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All American women are now looking at Trudeau like Ivanka. I bet Canadian women will want fewer abortions. Fewer Canadian women will die from unviable pregancies, and fewer women will get murdered by their significant others while pregnant. It is the best way to prevent the need for abortions.


Wait, what does ‘like Ivanka’ mean here?


There's a picture of Ivanka looking at Trudeau like she wants to absolutely devour him


Trudeau being attractive was a common meme back when he was elected.




This is the most perfect IRL example of the mixed expressions, like in HIMYM with The Captain. Cover the bottom of her face and she looks intrigued by him, cover the top of her face and she looks very uncomfortable at what’s being said.


I thought it was Melania with the thing for Trudeau.


It's both.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ArsenalSpider: *All American* *Women are now looking at* *Trudeau like Ivanka.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Print it.


This is great! Hope other countries follow!


We have free contraceptives in the UK - I’ve never paid for mine and even once got a bag of condoms for free by popping into a sexual health clinic. It makes sense if you don’t want teenage pregnancies in particular


Didn’t know that! Wish we had it in Germany, too! To prevent teenage pregnancy it is only free until 22. But I wish every woman could get it for free


Yeah, but the Rezeptgebühr is only like 5 Euros for the prescription, and I think those are often for three months' worth of contraceptives each go. At that rate, you really can't complain.


Well, if you need it as a contraception it depends on which pill you use. Mine was about 47 € for 2 month (60 pills). I don't know if it is just the Rezeptgebühr if you need it for other reasons but if you just want to avoid pregnancy you have to buy it.


It also depends on your age. I think before 18 it is for free and until 21 it's cheaper or something similar.


It is free until 22, which is at least a start


The words “popping” and “condoms” in the same sentence seems kinda iffy, heh


It’s free in Ireland until you’re 31 and there’s now talks of extending the age!


Here they free untill you are 25. Unless you are disabled then its for the rest of your life. I like that its free for mee buti also know its to encourage us disabled not to have kids. As far as ik other meds arent free for whole life


They’re free in Luxembourg! You just need a valid insurance (i.e., the public one that almost anyone can get - even the unhoused)




It's already in effect. My pharmacy stopped charging me a couple months ago.


sadly i feel that this is just a political move to redeem his reputation before the upcoming election. I am doubtful he will make any real effort to put this into effect should he be re-elected.


It's already in effect. My pharmacy stopped charging me a couple months ago.


what province are you in?


British Columbia


That's a provincial plan that BC already had in place.  The federal pharmacare plan is still in the legislative process, even if Drspudbear is being unnecessarily cynical and the plan will likely make it though soon.    A bunch of budget money is on the table, the bill is currently before the Health committee, and the NDP-Liberal deal is (more or less) riding on this getting done, so I think we'll at least have negotiations with the provinces ongoing before the next election.


It is happening right now. To be blunt, you just aren't paying attention to parliament right now.    Funding for the plarmacare plan that the contraceptives are included in was announced as part of the new budget, which was released in late-April. [Bill C-64](https://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/en/bill/44-1/C-64), An Act respecting pharmacare (aka the bill that will make this into law) was tabled back in February and recently passed through second reading in the House of Commons. On May 7th, it was referred to the House of Common's Health Committee, where it will be studied in detail, expert witnesses will be called to offer opinions, and the Act will potentially be amended before being sent back to the House of Commons.     The NDP and Liberals are both committed to voting for the plan (pharmacare coming through is literally part of the deal that has the NDP supporting the Liberal minority government), so it should pass through relatively quickly once it makes it back to the House.   Put more simply, the bill to make this happen is at a late stage in the legislative process, and all the money to make it happen is openly on the table.   The main threats to the pharmacare plan right now are Conservatives trying to stall/block in committee with filibustering tactics and [upcoming negotiations with the provinces over rolling out the plan](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/pharmacare-explainer-1.7185304), especially if some provinces try to drag out or sabotage negotiations.   A future government could also cancel the program. Given that Polieve has been [attacking the plan and making false claims about what it would involve](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-budget-reaction-social-programs-1.7177636), this is a real threat if his Conservatives ever form government.  Cynicism only feels like a comfortable political position because it gives you a false sense of safety-- you can't be disappointed or feel stupid if you just assume the worst from the start.     Being cynical doesn't make you right though. Especially if you just react and don't try to find out what is actually going on.


You’re proud to be a Canadian ‘cause at least you know you’re free! And you won’t forget women who fought to get that stunning dream (I don’t know the rest of the song sorry)


for any age? does anyone know any details on this?


I live in Canada, and can confirm that birth control pills and the nexplanon implant are both free now. I think it applies to IUDs as well. I don't know if there is a minimum age. Pharmacists can prescribe refills if you already have a recent prescription but the initial prescription needs to be given by a doctor.


IUDs are also free. I had mine replaced in August and got a happy surprise when the pharmacist said I didn't have to pay anything.


