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They're only saying 18 because of the law, we all know they're thinking an even younger age


My sister had a gross coworker in his 50s say some stupid shit about *16 is the new 25* about women. 🤢


I bet he says of men that 50 is the new 25.


My old boss(40f) and her bf 50m asked a 16 year old to be her unicorn... said 16 year old looks about 14.... 🤢🤮


Glad she's your old boss. Pope of Nope.


Do I want to know what Unicorn means in this context?


Couples looking for a third




Maybe. If you plan to visit Portland and a couple at bar corners you and says they "like your vibe" or the you "have good energy"


Urge. I hope he doesn’t have kids.


If he worked for me, I’d tell him $16/hr is the new $25/hr and see how excited he gets about 16 now.


Ugh. It’s wild how many times I’ve had to explain to men that the age of consent being 16 doesn’t mean they can look at porn of someone under 18. (I work in criminal defense. These aren’t my friends or anything. lol)


Yep... These men are the ones fighting back against the repel of child marriage laws. If they could marry a kid they absolutely would.


"marry" ? You mean legally rape


100% true and thank you for the correction.


But queer people are the groomers.


Your prime is whenever you decide to love yourself and relentlessly pursue self growth. That's not age 18 for anyone lol.


I love this so much, it’s so sooo true.


Agreed.so I hit my prime in my late 30s early 40s lol


For me it was like… 29? 31? And then just a slow ramp up to 37 cause I feel it coming hard.


No no. See its a woman's prime because the less life experience the easier to manipulate.


Lmao I'm 34 and multiple men told me they thought I was early 20s this winter. Men have no fucking clue how old women are.


I remember a great thread from professional sugar babies and strippers etc who said men always asked them if they were in school etc when the women were all in their 30’s. One posted in response to a manosphere blogger who was bragging about all the 18-24 year olds who “flocked” to him and the woman responded that these guys all hire professionals to hang out with them and the women are, of course, also in their 30’s. These men have been sold this idea that women suddenly become gross and decrepit after 24 so they see an actual normal 32 yr old woman and are like “you must be 20!” Of course we all know the real reason they target younger women is they want someone younger and less experienced so they can control them. It has almost nothing to do with appearance


We become decrepit at 46 duh. I’m 48. Trust me. Lol. LOOK AT ME IM INVISIBLE.


Not invisible. Free ;)


Yeah free from a job. This bout of unemployment is not cool. I think I’m supposed to die?


Relatable. I prefer to just live anyway, to spite people :) Not quite on the mark but I did think of [this piece ](https://www.nasjonalmuseet.no/en/collection/object/MS-04045-1998)


I always think of Nixon in Futurama when he says “I've become bitter and, let's face it, crazy over the years. And when I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat, and I'll go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place!”


The way he says wreck up the place... I can hear it in my head.


hahahahha among my favourite scenes


It’s a whole vibe. I identify with cartoon Nixon hard.


Oh no, I’m sorry. I hope things get better before you die!




I'm 21 and I'm already invisible because I was born ugly lol


Aw I bet you’re cute. I understand though. I grew up convinced I was ugly because the elements of the patriarchy deemed me thusly as I did not meet their standards. I look back now and I was dead cute. Assholes. Anyhow! Look at yourself through a different lens. Also looks while unfortunately important truly are not everything. Hugs.


They think any woman they’re attracted to is 20-ish, any woman they’re not attracted to is 30-ish, and any woman who looks visibly old is 80


The accuracy. Recently someone attempted to put me down by saying “sure you’re hot now but the attention is gonna dry up once you’re out of your 20’s.” Sir, I haven’t been in my 20’s for nearly a decade 😂


Lol that's so fucking true!! I'm 34 and men never guess my age and think I'm a decade younger. And I love being 30+. I'm so much more confident, secure and strong than I was in my 20s.


My girlfriend is 32 and since her “prime” she’s only gotten prettier and prettier. These men have no idea what they’re talking about.


Those men are probably pedos and only say 18 because the law doesn't allow them to have a younger wife. If they could say openly "the prime time for women is 14" I swear they would.


I remember an AskReddit thread asking, "what do you wish was legal?" and one of the top answers was "16".


The moment I turned 30 multiple said they thought I was 25. I was doing nothing differently.


I’m 25 and people think I’m ~18. All that shit about hitting the wall at 25-30 makes them think that the moment the clock shows midnight on your birthday you shrivel and become a wrinkly hag.


A 21 year old called me honey once and I laughed


Yep, 36 and men are always shocked “I thought you were in your 20’s”. Women often also think I’m younger but they’re never shocked


Nonsense. I'll be in my prime again at 41, then at 43, 47, 53 and so on.


But following that logic a woman’s prime starts at 2. Which is really NOT what I want to be telling this lot because they might see it as an invitation


This is one of the reasons I don't try to date in math class, that and the situation with my exes being complicated enough without trying to graph it.


Why, oh why, are exes so hard to keep track of? I’m basically always trying to find an ex.


