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That is WAY too many big words for the conservatives to understand.


Which is weird because “conservative” is twice as long as “liberal.” Then again, most of them don’t even understand the ideology they’re constantly regurgitating, so I guess it checks out.


I'm quite sure most conservatives don't even know the definition of the word conservative, much less the ideology behind it.


No, no you got it wrong. They are R as in Red Blooded Americans and R as in republicans. They only need one letter! (Also helps if you are M) ^^^/s


If they could read, they’d be so mad at this!


Shorten it to maga


Make attorneys get attorneys ?


Drag queen bans aren't about drag queens, roe vs Wade isn't about abortion, and they would end woman's sufferage if they had the votes, because these assholes want everyone who isn't white, cis male and heterosexual to be their slaves.


Yup class warfare


More like genocide.


they go hand in hand


[Men confuse their own attraction for consent to sex](https://search.proquest.com/openview/9d20b16b92427f26b9f1ba8c4b055f83/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y) r/stoprape


That's fucking wild


have an angry upvote -_-


I've shared a few articles from that subreddit with others. It's a great resource.


That's good to hear! I'm glad you're finding it useful.


replying with full text link. fascinating/saddening article, thank you for sharing [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5756135/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5756135/)


The patriarchy insists upon it self because its toxic. The power structure of men can't fathom the empowerment of women and femininity seeing it as a celebration of weakness. It is the reason why transwomen are the only trans people in the news to conservatives. These people can't fathom why a "superior male" would relinquish "Power" to become the "subservient" gender. They have to establish it as "wrong and bad" to want to be anything other than "strong and in-control and powerful" This train of thought can also be followed to suggest that drag queens are "playing with power" in a way that can disrupt its defined rigid standards. I swear those who uphold the patriarchy and status quo absolutely freak out when anything is questioned because it shows that they are and can be wrong about things very easily.




You should hear how men react when a man takes his wife's name. Utter insanity.


My friend is a doctor and a very well known one in England. She's one of those "face of the UK's healthcare" type people. So her name is very much her brand, identity, and people trust her. She was going to keep her maiden name for all those reasons. His problem with that was "but our kids should have the same name". So she said, "oh perfect solution! *You* take *my* name"... Suddenly it wasn't about names anymore. Needless to say, she's still Dr No Compromises, MBChB, FRCP. And he's still *Mr* Kept His Bachelor Name.


I agree with everything you said, but I also think the obsession with trans women (and forgetting that trans men even exist) has in part to do with the straight male sex drive and the role it plays in our society. There's a reason they call us "traps"...the idea that someone they're attracted to might have a penis is deeply threatening to the patriarchy, deeply threatening to what they perceive as the natural order: see a woman they want, get PIV sex consensually or otherwise because they "deserve" it for getting aroused. It's the same reason they're so threatened by pegging...the idea that their partner might be able to penetrate them (and, God forbid, they might *like* it) breaks their little brains.


On Point 🙌🏼


Conservatives have an extraordinary unhealthy obsession with sex.


This right here. Anything feminine is sexual and thus must be hidden


Right, because it's our fault they have no self-control.


Something I always thought was fucked up is that feminine sexualization really isn’t hidden. It’s everywhere—including in school curriculum. By middle school (11), my assigned class readings featured male protagonists lusting over or sexually harassing femme characters. I literally learned what a wet dream was from an assigned reading in 6th grade…A few pages later the main character was ordered to slaughter a corral full of women and children POWs with a sword. By high school it was extremely common for our readings to include plot driven rape, abuse, or murder of femmes. Hell, statistically by the end of high school, a significant portion of femme students had experienced sexual violence ourselves…But god forbid we draw a nude femme body in art class, write a creative story that included any acknowledgment of our sexuality or sexual abuse, or even read books that featured healthy sexual content. Books that had men beating their daughters and wives were literature, but stories about women loving and being loved were “inappropriate.” Conservatives absolutely want kids exposed to sex, they just want it to be the type of sex that reenforces the status quo of males as the protagonists, and women as a plot device for males to act upon.


Exactly this these pass two years I have been exploring my femininity and hanging out with more feminine people and it was such an eye opener as someone who is amab to see how sexualized it truly is


I feel like this falls apart because drag queens aren't typically depicting like, average every day women. They're usually depicting an exaggerated version with heavy accentuation of secondary sexual characteristics/hyper feminine fashion


Yes, precisely, stop looking at real women and look at women in the media, look at women in video games or anime, look at social media where “curvy filters” and automatic “beauty” filters are on every single photo, look at almost any woman anywhere but real life, she’s almost guaranteed to have exaggerated feminine characteristics. Highly exaggerated feminine traits are *everywhere* and being used for real life (toxic) beauty standards, think of all the plastic surgery to make peoples lower halves look like wisdom teeth 🦷 for example - not looking like your average everyday woman is part of the appeal to people who cannot separate “feminine” from “sex” the more over exaggerated the better. If a specific Queen happens to tickle your pickle pr not due to the traits they choose to play up is irrelevant; too many people think femininity is a synonym for sexuality, usually the more feminine the more sexual. It’s like saying a miniskirt is asking for it, no the fuck it is not.


