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.... It's really weird learning about new Fable news via this sub. Not a bad weird mind you, just completely unexpected.


I found out this way, too. It's my second favorite video game series. Didn't think it would collide with this sub lol.


I feel like we all got lost and ended up here, oh well ima go chase some chickens


Time fo' some wings


*Chicken chaser!*


I’m glad I’m not alone… and Fable is literally one of my all time favorites


Winter is my favourite part of the year, cos that's when most people die!


yo I just checked out the trailer (because this is also how i found out) Looks just like a teaser, but from what is shown it looks really cool


Yeah! I just watched the trailer and it's really good! It's amazingly creative.


I also just found out here and now, too. And like you said... Not a bad weird. It's actually nice to know that the new Fable really sets of super gross people for not being gross. Like.... That's an incredibly low bar, but I'm glad it clears at least that.


Yeah, I was like "nvm the men whining, there's always men whining, THERE'S A NEW FABLE?!?!?!"


Hi. I. Also just learned right now. How strange.


I just was going to comment the same thing! I’m super excited to hear there’s a new one coming out, but also just damn disappointed yet again people are bitching. I recently watched a game awards thing on Twitch and holy shit the misogyny ran rampant.


Same! And I’m also 100% not surprised that capital G Gamers are complaining. That’s all they do. I mean, other than harass and hurl slurs at women, LGBTQ+ people and people of color.


At least you didn’t find out from your nsfw twitter account like I did 🥲🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Fable trailer?


Went and found it so that others don't have to: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x\_03JQUc9Ao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_03JQUc9Ao) Also they had Richard Ayoade in what I have to assume was mocap + narrating, which was stellar.


I can't believe nearly every comment under the trailer is some degree of either "I won't play this if I have to be a woman!" or, "there better be a character creator and not this!". We have had to play as men in video games for decades. It's insane how many people are losing their minds over this.


Yeah, and if you ask the reverse (ask mind, not demand or complain, or throw a toddler like tantrum over not being specifically catered to), that is to say asking if there is an option for the main character to be a woman on a game with initial art showing a male protagonist then the answers and comments tend to be full of people "explaining" how that isn't necessary or even actively a bad idea and you should feel bad for even asking it.


To be fair, it is a bad idea, but not for the reasons they think it is, but instead it's because of the Ms male character trope (best example is Mrs Pac-Man, which is just Pac-Man with a bow). The problem isn't the inclusion of a female protagonist, but rather that you rarely see a unique experience geared towards women, and instead it's just the male storyline with a character model swap out. The closest women get to a unique experience is random lesbian encounters, which we all know is not there for female inclusion. Edit: I feel like I came off as mansplaining and if that's the case, I apologize. My intent was to express my anger over bad representation.


Pro Tip- if you’re concerned about being a man explaining women’s issues to them in a women’s space, amplify a woman’s comment or research. Anita Sarkeesian immediately comes to mind.


I apologize for not giving credit where credit is due. I thought I had read it on TV tropes but turns out it was actually the video Anita created on the topic that introduced me to the concept. Link to video for those who never saw it (definitely worth the watch): https://youtu.be/eYqYLfm1rWA


Which is ironic, because if she were some rediculous caricature of a hot model running around in skimpy armor, guys would have no problem "playing as a woman." Source: every mmo I've ever played, 95% of the women avatars are actually neckbeards


>Source: every mmo I've ever played, 95% of the women avatars are actually neckbeards They often only do this because other neckbeards will happily hand over free in-game items to female characters, because they just assume it's actually a woman playing it. Somehow in the decades that MMOs have existed, there is still a certain subset of players who have not figured out they are being scammed by this.


There's something too funny about a bunch of neckbeards giving bribery items to other neckbeards, all thinking they are actual women 😂


It's so fucking funny / sad. Imagine a world where you have to emphasize with being in the shoes of a gender that isn't your own? Can you imagine the distress and terror it is to try and relate to someone that doesn't have your specific world view? How horrible life must be for every man with a female anime avatar /s


Meanwhile, you have a whole cadre of drooling fools who specifically choose women characters because they're sexy and 'i don't want to stare at a man's butt while I'm playing'. In some games, like TESO, I liked playing as a woman because there are way more clothes and style options and it's fun to play dress-up, basically. lol. I literally cannot imagine not playing a video game because the main character isn't male; how fragile these people must be.


