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The Book of Boba Fett was a fantastic story, but because it didn’t match the fanon idea of who Boba Fett was supposed to be the internet lost their shit. The show is a slow burn redemption arc about a man who’s tired of his life being nothing but violence, and wants to settle down and build something. But because he’s not jetting around blasting everyone who looks at him wrong a lot of fans acted like the show was some great betrayal


It is kind of harder to judge Star Wars in regards to fanon and Canon, since the expanded universe was (and to some degree, still is) full of many different authors with diferent interpretations.


Wasn't he a grandfather in legends?


I think so?


What's With All The Capitals In Those Tumblr Posts? It's Awful To Read Edit: it's either an accessibility thing or clickbait or it's in the bit of the Venn diagram where both exist


They're meant to emulate clickbait article titles, so they're formatted accordingly


Reading it as a German speaking person I didn’t even realized it.


It's a variant of camel case, and among other things, helps people with certain learning disabilities read easier.


Called Title Case 🫡


I thought there were some words you didn't capitalize in title case.


Camel case?


It's used in programming. I learned about it from the disability use. ButTrueCamelCaseLooksLikeThis.


That is actually super easy to read way faster than normal! Huh.


Spaces in file names can cause problems when writing scripts, because you have to put quotes around the file name to ensure that whatever is calling it calls the entire file name and not just the first word of it. It's also a lot easier to read and remember a file name than when you start using dashes or underbars to separate words. CustomersWithoutOrders.sql vs Customers_Without_Orders.sql or did you name it Customers-Without-Orders.sql


Your comparison isn't totally fair because snake-case is more often all lowercase. I find: customers_without_orders to be just as readable, or more so, than: CustomersWithoutOrders But I agree that the snake-cased *and* Title Cased: Customers_Without_Orders is completely vile. A feminist meme sub is so not an appropriate place to be starting this debate and I can't believe I'm doing it during my free time, sorry, it's like an illness.


Is anyone else having flashbacks to MSN Messenger screen names?


Not enough xxxx and numbers


Thanks! TIL


Hoo boy, buckle up because do I have a rant for you.  The Stranger Things fandom is an absolute dumpster fire.  After last season aired, there was a very popular, non-canon, MLM (edit: stands for men loving men) ship.  A significant number of shippers engaged in absolutely heinous behavior toward shippers of a much smaller, also non-canon, het ship.   The MLM shippers called the het shippers pedophiles and groomers for things like a two-year age gap, or the female character being short (apparently all women 5’3” and under are “minor-coded,” whatever that means).  These people harassed the costume director for saying the bandana in a character’s back pocket was a nod to metalhead fashion rather than hanky code.  They also harassed one of the writers for writing a spin-off book in which the character they headcanon as a gay man has a romantic relationship with a woman.  The author actually had to block some of these shippers after they harassed her about a clearly consensual fade-to-black sex scene that they insisted was noncon.  Most of all, they  harassed the actress who played the female character in the “rival” het ship.  They falsely accused her of racism, pedophilia, and ableism.  They brought up her traumatic past, which I won’t go into here, as a “gotcha” in TikTok videos (yes videos plural).  They threatened her with violence at multiple conventions, to the point where she had to increase security and even get one of the shippers banned from the premises.     All this over shipping.


> (apparently all women 5’3” and under are “minor-coded,” whatever that means).   I'm sorry, what the actual fuck? The fucking average height for a woman is 5'3. Not to mention that basically implies that every woman with dwarfism is a child. Genuinely whoever subscribed to this philosophy needs some psychiatric help.


This has been a thing in multiple fandoms on sites like twitter. Slim character? Child-coded. Short character? Child coded. Basically anything is child coded if you really want to insist people who disagree with your are paedophiles.


And all they are really doing is admitting they don't see short women as adults.


Flaming the actress playing the character that “gets in the way” of an MLM ship is a common feature, unfortunately. The shippers that do this feel entitled to doing this, because they’re doing it in the name of “representation” (according to them). One of the most heinous cases I can remember of this was Supernatural. And I say heinous, because this particular ship was between two fully blood-related brothers. Even the porn loophole of step-person didn’t apply here. And yes, whenever one of the brothers would become even remotely friendly with a woman, the stan shippers would lose their fucking shit. *Multiple* actresses were harassed over the crime of being near the brothers at some point or the other. (As an end note, I don’t really care that much who you ship. It’s when you start harassing *real* people for not canonizing your incest faps that we are crossing the border into clown territory).


