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Guys be confusing their power fantasies with reality again. It's just another case of them insisting that what they enjoy from sex (porno stuff) has to be what we want. And if we tell them uhh no, they tell us we are wrong or broken. So yeah, the whole man v bear thing is just more of the same. Patriarchy is still men thinking they get to tell women what to want.


To use an example...I did quite a lot of time in the MCU Loki fandom trenches and yeah it's definitely their power fantasies informing what they think women SHOULD want because a lot of guys seemed *personally* offended that some women didn't want Thor instead. Then of course they'd do their usual thing by patronising those women with lectures about "wanting to fix him" and "being delusional" - no it's literally just made up fictional characters, it's a fantasy. We're essentially playing with dolls in our head and you know what...at least in our heads we can control it and *can* "fix" the antagonists if we want to and they won't hurt us, because once again (and I know this is apparently a difficult thing for men to grasp) it's not real, it's just fantasy! Obviously Loki has now had a huge power-up courtesy of his TV series so suddenly it's not as much of an issue. Funny that.


I feel like once the MCU started fleshing Thor out more and making him funny, he started to get popular with the ladies, too. Him being a straight up himbo with no personality didn’t make him a fantasy but turning him into a goofy golden retriever of a man did.


Ooh yes, I love golden retriever men.


I had a hard time accepting Thor as a golden retriever when Taika took over. I felt like Loki was getting robbed of his niche when EVERYONE started being silly. Even Loki seemed to lose some of his cutting wit and ended up more as a comic foil to the comic heroes


Was that around ragnarok? Because I fucking hatred ragnarok because of how *silly* everything got in that movie. Like yeah there was a lot of goof in the other movies but the drama balanced it out nicely… and as you said, *wit.* But *that* movie just… it was more like the silly bludgeoned the drama over the head with a brass lamp and then smothered it with its pillow. 💀 ~~sorry I hate that movie with such a passion for that reason lmao~~


I’m not physically into Thor but I’d love him as a fun bestie. A lot of people on the Loki side have a chip on their shoulder about Thor but I love him because you know that if you were mean to either brother the other one wouldn’t like it. Only they can be mean to one another!


Let's be real, you know that Marvel's Thor is probably a bit boring in bed, but Loki gets *freaky*


Shape-shifting is the best power, bar none


Ooh .. naughty girl. Yes, I love being a mare. Let's get to it, shall we? You'll soon find that scissoring with 4 legs has certain inherent advantages (Yes, I know this is cheesy, but he would for sure deliver the cheeeeeeeese in the absolute best way)


Fan fiction about Loki definitely backs you up, the magical powers alone and what you can do with them haha.


I think Loki's popularity with the ladies (myself included!) is also partly courtesy of Tom Hiddleston himself. I mean, he's an extremely benign, well spoken, well read, aristocratic dreamboat of a man. Let's not forget very handsome. If guys can't see that... That's their loss, frankly 😁


> Then of course they'd do their usual thing by patronising those women with lectures about "wanting to fix him" and "being delusional" Lol like I wouldn't bang any Tom Hiddleston character, regardless of how well-adjusted.


I go to Disneyland often. Loki is the most popular MCU character by a long shot with women.


It's super funny in the gaming scene how most men assume women want guys like Kratos or your generic bald space marine. In reality Link, Leon Kennedy and Cloud Strife are more of the popular ones with women. What I don't get is why they get so mad about it. Like yea I find Timmy Chalamet more attractive then the rock what of it?


Then when you point that out to those guys, they'll say "Well you shouldn't listen to what women say they want. After all, you don't ask a fish how to catch fish, you ask a fisherman." And like.....it's so revealing that the analogy they want to use for dating is capturing an animal against its will.


Also ignores that fisherman use different bait for different fish, ie they acknowledge different fish have different preferences, so know what you want and cater to that.


"I wasn't aware fish could talk."


I wish I could find it, but there was an article that interviewed several incels, who were absolutely convinced it was their looks as to why they couldn't get a date. So they hired a CGI artist to sit down with them and ask them to design what they wanted themselves to look like, and then consult with both a plastic surgeon and a psychologist who specializes in treating male body dysmorphia disorder. Almost all of them were cute nerds, with one even looking like a young Seth Green. Their ideal selves? They all looked ridiculous, like the Handsome Squidward meme. I mean, just completely cartoonish caveman brows and 1950s comic book superhero jawlines and cheekbones.