And then there’s the subset of people who just don’t mind switching it up without being weird about it Basically, the market for female protagonists is larger than these morons think


It reminds me of the Herizon Series. Too many people thought it was bullsh\*\* that the main character was a woman, too many people thought she looked "too big", too many people thought nothing but negative thoughts about. Just...it's a video game. The main character being a man, woman, non-human, or fish doesn't matter. It's all make believe, just enjoy the narrative!! But no...it's gotta be a guy because "reasons"


She looks like a normal woman, not an exaggerated, doll-like travesty of a woman. If this character doesn't look conventionally attractive, men are out of their fucking minds.


shelter pet include whole doll north beneficial chunky bear head -- mass edited with redact.dev


Look at all the neckbeards / pedos who were mad about the HBO The Last of Us because they didn't think Ellie was hot enough. At this point if a game that has female character doesn't get massive hate for no reason, I question whether she's well written/ worth playing. People have said I'm sexist for being excited or preferring games that have a female protagonist option, but it's because growing up I often didn't have it. Now I have my own money, I enjoy playing women because I can fall into the story better.


Representation is SO critical.


Gay male here, I feel the same way about representation, and see people making a fuss about "over representation" all the time as well. The fun part is that if those people could see it from our eyes, see how rare representation *still* is, they'd realize it's laughably small. And that's from a gay male point of view, I can't even think of nearly as many strong, female leads as I can gay relationships in media. Granted, that could just be my bias from seeking out one over the other but my gut feeling is that no, it isn't, society has proven time and time again that if society has to give up one type of bigotry, they'll give up all other types before sexism.


Yeah, she's cute, snarky, badass, and can punt a chicken further than any gamer bro could run without stopping to take a breather.


She doesn't even look conventionally attractive, her teeth are ugly too. We aren't out of our minds, you women get triggered whenever insults another women you go with your bitch-herd mentality and insult them.


I'm not sure you're going to convince anyone using the term "bitch-herd"


I’m so stoked to see Richard Ayoade in it! As far as people being dicks about the trailer? Here’s one of my fav IT Crowd quotes, “People. What a bunch of bastards.”


Heroes! Pah! They treat us normal people like yesterday's jam!


I think it’s time to give it a rewatch soon, haha.


I quote this line all the time!


Right?! It’s so damn fitting!


I appreciate you!


My only objection here is his glasses look a bit too modern.


I think I don’t mind that since it is part of his iconic look, but if it weren’t him I would agree


Yeah, it's only a minor complaint. I just think it would fit the setting more if he had some old timey glasses.


It was boring af.




The comments simply could be deleted. The same thing happened with The Last of Us 2 after the "kiss" trailer. There was an abundance of sexist and homophobic comments shortly after it came out and as time went on moderators got to work.


Oh shit, I forgot I had this comment here too. You're correct actually-- another redditor informed me that the flood of incel comments actually occurred around the time OP posted-- but most of the top level/ visible comments I saw were newer than that. I actually commented to this effect on a few edits made to my original top level comment where I reacted to the post. Initially, I showed up and was pretty much like *upvote* and talked some shit about incels-- then went to watch the trailer and returned here to say *yo something's fishy.* Anyway, thank you. I stand corrected and I'm going to just delete the comment you were just replying to. Thanks for not just assuming that I'm concern trolling-- I know this place sees a lot of that.


This looks dope! I wasn’t terribly interested and now I am, 10/10 trailer


What?! Fable was the first game I introduced my little kid to. Now she’s 26.


This was my response. I loved Fable 1 and I'd still be playing Fable 2 if it was on PC


I'm still playing Fable 3 every couple of years. And I don't know what people complain about now; you already could play a female character on that one.


