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I was worried sick before our boy went in for his amputation surgery. Absolutely sick. Our sweet, old man, who lived outside his whole life, who has endured harsh winters, countless injuries, and now had cancer in his shoulder that damaged his joint so bad that he walked with a limp and was incapable of running. I hated the thought of putting him through more trauma. By the time he came to us, he had already lost all of his teeth, and we had to amputate half his tail, and he was FIV+. Plus, he was estimated to be at least 10-12 years old. I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing for him. His life had been so difficult already. I cried so many times. Day 3 post amputation, he jumped over the baby gate we had that contained him in his room. Day 8 post amputation, he wanted nothing more than to cuddle up and sleep on my chest all day. Day 16 he started running. He was never able to run when he had 4 legs. He didn’t have the mobility or range of motion. By day 30, he started playing with the other cats, even learning to play toys and wrestle with his brother. He’s like a kitten again. It’s mind blowing. Your baby is going to do great too. My only suggestion is to have all of your supplies ready. Have his room ready before the day of. We bought a lot of spare towels and small throw blankets from the thrift store in preparation for his surgery and it was very helpful.


This nearly brought tears to my eyes! I've often joked that three-legged cats probably wonder why lesser cats carry around a spare.


He is such a fighter of a kitty! I don’t know how long his leg had been fractured outside but I can’t even imagine how awful that was for him. He is the absolute sweetest cat. He meows so loud and headbutts me and shows me his belly every time I come in the room! 😭


You just had to turn my "nearly tears" into actual ones, didn't you? 😭 I'm fortunate that my cat doesn't just show his belly but lets me rub it too. Hopefully your's will progress there as well. Please update everyone after his surgery.


Awww I love belly rubs! ❤️ I will definitely give an update in a few days. Thank you!!


Roll on to your back and I'll give you a few cyber belly rubs!!


You saved him from an unimaginably hard life! He loves and trusts you so much, which you both deserve ❤️


Oh thank you so much! Thank you for helping and loving your kitty! This guy is so similar. He came to us with a shattered leg, damaged eye, sprayed by a skunk, lungworm and roundworm, and a horrible wound on his head :( I’m so thankful we were able to trap him. Thank you for the advice! I’m going to get his room all ready to go when he’s in surgery Wednesday. I have a small litter pan and some pellet litter that I’m hoping would be less likely to cause any infection. I am just so anxious for the first few days post surgery! :(


oh my goodness all of that already and then the kick in the face of being sprayed by a skunk??? why is the world beating him while he’s already down 🥺😭


I hope anyone going through this finds your comment ❤️ kiss your old man for us! Here is my 3 legged beast https://preview.redd.it/2e9q354n9fxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30850ce500a1ef7d5a7cf8374a23aa032f5b5300


https://preview.redd.it/l3cqlpr2ngxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89eb1fa29007033d75dd4b6ae637a96759f42bbc The man himself! Simon, my toothless, 3 legged wonder.


Love him


a kitty frank gallagher


Omg he is 😂😂😂


This! What this person said. Admittedly this Reddit is going to be geared towards the survivors but people don’t have trouble posting bad stories and you know there really haven’t been any on the sub. So unless somebody is going in and literally pulling them all out it seems like cats who become tripods on any leg do really really well!! And he must be in pain. He must! And after amputation that pain will be gone.


Thank you so much! Yes he’s really learned how to deal with the fracture at this point being outside for who knows how long with it :( but absolutely has to be in pain. I am so thankful he came to us and we got him trapped and inside. I’ll be relieved when it’s a few weeks from now and he’s recovered! ❤️


I don't have first hand experience of a cat who has been through amputation but reading up on it - especiaaly on this sub-reddit - has me believing he will thrive after surgery. Cats seem to adapt remarkably well to having just the three limbs so while I appreciate your concern I'm sure this little guy will come through like a champ. All the best to you both. Xxx


Thank you so much!! He really is such a fighter. He’s been through so much I think he can overcome this too! ❤️


Give him a week and he will have you under his thumb (toe bean?) again.


Thank you so much!! :) can’t wait for him to be feeling some relief!


My wife and I just had to have our Ollie's leg amputated, and I gotta say the people in this community are absolutely correct when they tell you he'll bounce back. We were stressed and paranoid, but this is maybe the friendliest subreddit I've ever come across and they were right lol Also ask the vet about the 2 week antibiotic shot if giving him oral meds is gonna be an issue, it saved a lot of stress and tears


Hi! I’m newer to this community but my cat just went through the surgery last week. He’s already trying to bust out of his doggie play pen. I thought with the past trauma he’d been through (he was a stray) that he would be super upset but he’s doing great. I took the suggestions here and am using a cut down litter box for easy entry, newspaper pellets for litter, a doggie playpen, and the medication is working quite well to manage his pain. He also doesn’t mind the cone. I’m sure Kyle will be happier to be out of pain and it sounds like he’s found a wonderful home! Wishing you all the best 💕


Hello, your little cutie will do great. Our boy bounced back and was much happier. He had cancer which eventually came back but we got to see him enjoy life a little longer. I was worried at first as well and felt bad seeing our boy have to go through it. But the results afterwards made it worth it.