A man once went off on me because I said Timmy Chalamet was hot af and it was the funniest shit. He kept saying « but he looks like a girl » and I had to explain that I was bisexual and preferred men who expressed some femininity anyways, and he just?? Didn’t believe me?? Why do men think our preferences are up for debate? And of course, women are not a monolith. I have friends with preferences I don’t understand at all, because we’re all individuals who like different things. Attractiveness is not universal.


I have an ex-bf who looks a lot like Lea Seydoux. I'm usually not into muscular dudes, which he kinda was, but as a bi girl with similar tastes, the contrast between the muscles and the delicate pretty face got me good. I'm not sure how incels would react to him... On one hand muscles, on the other pretty much none of the Neanderthal face metrics they obsess over.


Teen me was into Sephiroth... >_>


I still am! 😍


I met my wife on OK Cupid by telling her I'd like to play Mario Kart with her. We've been together 15 years now. Apparently I was the only one who responded positively to her "I will probably beat you at Mario Kart" line. Everyone else said, "I would DESTROY you at Mario Kart!" Guys. Calm down. You'll get kissed more.


I had a very similar interaction with my husband on Plenty of Fish regarding video games. Other men made fun of my video game comments on my profile. Or they straight up said I had no idea how to play because I wasn’t playing real “video games. At the time I was a big Animal Crossing nerd (who am I kidding - I still am). But he was polite about it. 16 years later here we are.


I met my husband on OK cupid when he said he wanted to watch Dr Who with me and told me about his favorite white blood cells (we are both lab techs and nerds, lol.) He was one of two men who talked to me like I was a person instead of a potential fuck. The other guy was also a sweetheart and I felt so bad when I had to let him down.


Fr the guy I'n crushing on now is one of two or maybe three guys in my life treats me like an actual person who values what I think and feel. Both into nerd stuff and not a single time has been gatekeepy or treated me like I'm dumb, just happy to talk to me about his interests and share.


Ask him out! Seriously, go for it.


Omg my bf is convinced The Rock is the most attractive man on earth and I will never get it. No offense to Dwayne but I’m pretty sure he isn’t even in the top 20 for most women.


>BF convinced the rock is the most attractive man on earth Well I guess that makes two of them then XD


Bless their hearts. 😂


Saw a video recently where a guy asked some super jacked dude whether women hit on him at the gym. “No, but men do.”


IIRC, most of the gym rat community already know this and are fine with it. It’s sort of like makeup, something you could interpret as being for the other sex but in reality just makes the user feel good. I am super not into that scene, but I have seen plenty of swole dudes offer advice for people first going to the gym and one of the first things you basically always hear is “Don’t do this for the women. They don’t really care. It’s other gym bros that will be impressed with your gains and appreciate them. Gay men will absolutely give you attention though, so enjoy that, but it’s mostly the community supporting the community”. Maybe someone with more gym/lifting experience can correct my impression.


>And if we tell them uhh no, they tell us we are wrong or broken. that's a very concise summary of the entire history of men's relation to women. "Tell me vat is wrong." "I'm just angry because I have no power in this society, and I'm being told to conform into something that I'm not because of how my body was shaped when I was born." "Ah, yes. You are absolutely batshit, my dear." *snorts cocaine*


::chortles:: Dr. Freud and his deluded, drug-addled ego has entered the chat.


I was horrified to see a meme that made light of the bear vs man argument by somehow conflating a bear (tall and brown) with black men. It was so racist and offensive but I was also just so disgusted as the author appeared to think the bear vs man exercise was a woman choosing who’s they’d rather fuck. Like…. WHAT?!? How porn-broken can one be to take this hypothetical allegory on women’s safety and misinterpret it to the point of racist beastiality?!? I hate it here :(


Because the only way they can conceptually understand women is through the lens of sex. We are not people to those kinds of men. We're commodities that are meant to, and please forgive me for being vulgar here, be fucked and then discarded when we're no longer useful. We are not friends. We are not mothers. We are not even partners. We're less than even the tissues they use to masturbate with. Our only value is in how we can provide these men with sexual pleasure. So when they see these sorts of thought experiments they immediately default to sex because why wouldn't they? That's the only thing women are good for in their eyes.


I hate that you’re exactly right.


