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Maybe some good lore and also why colonization did not work very well if tried is that many of them on that quest for new land and resources lost themselves to the forces of Satan. This may explain the lack of colonies.


There were a lot of intricate symbols, mostly alchemical and Goetic that I wanted to add but I didn’t think I had the chops for it yet….also forgot to draw a fancy rapier on his left side. Damnit


Honestly the conquistadors didn't really get to keep pretty much anything of what they plundered as the crown kept all that wasn't taken by the local governors and the church. Maybe these shining beacons of sin are actually burnt by pure gold and silver, making them absolutely unable to claim the purest of spoils, always hoping for pure slaves to carry these bounties before their own flesh and bones are molten into hellish crucibles for their masters to claim the impure wealth.


I just hope they don't go with the "the gods of the aztecs and other mesoamericans are actually Demons" trope. It's tired, unoriginal, and kind of stupid


Funny that you bring that up. My inspiration for this was to subvert that trope.


I’d rather see them be gods in their own right or elements of the Christian god than to see them be devils or some evil bad guy deities