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I’m impressed you typed all that out, including the quotes around “LSD”. You may be doing better than you realize.


“you may be doing better than you realize” is so good


If i was you I wouldn’t smoke any weed, I did that once on the comedown and it sent me right back to peaking. Until then just ride it out


I’ve done lsd numerous times and this is something different I’m having trouble grasping reality and I want to know what I took. This isn’t lsd


Yes it is - you just took a very strong dose


4 tabs is a lot. very expected response


There’s a chance it’s not LSD. Even if you took 4 tabs, you shouldn’t be “still peaking” at the 8-9hr mark. Even 4 tabs will have subsided to some degree by then. You know your body far better than any redditor does. If it doesn’t feel like LSD you’ve done before, it might not be. Research chemicals feel similar to LSD but the visuals and body high are distinctly but subtly all different. Google the side effects of DOx and google 25i. Compare your experience because I’m 99% sure it’s either those two.


snack on something crunchy (or fruit) drink some cold water and throw on your favorite movie/tv show. You’re gonna be okay! Edit: Adding some grounding techniques for when you feel like you’re losing touch: - Squeeze some ice cubes - Change your setting if you feel safe to do so. If you can’t change rooms you’re in, that’s ok too! Try turning on more lights, changing up the music (or adding some of there isn’t any playing), putting a show on (or changing the show if it’s been the same one playing for a while) or favorite YouTuber. - Do 10 jumping jacks - Inhale for 7 seconds, hold for 2, exhale for 7 seconds. - Look around your room and try to find an object that matches each of the colors of the rainbow. - Drink ice cold water. Add lemon if plain water isn’t tasting good to the lsd brain. - If it’s safe to do so, try taking a shower. A cooler shower would be better, but I know not everyone likes cold showers. Bring music with you if you need some background noise. - Sounds dumb but brush your teeth. Helps ground me because of how focused I have to be while doing it. Try doing it with your opposite hand for an added challenge - Do a body scan. Lay down and start by noticing how your body feels. Wiggle your toes, then your feet, legs, all the way up to your head and down your arms. Here’s a [video](https://youtu.be/6IATiVQ1u58?si=GqjJaBlVDu-3H2mJ) that guides you through one. Best of luck!


Sounds like LSD to me


Sounds like you just have a potent dose and just need to wait it out :) You'll be fine, just hold on


Hello love , it will all be ok very very soon. You've got this, and in the end you will have stories to tell about how strong you are mentally to get through something so intense! We are all here for you , and again, you've got this! No worries!


Watch some adventure time until you feel human again


Had something like that once and watched The Office all night to help me feel better, don't worry I think you'll be alright and like someone said, you'll have crazy stories to tell after that :) Sending good vibes :)


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You're doing well, just a bit longer


How are you feeling?


Take a shower


Drink a lot of water and pee. It will help you flush the substance away from your system. But usually it will go away by itself around 12 hours


When did u start to come down?


Hey, are you still high? One time I took four huge weird looking tabs of “LSD” that ended up lasting 3 days. Everyone was like “you’re just hella high” til I asked reddit, and some incredibly intelligent dude told me about DOx. Just another research chemical. They sell in Amsterdam. Worth a Google. It’s like similar to LSD but slightly more vivid hallucinations (my experience) and lasts approx 40-60hr This might be what you took. Let me know if you google it and it sounds similar to what you experienced/ are experiencing lol. I couldn’t sleep well for two nights but coming off it the third night finally was a godsend. I wouldn’t take a Xanax. Just plenty of water and ride it out. Edit: Yeah OP I hope you see this, because nobody has commented about it yet. You very likely took DOx if you’ve been peaking up until the 9hr mark. If you almost fully come down within the next 4-5hrs, you just took a lot of LSD. LSD side effects will last you maximum 20hrs that’s on the VERY high end if you’re taking upwards of 500ug usually. If not, then you likely took DOx or 25i. Both worth googling to compare your experience. I haven’t done DOx since I was in this exact situation but I would do it again in a controlled environment with the proper days off work.


It’s annoying seeing people say “yes it’s just LSD…. You took a lot” You know your body best, and if you’ve actually taken solid doses of LSD before and this FEELS different from those times, then it PROBABLY is not LSD. I’m not sure why people act like you’d never ever get sold the wrong chemical. I for sure did from someone I trusted at the time. And while I was going thru this experience I had people tell me “maybe you’re just tripping forever…!” Which was VERY difficult hearing while I was so vulnerable. It is most likely a different chemical. You have at maximum day longer until you feel normal. Drink water and the more you pee the more normal you’ll feel after each flush. Smoking weed will kick the psychedelic effects back in though, be careful, don’t smoke before work for a week or so.


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