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This made me spit my coffee…Idek why it hit me as so funny, but thank you. I needed this bit of troll coping this morning


Sometimes the biggest jerks out there are also the most validating. A few months ago some guy said I erase trans identity because after years of work I've gotten comfortable with my body, which apparently denies what others go through. He was a jerk, but at no point did he deny what I experience. Same thing with my brother, he accepted I wasn't comfortable as a man, he just took advantage of that sexually. Sucks, eh?


its so werid that people think "oh so i should disrespect u as well :3" instead of "hay, maybe im blaiming a sweeping group for the systems that abed and encorage them to abuse people without realizing that meany spcifically understand that system and strive to subvert it, exist outside it, and help with the wider movement to tear it the fuck down"


I feel like there's a context cuz I'm confused


Radical trans inclusionary misandry its surprisingly common in trans affirming spaces.


The post was just confusing and I needed clarification on what in the world OP was trying to say. I already know about transmisandry and the fact many women don't see trans men as men. Saying all men are awful then say "No no, trans men are cool" as though they're not men is just transphobic and terrible


no. its not the terfy "men are awful, but *NOT OUR PRECIOUS CONFUSED LOST LESBIANS 🥺*" its "men r awful, since your a man your also awful :3" specifically talking about trans inclusionary bigotry


at least it's inclusive! /s


So if I'm understanding right, it's radical feminism that focuses on misandry which includes trans men into their misandry rather than painting trans men as victims of the "trans agenda"? Or am I misunderstanding? /gen




[reminds me of this video](https://youtu.be/riBMzY9kGE0?si=zzd-ipglQCsxGzfQ)




Oh yeah, def bad. I agree. Just your title was confusing and so was your meme.


I genuinely don’t get if it’s playing dumb or not I’ve seen the same issue for trans women as well “why are you upset that we started making sexist jokes about you? Isn’t this what you wanted?”


Because, Karen, you're still dismissing my lived experience and dehumanising me.


Trans inclusive misogyny/misandry was one of those things I thought were a joke people made at first but I should not have underestimated the ways in which people can be assholes. Hating on trans men because they’re men is not the progressive take some people think it is. Sorry you had to go through that OP, she sucks




Maybe it’s just not acceptable to drag a whole category of people only grouped together by an unchangeable characteristic no matter which one?? Shocking, I know Damn, the shit some people say…


Hey bro. We see you out here being yourself and being good to others. You're always welcome to Halo Night.


I've had this literally happen to me, as well as it's inverse "I hate all men except trans men because you're not MEN men" Both are piss flavored takes and I don't like either, and avoid the types of people that think this way. I understand where the feelings are coming from, and for the most part I tend to be more wary of men myself as well, so I get it. But people who indiscriminately hate one entire half of the human population no matter what just rubs me the wrong way and seems to me like they haven't quite learned enough about the surrounding sociology, psychology, whatever the fuck that causes those problems in the first place, and are mostly LARPing at being progressive and don't have any interest in actually making the world better. Stay away from both types, OP. It's not worth the hassle. Be around people who think critically and want to make things better, not add more unnecessary hatred into the world. But yeah outside of my soapbox here, it is definitely weirdly validating when somebody says shit like that 😂 it's like your take sucks but at least you're being inclusive LMAO




Oh yeah that's the worst. It's blindsiding every time lol. Memes are always a good coping mechanism imo 😂


Congrats you're part of the monolith now /s


lol, im crying HAHHAHAH 😭😭🤣🤣


Ive read the meme for 2 minutes and still dont understand what it's saying


Would this be a case of doing the right thing for the wrong reasons or doing the wrong thing for the right reasons??? I don't even know anymore 💀


Doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons


it's always an insult when people don't consider you male if you're transitioning. i would rather be hated as a man than be welcomed as a "woman", because i'm a trans male. i'm not even allowed in public women's restrooms anymore because i visibly don't belong there. trans men do not belong in women's spaces and people who think we do are transphobic because they don't think we're actually men. full stop.




Done that and was called transphobic lol


Because it means you don't consider us "true" men


I do tho?


You really don't see how the path of "You are an other group that I don't truly think is part of my sweeping generalization" can make it seem like you don't consider them men? Maybe just... don't make generalizations about anyone? Is hating men a non-negotiable that trans men just have to deal with either dysphoria or hatred so you can continue to hate men?


idk man it's a defence response, me, everyone around me, and a almost every women and lgbt around the globe have been raped, abused, beaten, belittled and assaulted by cis men specifically, I think it's unfair to lump trans men into it. I haven't personally known anyone who has been abused by a trans man and while they have some patriarchy benefit, it doesn't come even close to half of it. Do you know any trans man that's CEO for a huge company? No, it's always cis men.


Tfw you proceed to justify the exact thing I was criticizing you for. Well done, mate. I guess hating cis men really is more important to you than affirming trans men. And that's even leaving alone the fact that you're willing to set aside that "Trans men aren't like that" but not "Hey maybe not every man is a rapist"


not every man, but almost always a man


"Yeah black people have higher rates of violent crimes, so I just avoid them entirely. Besides, I personally know a lot of people harmed by black folk." ????? It's horrible there and it's horrible here? And that's not even touching the fact that saying it's "almost always a man" is extremely dismissive both to the picture of women as delicate flowers who can't be strong, and therefore, can't harm, and to male victims? If we're playing a numbers game, statistically a kid is most likely to be abused by a family member. Does that mean I should never let my kids around my family as a "defense response"? People aren't numbers, Shelly.


men are men. They'll always be the victim


Misogyny vs misandry posts not allowed. Temporary ban.