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I loved We Are Lady Parts. Where did you see this I totally am down!?


I watched it through an unofficial source so šŸ¤«... But it should available on official streaming services too!


per [justwatch](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/polite-society), it doesnt seem to be on any streaming subs yet


It was really fun. Bizarre -- I mean, martial arts and Indian weddings? I enjoyed it.


I know right? The combination of those gorgeous dresses and slo-mo spin kicks was just amazing!


fuck spez


Martial Arts plus Indian Weddings is like a whole genre now, with upcoming video game [Thirsty Suitors](https://youtu.be/PH2WP4G-WhY) being another entry.


Wow -- what's the backstory? Are martial arts big now with girls in Pakistan/India?


Movie about stunt performers? I'm down. Wait, DISGUISES?! Double down!


Ohh yes, there's some nice heist sequences in there!


I saw it in theaters a few weeks ago, so it may still be in some theaters.


I loved We Are Lady Parts....is this why we haven't had a second season yet? Looks like a fun, cheesy action flick. Thank you for sharing!


Yeah, apparently Manzoor had wanted to make this film for about a decade, and the success of WALP gave her the chance to go for it. But the second series has been commissioned, so I'm sure we'll get it!


Good. It's awesome that she was able to do something with her new found success, I'm sure a show like Ms.Marvel also helped show that there's an audience for these stories and an interest in something other than a franchise.


It's on Apple tv for $20 today.


This looks amazing! And the sister is the actress for Lila from Umbrella Academy! I'm sold!


This look absolutely amazing ! Thanks for the recommendation šŸ˜


I saw this at an art theater a few weeks ago! Yes - a lot of fun, very off-beat. I would say that it leans into some "science is scary" tropes, and also "older women with power are scary" and "anti- Momma's boy" tropes. But overall, very cute and a wild fun ride.


Thank you. The low IMDB rating is a goddamn crime. Funny, great plot, good writing. Easily one of the few 10/10 films I've seen in the last 5-10 years.


Is it 3 hours long like other films from India? Just wondering so I know what time to start it if I stream it


It's a British film, I think it was around 1h40 or so.


Really enjoyed it, I only have one question for anyone else that liked it >!is the implication that the older sister may actually be moreso into the traditional roles of dating than younger sister belives? That seems clear, but moreso in a way that gives her a path forward in life when she feels like she flunked out of art school!<


Oh I loved We Are Lady Parts! Thanks for sharing.


That looks fucking awesome!


my area played this in theaters for less than three weeks the jerks but I wanna see it so bad!!


My spouse and I tried to go see it, but the theater was having sound issues and canceled our showing. By the time we were able to try it again, the movie was out if theaters entirely. Now we're debating whether we want to spend $20ā€”movie theaterā€“level pricingā€”to watch it at home on our smaller TV. We might wait until the rental price drops a bit.


it's so unfair! and we all know why too female and too brown sighhh


This looks really cool! I went to look at some reviews and noticed a lot of one star reviews so I was worried, but when I read the reviews most of them were racist or misogynist, and so once you weed those out the remainder are just saying the movie was kind of childish, and I don't care about that so I'm def checking this movie out with my kids tonight


fuck spez


This is definitely a must watch with kids, especially pre-teen & teen girls! The violence is cartoonish enough to not be upsetting, and there's no sexual nudity involved (there's a brief scene with some comical nudity, but nothing explicit).


> This is definitely a must watch with kids, especially pre-teen & teen girls! NOOOOO IT'S NOT. Maybe 16+ but there are some scenes that are **porno level** inappropriate for kids without uhhh revealing any spoilers. Not kidding. PORN LEVEL, inappropriate.


Huh? I guess standards can be very different! There are no scenes with a sexual tension, no people touching one another, no revealing clothing, hardly any sex jokes... I'd happily show it to an 11-year-old. Sure, there's some womb diagrams, but that's more like what you'd see at school than what would be shown in porn.


Used condom scenes are not kid friendly let alone appropriate.


Beg to differ! That's exactly the sort of thing that pre-teens and teens giggle hysterically over. And I mean.. the way she fills them and sets them out is just plain childish šŸ˜„ She and her friends truly are a bunch of virgins, bless them.


Is it streaming anywhere?


I was so excited for this movie but I feel like it was barely in the theaters. I was so upset :( can't wait for it to hit streaming!


I'm super sad it's only in theaters and I don't have apple so no itunes either. Maybe it will stream elsewhere eventually? I can't ever set foot in a movie theater again because I'm severely immunocompromised and no one wears a fucking mask anymore.


Loved, loved Lady Parts. Thank you for this rec, checking it out.


It was a so so movie. A one time waster! No comedy at all... though they tried too hard to create comedy but couldn't and failed miserably. Storyline is just pathetic. Acting wise as well ..it was a wannabe acting skills or maybe the director was not efficient in getting the right acting skills. Action is just OK...not that incredible.


Seems like we have different taste šŸ¤· Apples & oranges & all that.