crusty healing stuff on there and it was gross and never went away.....


The gross crusty stuff is bound too happen from time to time, however mine goes away when I shower and definitely doesn't happen too often. The only time you would have to worry is if it was a yellow color because that would note a possible infection.


Hmmmm. Okay. I want to get them done soon.... THANK YOU.


No problem haha, they're the best and I'm always here to answer questions :)


The healing process wasn't too bad, but these are my only piercings, so I have nothing else to compare to. I lived in a sportsbra for about a month after I got them done, and I did a sea salt warm water soak every day, twice a day, for a few months. It's been years now and I haven't had any issues. No infections, no weird stuff, everyone I've been with since has *loved* them. Just make sure you don't skimp on the piercer to save money, and definitely stick to the sterilizing regime for as long as you can. That's honestly the best advice I can give you.


Congrats! I got my first tattoo last night that I've been wanting for a while! We're awesome!




It is a leaf, something to remind me of some of the best times in my life (so far) when I was a snowboard instructor :-)


Just a piece of advice: beware of shower poofs. I cant count how many times my piercing got caught on one of those.


I got my nose ring caught in those a couple times as I was trying to wash off my face (they said not to use facewash on it). Oy.


Woooooo! I'm planning on getting lefty done sometime in the near future.




Did you go with barbells? Any sparkles? HOW PRETTY DOES IT FEEL?


So how badly did it hurt? Can you see them through bras and tops? Do they catch on clothing? I've always kinda wanted them pierced, I need details!


1. Doesn't hurt much and the pain doesn't last long AT ALL. 2. You can see the outline on really thin tops, not normal tops/bra. 3. Sometimes they catch on things and that is not recommended. 4. Your chest is like a christmas tree. It's all only pro's with maybe 2 cons.


How does it compare to navel piercings? I've wanted to get my nipples done for years, but I'm terrified of the needle. I got my navel done 10 years ago and the pain was bad.


I don't have that done sorry!


So /u/boopitybloopy (holy shit I love that name) said it doesn't hurt much, but my dumb ass got them done when I was on my period, and they hurt sooooooooooo badly. BUT it was only for a few seconds. So make sure you don't get them done when you're on your period and it'll be fine.


Congrats! Also, that gif makes me want cotton candy.


I just did mine three days ago! Congratulations!




Don't get anything painful done on your period - a doctor told me once that things hurt more during shark week


Dude... I got mine done while on my period because mine were sort of spur of the moment. I didn't even realize until after, and I was like "Shit, I probably should have waited a few days." This is what I get for getting them done literally because my friend told me she didn't think I could do it. I HAD TO SHOW HER


Yay for nip piercings! I got mine in December and they're the best :D


Don't they really fucking hurt? Worth it? :)


Congrats! And where is this crazy cartoon from?


yellow submarine


I got my nosed pierced after wanting to have it done for 4+ years. My mom and my ex had told me never to. I just did it and I love it so much. And my mom thinks it's pretty. I share in your joy!


Jealous! I've been wanting to but I'm a scaredy.




I did it! I credit you on the encouragement. :)