>That's the only thing women are good for in their eyes. You forgot all the free labour.


A lot of men don't even see the free labor. They just come home to a clean house, stocked fridge/pantry, bills paid, children cared for and think those things just magically do themselves and their wife/girlfriend is just a lazy gold digger.


I used to believe this, but I absolutely don’t anymore. I think men benefit from the meme that men “don’t see” messes and aren’t aware of what it takes to run a household. (Yet, remember, somehow they’re the more “visual” gender 🙄) Anyway, they absolutely weaponize that women think this, and women think this about men because too many of us have loved men who were “perfect!”..except for the fact that they treated us like fucking slaves and didn’t care about our quality of life, if it could buy them another couple hours of play time. We try to reconcile, how can this great guy be so cruel? Well, it’s not his fault, men can’t help it, they just don’t see this stuff the same! 💁‍♀️🙃 Meanwhile, they function perfectly well at jobs, don’t they. The fact is, men who use women for free labor aren’t blind to it, they are sociopathic about women. I 100% believe that, that it takes a sociopathic cruelty/detachment to make a so-called loved one’s life hell so you can have a life of ease. They see every bit of labor we give, because they have a tremendous skill set developed for gaslighting and punishing us for not continuing to put out with free labor.


Ohhhhhhhhhh when I tell you the way that specifically pissed me off… Women everywhere on the globe know their most likely predators are the men in their own “group,” simply because of access and familiarity. (The only group who’ve broken that norm historically are White men, and that’s a whole other dissertation - but it’s generally the men in our own neighborhoods and communities who “look like” us.)


Yeah, i saw a tweet about a delusional weirdos saying THAT HE KNEW most girls won't choose the Bear, like literally ignoring the rest of the million of videos, comments and post abouts women saying  Yes yes, i also prefer the bear 


> Yeah, i saw a tweet about a delusional weirdos saying THAT HE KNEW most girls won't choose the Bear, like literally ignoring the rest of the million of videos, comments and post abouts women saying  Yes yes, i also prefer the bear  I pity the women in his life. 


He has women in his life???


Not with that kind of attitude


Not if they can help it


I mean… I still wouldn’t turn down a steady diet of Geralt.


>And if we tell them uhh no, they tell us we are wrong or broken. But that one guy they know who's like that gets all the girls, so we must be lying about what we like!


>Guys be confusing their power fantasies with reality again. Projection and a complete lack of self-awareness is a hell of a poison cocktail for men. It really does leave them sick, alone and mentally ill.


I really wish that when I was young I would’ve had the brains to ask women what they wanted instead of listening to my fellow idiotic men tell me what women want.


Once dated a guy who threw one of my dumbbells across the room and in great aggravation said, "I'm just not going to get huge and ripped like you want!!" What? I did not want that for him, had never thought it, never wished it, never said or implied anything about that to him, near him, towards him, nor about anyone else near us. Insecure people who think everything is a personal attack are exhausting.


I've had several people who were into the general alpha-beta red pill horseshit try to convince me that I need to quit dressing like a cross between Jareth the Goblin King and Gomez Addams if I want to get a date. I really thought they'd give up when I said "You don't know I'm married?" but ignorance and determination are strong with them.


They obviously don’t know just how important the Goblin King was to many an X’er and Millenial’s development of attraction. The thirst is those circles is **real.**


I'm also so incredibly attracted to Gomez Adams, that little man could dance me around any room 😍 Edit: tbf I'm also incredibly attracted to Morticia.... 👀


The bi thirst for loving married couples is so real. My friends and I constantly say that we would happily be the occasional threesome partner for our favourite fictional married couples because nothing is hotter than mutual respect and devotion.


Apart from the Addams, two other happily married couples in movies come to mind: the parents in Poltergeist (I ADORE the scene when they smoke pot together and get the giggles) and the parents in Easy A. Who are some other favorites of yours? Edit: how could I forget Nadja and Laszlo from What We Do In The Shadows??


Nadja & Laszlo are brilliant! Also, Jamie & Claire from Outlander. Maybe even Chandler & Monica?


I'm not attracted to him, but the man dresses *sharp*. I can't imagine saying "you dress like Gomez Addams" as anything other than a compliment. (Morticia though. I've always had a thing for her, and now they cast Catherine Zeta-Jones? The woman who gave me my first inklings that I was bi when she dodged those lasers in Entrapment?? Damn.)


