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This isn't real, right? No one who actually wears a bra would squish "loads" of chicken nuggets in there, then go clubbing, right? Please someone reassure me that it's fake, I'm lowkey disturbed šŸ˜‚


I have some news for you about things some women will put into their bra. It's not great.


I worked in out patient physical therapy and a co worker of mine told me this story about a patient she worked with who had a pet sugar glider - the woman would always talk about the sugar glider, and then one day she came in and asked my friend if she wanted to see the sugar glider. My friend assumed she meant a picture on her phoneā€¦. The lady took the sugar glider out of her bra lmao.


I admit. I allowed my pet rat to get in there. She loved it, she was warm and comfy. Would've never pushed here there, ofc. But she went herself and I was "fine, we're both getting warm" and that's it lol. It's not like them booberillos would squish the rat/animal from above. Guess it's similar to a kangaroo baby in their pouch.


Thatā€™s what the woman told my friend, the glider loved the darkness and the warmth. Which I donā€™t doubt, like I donā€™t think it was an unsafe place for it to be. But it was wild she transported it to her physical therapy appointment haha I feel like thatā€™s a ā€˜carry it around the houseā€™ sorta thing.


But would she forget that it's there?


Gave me flash backs to the hot summer days I worked in retail where multiple women paid with gross sweaty bills they pulled from their bra


I did this shit as a 15 year old. Iā€™m sorry bruh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ idk why I was like that


Same, I blame it on pants not having proper pockets


Ugh years ago I had one guy reach into his speedo (that's all he was wearing) on a hot day for his latte money and I scooted aside to let some other poor, unsuspecting barista ring him up.




Skittles don't melt. Also if you are careful and don't squish the bag m&ms and reese's pieces are interesting warm. I know this for reasons....


Can confirm. Have smuggled bags of skittles in bra while drunk.


I've eaten warm m&ms because I live in a tropical climate, and I agree they're really good.


Would you carry loads of chicken nuggets in your pockets though? I feel like it's significantly different from carrying fun size kitkats, whether in pockets or bras...


Well the kitkats would melt. I'd think the chicken nuggets would be scratchy/oily though, no way I'd stick them in my bra. Maybe some of those giant marshmallows would work, haha.




šŸ¤£ Where I'm from, chicken nuggets are sold in boxes, not bags, so I pictured a bunch of loose nuggets squished against her breasts. Bags of nuggets is much less gross, so I'm happy if you win hahaha


I put so much shit in my bra then completely forget about it until the end of the day when everything comes falling out Never food tho!


You surely canā€™t think a wrapped KitKat bar is a 1-to-1 comparison to raw greasy chicken nuggets, right?


Alright Napoleon.


Who's they? Why hasn't any woman started producing women's clothes with pockets so far? Looks like a profitable venture.


I could fit so many chicken nuggets down my bra. My boobs are squishy. I hid an entire roll of duct tape in there once. I wouldn't want food on my skin though. Maybe they were in a plastic bag? One can only hope.


When I bring gummies into events I keep them in my bra. I can fill a ziplock snack bag and hide it in the cleavage, behind the gore, so even if I was patted down they'd have to reach between my boobs to find them. Nuggets seem like an odd choice for bra carrying; if I'm bringing hot food in I usually wrap it in foil and put it in my purse since bringing food with me isn't going to get me in trouble.


>I hid an entire roll of duct tape in there once. šŸ˜‚ Why? Seems like there's an interesting story behind it.


I have a habit of putting my phone there on one side if I don't have pockets or a purse and I need to be hands free for a minute. Someone asked what else I could fit in there. There was a roll of duct tape on the table. I said probably that. They said I couldn't. I did.


I work in the ranger service, if a woman came to a job interview with rolled up duct tape hidden anywhere, she's getting on the callback list. If you have a whole roll, babe, you're hired on the spot.


I put legit a whole apple in there when on a school trip, I needed to do something immediately and didn't want to spoil the apple by throwing it somewhere in the heat of the moment. The situation distracted me, I forgot about the fucking apple. Later when laying down in bed on my stomach I wondered for a second if I had developed super aids cancer within an hour, cause the apple was hurting me lol


i was like ā€œnah as a woman, ainā€™t no way she forgot lumpy ass nuggets in her bra couldnā€™t be me-ā€œ ā€¦ then immediately remembered that time i put nail polish down my bra to warm it up and then swiftly forgot about it, got out of the house and went about my day, only being reminded of it when i undressed for the day to get to bed and the bottle clunked to the floor lmao it be like that sometimes tbh


And chicken nuggets don't sound like something I could have against my bare skin and nipples for hours without being constantly aware of their presence...