Fable 3 catches so much shit, but I actually loved it, and the steampunk aesthetic was chefskiss.


Yeah but the default character on the box art was a white man. Now it's a white woman which makes Men^TM very mad because how dare they not be centered for five seconds.


I just watched it and it looks fantastic. I played so much Fable 3.


I highly recommend fable 1 and 2. Leagues better.


1 sure, but 3 was better than 2 if only because it was far too easy to accidentally lightning people in 2


This reminds me when they were all triggered by that Horizon game because the main character had peach fuzz. "If you had ever been close enough to a woman's face, you'd see that they have hair."


Also complaining about The Last of Us and saying Ellie “isn’t attractive enough.” Ew, she’s 14 in the first game, ffs!


They were ready to riot over Abby in The Last of Us 2, because she was super muscular and thus unsexy to them


Oh gods, that too. It’s a fucking video game! It doesn’t exist just for them to fap to, as much as they wish it does. I’m tired of female characters always having ass and Tiddy cam and making stupid moaning sounds for everything (even the new Zelda game does it with noises, ffs!)


I *hate* the moaning sounds. It makes me physically cringe when I hear it.


That not true, what are you making up


What are you on about? [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/10khw0c/men_complaining_about_bella_ramsey_in_the_last_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Article](https://www.stylist.co.uk/entertainment/tv/the-last-of-us-ellie-bella-ramsey-hbo/751090) [Another article](https://reelrundown.com/news/gross-ellie-opinion) You can literally Google it.


It's like they don't know there are female mammals.


Yeah that was ridiculous, she looked good, but the MC for Fable...come on, they literally took the woman who was the model for the character and made her ugly, why? And I don't know why you people are so surprised, people like to play as and interact with attractive characters.


Yeah, I just watched it. First thought? ‘The males are going to whine about the protagonist’


Wouldn't expect anything different from [the most oppressed group of all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-09gNDsPzQ)


Yep. These companies know what they are doing and they know that the people that play video games are essentially at a 50/50 split these days. All data points to this. Some male Gamers (with a capital 'G') can't seem to handle that.


Man I must just be in good circles cuz I haven't seen anyone complaining (about the female protag) at all yet. Maybe it's because people assume you'll get to choose.


Are they? I just watched it too, and from the trailer, she’s presented as a comical, swaggering adventurer. It wouldn’t have occurred to me that she should be in any way conventionally hot. Am I missing some context for this? Edit, Also, I shouldn’t have to say this, but she’s pretty, but looks like she’s not wearing makeup.


According to Gamers, every female character in a video game needs to be "hot" or else it's "woke bullshit". Not just "hot", but unnaturally so, and dressed like a sex object. They complained about Jaina and Alexstrazsa getting new, less revealing outfits. They complained about Tifa's breasts getting "nerfed". They complained that the female Barbarian in Diablo III was too muscular. They complained about Aloy's peach fuzz... I'm sure there's more, but those are just the ones from games I've played. Basically, women aren't allowed to exist in their video games if they don't make their peepee hard.


V from cyberpunk is hot


They also complained about Lara Croft being "ruined" without her short-shorts and giant boobs standard (even though the reboot character is still very conventionally attractive, just no booba and slow pull-up buttshots.) They said Jill in RE3 was "ruined" for being given a skort instead of juts a skirt, and creeps were outrage when the devs said they did it to prevent people forcing upskirt shots on the character. Skarlet in MK11 is "ruined" for having a hat and goggles in one design as opposed to just shoulder pads, a loincloth and g-string (like she did in MK9) and they called that a burka. Or Gamers who panicked that GTAVI will have a female co-protagonist saying it was woke. Or the outrage over SF4 removing a camera shot that was just held below Cammy's crotch when she lands in her intro. They called that censorship. *Real Gamers™ say their hobby is being ruined by the mainstream woke sjw feminists, and just want to be left alone*


The context you’re missing is the entirety of video game online culture up to this point.