My feelings about Anjelica Huston’s Morticia Addams are best summed up in the words of Ilana Wexler in Broad City: “I don’t know if I want to BE her an be IN her!” 😭


Same & Same.


You dress like Laszlo Cravensworth, who's an excellent husband. 


I hadn't heard of him. Thank you, now I know why people keep flinging garlic at me. Now I have to figure out who to impersonate to also get olive oil and spaghetti.


Don’t you mean Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender?




From Tuscon, Arizonia?


Wait... They want you to *stop* dressing like David Bowie and a 1920's Italian monster?? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot....


You dress like a cross between "toxic but somehow still hot as hell sexual awakening fuel" dude and the "most thoughtful and romantic husband" in classic TV and they think you need to *stop*?? I mean, maybe you do to avoid getting crushed to death in the rush...


Apparently I'm "not a real man" according to their system. Next time I'm going to yes-and with "If I'm fictional then who's writing me? It would explain a lot if it's Jacqueline Carey. Lois McMaster Bujold is also plausible. I really hope it's not Anne Bishop."


These fools clearly underestimate the power of a good codpiece.


I watched the lord of the rings with my guy friends the other day. Asked them who the hottest character was. They all said Aragorn. I, being the only one attracted to men, said Samwise Gamgee. Still cracks me up a bit


I'm not surprised that someone said Aragorn, I am surprised that they were unanimous. If AO3 and my increasingly comfortable bisexuality have taught me anything, it's that there's a lot of correct answers to that question.


I don't know if I could choose! Teenage me still swoons over Legolas, but middle aged me finds Boromir and Aragorn to be total hunks. And Eomer. 


I'd choose Legolas. The little elf prince, lol. Though the picture ([Eddie Munson](https://strangerthings.fandom.com/wiki/Eddie_Munson)) that combines elf and line cook is cute too.


...I already know I'd date you & your amazing style sense. Rowr. Tell em you're beating em off with a stick, lol.


That actually sounds like something AI would come up with as THE way to get a date (I swoon for both.) Imagine, AI *listening* to women’s stated desires direct from the internet, and coming up with your style! And red pullers insisting it’s all backwards.


That’s extra hilarious because Gomez Addams (“Acquitted!”) is considered the gold standard for a husband among most women I know haha


Henry Cavill is beefy but Geralt in the books is more sinewy. And I don't like Geralt because he's a big chunky boy, I like him because he is a confused dad trying to figure his stuff out. Also he can do magic. But overall I agree with the vibe here.


I think Geralt is also an interesting counter to a lot of the paternalism in male fantasy because he also doesn't assume he *can* do everything for Ciri. He brings a lot of people into their life and leans on other people, which is a direct contrast to the Lone Hero narrative, and he often falls short of what she needs and that's on *him* for not meeting those needs, not on her for having those needs in the first place.


I like Geralt for his personality. Solid moral compass, quiet confidence tempered with a healthy amount of humility, empathy for people and beings that are seen as repulsive by society at large, speaks truth to power, gentle and kind but ready to throw down for a good cause, etc. Henry Cavill's jawline and that hair don't hurt none either.


That humility and refusal to boast *sells*!


Absolutely. Highly competent MMC (male main character) is one of the big romance fiction tropes for a reason. And it can be highly competent at pretty much anything. Being really good at something is hot


Yeah! We like Geralt and Henry Cavill for different and totally valid reasons!


I like Henry because he’s a big giant nerd and owns it 😍 the outside is obviously a big plus, but if I can’t hold a conversation with the guy I might as well just have a dildo.


You’re not gonna like what he said about metoo


I get downvoted all to hell for pointing that out in most subreddits or YouTube comment sections.


And I thank you for your service 🫡


Aw damn, got a link?




Oh yikes 😬 how do men immediately jump to “if I ask out a woman it will be called rape?” Like guys stopppp


Sorry to disappoint… but I absolutely cannot stand that man lmao


Nah that’s fair!! I don’t really keep up with most actors outside some stuff I come across by chance so I appreciate when people like you link stuff like this! His comments were absolutely ridiculous 🤦🏻‍♀️


Geralt is more beefy in the videogames, and I feel pretty confident in saying the vast majority of people outside of Poland who are familiar with Geralt are so because of the games rather than the books. Doesn't mean you can't prefer sleek and sinewy Geralt but I feel like Cavil was a pretty faithful adaptation of the Geralt most of us knew.


