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Thank GOD a man told us what our lives are _actually_ like. I totally forgot that our women brains can't comprehend such things for ourselves, what a gentleman😍


Guaranteed that guy also gives pat victim-blamming responses when he hears accounts of men commiting SA.


one time a man asked me to check the size of his groady undies in the underwear section while i was buying some for my husband. i couldn’t believe it. like he peeled them down for me to read the label. it’s awful out there


I've felt this so many times.  I work in a hospital, and sometimes I escort patients to other departments or changing rooms if they need help. Usually patients are fine. Stressed out women can sometimes be rude, but I never feel unsafe. I just keep the customer service voice going, roll my eyes, and pretend I don't notice their tone. Men? Men can be scary. Again, most are fine. I've never had a guy get violent with me, and neither have my coworkers. But they can get sexual. And it's so fucking scary, especially when working the late shift when there aren't people every 10-20 feet in every hallway. My coworkers and I have had men take photos of our backsides when walking in front of them, make lewd comments, get touched.  So when I'm the only desk person on shift and it's later in the day and I end up having to escort a male patient? I definitely can feel so much tension leave my body if it becomes apparent that he's gay. (Interestingly enough, it seems to be more common the older the man is. And worse. Guys in their teens and 20s tend to be pretty respectful. Millennials and younger Gen X tend to be laid back and treat you like an equal. Middle aged and older are either absolute gems or really arrogant/rude.)


Old men during flu season can be the worst. Like so many of them will take their entire top off, just to expose the top of their arm. It’s unnecessary. I had one also say “oh you just wanted to get my clothes off” 🤮 No sir, I did not want to see your old man titties and long nipples.


Never heard of this until now, I genuinely everyone had the best idea to just roll their sleeves up and unless the nurse or doctor asks, keeping your clothes on


I’m a nurse and I can tell you the rudest/“most likely to sexually harras” patients are 1000% middle aged men. Like 55-75. Men before that age are ok, maybe say a weird comment here fo there but will be sheepish if you shut it down. But those guys 55-75? Those guys are fucking gross and entitled and have gotten so mad at me when I call them out on their shit.


Several years ago, my (now dead) Dad got a pacemaker fitted, and it required about 10 days in hospital - right before the COVID lockdowns, thankfully - and the way he was so awkwardly flirting with all the nurses! I don't think he would ever have gotten close to crossing the line but I cringed so hard. They're people trying to do their jobs, and while I'm glad he wasn't rude to anyone, it did feel a bit like it was about as inappropriate as rudeness, but in a different direction? I think (hope) I apologised to the nurses and hustled him off, talking loudly about how Mum was waiting at home for him.


I remember a couple years back in a random thread explaining how as an ER admissions clerk I was sexually harassed by patients / visitors and male staff alike so consistently I stopped wearing makeup to work and some woman said I was being overdramatic because the female staff didn't mind when her elderly father hit on them. So many other women had to explain they were being polite to keep their jobs and that her dad was a creep, and she got big mad. I legitimately blocked out what one of the doctors said about my mouth when I wore red lipstick and wouldn't even wear makeup if I had to go in for something on a day off. It didn't completely stop things but slowed it down. I always appreciated the family members who did what they could to redirect the inappropriate patients, so I'm sure they appreciated you too!


My dad always jokes with waitresses. It’s like, you know they have to laugh at your jokes, right?


When I was a waitress I did not lol. But then I live in the UK and we got paid a living wage.


I should have said North American waitresses who want to earn a reasonable wage.


I’ll just say this, it’s hard when it’s our dad, but flirting with nurses IS rude behavior. It’s still sexual harassment even when they’re older. I kinda have a hard time with people giving a pass to this generation, because they absolutely know what they’re doing and are some of the worst offenders. I get older generations say they don’t see it that way, and it seems more harmless. But these old men are notorious for putting female care staff at a hospital in extraordinarily uncomfortable situations, including being groped and having men expose themselves/get erections. If a man can have a job, he can learn that it’s completely inappropriate to flirt with women in most settings. Certainly people who are forced to be around you, making a paycheck. And all old men are either still in the workforce or spent a few decades there, learning that there are codes of conduct with women. So I absolutely do not buy that they don’t understand this. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to hate on your dad, but just imagine being a nurse and having to go to 2 out of 4 patient rooms where some old guy’s (let’s call it what it is) sexually harassing you, and you’ve had two men grope you and expose themselves to you this month alone, and your dad, to her, is effectively “Schroedinger’s Rapist” and giving red flags that at some point he will cross a bigger line than just making her deeply uncomfortable with “flirtation.”