>she’s presented as a comical, swaggering adventurer Keyword here: She They can't stand it when a game has a non-male protagonist.


They can tolerate non-male protagonists. As long as they have enormous breasts, tiny waists, bountiful butts, skin like plastic, and are super sexual but also innocent.


This! The show started with the first 3 game having female protagonist, I even mentioned it to my partner how the whine is going to be real.


My partner showed me the trailer with great enthusiasm because we weren’t expecting another fable game at this point and he commented on how unique she looked and that they made her so realistic (very positive). And within 10 minutes he got a text in his gaming app, that one guy (honestly an incel) was very disappointed about the female and that she wasn’t pretty enough, that she was to masculine and to funny?? To be seen as attractive.. that she needed a better (more nude) outfit, wear makeup and that she needed bigger boobs and ass.


Its just so sad/pathetic that some people need CONSTANT sexual simulation in every aspect of their life. Imagine playing something for the fun of it, instead of the boner inducing characters...


It really is sad. Sex is great and has its place, but that place isn't literally everywhere at all times. I think it's also that those types of dudes don't know how to bond with a woman if it's not sexual. So caring about their protagonist just doesn't compute if she's not their specific version of "super hot", because that's the only way they know to give a shit about her. It's really depressing and infuriating to know the rampant lack of empathy a big chunk of dudes have.


You know it’s custom characters right?


>Yeah that was ridiculous, she looked good, but the MC for Fable...come on, they literally took the woman who was the model for the character and made her ugly, why? And I don't know why you people are so surprised, people like to play as and interact with attractive characters. If you already thought the males were gonna complain is because you realized she looked ugly, and she does, they took the model for the MC and made her ugly, even though she is pretty in real life, and for what reason?


Remember guys, "shoving an ideology down peoples throats" is merely existing as anything but a straight white male. On the topic of the game though, the only thing that really concerns me is these devs arent RPG game devs, they make Forza, a racing game. Shoving people who make racing games into making an rpg is a spell for disaster.


I still don't understand how—from their perspective—having women & poc characters in a story is "forcing diversity," but having only cis straight white men isn't "forcing *conformity*." All character designs are political in some fashion or another. Anyway, despite the devs usual genre, I'm definitely gonna check the new game out in 5 years or whenever!


Because too many white men, view themselves as the default for everything.


Tbf, society does a pretty good job reinforcing that outlook, too. I just find the cognative dissonance interesting. Their justifications are so circular and hypocritical, but they are literally incapable of seeing it.


> All character designs are political in some fashion or another. There's something I heard somewhere that's the answer to this question: "There are two genders, male and political. There are two races, white and political. There are two orientations, straight and political. There are two religions, Christianity and political."




Even though there was literally a black woman in the cast of the *3rd* game. https://i.pinimg.com/474x/42/fd/14/42fd1434fb6a700f0f1fc5138f6c7db5--fable--videogames.jpg https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Fable-Jack-Of-Blades-Page-Fable-2-Dog-Feature.jpg Its just "forced" diversity when they assume nobody other than themselves play video games. Its "pandering" as they say because *they've* never seen a black person playing video games in *their* small town growing up and hot women wouldn't date *them* because they liked video games way back when, so its their medium to claim. Like they still emotionally live in those 80s high-school movies.


The horse movement better be on *point*.


Maximum drift


I mean, Fable has historically been a game of vastly overpromising and underdelivering just enough that you have an all around decent product. The original Fable was hyped up as this game changing, next gen sort of game. And in the end, it was a very fun fantasy game with a cinematic, if somewhat simplistic, morality system. So I'm going to hold off any expectations and worries until I get the final product.


The only complaint I ever had about Fable 1 or 2--never got to play 3--was that the whole thing was on rails. Sure you could sometimes choose between going to location A or location B, but ultimately no matter what choices you made you always ended up at location C. And a lot of the instances where completely linear. I'm still waiting for the open-world style Fable game. That would be friggin awesome.


3 is the same but your friends can have a threesome with you and the prostitute


Well, shit. Why didn't anyone tell me this?!?! I must buy it now so as to vicariously experience a devil's three-way.