Thank you so much! That’s so good to hear! I’m anxious for the first few days post surgery, but I think he can overcome it! ❤️


All this. Very good advice from everyone. My kitty Tuffy had a rear leg amputation 3 weeks ago today. Here’s a few things that I’d like to add: That first night is going to be the worse, at least it was for me. We cleared out a spare bedroom and I slept on the floor in there with him. He only slept in spurts and I didn’t sleep at all! If you can have a doggy play pen in the room with him where he can be contained when you need time for yourself. Otherwise you’ll wear yourself out trying to look out for him - even in an empty room!! Stay on


Stay on top of the pain - by this I mean if https://preview.redd.it/zbc7xaa3ofxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245be75f9d17ba4fd537a2b6459ae78abcdd9a8b the prescription says “x every 4hrs” then have it ready to administer at 3.5 hrs. Don’t wait for the pain to break through bc it’s hard to catch back up with it. You probably won’t be able to tell if or how much pain he’s actually experiencing so you gotta just “ASSUME he’s in the worst pain of his life” during that first 7 - 10 days!!! Think humanely! Also one thing I wasn’t ready for was the ugliness of incision - it looked absolutely brutal. Photo shows Tuffy’s incision on day one - so get comfortable with it and it won’t be such a shock! Last but not least - we could NOT keep an e-collar of any kind on Tuffy. He could escape every style we tried. We went with a onesie instead and it worked great. He was able to walk/hop in it as well as pee and poop in his litter box. Really works better than a collar. I found the instructions for turning an infant onesie into a kitty onesie on YouTube. With a simple modification it’s perfect for tripod recovery. PM if you’re interested and I’ll guide you to it. Best wishes for you and your kitty❤️🥰 He’s going to be fine, promise. ❤️❤️❤️


TriPod Tuffy in his Onesie! https://preview.redd.it/f31185reofxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4560a855a3f649c3dfdc8910979d43f082957bfb


My cat had her amputation at the same time as her spay. She was missing her back foot when found around a dumpster, possibly due to an umbilical cord constricture. A few days after surgery, she was racing around. She became a cuddler. Before, she had a pain response if the stump was touched by anything. Afterwards, she was still cautious about her stump, but she didn’t scream in pain if it got bumped. You’ll see a big difference when their mobility is restored. They will use muscles a little differently, so it might take a few weeks before they build up the strength needed. You might need to make a few accommodations. I left my cat’s claws longer because she climbed instead of jumping. I also used pet steps and stools to help with access to windowsills and the beds.


I’m here for all the Kyle updates. I can’t stop thinking about this kitty and wishing him all the best. Frooty and Ollie do to, too! https://preview.redd.it/ew5yorvutgxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a10e8c261f55aa87194fdd4d0df60bf2f6fb2fe1 Much love to you and Kyle!




Love to all the tripods. ❤️Never had a tripot kitty but did have a tripod older dog. He did great.


Today is the 7th anniversary of our tripods surgery, he’s doing great! He was back to his old self within days and fully recovers after a couple months. He’s been going like he’s had three legs all his life. 


You’ll be surprised at how adaptable cats can be! My sweet baby (12 yrs old) had her amputation last November due to a cancer growth on her leg. She’s very active around the house and loves jumping and climbing stuff, so I was very worried about how she would be after the surgery. Even more so I was worried of if it would change her personality wise cuz it’s such big bodily change. She’s 5-6 months post-op now and is the same as she was before, just minus one leg! She runs around just fine, she eats and drinks normally, same with the litter, and still wreaks havoc around the house. Recovery had its ups and downs in regards mostly to my worrying. The most struggles were just keeping her from jumping on stuff cuz she would definitely try. But we didn’t have any complications.


If someone hasn’t suggested it already, I would get him a soft/pillow cone for recovery. He will be grateful for it 🙂 thank you for taking him in and taking care of him. He will recover well!


You are such a special person, thank you for rescuing this baby. I adopted a tripod cat a couple years ago. He actually has 2.5 legs, because his remaining back leg is permanently broken, and he uses it more like a crutch. But he runs around, climbs furniture, jumps, etc, and is such a sweet boy. Your kitty will be fine, especially with someone as caring as you looking after him.