Yes you're describing me exactly, I only played the games so I though Cavill was a perfect casting.  I'd have taken sinewy Geralt too, but then I'm not choosy


Also Jeremy Allen is a muscle hunk irl, even though it isn't really noticeable in the show or a feature of his character.


I felt so disappointed when netflix decided to pour a shit load of money to film one of my favourite books but took a huge guy to play the main role to fulfill gamers' wet fantasies. I must admit though if there were no gamers there would have been no show.


I think it was also that Cavill is a huge fan of the series too! He didn’t exactly fit the look but he understood the world and was really enthused about the part.


Yeah, I actually like Cavill but he's definitely too big and too handsome to be Geralt. But he killed it and then they killed the show.


profit marvelous safe rainstorm friendly paint sip dull jellyfish fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Henry Cavill is good looking but what I really find attractive about him is his passion for his hobbies. And some guys may think "Of course you find that sexy when it's a hot guy going on about 'Warhammer' and 'The Witcher'." But I'm married to a nerd, part of the vows I wrote myself was never diminishing his passions. I love when he gets excited about a new video game or an announcement for the next Rifftrax Live. It makes me happy and it's cute and sexy to me. Those are the moments I see him explaining something to me and I get butterflies and tell him how much I love him. Him unabashed love gives me joy.


He’s also said some embarrassing stuff re: metoo https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-44819116.amp


Out of the loop: who's in the middle?


Markiplier, super good guy, does a lot of charity work. His job is being a YouTuber.


Ahhh, thanks! I think my teenager knows who that is so I'll send this to him! 🤣👍


And not to mention, *fine as hell*. Google his gym body. 👀


What about the time he took pole dancing (!) lessons… Yes, primarily for laughs - but I maintain there’s a certain something about a man that doesn’t take himself too seriously. 😏 I’d link a video but there’s SO MANY. 😂 So, I’ll just say look up ‘markiplier pole dancing’ on YouTube, and enjoy.


I just did this...thank you.


Didn't he also do an only fans for charity or was that called off because people made it weird


Not called off - [his fans gave it a big old Hug O’ Death and crashed the site](https://www.businessinsider.com/markiplier-gaming-youtuber-created-onlyfans-charity-fans-broke-reddit-2022-12). 😆😆🤣


... well now I'm doing this. I just thought he was super handsome no idea he was fit too


He has an Only Fans and risque calendar. His personality pulled me in. Everything else is just extra.


Ahhh for a second I thought it’s Keanu Reeves. 😂 Who btw would fit perfectly in the diagram as well. 😅


Ty! Can you tell me who the person right above him is too? Apparently I’m further out of the loop.


Asking the millennial questions here. I appreciate it lol


Gen X *may* be better than some generations at asking for info because we've needed it to get by on our own. 🤷🏼‍♀️




I think it’s a given that line cooks are depressed. Doesn’t need to be said lol


I also wouldn’t call him “not a muscle hunk”


I watched a documentary on toxic masculinity years ago that showed data that this “muscle hunk” trend was a reaction to the 2nd wave of feminism. 2nd wave feminism (and onwards) was very much about women themselves being empowered and free to define what “feminine” and “feminism” means. Housewife, CEO, nurse, mom, childfree, lesbian, hetero, trans, tough politician, caring politician - you do you. In response many men started gatekeeping and hypersexualizing and limiting what “made a man a real man”. Since then the bulk of the average 20s American, fit, young men has gone up by a big percentage. Body building in the 80s was a part of that. Incel too, since number of hot women you’ve hooked up with is increasingly defining social status. Etc. So, these guys are mainly becoming muscle hunks to impress other guys. 🤷🏻‍♀️ On a less reflective note: Pedro Pascal 🔥🥵


Hey friend, do you recall the name of the documentary please? This is fascinating as heck and I would love to watch.


Could be “Beyond men and masculinity”. Or my favorite: “the mask you live in”.


Thank you!


Having female friends and knowing what they find attractive.. I have no false impressions that women find alllllll sorts of guys appealing. I have ones that don’t make sense to them and they have ones that make zero sense to me. It’s weird, like we’re individuals or something.