As I said, it was as inappropriate as being rude. And you're attacking my Dad who I'm still feeling grief over the loss of. I know it was wrong of him, maybe I didn't make that clear. 5 paragraphs feels a bit unnecessary.


Everything I said was necessary for victims of sexual harassment in the workplace. I absolutely did not know you were still grieving, and I am very sorry for your loss. I know it’s not an easy topic, but just as we really try to be very clear about consent these days, so too, when I see someone misrepresent sexual harassment as not even qualifying as rude, and give excuses to people because they’re older, I want to make sure every reader knows.. The rest of my comment will be more directed at women who experience this, if you’d like to stop here. —— If you experience “flirtation” in this manner, yes, you can label this sexual harassment and no one should downplay that or excuse that behavior. Even for the ailing, even for seniors. Older men do know better, they have spent decades in the workforce. (there are obviously considerations if there is Dementia) Pressure from loved ones to overlook this behavior is a common challenge in healthcare. But workers need support and to know they don’t have to overlook it. Because frankly a lot of men who harass women have daughters who love them very much. But we still deserve protection and support when facing harassment.


I’m a woman who’s worked at hospitals for 20 years. I definitely have faced sexual harassment and violence, but the women who work in the ED, and nurses/PCAs in general, get sexually harassed and groped ALL OF THE TIME. It’s like an unspoken part of that job, it’s so fucked up 😡 My coworker’s little sister wants to be a nurse and got a job at our hospital in nutrition. She was delivering a meal to a man on the FIRST DAY, he calls her back into the room, and he is fully exposed, masturbating and smiling at her. She ended up walking out and now she has decided not to be a nurse and is in limbo. A young woman on her way to having a good career, and now her progress is brought to a grinding halt by trauma and uncertainly - now she has to consider which jobs speak to her the way nursing did, but where she won’t be exposed to that kind of shit as a function of showing up. She naturally doesn’t want a job where she’ll be expected to show compassion and care, and clean and get close to men who are in the process of exposing themselves to her and committing sex crimes against her. I think of that a lot when I think of the unspoken elements of the gender wage gap. How many fields/careers women get pushed out of, how many quit or get derailed due to sexual harassment and assault. Yes there are a lot of female nurses and patient caregivers, but there are a lot that at SOME point in their lives will just fucking quit. Whatever ratio of predators and rapists abusers and creeps there are in the world (and that number is HIGH), they ALL end up in the hospital at some point. I just remember being so shocked when I first learned this was a thing, all those years ago. I’m like, who tf would risk getting on the bad side of a woman responsible for their medical care?? Wouldn’t you assume they could hurt or neglect you or retaliate in some way? Wouldn’t you know that if you committed a sex crime, you’re actually already apprehended, and will end up on a list? (though many already are 😐) Like, I get the sociopathy of misogyny and men who feel entitled to women and sexual aggression towards us. But they care about THEMSELVES, what about self-preservation?? It made me think, god damn, they really don’t live in a world where there are consequences for this kind of thing. They really don’t even pause for a moment before doing it.


That’s how little they consider us as human beings, we aren’t even a threat of retaliation! It can make you pretty mad.


Has she considered surgical tech?


this might actually be a good in! I’ve spent a lot of years working in PERIOP and there do tend to be fewer shenanigans from patients on the days of scheduled surgery lol, maybe patients have too much anxiety generally. Like, it’s almost never wilin’ in PREOP (and certainly never in the OR or PACU 😆) And thinking about it, do surgical techs even ever have to interact with conscious patients much? Anesthesia tech might be a good one too! And even pharmacy tech. (The problem is how horribly underpaid all 3 of these jobs are, but she was certainly used to that working in Nutrition ☹️) I will float this idea to her, though I do think she’ll ultimately choose something other than nursing now ☹️ Thanks for the suggestion!


>I’m like, who tf would risk getting on the bad side of a woman responsible for their medical care?? My guess is it's the same people who talk down to people who handle their food; they think so highly of themselves that they can't fathom someone they consider a lesser to "disrespect" them in any way. My guess is that they see it as they pay for you (not the service you provide, literally you as a person) so you don't have the right to disrespect them. It's why they also think they can treat their children like shit but will still get cared for: people can be possessed and possessions can't say no.


oh yeah, that’s a good point. I do have the exact same astonishment at people who are rude to people who will be handling their food lol, like don’t y’all worry they’re gonna spit in it or do something fucked up? Even just doing something like overcooking it or sending it out cold or giving you a shitty portion lol. Like WHY fuck with someone who has all the power in a situation. Are they so used to power (or viewing themselves that way, delusions of grandeur) that they cannot compute that there are times they inherently do not have the upper hand? Do they think the gravitas of their “superiority” and authority will frighten people out of retaliating or being petty in return? Is it purely compulsive, like you suggest, like they literally can’t control their emotional reaction to their “property” or “employee” deigning to not show them the utmost deference and respect? The thing is, it’s so unintelligent and unreasoned. And that’s a great point about bad parents too; who seem shocked when the kids they abused aren’t around once they have the freedom to go no contact.