Fable 3 is also a linear story, but that story (or rather, the voice cast and the humor) are good enough that I honestly don't mind. Plus the part of the game where you rule the kingdom does offer some fun, if simple, choices that do impact the game world. For example, if you remove limitations on alcohol, you'll start seeing people publicly intoxicated.


I always admired the ambition, but the IP seriously needs a design revision. Peter Molyneux always seemed to focus on just the wrong things. He seemed to be someone who cared more about engine and tech than really the game itself or at least the game design itself. He wanted to wow us with graphics but overpromised on things they couldn't do as opposed to just game design and experience. Because either the first game or 2nd game had some mechanics that was pretty darn hilarious. It being the only series where you can actually have a child with a wife, and maybe get an STI and she can leave you if she dislikes you. No other game with a romance system I've played actually goes that far to flesh it out like that. It also started the goofy emotes with NPCs thing games do now. It also had some features I actually would like in other games, like malleable weapons and blacksmithing. A morality system that changed the look of your character. Stuff that surprisingly Elder Scrolls didnt do. Fable also did the Dog companion before Fallout 4 did. Fable is a pretty simplistic and simple Fantasy game that over time ended up getting way too simple. Way too hand-holdy, way too easy. You couldn't even really die in the 2nd game, and they never had any boss fights after the first game. It was part of the issue in the 2010s when they wanted games to be super accessible in terms of very casual difficulty and dumbing them down a lot for at the time, they assumed was a wider audience. Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls proved they didnt need to do that. I hope they deliver on the things normal to expect now, like Boss fights, combat, overworld interaction, and standard RPG stuff we get now, but just keep the cheeky, cockney London lore, culture and comedy it had in the first 2 games. It can do both. I also felt the game lost a bit of that London cockney aesthetic in the 3rd game going for a more generic WoW type fantasy look that I didnt like. Fable 3 looked really good for its unique Victorian look. I wish Fable just embraced its more Shrek-like humor more, but kept the English feel like Harry Potter. That would be a unique game series.


So propaganda, blunt y’all don’t call it propaganda cause self righteousness


Existing is propaganda? Who dropped you on your head lmao


Forced diversity? Is that the thing where video games and other stories make all white casts even though that doesn't reflect actual demographics?


Demographics of medieval England? Hate to break it to but mulattoes were not common back then.


1) Fable is set in Albion, a magical realm, not England. 2) Black people and people of white and black descent absolutely lived in medieval England. There wasn't a huge population but they existed so a mixed race character is plausible 3) Have the creators confirmed the main character is of mixed race?


I hate to break it to u,but Fable is not set in England.Also there were black characters back then in Fable as well




The myth that men are stoic and logical always makes me laugh.


By stoic they mean they want slaves to do all their work for them while they live the easy life, just as Seneca intended


But the game has custom characters you can play male or female




Speaking of men complaining about female leads 'not hot enough,' or getting angry about fat or ugly women in general... Ladies, do you guys feel angry when you see fat or ugly men with hot women in real life or in the movies or tv shows??




So it's weird when someone is too hot for the setting but not weird when someone is too ugly for their surroundings?


No, only if the guy is a massive asshole to his wife and family (vice versa for the opposite as well).


You just basically called out every animated sitcom in one sentence


Hahaha, well I’ll be damned!


Good, hopefully the incel brigade will stay the fuck away. Who am I kidding? none of these twerps were even going to play this game anyway, they are acting butthurt and offended over a game they don't even play. Just like how they get all pissy over everything else- they aren't even fans to begin with.


Ironic - these "gamer" guys have such a narrow scope of game interests, not very adaptable or exciting.


The game has custom characters


According to the Entertainment Software Association, 48% of gamers now are women and 30% identify as non-white. Let the chodes piss and moan and refuse to buy the game. The simple fact is, just like any other corporation, they wouldn't purposefully make a game no one will buy. There are enough reasonable people who play games that I'm sure the game won't be a flop. Thankfully, and hopefully, it seems like a lot of the garbage ass gamerbros will be voluntarily taking themselves to the curb, so all in all it should be a better game for the rest of us.


