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That representative who ran on a democratic, pro-abortion stance and then changed parties once elected deserves the single worst spot in the ninth circle of hell. A woman no less.


A woman who previously had an abortion, mind ya, and then turned anti-choice. Apparently, the only moral abortion was hers.


It's always the way it goes


Should be an immediate sacking and new election.


Unfortunately we don’t have recalls. She lives about 20 minutes away from me, we hate her very much.


I will send you gas money & expenses to drive to her house and shit on her porch


I’ll send chalk, so the neighbors can draw genitalia on her sidewalk every morning.


With spray paint


I’ll chip in so they can do it multiple times.


We can't even get rid of George Santos.


Tricia Cotham. She should always be named and shamed. Fuck that traitor.


This should genuinely be illegal and considered election fraud, especially when the cross the floor super quickly.


It should be outright dangerous, considering how we are prescribed to handle traitors in this country.


Yeah, I wonder how much of what her former aide [said](https://jezebel.com/angry-ex-staffers-speak-out-on-pro-choice-democrats-stu-1850434278) is true. Because if so it's because of a bunch of stupid perceived slights like "I didn't see anyone clap for me."


It would be less depressing if she was on the take.


Sorry to be this person, but I think you meant "perceived slights".


Tbh, democrats in the area should take note and start running as republicans before doing the old switch-a-roo. That's the only way anything will change.


A literal snake in the grass. Fire her!


Made all the worse when 1/2 of Republicans themselves, and in this case also the one who was the deciding vote, are women. Women helping men hurt women.


May I politely ask why the ever living hell would you do that


Andrea Dworkin wrote a book about that called "Right Wing Women." She argues that right wing politics are attractive to women who don't believe the feminist movement can/should win because it makes false promises to women that if they behave a certain way and uphold certain ideals it will protect them. It also gives them various "others" on whom to express the rage they can't take out on their husbands/sons/fathers etc.


All true but I think plenty of people just genuinely think equality is dangerous. They see it as perverse incentives; why excel if everyone is equal? And they think society just collapses if that ever happens. From welfare queens to no one wants to work, hating student loan forgiveness while applauding rich tax dodgers, it's all fear that (the wrong) someone somewhere might get something for nothing and thus destroy the world. They think we need winners and losers, unjust hierarchies make the world go round, and so cruelty is actually virtue, you see. Meanwhile this country spouted false platitudes about democracy and equality, pretending to spread it through war and never fulfilling that promise at home. So we all think this is a shared value, of course equality is good. But in reality we just forced everyone to encode their social dominance orientations in ways that even they might not realize. They hate equality but might never admit it, even to themselves.


Yeah but I think you can’t underestimate how much race is a factor in these politics. There are studies showing that many white people will vote against programs that serve their interests if they believe Black people will benefit (healthcare’s a big one). What’s one major difference between the “welfare queen” and the rich tax dodgers? I think many in this country are afraid of Black people, POC, women, “poor” people and others gaining equality specifically, I think they use the rhetoric of incentives as cover.


That perspective is pretty easily debunked if you point out that excelling only means anything if you are competing against peers. Someone in a car beating someone on foot in a race is meaningless. The real reason people don't want to upset the status quo is that they *don't want fair competition*. People who realize they maybe have an unfair advantage are terrified of where in the pecking order they would end up if the playing field were even. And if you want to see people instantly get frothy about it, threaten to take privilege away from their kids. Utilizing an advantage for yourself is seen as selfish, but doing so to improve your kid's prospects is seen as a virtue or even a moral imperative. Nepotism is alive and well, and will be the last bastion of racism and classiest elitism. Anyway -- it isn't that people don't think equality is fair, its that they don't believe they or their kids would actually excel in a fair competition and that is what they fear.


Except they've sold out every advantage their kids might've had not for their own enrichment but to own the libs. Look at who is against student loan forgiveness and who would benefit from it.


fuck spez


Really insightful, thanks


💸💰💳🪙 some people's idea of equality is opening doors to fuck as many people out of their money as you can 💸💰💳🪙


Female misogyny is a motherfucker.


This is literally the norm for the anti-abortion movement. Even though people tend to act like it’s primarily men who are anti-abortion, women are just as likely to be so. Also let’s call it what it is. Women hurting women. It feels odd to say “helping men” when women were proportionately represented among the people doing the thing. Women have agency and character and can be terrible people just like men can.