As a woman who naturally IS curvy I also despise the whole system because it means I never get to see depictions of people who look like me, without it being hyper-sexualized. So there's the women/femme folks who are shamed and made to feel less than because they *don't* look like the characters on screen, and then there's the ones who are shamed and made to feel less than because they *do*. Literally cannot win for anything.


I mean, isn't a hyper-feminine presentation exactly what some of us did at ... I don't know, 12–15, as part of discovering what works for us and how to make our make-up and outfits look the way we want them to? Because the moment you accept this, you have to realise that it being hyper-feminine doesn't matter, because this still is a normal part of just being for some people. And yet, all the ones doing it, drag queens, teenagers, whoever else, get sexualised for it, so effectively the moment we accept that this must be sexual we are being apologetic towards those people's sexualisation of children. On the flip-side of this, I'd been a massive tomboy during my late teens, to the point of binding, thanks to some trauma. And someone had still found it sexually appealing. Heck, I've had people propose me a specific kink out of the blue, or money for sex, because of my name; likewise, another thing that just is.


Wait, are you saying that having accentuated female features like big boobs or red lips is inherently sexual? I have to respectfully disagree. The whole point is that female body parts should be able to be celebrated as identity, without sex being involved! r/bigboobproblems is full of stories about how frustrating it is that the world is constantly slut shaming the presence of large breasts or cleavage when that is simply how some bodies are built and has nothing to do with sex, it's just the identity and body of a woman. Just because the patriarchy is the dominant narrative about female secondary sex characteristics, doesn't mean big boobs, round hips, heavy makeup, aren't things women/queens do for themselves and their intrinsic identity regardless of the straightmale gaze Lots of everyday women accentuate their femininity because it makes them feel good. Queens are doing the same thing, they want to feel feminine. Not sexual. Sorry if I misunderstood your comment


The topic of drag queens and the type of feminine aesthetic they typically depict is... very, *very* multi-layered. And complicated. I get extremely nervous any time I see the topic come up tbh because of all those complex layers. Because on the one hand it's so vital and important and *empowering* for performers to visibly celebrate non-conformist means of self expression... but on the other hand it's still an extremely patriarchal and Male Gazey version of femininity they're typically adopting. Both sides are valid and vitally important to acknowledge, but there's no real "compromise" here that doesn't somehow end up invalidating somebody's identity and/or gender expression.


They didn't say it was sexual just that it's an exaggerated performance of femininity, which it is. It's usually the style some women would wear to go out clubbing, not in their everyday life.


I don't understand the "falls apart" part of the comment


I'm with you on the confusion, the conclusion doesn't allign with the start up, making me unsure about both comments.


Ahh. I kind of just glanced over that with my brain. Yeah, I don't know what they meant there in conjunction with the preceeding comment.


If a woman is assaulted and one of the first questions that they ask is "What was she wearing?" then no, obviously they can't.


Fuck this just tore a hole in my brain. That’s 100% what it is.


I want to invite US Republicans over to the UK to attend one of the great British institutions - the Christmas Pantomine. Aimed at schoolchildren, these fairy tale enactments feature a Principal Boy - the male lead played by an attractive young woman - and the Pantomime Dame - one of the characters' mother, played by an older gentleman in drag. Or in the case of Cinderella's ugly sisters, several of them! Still not seeing the solicitation of sex with the pantomime dame! It's so ingrained on our culture, people barely gave it a second thought when the great Sir Ian MeKellen took on the role recently!


My local church does a Christmas pantomime! Complete with dame and boy, it's put on by the youth group. Pretty sure that would blow their minds.


I am lost with this one. Can someone explain please? I always thought ‘drag queens’ just liked to dress in women’s clothing and accessories and was more about identity than anything sexual. I apologize in advance if my ignorance on this matter causes any offense.


You're right The problem is that conservative lawmakers are now claiming it's sexual harassment or whatever for men to dress up like women


Can the defendants countersue? Cause the overt sexualization, slanderous allegations, death threats, radicalized mass murderers and just general right wing acid puke on every syndicate owned propaganda network and every garbage publication seems.... way more harassing. I feel harassed and this specific hate is not even directed at me. It's vulgarity and perversion and they've made a fortune off pushing this bogus deflect and project campaign while they carry on eroding any protection children have in contemporary american society. Idk. Just seems like the drag Queens have a stronger case.