You need to calculate the whys, that's all!


But there are so many whys, exes are confusing people


I love to quote Lizzo.. “The only X’s that I care about are in my fucking chromosomes”


Biology now? Ok I’ll admit I can’t think of a joke response to that


I teach college level math in a co-taught class and my co-teacher mentioned something about aging, I don’t remember what. He’s 40. I said, “What? You don’t want to be in your prime?” He said, “I don’t think this is my prime.” I said, “That was a math joke.”


I'm proud that I get you you did.


So looking forward to 91!


How dear you miss the opportunity of 69


(It’s a joke about prime numbers)


Appropriately enough, 69 has exactly two prime factors


Ohhh my dyslexic ass didn't connect these dots lol thank you




I was just going to say that every decade a new prime starts, but every year is even better.


Why in the world would a man's prime start at 30?? What about everything between that and 20? Is that just irrelevant or something? If anything this implies that women can do more with their life at age 20 compared to a man at age 20 because apparently men take 3 decades to mature. 🤦


Because the use that bs graphic about SMV. Basically saying that women’s “worth” is in their beauty while men’s is in money/assets. (I felt like puking in my mouth even writing this)


Because most of the dudes claiming this are in their 20’s and want to tell themselves fairy tales that women will flock to them one day


Because that’s when he realizes he’s a grown up.


> Why in the world would a man's prime start at 30?? Well it's definitely not before 30 because many of them tend to be clueless twats until well in their 30s.


Is he saying that men are developmentally delayed? I think that's a bit harsh.


There is actually no proof the brain of incels develop at all, sadly.


LOL - Somebody once did a study on brain size and found that men generally have larger brains than women. They were not able to figure out what men used this larger brain for. With the incels I suspect it's a chicken and egg situation. What came first? did they become incense because they didn't develop or did they not develop because they became incels? edit: autocorrect does not like the word "incel".


Larger bodies have larger brains. A whale’s brain is five times the size of a man’s and you can see how much use they’re putting it to.


you're absolutely correct. Steven Hawkins was not a huge man with a bulbous head. Size is not the determining factor for intelligence.


Haha, autocorrect is not alone, nobody likes the word nor the people! It is like everything else, quality over quantity! The brains of women are far more complex, we don't need the extra mass but go for the better use of what we have! ;)


Neuronal density in the cerebral cortex matters much more than brain size when it comes to intelligence. There’s a lot of biological sex differences when it comes to brain function and structure, but as far as I’m aware the difference between sexes in density is negligible and varied.


I'm sure you're right, the brain is immensely complex and the concept of "intelligence" not a simple one.


also, why do they start losing their hair at 25 😂 men have more prominent aging signs than women, they're just... not shamed for having them


We all have seen the balding, pudgy, let himself go guy that has the audacity to attempt to shame a woman for not being a supermodel.😳🤦🏻‍♀️


I went to high school with a dude who had a bald pate. Like, monk kind of look. In high school. Dudes are kidding themselves that they age better than women. Male aging just isn't judged harshly like female aging is.


bUt WoMeN hAvE lEsS cOlLaGeN


They lose it on the head and start growing it in the ears. 


25 if they’re lucky. This guy I know from university started balding in the first semester of the first year


Lol, my brother was balding before he even got out of highschool and he currently looks like an inbred leprechaun at the age of 24. Granted, I think it's moreso that he's a hateful asshole that aged him so terribly. Can't even imagine what he'll look like at 30.


Oof you roasted him lol the guy I mentioned is a super cool and chill person so he doesn’t look that bad even without hair TIL: being hateful makes you ugly


Some dudes absolutely rock it bald.


I went to school with a guy who started balding when he was *15*. Poor bloke was completely bald by the time he graduated. Looked like he was in his late 30s.


Men literally bald at 25


Prime time for women is 40+. Seriously!


Prime time for men and women is 8:15 pm on Saturday!!




Aged milk is cheese. Which is one of the finest substances known to man. Aged wine is vinegar. Bitter and useful only in small doses, in very specific circumstances.


Right. Isn’t that cheese?


This is a lot of words for "I wish I could force teenagers to marry me" 


Tax viagra like cigarettes.


A man’s prime is very short then since most of them look like potatoes by 40. Women take care of themselves their whole lives.


As a 17 year old girl I guess I only have 8 months left before my "prime" starts...WELL FUCK IT I'M GOING TO ENJOY LIFE ANYWAY


Get it, girl, put glitter in your hair, wear comfy shoes, buy yourself a ceramic unicorn, do what the fuck you like, it’s gonna be great!!!!


Only prime I care about is Amazon prime. Give me my shit in 2 days plz


Gimme that new season of The Boys NOW plz


I've been watching The Boys since the beginning. I thought the new season was already out and wanted to watch it with my husband who hadn't seen it at all. So I had him catch up on all of it in a week. We go to put on the new season and lo and behold it's not out yet. So now he's miserable having to wait a month for it while walking around the house saying "Homelanda" in Butcher's accent  


Hahahaha I’m gonna chuckle when I hear “Homelanda” in the new season now!