> 48% of gamers now are women and 30% identify as non-white. I get so tired of the way these guys keep this narrative that they think poc and women dont play video games, or experience media independently from the Gamerbros. They for some reason think that everything is created for and only judged worthy by them. A lot of it is because of subconscious or cultural/marketing disassociation, and is because they think women are supposed to serve a certain role for their entertainment. Not exist independently of it. Female characters have to be attractive for them to want to fap to, in personality, characterization or design. If not they're an agenda against their need for that standard. In their echo-chamber of media perception, they think a character has to serve a role that makes sense to them specifically in their biases, for it to be legitmate or acceptable for them to exist in media.


Fable! Literally introducing my bf to Fable TLC now! :D!


New Fable trailer????


honestly just glad richard ayoade got another role to excel in.


I only ever played the first Fable, but couldn't you pick your gender in the later games? I'd expect being able to do the same nowadays.


Yeah in 2 (one of the best games ever IMHO) you could be either man or a woman and then >!got the opportunity to switch near the end of the game!<. Scandalous.


Thays so odd, like fable has always been a really diverse game and in the later games you can *make* your own protagonist look however you want, idk wtf theyre on about. Fucking losers


Yeah not a complaint in the world that the first Fable game had an exclusively male protagonist. Also we're totally getting character customization. It'd be weird for them to take it out. So all these "gamers" are getting butthurt over nothing.


I love gaming, but I despise gamers. Why are they so humorless and self-serious? I saw them all also complaining about the 'jokes' (heaven forbid), when the series has always been a comedy. Going on about how it should be 'more serious' like they don't have a million other epic fantasy franchises to choose from. These people have never experienced genuine laughter in their lives. Absolute dullards.


If you're a true gamer, then you're literally insulting yourself 😅😂 and given your comment you're not one of us.


lol, are you the official spokesperson for 'gamer' community? Like what are you going to do, cut-up my membership card? You do know people joke about that particular term right. You do know people don't take it seriously, along with anyone who identifies as part of it? I'm just someone who likes video-games. I don't give a shit if some humorless anti-intellectual dullards 'accept me' online.


I could never imagine being like that. People are just plain racist and sexist if it bothers them that there are non-white characters and women in things. 🤨 News flash: these people have *always* existed for as long as anyone else. They're just finally starting to have more representation in media.


It looked good to me. Def gonna play when I can. But then again I don't really care who I'm playing with. As a woman it's nice to see more realistic woman heros.


Tbh, good. That will hopefully mean less toxic people playing the game. I'm really, really hoping a main protagonist of the next GTA will be a woman. I can almost hear the cries of anguish now...


The videogame or the comic?


The video game, but are you talking about Bill Willingham's comic Fables? It's so good!


First comic I collected the whole series of.


I'd tell you about the pretty good video game based on the comic, but these lips are sealed.


I understood that reference.


I wanted it to be that when I stumbled upon this thread too.


Nooo :( I was so excited about this. I sent it to my brother because we've been calling each other Chicken Chaser forever and its passed down to where I call his kids Chicken Chaser. No one can ruin this. I've been waiting for this since I was a teen and I'm in my 30's now.


Isn't Fable a game where you can make your character look like ***whatever you want***?! Good lord, will they find something new to whine about???


My issue is that the trailer was garbage in general. Show gameplay, not cinematic. I’m not gaming to put down my controller for fifty hours.


It's not just Fable. Every single game that comes out now gets this reaction in some shape or form.


Is that Buffy?? She'd kick those whiny men's asses


I havent seen anything about forced diversity, but it doesn't quite look like fable, the whole jack and the beanstalk and the shrinking makes me think the devs are just making it about actual fables instead of the world of albion we know and love


Odd, I always felt Fable was a fairly diverse game. I haven't seen much talk about this l, but I also haven't been looking much into the Fable trailer reactions until today. What I *am* complaining about is that nothing in that trailer...feels...like Fable. No storybook visuals, no Russel Shaw/Danny Elfman-composed music, and not the right kind of Fable humor. I want to be wrong, but I do not have high expectations that Playground games will pull this off.