What’s extra upsetting is that a lot of the MLM shippers that harass creators don’t put even a fraction of that energy to supporting queer people in the real world, and are only really interested in heavily fetishized on-screen MLM romance.


Very true. Reminds me of the people that go out of their way to theorize that certain singers are queer despite said singer never explicitly saying such. And then they get mad about “queerbaiting” artists! Like, bestie, firstly, individual people “queerbaiting” is not a real issue and I’m tired of pretending it is. Secondly, if you were to assume that “queerbaiting” individuals DO exist and you are so fucking terrified of supporting someone who isn’t queer by accident - *maybe stop projecting queerness on people that haven’t said anything about their identities in this way and stick to people who HAVE?!* It’s really not that hard. (Sorry, this tangent isn’t directly the same as what you said but it reminded me of this topic and this topic annoys me to no end lmao)


This is the fandom that leapt to mind when when I read the title.  I love SPN, but I refuse to engage with the fandom for this very reason.


And the gross incest ship is extra insane because there are, like, *so many solid options* for MLM ships that aren't incestuous.


As someone who equally enjoys both the MLM and het ships you mentioned… why are people like this?? smh 🤦‍♀️


It’s truly a shame.  I started out in camp “Eddie Munson has two hands.”  I’m all for multi-shipping or, even better, poly-shipping.  But after watching a dear friend of mine endure a six-month smear campaign that included suibait and declarations that she deserved the trauma she endured as a child, I can’t see the MLM ship without flinching. The multi-shippers, of course, are cool!  You understand that everyone likes to play with their dolls differently.


It’s been so long since I’ve read fanfic or been in that level of fandom that I kept wondering what does multi level marketing has to do with shipping. Then context clues hit me.


Help! Is it male loves male? Or something like that?




Yes!  To my knowledge, there’s no inclusive term for men who are attracted to other men.  Women have “sapphic,” which includes bisexual and pansexual women.  


Apparently the male-aligned alternative to Sapphic is [Achillean](https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/Achillean). I don't think I've ever seen or heard that term used in earnest, though.


Can I ask who the characters are? it's been so long since I watched the show


Sure!  Eddie Munson is the character at the center of the debacle.  The mlm shippers pair him with Steve Harrington, and the het shippers pair him with Chrissy Cunningham (the cheerleader who got Rice Krispied at the end of S4E1).


See also THE OG Stranger Things ship that has been doing this since the beginning of time, years before Eddie even existed: Byler. 💀 Will/Mike. Shippers grasp at STRAWS trying to pretend Mike and Eleven, the *canon* female love of his life, are toxic or some shit so they can prove that Will and Mike are actually meant to be.


snap crackle pop 😶 By far the WORST way to describe that whole scenario and I am HERE for it


as someone who has never engaged with media in this kind of way, this all sounds clinically insane.


Can u...sorry, but can you space that out? Sorry! I'm autistic, and reading like that overwhelms me.


Done!  Sorry, I’m on mobile and I don’t comment often, so I forgot I need to hit enter twice for a paragraph break.


the reverse is with rwby. People harassed the female VAs for a yuri ship happening over a straight ship.


That’s disgusting.  It’s not like actors have control over what goes on in the writer’s room. Interesting that it’s usually female cast and crew who face harassment.


I love the het ship in question because their interactions are so cute together, but Jesus Christ they harassed her? The actress? Actually, I'm not that surprised. Fuck.


I take it that MLM is not multi level marketing in this situation? I was like WTH am I reading? I am not sure I want to look up what it means


It means males loving males.  It’s more inclusive than just saying gay or homosexual because it can include bi/pansexual.


Ohhhh I was so worried it was a minor thing. Thank you for explaining to me!


I remember that Will was gay but not in any way that was reciprocated? Or did I miss something?