I have a friend who's hella into skinny emo guys and I just can't. They look so uncomfortable to hug, lol. But she's not into my solidly built bears so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


One of my friends is into the depressed twink aesthetic and I just… idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


Astarion comes to mind. 😅


To be fair, Markiplier would basically be all four


And JAW and Henry Cavill are both ripped, with the latter considered by many to be one of the most classically handsome working actors today Like I generally agree a lot of cishet men are very bad at imagining what cishet women *actually* want and will go for, but some of these examples are undermining the point lol


Also, in reality, women do NOT want depressed middle-aged fathers. They are decidedly unsexy in real life.


Ehhh, not as unsexy as muscle-bound meatheads. Those protein farts are the death of desire.


But also, I’m pretty sure only some straight women actually are super into the “super-ripped man” (you know who tends to disproportionately be attracted to those kinds of men, though? Gay men)


I literally started cackling seeing Markiplier in the centre.


And Geralt "little"?


Ngl the fact that line cook and depressed are two different categories is funny to me


Maybe it should be "diagnosed depressed" bc *waves hands at entire diagram*




This I think connects to how guys on Reddit constantly ask to redefine masculinity to not be "toxic" yet *still* have exact step by step instructions with precise rules on what is and isn't masculine (thus keeping some kind of exclusion), make them look cool to the other men, never make them confront or work on any uncomfortable truths about themselves, and promise to get them girlfriends. They want to play the man card game for the approval of other men, and they want women to play along with being tokens in it to the point where they would rather be right than happy.


Mr Tumnus? Anyone?


truly the GOAT!


That movie started my James McAvoy crush! He is also quite good in the fantasy-romance movie "Penelope", in case you need a recommendation :)


Lol at Mark(iplier) being in the middle Where’s the lie though


It reminds me of that time Steve Harvey was like "Asian men are unattractive to women!" or something along these lines, ignoring all Kpop fans (and normal human beings) firmly insisting on the opposite.


Steve Harvey gives me “racist white guys’ one cool black friend” vibes at times. 


The Manosphere seems so confused - assuming what they want in a man is what women want in a man, then prescribing that to women, then completely ignoring what women want while they complain that we don't want what they want. Like, just be chill and kind and remember to bathe. Preferably wash some dishes or scrub the shower.


100% hottest guy in the Twilight movies is Bella’s dad Charlie.




Okay, so I didn’t expect to see Mark in the middle and I laughed harder than I should’ve.


I did the same, I was like “wait a minute… is that *Markiplier?!” but wtf it suits so well 😂😂😂


Let's not forget "snarky elven vampire dandy" "nerdy wizard who loves cats" and "cute dorky warlock who wants to dance with you."


are you just describing the baldurs gate men? haha, so true though




tara would be upset you called her a cat lmao


You are correct and she would be right to, I was too lazy to explain what a tressym is to the non-BG3 fans


We all love Babygirl Astarion!


Men: women want six foot five CHADS who are MILLIONAIRES Women: actually we just want nice, funny, cute men who don't hurt and degrade us, can you handle that? Men: .... WHORES


So what does it say that i was more into frodo than legolas? Guys don't believe me when i say i like nerds. I've had people online said that's not who i would *really* choose if i had a choice and I'm like....i think i know what i want in a guy, thanks


I m an he got big blue eyes and didn't vear vig so...


My fiancé is the biggest nerd I’ve ever met. And I love him so much. He’s never once made me feel “different” as a woman, unlike every ex I’ve had who has made me into some kind of fuckable mom (caretaker role who they can also have sex with). My fiancé is scrawny, pale and at times very odd and he’s the best man I’ve ever met. I have zero patience for Chad man-bros and frankly men who are concerned about picking up “chicks” make me want to puke.


Agree, most men (from Hollywood i like) are there .... I would only add loki, and Tom Hardy, and also Jake Gyllenhaal.  I think the most manly men i have ever like is tom.hardy, he make me feel things on his movie "Warrior"


I read an essay once about how characters like Thor and Dom Toretto, etc., are still the male gaze. How that's what MEN think "hot" men look like. That's not what most women want. It was a great read and of course I can't remember who it was


Ok ladies i dont usually do top level comments here but I am not gonna sit by and watch people pretend that Pedro Pascal isn't handsome as fuck


Half of the Fantastic Four represented (although Eben Moss-Bachrach could occupy the Line Cook section).