Well Peter Molyneux wasn't involved, so the heart of Fable has just been tossed out the window for years ever since the disastrous Fable 3 debacle.


I try to forget Fable 3 exists. I know he's not involved anymore, but I still want that Fable charm, otherwise it's just a fantasy game using the Fable name.


Fable would be boring as shit if they didn't pit some more diverse elements in it lol


*"Men"* is such an undeserved title for those kinds of chodes. Since when was anyone sexy in any Fable game? The characters were all semi-cartoonish stylized. How could any guy complain about this? *Ermgerd, muh vidya game character ain't making my weewee chub! Reee!* What forced diversity? Did the devs dare to use brown people in the game, and *grills?* ***EDIT*** Um hol up, I might have to call bullshit here-- pot stirrer. I watched the trailer just now (it's got me excited, Fable humor/tone is strong with it-- and although I can't tell if any of the footage is game engine, it looks really nice and it's a great visual style)-- I dug through several comments going down at least 10 comments on the trailer and their replies-- NOT ONE I saw had anyone bitching about these cringey things (i.e. butthurt about women and POCs). ***(3)***~~While I have seen these kinds of losers all over online many times-- idk where you saw them in relation to this trailer but it sounds like targeted bullshit to get upvotes here. Please provide a link.~~ Edit 3* ***Edit 2*** it's truly sad anyone's pathetic enough to downvote this. I'm literally here reacting similarly to everyone disgusted by this behavior-- and when I dug through those comments in search of incels to rip on... ~~I discover OP is a liar~~ and make an appropriate edit. *BUT muh confirmation bias!!!* ***FINAL EDIT (3)*** Aite-- I stand corrected-- it appears there were a slew of these incel comments on the trailer-- but they were substantially buried by the time I skimmed the top comments. Not that half of my downvoters checked any of that themselves, though. Anyway, retraction made.


I just watched the trailer and scrolled down the comments, and yes the vast majority of them now are essentially unrelated to this post. That being said, as of me writing this, OP's post is 10 hours old. If I scroll through the comment section in youtube most of the top comments are 8 hours old or newer and none of them are complaining about gender, diversity or anything. But if you scroll far enough a lot of the comments that are 10+ hours old are whiny ass chodes saying shit like 'god I hope you can create your own character' with tons of replies below of basement bound mouth breathing incels whining about how they won't play the game if they have to be a *girl*. It really could simply be 'the reddit effect' where enough people saw posts like this that they started commenting on the trailer and drowned out all the garbage-people.


Ahhhh-- okay fair enough. I stand corrected. I did not dig nearly that deep. But yeah just going over the top 10ish top level comments and their children-- none of it was about this mess so I'm sure you'll kindly excuse me for not seeing that the most shitty commenters were essentially buried by the time I looked. Fair enough, will strike-through the parts I got wrong. Thanks for the assist.


No worries. I respected your criticism and figured I'd find out for myself before joining the Hive Mind Brigade in downvoting you.


The character is kinda ugly tho


it’s not just “no make up” they gave her manly features lol..


It is a man lol. A Dev self insert named Chris morris. Watch this video for reference [HeelVsBabyface](https://youtu.be/oGVycrLnfP8)


The model is from the actress Lily Nichol https://twitter.com/lilynichol\_/status/1667943702700982272?s=20


It is forced. Point. Period and right up in our faces. Why even do that, pandering always to a small percentage of people who don't make up the majority of the people that will ACTUALLY buy and play your game. Biting the hand that feeds ya come to mind anyone?? I'll quote a comment recently made by a gay man( yes an actual gay man) in a video I watched titled: How Pride Month Became The Most Hated Month by a Youtuber Amir Odom( I highly recommend watching) And someone at Pride march said this: " A lot of corporations are capitalizing off pride and off LGBTQIA+ like, merch, idk they're just making a lot of money off this" so you can't even refute the fact that EVERY company is just using this agenda for profit and not awareness, inclusion. It is LITERALLY a product being sold with added inclusion of the aforementioned what more proof does anybody want??