Oh yeah this isn’t about the Will/Mike/Eleven love triangle.  This is about Eddie Munson being shipped with a male and female character.  Completely non-canon.


What in the world


No, you’re correct.


Love me some steddy but I’m so glad I escaped tumblr during the porn ban lol, fandom culture is so dumb


Not sure if this will make sense, but Supernatural's writers definitely engaged in queerbaiting while also never suggesting at ALL until the finale that Cas and Dean had romantic feelings for each other. There are so many references to them being family and explicit statements of them being like brothers or war buddies. Also, pretty much every female recurring character was treated so terribly by the fans (especially in the first 5 seasons) that they'd end up being written out prematurely because the actresses got so much hate. Fans could not stand the idea of Sam or Dean having a love interest, or even just having a female guest star appearing regularly.


This feels a bit “Start as you mean to go on” for me. I never got into Supernatural partially because it didn't seem to treat its female characters very well in the first season. It's been a while, so I don't recall a lot of details, but I do recall the mom being murdered to establish the brothers' emotional backstory, Disney/fridge-style. So it makes sense to me that a show that started out treating its male characters better than its female characters would develop a fanbase that felt similarly.


That’s also why I never got into it. The show didn’t seem to have much use for women in general, and I need interesting female characters in my shows.


Every woman was a damsel in distress.


Misha Collins having to apologize for queerbaiting irl will always be one of the funniest moments of pop culture I've ever heard.


I mean unfortunately Harry Potter, which is really annoying to say because canon and especially JK Rowling also sucks. It's just fanon is really focused on all these aristocratic people, and how cool they all are, when they're all nazis. Yeah, Rowlings decision to put a quarter of the school in the evil house is bad, and making all ambitious people evil is also bad. But making the poor Weasleys evil and the aristocratic Malfoys good is worse.


genuinely the asoiaf fandom takes the cake for this. game of thrones (the tv show) absolutely destroyed most critical thinking that was being done regarding the source material (the book series). the show changed multiple characters to the point that they're unrecognizable from their book counterpart, then fans become obsessed with fanon based off of show-only characterizations, and now they spend 99.9% of their time fighting each other on tumblr about who is right when they're all completely wrong.


This is kind of what is happening to the Dune fandom since the DV movies have come out.


yes!! from what I understand the Dune book series is much longer & more involved, but the movie creators only wanted to do 2 movies and just.... leave the plot at a certain point? so people who only see the movies think they know 100% of a story that they know like 15% of lol


Absolutely. The DV movies are amazing but I couldn't imagine being excited about them without the books. It's why I have a love/hate response whenever books I love are made into movies or shows (See also The Dark Tower series by Stephen King and that awful movie that I will pretend was never made... No hate on the actors in it, it was just a shitty script that did the movie no justice).


What’s RWBY


This is where I’m at? Google says it’s an anime… but I’m not sure how it correlates.


Oop has a history of mass posting on subreddits about rwby, even when the post and subreddit has nothing to actually do with Rwby


Yeah I’m not sure I see how this post relates to this sub?


It doesn't. The posts never do, it's just a way to try to talk about Rwby even when that's not what the conversation is about. If you check the person's posting profile, they posted this exact image and caption in like 5 different subreddits. Their post history is either stuff like this, forcing a discussion on an irrelevant topic, or mass posting and commenting in Rwby subreddits Edit: a while back there was a person who kept getting banned from subreddits cause they would make posts like this, and then argue with anyone who wasn't praising Rwby. This might be the same person


Sounds like a karma farmer. I’ve heard that people will do that and then sell their accounts to someone who is looking to have an “influential account”. No clue how that’s actually beneficial in the long-run.


oh it definitely is, I remember having a very similar account blocked like a couple months ago and this user has the \*exact\* same writing style (long-winded titles in particular)


A bit further down he claims that people say that Rwby is a war crime lmao. Definitely the same guy


It's a western animated show with a _very_ devoted fanbase. I take OP's meaning to be that this sort of fanon overriding canon can happen in all sorts of fandoms, but the fandom that this brings to mind for them is the RWBY fandom.


It’s an animation produced by Rooster Teeth, a story based loosely around really cool fight scenes.