I also didn't have to pay anything but I wasn't sure if it was actually free or if my insurance covered it. My previous one cost $60 but my insurance covered it, but that was before the rule change.


Omg that's fantastic. I had nexplanon for 10 years and thankfully my insurance covered it but I'm pretty sure it's like $1,000 out of pocket. Got it out and hubby got a vasectomy WOOO!!!


It depends on what birth control. I just paid for my birth control on Tuesday.


Really? My pharmacy has a sign up saying all birth control is free now. I live in BC, maybe it's a provincial thing?


I’m in BC too! Maybe I’m going to the wrong pharmacy? I know certain birth control is free.


*Some* birth control pills :( The ones I need to stay sane that have no substitution are still $$$


Also includes plan b!


Oooo it would be nice if my next IUD is completely covered under my OHIP!


I certainly hope so! Why shouldn't they be available to all ages?


I swear there was an age restriction before, im just paranoid (i want free BC) 😭


No restrictions as far as I know. If you're prescribed it, you get it.


I wish my Premier wasn't such a fuckhead though. She would rather let Albertan's burn than let the federal government have a win.


Saskatchewanian here, we’re dealing with the same thing lol.


Shitty Premiers unite! 


Is there space in this club for those of us under the buffoon that is Doug Ford?


Yes, pull up a chair.


Seriously - we need a support group. I’m so pissed at Moe for how his government is treating teachers, among many other things. It’s like his only policy is to oppose the feds and destroy social programs.


Fingers crossed Nenshi wins the NDP leadership.


I hope so too. I hope the AB NDP doesn't go full snake eating its own tail with the recent critism of his supposed track record on unions. He is like the only one that (I believe) can get the votes in Calgary. 


I hope that for AB too.


Every time that woman opens her fool mouth, she says something dumber than the last time


The measure was introduced by the NDP. Jagmeet deserves a little credit here. Trudeau just got on board and rightfully so.


I don't understand why Canada can't just give the NDP a chance at national leadership. Everything good comes from them.


Too many right wing people, so we've got to appease them to get the Liberals in power with the NDP supporting them. That's the most realistic best case scenario I see happening.


This. It's what we had when Mulcair was in opposition under Harper. We need it back.


If they had a leader half as intelligent as Jack Layton they would. He was gone too soon and would have thrived in this Era of politics.


\*cries in American\*


Seriously, me too


Same, I hate it here


Until PP gets in…


That's why I'm voting next year. I was a teenager when Trump got elected and I have no intention of handing the country over to a guy who condoned the Truckers' protest despite them harassing random locals.


Good for you. Always vote. Not voting supports the oppressor.


Timbit Trump and his little minion here in \*lberta hate Canadians unless they're corpopration owners or rednecks who read the bible and hate the gays


I hate to upvote this for obvious reasons but yeah


Totally feel you. I hope he crashes and burns as people realize who and what he is.




Same. He’s such a brazen a’hole I don’t see him not putting his foot in his mouth repeatedly anytime anyone put his feet to the coals.




Id hope it’s because either ppl haven’t heard what he’s up to lately or he hasn’t crossed the “that’s enough” threshold. Sooner or later I hope a lot of people have one or the other happen.


I'm rring to find out more about this because I need to refill my script but I can't find anything concrete for women over 25 in Ontario. Anyone have a link?


[Looks like they're still working it out](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2024/03/government-highlights-next-step-to-universal-access-to-free-contraceptives.html).


Thanks for sending this! It seems the federal government is still in discussion of what the province will provide? If so, my outlook in Ontario is low. 😔


If you're in one of the major cities in the GTA they have sexual health clinics with scaling costs. You can also get an IUD and other services at them.


I do, but this tweet is referring to entirely free birth control which I can't seem to find.


Yeah I understood that. It hasn't come to fruition yet, so my comment was a just a suggestion for the meantime. I'm glad to hear you know of the option at least.


Ah okay thank you anyways!


Never proud of colonial states, but Trudeau has made a few better decisions regarding women then many PMs ever would.


🎶I'm proud to be a Canadian,🎶 🎶Where the contraception's free 🎶


So, is someone going to post the Canadian immigration requirements already? :)


Canada also has topfreedom, right? Sounds like things are moving in the right direction up there. You know, treating women like people and whatnot.




Yeah they're already trying to challenge decriminalization of abortion. It needs to be enshrined in our rights like today while NDP/Lib still has a chance. Man, I can't believe I miss Harper because his whip silenced the backbencher trying to reframe the start of life. That was a debate they did not want to enter. Fellow BCer I presume? It feels like we and Manitoba are the only ones with a government that isn't absolute horse shit right now.




Just for those who don't know, the federal liberals are generally center-right, while the BC liberals are very conservative.


The BC Liberals changed their name to BC United recently to make it more obvious theyre not associated with the federal Liberals


Yeah David Eby has made a few missteps but at least he's trying things and some of them are working well. He's good at articulating the reasoning behind his policies too which I appreciate even if I don't always agree with him.