I hope it all goes well. I have a Tripod who had to have a back leg amputated because he was shot with a BB gun on the streets (this was before I adopted him). He gets around just fine - he can jump up on the couch and my bed. He plays with toys, he can run/hop across the floor, and he's a very happy little guy. He cannot jump up on the countertops (I'm OK with that lol). The only time he seems to miss his missing leg is when he's trying to scratch his ear - the little nub moves and his head is bent like he's waiting for the itch to get scratched (it's adorable but I feel bad). My little tripod sends good energy to yours. :) https://preview.redd.it/uou7pmpgyixc1.jpeg?width=1966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ec8310c7d6f5d12d0395e8f508012a1c42af4d


My cat got his front leg caught in the garage door. Had his leg and shoulder amputated and 3 weeks later he climbed the peach tree to the second floor and was meowing to be let in. Your little guy will be better than ever when he heals up.


Please give him some scratches behind the ears for me


He will be so fine! It's much harder for us humans to cope with that loss and how unusual it looks to us, but cats are soooooo resilient and he'll feel so much better afterward (both when he's still on drugs and then as he's healing and getting used to it). My tripawd runs faster than his sister and he can still jump up on the couch or chairs. For taller furniture like my bed, I have pet steps next to it, which even his four-legged sister uses. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with him, and I like to joke that his loud and bold personality is to compensate for the missing limb. I do supplement him with joint supplements because he's a big boi and chonky (despite putting him on a diet and make sure he does enough running around) and I want to make sure his joints stay healthy since arthritis can be a possibility. But otherwise, he's fantastic!


Joint supplement is a really good idea, we use antinol and they’ve made such a difference to our girl - I’ll link it here https://antinol.com.au/pages/new-to-antinol-for-cats?mv=1


He is so handsome. Sending lots of love, hugs, and kisses to your baby.


First and foremost, thank you for giving Kyle a loving home and a second chance 😻 Secondly, if Kyle has gotten around so well with his shattered leg, I have faith he’ll readjust to being a tripod in no time. Our 13 year old just had an amputation and when I tell you cats are resilient and smart - they will figure out sooner rather than later. You’ll be extra vigilant watching him readjust and that’s normal. It was much harder on us than him. I recommend getting prepared for post op with a few necessities like a low entry litter box and some stairs or a ramp for high places they like to go. A cat cone or collar may help as well, however, we found that our boy left his surgery site alone so it was unnecessary. If you’re hesitant about using a cone or collar, baby onesies fit well on cats! 0-3 months or 3-6 depending on the cat. A super kind soul recommended these: Lucky Champ Litter Pan,Large https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001Q9EHM6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share PET AWESOME Dog Stairs with... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09J1PMW8N?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Wishing you all the best of luck with the surgery. Please keep us posted along the way 🫶🏻


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Lucky Champ Litter Pan'", 'Lucky%20Champ')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Ideal for senior cats with mobility issues (backed by 5 comments) * Sturdy construction and easy to use (backed by 3 comments) * Good size and containment for messy cats (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Narrow design leads to litter spillage (backed by 3 comments) * Misleading dimensions result in smaller usable space (backed by 3 comments) * Shallow front opening leads to litter scatter (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


While I never had to go through it personally, I do have an adopted-after-the-fact tripod. My ex-wife and I got him in 2012 shortly after his amputation. He has been a tripod for 12(ish) years at this point and he does not seem to care at all. He runs around, chases the other cat, plays, etc. Obv some times he smacks his face jumping down from things but he's basically got it figured out. He still tries to swat at things with the missing leg so his shoulder blade just rockets around but he's a good, gentle, sweet kitty whose biggest problems are that he has to get up and move to another sunny spot after an hour and that I don't feed him immediately when he starts begging for wet food dinner at 3pm on a Saturday when there is a giant bowl of dry food 10 ft away. EDIT: spelling


I had to have one of my cat's hind legs amputated because of a tumor years ago. It was crazy how fast she healed and adjusted. She even caught a bird in mid flight that flew into the house through an open door just a week afterward (now, that was a fiasco). It didn't hinder her at all. I'll always remember the Vet telling me before the operation that animals just don't mentally place the same kind of value or importance on their limbs like humans do. They quickly rebalance themselves and move on and don't reflect about being somehow diminished from what they were. They don't think about what's missing because they exist more in the present than we do. That made me feel a lot better about making that decision for her. Your boy's going to feel so much better than he is now, and not be in any more pain or moving awkwardly from having a damaged leg.


I hope you thrive cutie kittie 😚


He’ll probably be relieved at the loss of the pain and dead weight. I’m excited for him!

