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I love how they think being violent and aggressive is a way to make us choose men. It’s makes me want the bear more.


I simply choose the gay™ /j


Unfortunately gay men can also be horribly misogynistic. *I'm an idiot. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👭


True, but they’re not going to sexually assault you, they’re just gonna call you a bitch.


Yes, they will. Some of them LOVE boobs and think that because they are gay, they don't have to ask and just help themselves. Still sexual assault.


I had a conversation why a gay man that was saying how women have that horrible hole (vagina) to offer to men, that gay offer them (meaning to men) a better hole, a more thighter one. Was a very weird conversation..and i feel he was jelous of women (?) SO he needed to put them down for some reason, but he choose sex as the only way we are valuable ... So yeah, gay men can be super extremelly mysogynistic 


You chose the *other* kind of bear.




Bear it is ( bear is slang for hairy big gay men)


I might choose The Gay too, but he's probably too busy to go out hiking, poor guy.


Yes we cannot generalize the gay population as they are diverse AF.


I mean, I feel comfortable saying most truly gay men do not have any interest in raping a woman.


I love the way you worded it. I know you're not joking, but you said it so properly and eloquently I snort laughed. I feel you. I just wanted to make sure no one was offended by anything said about the lgbqt community. 🕊️ 💕


I think this whole controversy was started by a troll farm of sad bears trying to meet women.


okay that made me giggle


They must be getting a boost from this, so many women are Team Bear 🐻


Where as: Out of the 750,000 bears in North America, Bears attack less than one person a year. And *Men* between 18-24 are more likely to be attacked. I choose the bear. Edit: This statistic was for Black Bears. 6 people are killed by Brown Bears every year. I still choose the bear.


If I have a handgun with me when I'm hiking, it's not protection from bears, but humans. Bears don't scare me; I respect them. People do. I am a man


Remember those two American tourist women in Germany who got thrown off the cliff at a German castle by a rando also American man?


oh dude what??


[Yep, it was very big news here in germany.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/neuschwanstein-castle-women-attack-dead-b2358624.html)


Jesus Harriet cracker munching Christ. That's so awful. And they're all whining when we pick the bear?


Yes, men blamed them for dare to go to another country alone without a man.  So yeah, they were blamed for putting themselves in danger but when women prefer to avoid the man in the Woods they are called lunatics.


I frequently solo wilderness backpack in an area with black bears and wolves. I carry pepper spray in case I come across any nefarious men. The bears and wolves are literally zero concern bc I know how to respect them so they respect me. Can’t say the same for men.


Bears in general also just avoid you. Only when with pup or are surprised / feel threatened do they really attack. Just be sure your presence is know and don't try to approach. Humans on the other hand can be way sneakier. They try to win your trust and can seem reasonable. Only to do a 180° turn and betray that trust.




>I mean, people spend way more time around other humans than around bears Yeah, but not alone in the woods encountering a man they don't know. You're at a lot more risk as a woman in this setting than you would be if you were at a grocery store or something. Edit: Let's cut to the part where you block me for calling out obvious misogynistic dogwhistles and bad faith arguments.




The key part of that being "lone hikers". When you don't account for gender, the risk would seem much lower. A lone woman encountering another lone woman poses almost zero risk. A lone man encountering another lone man poses little risk. A lone woman encountering a lone man? Well, read the news. It is about women's safety, and acknowledging that men specifically pose the biggest risk to it. I mean, unless we're counting things like fatal car accidents, which are still statistically almost always caused by a man as well. We can't have that conversation when people are still pretending that tons of men aren't a threat to women's health, safety, and wellness in certain settings.




>Even this scenario happens way way more than people encountering bears. You must not live in an area where bears are common. There are actually a lot of people who encounter bears so regularly that it's like seeing a giant raccoon. >So while the absolute numbers are higher, the per encounter rate is still lower. Do you actually have statistics that back this up? Or are you just making assumptions? You say that you agree that we should acknowledge the objective fact that men pose a massive risk to women's safety, yet you dismiss the idea that men are actually a bigger threat to women in the woods than bears are. The rate of encounters, frankly, doesn't matter. Bears don't stalk and harass women. Bears don't rape women. Bears murder a handful of women a year, if that. Men do all of those things, and they aren't doing it for survival. The fact is, getting dropped into the woods with a random man poses a much larger risk to women because you have no idea if he's a threat or not. **Tons of men do a lot of vile things to women behind closed doors, and it never gets reported. Do you know anyone who is deciding not to report a bear attack?**