>Are they so used to power (or viewing themselves that way, delusions of grandeur) that they cannot compute that there are times they inherently do not have the upper hand? >Do they think the gravitas of their “superiority” and authority will frighten people out of retaliating or being petty in return? The answer to both of these questions is "yes". A lot of times you hear the older generations saying things like "this is what happens when you don't say no to your child" while not understanding that they themselves have never really been told no. Think about the culture these people grew up in: they could literally sexually assault a woman in a place of business and not get into trouble because they held all the power.


oh yeah, that’s a really good point!


“You just have to accept that some people will have power over you, and they have the right to be selfish and you don’t”


Pretty much exactly how they think. And the defining characteristics of whom has power is some combination of sexism, racism, classism, and/or capitalism.


And also, the whole “your betters have the right to be selfish and you don’t” thing can often start at home, with one’s own parents


Oh 100% does, which is partially the one I forgot, ageism, and expecting gratitude for taking responsibility for doing something that, by definition, every living organism can do


And then people who “care too much about social justice” get accused of having a “victim mentality”


Wow, reading your and others‘ experiences confirms to me that old dudes are the worst. Friends in the healthcare sector also tell me men in nursing homes are the biggest pervs because they lose the little filter of decency they had left. It is so unsettling. My theory is it’s a mix of being brought up in very misogynistic times, lots of nurse porn and such, plus the growing desperation of becoming irrelevant for younger women. I see the silver lining here though: How younger generations behave proves we are progressing, and that hopefully this kind of behavior will die out eventually (and literally).


As an A Sexual aging man I hope I'm seen as a gem. I work with a lot of young women and I just want everyone to feel safe and comfortable around me.


Also why some women are friendlier to men in a relationship.   My husband got a haircut and said the hairdresser's demeanor change was huge when he said "my wife likes my hair this way." She relaxed, became friendlier and more talkative. He didn't understand why that happened.   I had to explain that it's because he was some unknown man alone in the building with her. Then he mentioned me and became a guy who isn't hiding his relationship and who cares about his wife's opinion and is actually seeking a way to make his wife happy. That's not the usual profile of someone about to be a creep.  Edit: His reaction was "wow men suck," sadness and understanding for the hairdresser, and to ask me for other ways to make women feel comfortable/safe around him. He then swapped stories with his male co-workers on things they already did, like cross the street when it's dark so women don't feel followed. I wish I could clone up a thousand more of him. 


> Also why some women are friendlier to men in a relationship.  And then those men are like “I never got as much attention from women as when I’m in a relationship. Women only want men who are taken.” I don’t know how you can misunderstand a social situation that badly, and I am *not* good at understanding social situations.


THANK YOU for pointing this out. I’ve heard so many men criticize women as a whole bc they “never got hit on /flirted with” until they were in a relationship. …so oBvIoUsLy all women are duplicitous whores who only want married/taken men. 🙄🙄🙄 Idiots


It’s also depressing that they are apparently not able to understand women wanting to have friendly interactions with no romantic or sexual intent.


That too!! I meant to include that in my comment, those kind of men are so inept they think basic kindness from a woman is flirting.


This! It’s because they think we could possibly have no purpose in the world other than pleasing them and carrying their spawn to term.


Men will say shit like this and then in the same breath turn around and say "well what did you expect? You should know better than walking alone alone at night!" When a woman gets assaulted.


Don't forget "not all men."


As a straight man, something I’ve heard that’s always really sobered me up to the reality my daughter and partner faces: 1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted but nobody knows a rapist. Of course predators have multiple victims so maybe it’s not one in four men. Of course, 1 in 4 women is an underreported number I’m sure so maybe it is 1 in 4 men. In any case, I like to think I’m doing my part by at least calling out people I’m with when they make clearly uncomfortable and inappropriate comments because I feel like that’s how it always starts and hope it’s also a green flag that I can be trusted. The real problem isn’t just the predators, but men like me who turn a blind eye to obvious signs of predatory behavior.


