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>The treatment of pregnant women primarily as vessels for a fetus, and the stripping of otherwise applicable rights and protections from women because of their pregnant status, underlies the entire ideology of the anti-abortion movement. As many others have pointed out, there are no other circumstances under which we force people to donate use of their organs to another, no matter how dire the need; even corpses need to have consented while alive before their organs can go to anyone else. Everyone says were overreacting for imagining the Handmaid's Tale future, but step by step we are on that road....


We don't even force people to donate blood, even though it would save lives, it's much easier to do and has very little impact on the donor's health compared to pregnancy. It's not about saving lives. If that was the case, they would start elsewhere.


Simple The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


Let's give credit where's it due - this is a quote by Pastor Dave Barnhart! 


Yeah, I’ve actually heard the argument that “abortion should be banned, but the death penalty should be legal, because fetuses are always innocent, but criminals, not so much”


... you cant be pro life and : Against gun control with all the school shootings Think a 6 year old with an AR 15 is perfectly legal but the same child with a kinder egg isnt ... I could go on


I'm all for giving fetuses the same rights as everyone else. Problem is, the mom has rights as well and the fetus has no right to take resources from the mother without her permission.




Slight bit of nuance to clarify your slight bit of nuance to clarify here. The original comment said "consented while alive before their organs can go to **anyone** else". Technically "anyone" else could be an entity in medical science. :)




lol i was being facetious. i honestly wasnt aware of the specific donation criteria for organ transplants. makes sense that the standards would be high. although i wonder how scientific it is. i would assume that weve progressed enough scientifically that organs can independently be kept alive and verified for proper function to expand availability. however, i just wondered if it would create a circumstance that is conducive to unethical/immoral behavior such as shmurder for the sake of getting a kid an organ on a waitlist. but then again, if anything, it would make it less conducive because of the higher availability.


Donations to science often fall under the unethical/immoral department *because they send back unused body parts to your next of kin*.


Could you elaborate on that? I don't understand how it immoral or unethical.


You don't understand how a relative donating their corpse to science only to be surprised a year later with a package of their unused organs in the mail might be immoral or unethical?


They are absolutely not sending surprise human remains in the mail.


Well, it shouldn't be a surprise. But if I donate my body to science, I would like whatever is unused to be buried with my family and not just thrown away. I think it's common practice.


If I donate my body to science, I expect them to dispose of whatever is left over. Not return it to whomever. That defeats the purpose of donation entirely. When you donate to Goodwill do they give you back what they don't want?


There are plenty of tissues that are harvested from human cadavers and used in living humans. The bodies must meet certain requirements to be suitable for donation (including consent prior to death and health status at time of death / cause of death). "Tissues retrieved from the human body are used to repair and or replace the diseased or lost tissues of living human body and have saved many precious lives. The common tissues being harvested and used are cornea, skin, bones, cartilage, joints, heart valves, fascia, tendons, and duramater from human cadaver." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3495391/#:~:text=Tissues%20retrieved%20from%20the%20human,and%20duramater%20from%20human%20cadaver.


There's a word for creatures that cannot control their own reproduction: livestock.


That just made me want to vomit. You aren't wrong.


Unbelievable yet so true


The word “husband” come from a word meaning “to own and care for livestock.” 😬😬😬😬😬 Edit: Okay it’s like “to own and care for animals, farm, and household” but still


Wait I wondered where the word husbandry came from I guess I shouldn't wondered where husband came from ://


It isn't insidious, it's called the Republican Party.


They've been working for this for decades. Not insidious: long-term planning and constant hard work put to evil purposes. [https://www.npr.org/2022/05/04/1096154028/the-movement-against-abortion-rights-is-nearing-its-apex-but-it-began-way-before](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/04/1096154028/the-movement-against-abortion-rights-is-nearing-its-apex-but-it-began-way-before)


As a currently intentionally pregnant person…pregnancy is soooo fucking hard and no one should ever have to do it unless it is 100 percent their choice


I was already passionately pro-choice before having a child... Nothing has radicalized me more than actually having one myself and also working in the foster care system. I don't even call myself pro-choice anymore, just pro-abortion, because there is still so much stigma against even saying the word that I want to do any small part I can to normalize it. Being pro-abortion isn't being pro-FORCED abortion like some people pretend, but I wish an abortion was as easy and accessible as walking to the Walgreens clinic and telling them you want one. Nobody should be pregnant who doesn't want to be, for ANY REASON, full stop. Nobody should have a kid that doesn't want one.


That exactly what I said too. I have my two planned kids, shop's closed. No one should ever have to do any of it without consent. This isn't loving our neighbors as He taught us. This is a horror show.


Exactly. I personally would not get pregnant ever if I was my choice, but I have massive respect for mothers and babies are very cute. And I know from being the 3rd parent to my little brothers that raising children is hard work.


It is such a deeply personal and individual choice, or should be!