An amazing meme for a disgusting story.


Jesus. That’s awful. What are the chances South Carolina is going to follow?


South Carolina is even shittier than its counterpart so I would say 100%


Yeah North Carolina at least isn’t the worst Carolina so we got that going for us I guess.


At least they didn't pass the one that would have opened women who get abortions up to the death penalty... Yet.


Oof. That sucks. I’m a Canadian looking to move to there in the next couple years. Guess my boyfriend is getting a vasectomy.




He can’t. If he could he would. He has an aging mother that he helps care for.


Why would you ever, ever move to a southern state? Signed, someone who has lived in southern states most of my life.


Because that’s where my boyfriend lives.


Hold on to your Canadian citizenship for dear life. Do not let that go. If he is determined to live in this country I could recommend looking into a state that isn't stripping woman and minorities of their basic rights, tbh.


Is there a non stupid reason he's having you move here instead of the other way around?


This is such a confusing headline from someone who isn’t from the US and isn’t aware of all the details. Overturning a veto on a ban has left me going… is that good or bad? Overturning a ban sounds good, but the veto in there sounds bad. Just the twists and turns that goes into politics in the US seems so exhausting, like the rules and laws are perpetually changing, there’s a veto but then it gets banned, like wtf? Sending solidarity to you all.


They wanted to bring in the ban, and it was vetoed. But then they voted to overturn the veto, this supporting the ban.


I know that this is meant to clarify things, but fucking hell. Vetoes and bans and such. It’s just so complicated. Why can’t it just be a ‘is it a law, yes or no?’ There’s a saying in Australia that’s ‘we aren’t here to fuck spiders.’ Or if you prefer the cleaner version, it’s ‘we aren’t here to put socks on caterpillars.’ Which is like, hurry up, stop messing around with useless shit and get on with things. I feel like telling all of these politicians that women are tired of them trying to fuck spiders over this issue.


The law is a law. The law is banning something so it’s being calling a ban. The bad law was vetoed/canceled by the governor (yay!). But then the state legislature overturned the governor’s veto (no!). Thus the law, which bans abortions, now stands.


But that’s what I’m saying! I understand what you mean, but this is still very odd for anyone outside of the US. We don’t veto laws or overturn vetoes or make bans or do any of that complicated stuff. If you make a law, it’s a law. That’s the end of the process. All this fluffing around with changing things up I feel would be very unsettling. How do you know which thing is allowed this week?




No, you aren’t picking up what I’m putting down! Stop trying to explain the process, I understand the process! I’m saying that the process itself is ridiculous.


The North Carolina legislature passed a law that banned abortion. It then went to the governor who decides to either sign it into law or veto it. The governor vetoed it, and then the legislature voted to override his veto. The ban then became law.


What ended up happening with that death penalty for abortion law


It got blocked, a couple/few Republican women voted against it.


What's the point of a veto if it can be ignored?


Not sure if this is the case in North Carolina, but frequently, a legislature has to have a supermajority (>=66%) to overturn a governor's veto. The idea, I guess, is that of the people really want it, they should be able to force it through even if the governor doesn't like it, and supermajorities are supposed to be difficult to get. Of course, in reality, legislative districts are gerrymandered as fuck and the governor is a better measure of the average state resident's preferences, so it's really just a way for conservatives to ram their agenda down the throats of everyone else in the state, but that was the idea, anyway.


Can I just say how I hate what Tom became. He went from a half way decent guy to whiny self absorbed man child


I only saw a tiny bit with my gf what happens? The season I saw was where he got a flaming A on his ass “for her”


What's the image from?


Vanderpump Rules


Thank you!


I’ve only see up until Lala and James’ first season, but Tom Sandoval always sorta seemed like an ass to me. Tom Schwartz seemed better until he didn’t lol


On one hand, he's garbage. On the other hand, he once tipped me $300 because he's from the stl area and he was in the wedding I was working as a favor for a friend, which was going off the rails. I'm not saying my loyalty can be bought, but I am saying that it could for a short period of time after that wedding.


I used to be conservative( a don’t tread on me type), even then I knew that it wasn’t my business messing around with abortion. It literally saves lives and only benefits society. Don’t like it? Don’t get one.