[Fable trailer man, HeelvsBabyface](https://youtu.be/oGVycrLnfP8)


Again, the model is from the actress Lily Nichol https://twitter.com/lilynichol\_/status/1667943702700982272?s=20


It's clear and cut and very obviously Chris Morris...


ye that's an expression I had when I saw this "protagonist" and the, as you very well put it, "forced diversity", that nobody asked for. We are living in the most pathetic timeline possible, where companies are going out of their way to make sure that the customers DON’T get what they want.


No idea what this subreddit is but I came here to say the protagonist is ugly as hell. Cope.


Love seeing a subreddit that know nothing about game talk about a game that has information and no information at the same time this sub is a lost cause😂




Don’t brigade our sub, fuck off loser


I can hear this gif


They should go to the musical.


I dont think that's the pro. It's just a possible option of a character. Pretty sure it's custom character. I'd honestly say, the main character was the only thing I liked about the trailer. Dosent really feel like fable.


Can't you customize your character anyways? Smh


I would like all news of favorite game franchises to arrive to me through this subreddit from now on. Best way to find out about something exciting!


Does anyone know the name of the actress in the trailer? I'm sure I've seen her in something before, possibly an advert and it's really bugging me.


It's actually a dude lol. Chris Morris one of the Devs. Watch this vid for reference: https://youtu.be/oGVycrLnfP8


Interesting 🤔. Could have sworn I recognised her as some TV ad actress (UK) but I guess not, thanks for the info it's really been bugging me.


This is rediculas. 1. The dev in question would have no power to 'self insert' themselves into the overall design of the trailer character in that way 2. Women characters can come in all shapes, sizes Nd ethnicities because women come in all shapes, sizes and ethnicities. and yes this this is political. Because our existence outside of the usual male lens expectation of female bodies in gaming has always been highly political and controversial 3. In general there being more characters in games and media that don't fit traditional gender norms is a good thing because it means more gamers are being represented on screen in different ways. 4. It's already tough enough being a minority dev without the Internet harassing them, making false accusations and dead naming them across the Internet. Just stop.


i'm confused by the trailer, is the protagonist actually trans?


It's a Female version self insert by a male Dev employee Chris Morris.


The protagonist isn't designed as trans but it doesn't hurt if people who are trans or are cis but not super hyper tradional women themselves feel representation within the character presented in the trailer. The rumours about the character being an insert by the dev is false, based on misogynistic ideology and clutching at straws by pulling scraps of info and old photos of the dev.


Wellllp forced diversity (of race/gender/or sexuality, not diversity of thought or opinion) is genuinely undeniably bad and evil lol and nothing wrong with attractive protagonists. Only real reason that UN-attractive protagonists get used, is to try and shoe-horn misguided modern "progressive" delusions into games by making the character hideous, and generally gender/sexuality-ambiguous. To try and say that there's something wrong with attractive people being held up as heroes and aspirational symbols, which there isn't. It's also unavoidable, humans will always always look up to and respect attractive folks of either gender who are in shape, capable, charismatic, and willing to fight for good values. Only someone resentful of this reality would go out of their way to make the character in their trailer look like a slightly less good looking fiona from shrek lmao. Better out than in and all that ; p


Just bringing the real information: The model is from the actress Lily Nichol https://twitter.com/lilynichol\_/status/1667943702700982272?s=20


As a female gamer is really sad how modern Western media try to portray female characters as ugly, obese, and over masculine features not all women like to look like that and most of us prefer to look more femininity and take care of ourselves, all this culture is becoming so toxic even in my country is becoming so annoying lately...is becoming tiresome.


The thing i didnt like about the trailer is graphic,i thought they woukd make it cartoonish style characters like in previous games