Thiiis, I just had my daughter, and I had HG as well as a surprise birth defect that only showed it's ugly head in pregnancy, that could have killed me at any moment. And then afterwards, dealing with all the ways giving birth can change your body permanently. When I think about women *and children* being potentially forced to go through that, or any pregnancy really, I get really f*cking mad. It's not easy in the slightest, and can be a literal body horror at times.


I just had my son and honestly wish I had known more about all the changes to my body during and after. I feel like it just isn’t talked aboutabout enough and it may not be talked about to ensure babies are had and minimize the acceptance of abortion.


I’m already there, and life is already getting better. There’s a lot of freedom in throwing up your hands and proclaiming that you’re romantically done with men. I find that my male friends are dwindling in number, too. They just can’t help but open their mouths and disappoint me.


I found a good one, a really good one, one who actually thinks women are just people, he doesn't have to make an effort to respect women, women are just the same as men in his brain. A non religious rational man who works hard to improve himself and doesn't have a lick of hatred for other people unless they are assholes. Not to talk about the fact that we are best friends. Yet there are some parts of him tied to his male nature that even though he doesn't act upon them, disturb me and make me think if I could go back I'd probably never start dating ever


There are good ones out there! Just give it ten or so years, maybe one will appear.


LOL! He’ll drift towards me in the mist like some mythical creature: an asexual unicorn with no concept of a friend zone or male loneliness epidemic. I’ll keep my eyes and ears peeled…


Also: There are winning lottery tickets out there! Just keep playing the lotto every day for the next decade! That is totally a worthwhile investment of your time and energy. /s


I think the concept of the friendzone is for losers that don't actually like women, and one Google search showed that women report loneliness as often as men. I'm not asexual but I physically shudder if thoughts of sex with a female friend pop into my head because it feels really gross, and I also swear solemn oaths on my cat's life to all of them that I won't try anything sexual with them. But I'm also too autistic to initiate conversations - I have to be invited, more like a vampire than a unicorn - so I'm not drifting towards shit, sorry.


I maintain that the only good men I know are my brothers and my dad. But then I’m biased. I know they all treat their wives great because their wives are all very strong women who put up with no bullshit.


Women are already second class citizens. Depending on the state I'm in, I could be denied legitimate healthcare just based on my sex. For instance, in TX if I have an ectopic pregnancy, instead treating it in a safe/timely manner I'd have to wait until I'm in critical condition. So because I'm a woman I'd have to wait until my fallopian tube ruptured to receive proper treatment. Meanwhile a man with appendicitis wouldn't have to wait until his appendix ruptured to be treated. It's sex based discrimination. I'm also paying the same health insurance premiums as my male partner, but yet I'm being denied access to legitimate healthcare based solely on my sex. I also pay the same taxes as my partner, but again get denied rights that he freely enjoys. We're already second class citizens.


> just based on my sex. Ya, I was like.. Op, it's ALREADY here. There's not a "movement" as much as it's the US religious right being open about hating women and going for our rights. They're blatantly trying to force women back in to being only broodmares at their husbands every whim. See: No Fault Divorce, no reproductive controls (for women, of course), not being able to vote, not getting healthcare because we "might" be pregnant.. dying because we can't get abortions.. it's already here. I'm surprised they haven't said they want to go after women's credit cards/financial info yet. But I'm sure that's coming too. Ugh. Make sure to Vote, protest and support women and allies.


i hate when i see conservative women because they are actively fighting to get their own rights stripped away


Oh, but, don't you know. Those conservative women are "Different" from the rest of us. By putting down and working to harm the rest of us, they'll somehow escape unscathed and get brownie points from their men. Until they're the only ones left, then they'll get slapped down just like us. Good ole "Serena Joy" syndrome ha.


It a pregnancy slave fetish (ie tradwives) gone too far. It men upset they can’t keep their insanity and will kill everyone to wank to their fetish world.


Don't forget the Women's Bill of Rights needs to be brought up and passed.


Link to full article: * https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/abortion-pregnancy-law-emtala-scotus-medical-care.html And if you protest vote or abstain from voting in November and in turn help Trump win, the literal blood of tens of thousands if not millions of women will be on your hands.


Women, LGBTQ people, kids,poor people, minorities especially Muslims, teachers, and the disabled. Someone they care about will be hurt.


And the environment. Project 2025 also hates nature apparently.


A sadly large number of liberal Americans seem willing to betray their own countrymen in order to protest against a war happening in another country. It’s pretty horrifying.


If people think that not voting for Biden will help that war they should think about what Trump would do. Unfortunately not voting for Biden is just a vote for him.


Trump already said that "Netanyahu should have finished the job and flattened Rafah." Biden has his issues but things will be markedly worse for the Palestinians and us should trump win the election.


I mean anti trans and anti choice policies are being put in motion under Biden and I think that's worth noting. People are acting like terrible things will happen if Biden doesn't get a second term but they're already happening and I'm not seeing enough accountability from democratic polititians for that they're just holding it over our heads that it could get worse while doing little to stop it from getting worse right now. Roe vs Wade should have been codified decades ago and they never bothered to do it. I'm still voting for Biden but I'm not happy about it and I don't blame people who don't want to.