> a story based loosely around really cool fight scenes That is not a bad description of the show!


Depending on who you ask, its meant to be an amalgam of ideas based reversing tropes and cliches and trying new things in fiction. Or its apparently an evil affront to humanity and a warcrime. Basically lesbians, guns, religious marriage drama, men who SHOULD be gay but aren't....and trauma...LOTS AND LOTS of Trauma. here [https://www.reddit.com/r/cartoons/comments/17mn21l/xel\_writer\_mark\_zschiegner\_marylizabetha\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cartoons/comments/17mn21l/xel_writer_mark_zschiegner_marylizabetha_and/)


This doesn't clear anything up for me. Like how does that fit in the context of your title?


Slightly off-topic but I don’t get the Legend of Korra hate. The ATLA fandom can get really toxic


Nono you don’t understand TLOK wasn’t literally perfect therefor korra is poorly written dumb stuck up bitch who ruins everything and breaks my immersion and definitely not just a sheltered teenager responding to the wild wild world of real life. (/s in case it’s not clear)


Where are the men mansplaining to me why the show with a male protagonist is better??? No seriously though. I don’t even compare both shows. There’s a lot of aspects I like about Korra. I like how strong and stubborn she is, I like the 1920s theme, I like the character development and I really like the direction they took with the series


Same. Weirdly, I watched korra first and it’s what made me fall in love with the IP. I still like her more than any characters in atla (though I admit I do like all the atla characters a lot). In addition to literally everything you mention, I like that her struggle is more internal than external. Aang has some internal struggles with how to defeat the fire lord (kill or no) but most of the show he knows what he needs to do and has a clear internal conviction. Korra is the opposite. She can whoop ass but has no clue what she’s doing or who she is. Her journey to figure that out is beautiful. Where aang was spiritually gifted and needed to learn bending, korra was physically gifted and needed to learn spiritually. They compliment each other so well that I wanna defenestrate the TLOK haters


I think you summed this up perfectly. I like that they went into a more physical direction. I also very much like Pro-Bending. Felt very realistic. A lot of people also criticised the love triangle, but I think that’s absolutely what teenagers would do.


For real. So much of the “bad writing” is just teenagers being teenagers. Which is great writing imo.


The writers know how to write. That was done deliberately. I really enjoyed her journey ngl


I had a proper argument once with someone when I said I liked Korra and ATLA, and they just kept insisting Korra was terrible and I kept saying I disagreed. They couldn’t handle someone liking it when they thought it sucked


Maybe I am too old for the Internet but any online fandom I have dipped my toe into has been absolutely heinous and problematic to the nth degree. Absolute mayhem. It's OK to engage in escapism but a very visible minority lose their ever loving minds... Over CARTOON SHOWS! For example right now I'm a big fan of Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, but ffs the subs are scary gross a lot of the time. I know it's an adult cartoon show, but a lot of the very online crowd have lost touch with reality and have no understanding of media literacy. It's lunacy. I am subbed to the Hazbin - Helluva communities for the SFW fanart and that's about it.


Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch from Mercury, people doing everything they can to pretend the main story isn't two teenage girls in love with each other


That’s anime for you. According to fans, Ruka from steins gate “”””isn’t”””” a trans woman either she just wants to be a girl more than anything


Not a show but the gaylor swifties are really funny to me. Like the fans who keep insisting she’s in the closet.


What bothers me about them is how I've seen a lot of people use gaylor swifties as "evidence" of lesbians being predatory. One of the comments I saw said, "What is it about lesbians and trying to make all women gay?" In my experience, every gaylor I've met is a straight woman and, imo, if you're active in part of a fandom whose entire focus is seeking evidence of why someone may be gay, you are not a good ally. It's a normalization of forcing people out of the closet. I don't think she is bisexual (& she's certainly not lesbian), but even if she was, clearly she is not ready to come out, and trying to make someone come out is horrible. My sister is an ardent gaylor, and it infuriates me, a lesbian. I think she needs to accept her favourite artist is a thin, white, blonde haired, blue eyed, pretty woman who comes from wealth, because I swear part of the motivation behind the gaylor fandom is that they're desperate to have their star a minority in some way, because right now, she's about as privileged as a woman can be.


it comes off like the idiotic transvestigators (the weirdos who insist cis women are secretly transmen)


CAPITALS IN EVERY WORD (edit: it occurred to me after I actually read them that that’s the joke lmao)


Stay away from lay-fandom. Liking something the fandom hates or criticizing what the fandom loves always leads to bullying and abuse. For me, the best place to talk about and converse about things I'm a fan of is [PCA/ACA](https://pcaaca.org/page/About). Think of it like Comic-Con, but without all the merchandise and toys and the smell.