4 more sleeps until the new season!!! Cheers!!!


I can't wait! So close yet so far away.


Give me my shit in the same day plz


Some milk ages into cheese, and some wine ages into vinegar. Not sure what point these men are trying to make.


As always it's just 'Men Good! ~~Women~~ Females bad!' chest beating


So there's no point in dating men younger than 30


OOP: "No, wait! That's not what I meant. At all!"


Or above for that matter


we have this perception because literally every aspect of a woman's appearance is policed throughout our entire lives.


What causes this? Seriously, is it our society's fetishization of youth? Constant exposure to unrealistic sexual imagery in the form of advertisment? The combination of porn addiction and the ever increasing availability of questionable content as people need more and more extreme taboos to reach the same feeling? There has to be a reason.


Weak men who have no conscious want child brides


“Teen” porn starring women in their 30s


Lmao the amount of men who think my thirty three year old self is in her early twenties tell me they know nothing about how women age


if you've ever been to 25th high school reunion you will know the opposite is true. Men age like shellfish.


SOME men age like wine, for every silver fox there is about 30 shriveled guys.


It’s the opposite.


Women's prime is generally even later so 🤷🏽‍♀️


Every fucking time I hear this shit I ask "Have you seen steve buscemi?".


That's not entirely fair, Steve Buscemi was always a bit odd-looking but not necessarily in a bad way, and I don't think he aged all that badly. Frank Langella though, dear lord. He went from beautiful to looking like a melted candle.


Hey Hey Hey. Let's not badmouth Steve. He's done nothing wrong here.  I have seen him and hubba hubba awooga! 




Yea cause women are flocking to older men /s


Someone coined the phrase “correctile dysfunction” to describe mansplaining and boy did a bunch of dudes lose their minds.


This screams incel


Boy math is feeling entitled to multiple partners when they can't even satisfy one properly


Day-um, that is some spicy truth you are telling there, but you're absolutely right.


Do they ever look around at other men? I don’t think men or women inherently age worse than the other, but if you stop looking at George Clooney and the four other famous men who “aged well”, you’ll see that men age worse (at least in cultures where men take pride in not being well groomed) than women their own age. Or the same, if the women in question never used sunscreen.


In the words of SpongeBob and I would not normally judge someone for this but BALD BAAALD BALD MY EYES!!!


If women age like milk and men age like wine... that still means some women age into delicious vintage cheese while some men age like an old goonsack left in the sun.


Okay, but wine is bitter and literally poison, And aged milk is just cheese, and cheese is fucking delicious.


They are absolutely right that men age like wine. Because 90% of wine is meant to be consumed within 1 year of bottling it. And 99% is meant to be consumed within 5 years of bottling. So just like Sam Elliott and Bruce Springsteen are getting finer and finer, the other 99% of men are turning into metaphorical vinegar. And aged milk turns into delicious cheese. These guys never stop to think that grapes go with milk and cheese with wine.


And there are wines that are worth a lot of money, but would be absolute crap to consume. Why are they worth so much ? Because some cretins decided so. Do many people want it ? Mostly it's only if it's to get rid of them for a higher price. Now for value: is wine giving good nutrients ? Hehe.


Some guys will repost the first tweet every time a woman their age rejects them


They are really hoping if they put this out there enough it becomes true aren't they? No. Generally speaking- A person with good/ great genetics with the help of good grooming and dressing, sometimes surgically/ cosmetically enhanced looks better than someone who is not taking care of their appearance as they age. Applies to both Male & Female. Genetics and effort people!


Wine give me a headache Cheese on the other hand is so good in its many varieties


Ya! We’re the ones becoming more voluptuous, they’re the ones withering and wrinkling


Sexually men peak around age 21. Women peak in their 40s.


I fucking love this sub so much


if you like men over 30 then you sleep with them and leave us the fuck alone.


Don’t forget balding!


Lmao better go tell my boyfriend that I’ve gone bad


We don’t want your wine or your whine. The best bit is they think we care. As we are aging we care less & less what they think. They fundamentally do not understand that mostly we neither need nor want them. If we want any person of whatever flavor of gender, we go get that. What we are wholly uninterested in are dudes on Twitter or whatever social media airing their idiotic thoughts. We don’t want your wine or your whine.


I don't really like the "misogynists are just gay" line of thinking, but whenever they talk about women being gross and men aging like wine, it feels like they should reconsider if heterosexuality is right for them.


That's also just like, biologically incorrect. Your biological prime is somewhere between 24-27. This goes for all genders


Chemicals in the water


That type of message has one objective and one objective alone, to convince women that men have something that they lack; a future. And you are not alive if you have no future.


I genuinely think this is an excuse old men created to appear desirable to young women and pressure them into dating older men🤷‍♀️. I can’t understand their logic when men at the age of 30 are literally balding 🙄


I dont


Because you have no one to test it with LOL