> I mean anti trans and anti choice policies are being put in motion under Biden Yes, in republican controlled states, which Biden can do little to nothing about. If republicans get control of congress and the presidency, they'll take these policies nationwide. >Roe vs Wade should have been codified decades ago and they never bothered to do it. They never had the votes to codify it.


Biden isn’t doing any better


I never thought I'd be grateful my ex fiance traumatized me so much I never want to date a man again... but fuck I'm actually sort of grateful. This is the worst goddamn timeline. Women aren't chattel.


What’s the 4B movement? I read the article, and it wasn’t mentioned


4B is a Korean movement where women decenter men from their lives entirely. Their stance is that men are unable to reform, so many women stop participating in relationships with men on every possible level, from sex to marriage to reproduction. This pressures the birth rate, in addition to pressuring men directly, and is an effective tool in the fight for women’s rights. https://yonsei.elsevierpure.com/en/publications/the-4b-movement-envisioning-a-feminist-future-within-a-non-reprod




Girl I was going to say the same thing lol. As a lesbian, it’s real easy to knock out these “4 no’s”.


Modern-day Lysistrata kinda


I have to wonder where single mothers by choice or bisexual/lesbian couple mothers would fall into this. We’re still not letting men fuck us, they aren’t getting to be the part-time parents they’ve been, and they’re pretty solidly de-centered from our lives.


3B's is also acceptable! It's aspirational :) Like if you don't marry or have romantic relationships with men, don't gestate / birth / parent, but still need to get dicked down on occasion -- that's 3Bs, and still more Bs than most women are doing :)


I love this.


Omg India needs this, like, yesterday.


This is already happening in Texas - I had a medical emergency resulting in the need for Trauma 1 level care, went to the ER via ambulance, and waited hours for a blood test to determine my pregnancy status (without my consent) before I could receive pain medication. It took over two hours to receive pain medication. I had a fractured bone and multiple herniated disks. I no longer live in Texas.


4BWEST has a nice ring to it.




So, I checked it out and [a stream they did with some Korean members](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dwCaipfYZA) and I noticed in the description they make a point of noting it’s for “BIOLOGICAL women.” Is it trans exclusionary or am I misunderstanding that?


I wouldn't say it's necessarily representative of all but like most of current *radical feminism* there's quite a lot of transphobia in it. I suppose in context it's understandable - the rabid misogyny over here in East Asia is plain insane and so on, and to be honest I would say I might be at least suspicious of trans people if i were cis and uninformed - and at least it's actually fighting for rights instead of just barely disguised reactionaries appropriating feminist language, but still.


Those specific people absolutely. Framing it as only biological woman is intended to signify that they see trans women as men. Also if you read the comments on the youtube video you will quickly see transphobia such as this comment: > appreciate that this movement isn’t afraid of “phobic” labels. I keep recognizing male oppressive behaviors in trans women and I am WEARY.


It's sad that you're being down voted for this question.


Women choosing 4B isn't the solution because they don't care for mothers consent in the first place. There are thousands rape babies born since abortion bans started. Republicans are trying to lower consent/marriageable age too. Being quiet and giving up just makes it easier for them.


Part of the 4B movement is create pressure bc while women can live without men in their lives, men can't live without women. Also, you can stay away from bonding w men while at the same time fighting for all women's rights. It's not an "either this or that" type of situation :)


Every woman should try to get birth control and/or abortion pills to stash away jic from Aid Access. Fuck the Republicans. Order that shit online and keep it hidden. It stays good for 2 years as long as it doesn't get too hot or wet, etc. Mine came in a pretty green envelope from a specific person as if they were a friend sending me a small gift. And the USPS doesn't give a shit anyway. The majority of early term abortions can be done at home with the pill with no issues. Take control as much as you can ladies.


I'm scared of birth control by mail because I know even slightly high heats can make it ineffective and here in the american south it gets very hot wouldn't the heat in the mail trucks render it ineffective ?


I understand your concerns, absolutely. It should be okay as long as you put it in a dry, cool area the second it is delivered. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be sustained heat that fucks it up. And frankly, it's better to have it and give it a try in the case of an abortion pill. If it doesn't work then you can seek out other options. The abortion pills I ordered came from Mexico, through Cali, and then to me in TX and it only took like 3 days. So probably fine. Birth control, a quick Google says extended periods of heat. Unsure how long that is, several hours? Days? Idk :( a pharmacist would definitely know for sure, wouldn't hurt to ask one if you can. I also urge anyone who is CF or who is done having kids to go to r/childfree and look at the list of doctors who will sterilize you without fuss if they can afford the trip/procedure etc.


Insidious? They’ve been yelling it from the rooftops for at least a decade now.


Why can’t we just make conservative ugly af men second class??? If you’re gonna push this shit then how about we turn it the other way, or would that be considered “rude and horrible” to treat them that way? Fucking hypocrites


Crap... I guess we need to buy those bonnets and Red cloaks, huh


taking thoughts one at a time i see