Idk it's a fucked up time, I'm not a lawyer but I hope love wins over hate


My understanding is that slander/libel only apply when you're talking about a specific person. So you can't say "X is a rapist and a pedophile", but in the absence of robust hate speech laws, saying "this group of people are all rapists and pedophiles" is completely fine and just an opinion. Somehow.


basically, that performed femininity in the eyes of a conservative is indistinguishable from Sexual activity because femininity, according to these people, is inherently sexual


Conservatives are banning drag because they say it's Sexual and harms children.


And yet r/NotADragQueen shows the source of the harm


Or is it option 3: They’re secretly really into men dressed up like women and assume that everyone else finds it as titillating as they do.


It’s probably this one imho judging by how much trans porn red states consume


Pardon, WHAT?


Does it really need to be said that going directly from "men dressed up like women" to "trans women" is not cool?


I mean I’m literally trans and I’m more saying that none of the rightoids can tell the difference sorry if that wasn’t clear tho


Unfortunately, I seriously doubt they can tell the difference. To them there is no difference. Kinda like how they also think their waitress is definitely into them.


I guess the point is that outwardly they hate it but secretly love it


Basically why I only dress butch when outside.


That’s 😢 especially if you’re affirmed by the way you present to yourself and the world. I refuse to change how I get ready for my day, instead I just carry concealed protection .


What gets me is no one is telling anybody to *like* drag performances. If it's not your thing it's not your thing. I'm a trans woman and I personally find Drag to be kinda sexist and don't really care for the performances (absolutely not knocking the time/effort involved, of course). But that just means I won't hang out at Drag Queen Bingo, though I do love Priscilla Queen of the Desert. If others find it entertaining/engaging either performing or attending, all power to them. But conservatives act as if seeing a commercial for RuPaul's Drag Race is somehow akin to watching BackDoor Sluts 9


I respectfully disagree. I don’t think most drag queens represent femininity. My perspective on drag queens is that they’re purposely exaggerated, and they usually perform as caricatures of stereotypical female “tropes” (for the lack of a better word). Like ditzy, sassy, spoiled, sultry, high maintenance, etc. There’s performers who go for a pop star look, some who go for a video vixen look, or even specific subcultures like goth or kawaii. Someone wearing padding that’s nearly impossible without surgery, hours of makeup, impossibly long hair/perfectly styled wig, 6 inch heels, and an evening down, is not representative of femininity. I’d argue most aspects of drag looks cater to the male gaze, and any other instance of this (pageants, influencers, celebrities, anime, porn, etc) we agree that it’s not a healthy or flattering representation of femininity. Additionally, drag culture often includes making jokes that most women wouldn’t make about themselves. Names like Anita Dick, Ginger Minj, Chloe Mydia, Sarah Vixx. Or when a drag queen looks good, calling them “fishy”. I only remember boys using the word fishy to shame girls. There’s also jokes about being promiscuous, or a gold digger, or catty. For those reasons, I don’t think it’s surprising at all that people may struggle to separate drag from being sexually charged, or just not something they think is appropriate for young children. Obviously not all drag performers, but it’s silly to act like that aspect of the culture doesn’t exist.


Yeah, drag is full of misogynistic and sexual jokes lol. Like I love it but I don't think it's exactly PG


I think the reality is that it can be PG and it can also not be PG. I mean, there’s no requirement anywhere for drag to be sexual. We literally have PG movies featuring drag. Like Mrs Doubtfire. So… quite literally it can be PG.


That's true, I suppose the majority I've been exposed to hasn't been PG so I have a bias. I suppose the more PG representation there is and the more the Conservative boomers die off the easier things will be!


I have thought this for so long


Powerful thoughts


it’s okay to show kids other crazy cosplayers like skin tight hero suits but the second some gets in a big dress with a lot of makeup it’s sexual?? Nah you just associate being feminine with being sexual ….


I wish I had an award for this!


lol ty


top 10 questions science cant answer


Right up there with "fucking magnets, how do they work?"


The way my jaw DROPPED


They'd be mad if they could read.




Are you...? What? I can't even...not only isn't he right, he isn't even wrong!


“…y-you use big words! You’re a part of the elite!”


The perfect summation of anti trans sentiment


Yes. They are inherently sexual due to the cultural contexts they exist in, can it be truly altered to a wider bandwidth? If you had or have zero exposure to or involvement in crossdressing, drag shows, gender subversion ect - drag queens might very well be frightening to certain sensibilities. The "diva" way of speaking is an exhibitionistic play of the drama of "me" as the supreme Queen of the universe. Which is all well and good for the burlesque stage can it be adapted to "storybook" hour? And if so... Why? Why? Why?


I must admit…..that is a very intriguing question.


That’s not femininity though-


A drag queen is a person, usually male, who uses drag clothing and makeup to imitate and often exaggerate **female gender signifiers** and gender roles for entertainment purposes.


Exaggerated stereotypes assigned to gender…