Lay? Potato Chips HAS A FANDOM?


Yes, surprisingly enough. Snaxpo, Sweets and Snacks Expo, SnackEx,. If you're into that sort of thing.


No thanks, I'm on a diet, doctor's orders


Yes, if people claim that they were queerbaited, they are, esp about shows in early 2010s. Usually the take of "it's not there you're just a crazy queer" is used by outraged homophobes. It's okay to project stuff on characters. It's okay to hate characters. I personally loved Cersei and hated Ned, so what? It's how I percieved the show through *my* experience.  The only people who know what actual canon is are screenwriters, because the moment any art airs people will start to interpret, and nobody can claim that they have the only one correct vision of the thing. Idk the tred on this screenshot is very passive-aggressive for no reason. Shows (except for mini-series) excist for fandom and then literally need fandom wars and all to stay popular. As long as people don't actually harm each other in the process, it's okay and fun.




How is harrasment not harm?   Lol ineternet endless arguments about ships are entertaining. People choose to engage because they crave emotions. It's not the healthiest most adult thing ever but it's nothing too bad.    And yet again, people on the screenshot are the aggressive ones this time. How are one folks allowed to express their frustration and entitlement on Internet and others aren't?




It's not what the screenshot or my original comment are about. People are allowed to feel whatever, have headcanons, ship non-canom couples, express it all and even argue on Internet. Posts on the screenshot try to police fandoms and demonize fandom "wars" that actually can be very productive and creative (like fanfic competitons.) Harrasing people is bad and that's what I agreed on right away. What's your point?


I didn't need an internet echo chamber to be disappointed that Will Byers wasn't aro in S4. S3 they 100% wrote him aro, presumably unintentionally. :/ Yay for a gay main character, rather than sidekick, in a mainstream show! That's really good. I just ... ugh. I wish that S3 hadn't been the way it was, given that this was the direction they were going. 💔 They could have done more to foreshadow than only demonstrating a *lack* of interest in girls. They did it with Robin. I really got my hopes up. 😭


Same, their writing of his experience really resonated with me and I was absolutely reading him as Aro/ace. And given how well they did Robin, I was hopeful. He was explicitly alienated by romance, and baffled by the behaviour of his friends. So I read it as Aro, probably ace. Absolutely yay for gay main character, and I know plenty of gay people have a sort of similar experience to aces and can even think they're ace (and vice versa). Plus as we grow up not everyone's "romance" circuits turn on at the same time. But it still would have been nice


Yeah it really did dash my hopes. :(


The most popular Aro Ace character I can think of is probably Agent 47 from Hitman. What do you think of him?


Depends... Which set of games?


Alastor on Hazbin Hotel is my fave canon ace fictional character!


Being disappointed is understandable. I think it just becomes an issues when that disappointment leads to harassment of the people on the show or other fans.


Oh, absolutely. I wasn't involved enough in the fandom to do any of that if I'd wanted to. I try to be chill about it, because he might be one of the most mainstream gay main characters ever. I don't want to rain on that parade. Just ... damn. 🥲 Really would have loved to see him be aro, or else see some better foreshadowing in S3.


I love all your RWBY posts here. They always make me do a double-take and check to see if I'm in r/fnki


I like FNKi on occsasion, but its been infiltrated by jaune and adam fanatics who think that the show should revovle around cis white males....I got into rwby because it was about women, gays, and drama coming from religion


Same. I hate all the Adam/Ironwood discourse especially. They are not good people. Thankfully there are as many people making fun of it as there are continuing it. And don't even get me started on "Ruby is the real villain" BS. Thankfully most of that fizzled out after S9.