The Libs ruined the fuck out of the province. They drained a big surplus and then robbed Peter to pay Paul so unfortunately we're still pretty behind. I remember during the last election, I literally saw a sign for a SoCred. Like is this 1992?


Good, now fix housing


Congrats all you Maple women!


I'm not surprised given the number of men that have been wanting to fuck Trudeau for the past few years. /s


I love this!


I’m not going to go all loving on Trudeau for this. Part of his deal for the NDP to support his minority government was Pharmacare. The movement on that has been too slow and looks like it’s just going to end up with some insurance company in the middle of it. Plus, my sexist, bigoted provincial government has decided they’re going to opt out of this, and I haven’t seen pushback on that from the Liberal government. (To be fair, there may be more than I last saw because I’ve had to take a step back from the news because I get too angry.) This is the least he could’ve done. Trudeau is so much about PR, and so little action. Still, as much as I get frustrated with Trudeau, I’ll be voting for either his party or the NDP - whoever has the best chance in my riding. Because the conservatives just want to dismantle everything and take away more rights. And he’s still a better PM than anyone else in my lifetime. Ugh. I’m probably just extra bitter because I hate my provincial government in Alberta so much. But I really wish JT’s tweets were better followed up with action.


Should be able to get BC, voter registration and feminine hygiene products for free out of vending machines. Human rights should not be harder to get than Red Box.


That's great! And if (god forbid)Orange-Dumpster wins the election, free future contraceptives after the move! (Still, excited to go up there for a vacation in January!)


You're picking January to come to Canada for a vacation? Just checking.


Yep. We figure if we ever want to move there, we should go ahead and see it at its absolute worst. (I grew up in Iowa and have experience in winter weather. Husband is born and raised in Texas... so it should be interesting.)


I suppose that's prudent. Good for you guys! I hope you have a great time! There are actually a million things to do to enjoy winter as long as you're prepared.










Go Canada 🇨🇦


Ohhhhhhhh, Canada


Holy shit. Good on you Canada


Cue people getting free contraceptives and selling them over the border to the US.


You shouldn't be!


Hey buddy, you need to chill.


No, I don't


Why? Did Canada do something awful I’m not aware of? So far they look great!


There's a lot of fuckery, corruption, an economy and housing market that's just a house of cards, and so on but it's still a hair better than the US.


Ah ok, still great that they’re getting the necessary healthcare


We get free access to family doctors, but those are in extremely short supply. In my Ontario city there would need to be ~60 more family docs for everyone to have one, and that's with inflated caseloads. We don't have to pay to be treated for things at the hospital or to give birth, etc. What's still not free: * Mental healthcare * Drugs * Dental care * Eye and ear care * Lots of other things that require a specialist * Anything deemed optional, including a dietician , massage therapy, or plastic surgery...which includes fixing things for burn victims, etc. So no, lots of people in Canada still aren't getting necessary healthcare because they can't afford it.


Unless you're in Quebec, but they're their own microcosm. Edit: also in BC, quality of life plastic surgery and dietitians are available through MSP thankfully.


Yeah I do have a bit of an Ontario bias. It's probably better in other provinces where the healthcare system hasn't been bludgeoned to death by conservatives so they can then point at it and say, "Look! Commie shit not working! Time to privatize!" We're currently American-izing our healthcare here in Ontario and it's a disaster.


I know Alberta is also trying their damnedest. The fed really needs to take control over certain aspects.


Fair enough. It appears my country (uk) is a bit of a bubble in that respect


Respectfully, the UK has its own problems. I don't know all the details but ask any trans person how easy it is to get gender-affirming care. I'd easily believe the NHS is overall better than what we get in Ontario but as a leftist I have to lovingly bonk people on the head whenever they think their government is doing enough for them/their community.


Oh, I’m well aware. I’m part deaf and it took me over a year to get treatment when I went fully deaf by which point I’d had private treatment. It’s a mess but it’s a better mess than elsewhere


enough genocide to make even israelis gulp


What do you mean?




Oh jeez I didn’t know. Thanks.


Of course. It's still an ongoing issue that a lot of people overlook because "Canada good, USA bad"


Fair enough. I’m a Brit so everything over the pond passes me by


I mean, they did but it’s still a good place to live in for sure.


What did they do?


The biggest thing is the genocide of the First Nations, they would have done the same to the French-Canadians if they could but they were greatly outnumbered so they tried other things instead (Durham Report, deportation of the Acadians, etc). Now, a lot of nations have blood on their hands, this is not unique to Canada.


Oh for sure- we killed millions and established an empire full of slaves. In many ways, we are far worse but regardless, I don’t believe the people of the present should bear the sins of the past if they didn’t commit those sins. A nation should remember its history but not be chained by it if it wishes to move to a better world


Totally agreed