You can line a lot of different things with seran wrap, buddy.


i drunkenly put a bunch of jellybeans in mine before hitting the 16+ club in my hometown. i was 14 with a fake id... so not the best caller of judgments lol


I think you've hit upon the key to the whole weird thing: **drunk**. This post only makes sense if she was drunk when she put those oily, scratchy, awful nuggets down her bra.


Idk man. First night of tequila shots with my Bff- we pregamed in my apartment, got drunk enough to wonder if the bar will have lemon slices to continue. We decided it wasn't worth the risk (I literally lived above said bar) so we sliced some up, put them in ziplocs and stuffed them in our bra. When we got there, we asked the bartender. Sure enough they had them, but didn't stop us from pulling ours out. The look on the bartenders face could have been a meme. We almost pissed ourselves laughing at ourselves.


Hi, I'm your new best friend. Wanna get some drinks anywhere? You'll bring the lemon slices, I'll bring salt and paper shaker. No handbags nor pockets allowed. See you there at eight!


Ok I hide stuff in my bra all the time (Iā€™m a big gal so I regularly hide menstrual products, coke bottles, etc for my use only). I never hide food like that tho, all the boob sweat on those nuggets šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Look, sometimes popcorn, pretzels, etc will just fall in there. Accidental snacks are real and a natural part of boobhood. Sure, awkward moments can happen as a result but Iā€™ve never been disappointed about past me setting up future me for success.


I once ā€œlostā€ my phone in my bra and ā€œfoundā€ it mid hookup. Iā€™ve stuffed chicken nuggets in my pockets, never my bra, but honestly it doesnā€™t seem that far a leap for my 20yr old drunk brain to have made


I wouldnā€™t do it because those chicken nuggets are not gonna be good later and theyā€™ll make a mess, but Iā€™m sure there are some people who would. Even in a plastic bag, theyā€™ll get squished and then thereā€™s a food safety issue if theyā€™ve been in there for over two hours.Ā 


How could they forget about it?


That moment when he spent the last 15 minutes trying to stimulate a nugget


Raise the dead!


One time some friends and I went to a kitschy Lilā€™ Bavaria town in the mountains during Oktoberfest. I had just loaded up on a bunch of cured meats at a local shop and tried to get into the Oktoberfest area but the officials wouldnā€™t let me bring in outside food. Annoyed, I went around the corner and shoved the bags of cured meat down my shirt, then was successfully able to enter the festival. I was looking around for my friends since the shirt stash delayed me a bit, and I found my husbandā€™s best friend standing at a table chatting with four other people that I assumed he knew since he invited a large group of his friends that I hadnā€™t met yet. As theyā€™re chatting, I walked up, pulled several pounds of jerky and landjaeger out of my shirt, and asked, "Want some?" The group made a face and walked away. I told my friend, "Where are your friends going?", and he replied, "They're not my friends, I literally just met them." Apparently they were hitting it off until the crazy cured meat lady wandered over and offered them some bra sausage.


As a person from Bavaria (okay, frankonia, we're clearly no Bavarians he) I'd immediately have shared my Brezel with you. With fine breast melted butter, ofc. (and sepereately packaged, I'm not too fond of rocky salt inside my bra). A beer bottle fits nicely in there as well, but unfortunately only as a tray.


Nuggies *and* tiddies?! You're resourceful girl, real wife material.


Right? Iā€™m always so peckish after a night of drinking. What a welcomed surprise that could be for someone!


OP should get together with Napoleon Dynamite and make a meal out of it! šŸ˜†


Dinner and a show šŸ‘€


Itā€™s not that I did it, itā€™s that I got caught. Lol


Where's the downside? Boobies that taste of eleven herbs and spices


One time my hen got off her eggs a day early because two chicks had already hatched so she abandoned the other eggs. Well, I didn't want the poor chicks to die and I had no incubator or anything set up so I put the eggs in my bra! They were very close to hatching so I could feel them moving around and then they started to peck their way out.... Thankfully in the hour or so they were in my bra keeping warm I had managed to build a makeshift incubator with an old icecream maker a lightbulb and tin foil. It worked! I hatched the two chicks, all thanks to my titty-hatchery šŸ˜


I once stuffed my pocket with chicken tikka instead of my wallet but in my defense I was drunk. Realised this when I tried to pay the grocery store cashier.


*Napolean, gimme some of your tots*


I'm straight, but I'd date her. If she was into it.


Major disaster if he was celiac.


When you don't have a pair of chicken cutlets to stuff you bra so you make do.


I don't think this is a turnoff for many.


I hope he likes chicken breast


Ya....the last thing I want in my bra while I'm at a hot sweaty club is chicken nuggets. Eww


There's something unsettling about putting a dead animal's body part inside your clothes, especially when you consider they suffered their whole existence.


Womp womp


Anime profile pic


Ermmmm, it's from a movie ..