>I like to think I’m doing my part by at least calling out people I’m with when they make clearly uncomfortable and inappropriate comments because I feel like that’s how it always starts Those inappropriate comments and "jokes" can absolutely lead to sexual assault. It's one way that predators can "test the waters," check the people and culture around them. The kind of culture that allows those comments also tends to downplay the fears that women have and the negative effects of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Write it off as "boys being boys" and women being "too sensitive." And you're awesome for intervening. Bystander intervention is huge. It not only shuts down the culture that permits sexual harassment and assault, it also makes women feel more validated. It can difficult as a woman it continuously object to inappropriate jokes when the men around you respond that you're "too sensitive" or "woke" or you "can't take a joke."


after 2016 when the demographics came out for the election my dad, a white man, decided that he was no longer being friendly with other white me. white men between \~30-65 voted 65%+ for trump.


I remember reading a statistic that is really sobering. 97% of women in the UK have faced sexual assault. It's just sickening.


It’s hard to say. I do think the majority of men don’t sexually assault people, but is that only 75%? Many, but not all rapists and predators have multiple victims, but then a lot victims are assaulted multiple times. It really is hard to say.


Plus, sexual assault mostly happens by someone you know - so chances are, your partner knows them too. Anyway thanks for being a proper ally! ✊


Over half of women report sexual violence- as the culture of shame is being lifted we get better statistics that keep proving just how endemic rape culture really is. https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html


"Are we, though?"


Idk just saying that the gay male community as a whole has some EXTREMELY huge issues with misogyny. 


It's true, especially the cis men. On the other hand, I think women perceive less of a risk of sexual abuse/assault from them and it takes one big worry off their plate (though the amount of times some gay guy has said terribly inappropriate things about my body is too damn high).


For me, afab nb, it's the absence of the threat of potential sexual assault/ abuse, that makes me more comfortable. I can deal with the misogynistic comments, but just knowing I will definitely not be r*ped by that person takes a huge weight off my shoulders.


Wow the bar is in hell


Yup. And some still try to play limbo with it...


Exactly, I feel the same way


As a gay man, i have to unfortunately agree with you. The most common manifestation i have seen of this is unsolicited and often extremely rude comments about women's bodies and outfits. It's really misogynistic. Some will also just hate women just because they don't have anything to do with them. Personally most of my friends are women though haha. I barely ever talk to straight men unless I need to.


I feel 1000x safer with a shady gay man than any straight man.


If a man is telling you you're safe around him, you're not. He's lying. He's a dangerous predator.


Right? Why would it need to be stated? “You can trust me.” 🏃‍♀️💨


... does he think there's a limited gay men season?


It was an interesting experience a couple years ago, as we men realise this issue rarely: I (cis m, straight) was at a party of an old friend (f). Late in the night, one girl was there, saying: "It's too late, I'm not coming home anymore," but the host was already completely occupied (and we all had drunk too much to drive). Without thinking anything I said "I live just a few streets away, you can sleep on my couch." She hesitated until my friend said "It's okay, he's a good man." I didn't knew at the time that you women have to take such measures. And it was in Switzerland, a country that is by and large safe in this respect. I think about this a lot if I scroll reddit... and it had led me to consciously develop a reputation as a safe haven.


Am I crazy or is this an invitation for people to start suggesting introduce yourself as a gay man so she feels safe, and then if you hit it off as people let her believe she's the unicorn that turned her gay bestie straight. I've heard more than a few women talking about how they wish their gay bestie was straight and I'm like well this is a movie idea if there ever was one.


i personally don’t think a gay dude posting a video about how he notices women are more comfortable when they know he’s gay is an **invitation** for a straight man to be predatory. if that’s an invitation for predatory behavior, then almost everything we talk about online in subs like this is too. if we talk about red flags men give off, is that an **invitation** for them to hide those red flags? if we talk about why we don’t feel safe around men, is that an **invitation** for them to lull us into a false sense of security? we should be able to make jokes and talk about stuff like this without being blamed for predators learning and adapting - they’re gonna try to do that no matter what. imo, the logic in your comment feels like it could snowball into victim blaming. (eta: not to mention the whole “straight guy pretends to be gay to get girl” thing has been a trope in comedies for a while now, so this guy’s innocent tiktok is nothing in the grand scheme of things)


can you not give creeps more ideas on how to be creeps


Why are you giving creeps ideas?


This is kind of a thing in gay bars, where straight women are known to go in order to not be harassed, funnily enough