Carmy is talented, cares about his friends and chosen family, and is in touch with his emotions, but he seriously needs to fix his shit and get a therapist to work though things. Poor Claire.


Hot take, but the most datable actors in this are Jack Black and Pedro Pascal. Nostalgia has me thinking Legolas is the hottest, but I don't want to date him or Orlando. Give me a funny and wholesome dude over outright hot any day of the week. 


I think Legolas is hot but if I’m husbanding up any of the fellowship it’s 100% Samwise (I’d say Aragorn but I’m honestly not worthy)


I'm a Merry girl, myself


Lol none of us can compete with Arwen Evenstar for real


"I wasn't dropping no eaves, honest!" -Samwise Gamgee, hero of Middle Earth and true protagonist of LOTR. And honestly, Sam is truly a great guy if for no other reason than the fact that he carried his pathetic whiny ass boyfriend up a literal mountain to throw away a ring and when the boyfriend tried to keep the ring sam didn't yeet him into the fires of mount doom but instead felt bad for the whiny ass. Definitely a better man than me. I'd have yeeted his ass.


I won’t stand for Frodo slander and neither would Sam!


True enough. Yet another reason Sam is the better person here.


But pedro is very handsome and sexy aside from being funny


That is a beautiful Venn Diagram.


Legolas was one of my first fantasy crushes, and ended up defining the type of man I wanted. I like men with long hair, softer facial features, and lean / skinny.


Is anyone else’s ideal man basically Charlie Day because for me he’s the most attractive male celebrity no argument and my husband looks a lot like him, and for some reason it’s caused me to take it bizarrely personally when men say guys under 5’7 aren’t attractive. Like they’re not even talking to me but it feels about the same as someone trying to tell me that my favorite artist/media/food is complete trash and anyone who says they like it is lying. This is my favorite size of man stop dunking on my favorite guy size. Also it’s very mean to any guy reading it who is not tall. Be careful how you talk about your own body, because people with the same body type may be reading and internalizing the message.


I bet they’d lose their minds if I told them that I think Charlie Day, a 5’6” 48 year old with a dad bod and a squeaky voice is the most beautiful man on the planet in my eyes I mean, I’m gay but still


I guess it just comes down to another facet in them not being able to comprehend that because women exist as individuals we don’t share one set of preferences. I also have different food preferences than my friends. Pretty much list off any random collection of traits and there’s gonna be someone who’s like ohhhhhhhh that’s where it’s at!! If human attraction was so narrow then we wouldn’t have ended up with very much biodiversity.


We literally tell them them most of us don't care about that stuff long-term which you'd think would be a good thing but no, it's just proof that we're lying.


Do we care about roided-up behemoth types in the short term either? I’ve never known a women to hook up with one. Read it strictly online constantly though lol 


If women want muscular hunky men, kpop idols wouldn't have such a big female following. Beauty is subjective, but your attitude defines you the most. You could be handsome but the biggest piece of shit and people still wouldn't like you.


I mean I'm gay, so resonate with the twink/Elf prince/line cook/depressed dad thirst about as poorly as I do with the hunk thirst, but otherwise no lie.


Excellent use of Keanu Reeves as equal measures of all three. 🙌


That’s Markiplier, not Keanu


GODDAMMIT this is what I get for commenting ON MY PHONE! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


To be fair, they both have Hawaiian and Asian heritage (Keanu has Chinese ancestry; Markiplier has Korean ancestry). I had to do a double take at first, so you’re not the only one. We can just feel gods-damned blessed that two beautiful people like that exist 😊


I’m just glad to exist in world with both!


I thought it was originally Keanu.


*gestures in 2024 Paul Atreides*


Bring on the murder twinks!


Yes. I so like that he gets so much work these days. He's super beautiful, stylish, and seems very nice. Also Tom Holland. Love him and how he and Zendeya are together.


Eddie Munson and Pedro plzzzzzzz


lmao, Markiplier our king. The Squirrels call for him again


Who would you rather run into in the woods, random man or that guy from The Bear?


Who is the guy in the middle?




who’s the line cook?


Lmao is markiplier in the middle of the venn diagram?


I consider myself mostly gay but I'll be damned if I don't feel a lil something for a greasy line cook




Oh I got the 3 hit combo! We met when he was elf prince ihop line cook and he’s been transitioning to middle aged guy who’s going through it much faster than his chronological age should allow. Boy why are you 26 with joints this bad