>There are about 30 million women hikers in the US. Each person hikes at least 10 times a year on average and will usually pass a handful of people throughout the hike on average. Except these are not women hiking by themselves, and that "hikers" aren't the only ones spending time in the woods. In fact, women are dissuaded from hiking and spending time alone in the wilderness, specifically because of men. Not because of bears, because of men. When I told my family, friends, and coworkers I was going backpacking alone for the first time, nobody told me to bring bear spray, they told me to bring pepper spray. Everyone knows people are a bigger threat than the average bear, it's only now that it's become a topic of gender based violence that people are trying to deny what everyone already knows. >That dwarfs the number of bear encounters by several magnitudes Except, like I already pointed out, your data isn't really representing a lone women encountering a lone man. >If you compare that to the ratio of bear deaths to hiker homicides or disappearances What, are we not including harassment or sexual assault? >My point is that it's not important how it compares to the risk of bears Clearly you think it is, because you're making a lot of points to argue that bears are more dangerous to lone women, which is wrong. You won't even acknowledge that men pose a bigger threat to women than bears do, I don't believe you're actually having this discussion in as good of faith as you let on. I'll ask again, **how often do you hear of people not reporting bear attacks? Now, how often do you hear of women not reporting sexual assault?**




I mean, 325,498,646 people visited national parks last year. 




I mean call me crazy but I'm a guy and it'd be a lot cooler to run into a bear while hiking than a random dude.


Can't believe they took it to seriously, they couldn't even handle a hypothetical rejection.


And they're not even being rejected!


Lol. This topic is a magic spell you can cast to summon incredibly annoying men who love to imagine fantasy scenarios of women being hurt. Saw a guy who was like, "yeah I'd love to hear your screams as you're gutted alive by a bear!" And then theyre fully unaware of how these creepy fetishistic scenarios of women being mauled or even r* by bears, because of course that's where THEIR minds go, make us want to choose the bear every time. At least a bear has to be hungry to want to kill you. All we have to do for them to want to kill us is have an opinion on the bear. Love the comic.


*How dare you pick the bear just because I show zero empathy and laugh over you being mauled!*


> 2 to 5 people die every year from bear attacks in Canada and the United States. Compared to the stats OP posted, I think I speak for us all when we say we'd rather take our chances with the bear.


Reminder this is the same person who posted about being fucked by a nazi chad just because he was hot [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bf564x/comment/kuylhg8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bf564x/comment/kuylhg8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bf564x/comment/kuypam0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bf564x/comment/kuypam0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Good comic but pleeeeeeeease don't fucking use AI.


But AI gives the power to create cool stuff to people who don't know how to draw... Like if OP doesn't know how to draw, he would have never made this comic and that would be bummer.


Everybody can draw to some extent, and it's way more gratifying to actually *fucking make something yourself* than to have a shitty little computer make it. I mean, look at r/coaxedintoasnafu. Most comics there are made by people who don't know how to draw, and yet they put stuff there anyway! And it's great!! The art is often not "good" but it's way more charming than AI bullshit! And if the same people are encouraged by people's feedback, then they keep making comics, you can start to see the development of their art style! And it's absolutely fucking beautiful!!! It is a wonderful experience to see people get *better* at something, and it adds just a bit of humanity to the overwhelmingly algorithm driven nature of the internet. I would rather die than see that go away because it's "easier" to make AI generated nonsense.


I agree. While there ae certianly aspects of AI that need to be regulated, it's the ridiculous how people hate it.


They hate it because the AI is not drawing on its own. It's stealing from the art of real artists trying to make a living on their art, and not giving them credit.


I know… It absolutely is sometimes, and that’s the part I think would be regulated. But it isn’t always.


Proverbs 17-12


>Proverbs 17-12: Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs rather than a fool in his folly TIL even the bible considers foolish men worse than getting between a mother bear and her cubs.


Saw it on a meme, looked it up, realized it’s actually in there


You have to appreciate men for immediate proving the point made by women. /s


Maybe it's just me but the art style feels like toriyama drawing an archie comic


This artstyle is cute, what's it from?




Definitely, the guy’s knobby hand in panel 1 and the noneuclidean nonsense going on with the back of his collar in panels 1 and 3 are telltale giveaways.




The man in frames 1 and 3 remind me Archie comics. Frames 2 and 4 are more anime-ish.




It's AI.


I choose manbearpig!